Functional constructs: map & fold

Two standard functional constructs are provided:

  • map that promotes a function acting on the array element to an array function, acting element by element.
  • fold is the reduction of a function on the array.


  • Purpose :

    map promotes any function into an array function, acting term by term.

  • Synopsis

    template<class F> auto map (F f);

    If f is a function, or a function object

    T2 f(T1)

    Then map(f) is a function:

    template<ImmutableCuboidArray A> auto map(f) (A const &)
    • A::value_type == T1
    • The returned type of map(f) models the ImmutableCuboidArray concept
      • with the same domain as A
      • with value_type == T2
  • Example:

#include <triqs/arrays.hpp>
using namespace triqs;
int main() {
  // declare and init a matrix
  clef::placeholder<0> i_;
  clef::placeholder<1> j_;
  arrays::matrix<int> A(2, 2);
  A(i_, j_) << i_ + j_;

  // the mapped function
  auto F = arrays::map([](int i) { return i * 2.5; });

  std::cout << "A = " << A << std::endl;
  std::cout << "F(A) = " << F(A) << std::endl; // oops no computation done
  std::cout << "F(A) = " << make_matrix(F(A)) << std::endl;
  std::cout << "3*F(2*A) = " << make_matrix(3 * F(2 * A)) << std::endl;


  • Purpose : fold implements the folding (or reduction) on the array.

  • Syntax :

    If f is a function, or a function object of synopsis (T, R being 2 types)

    R f (R , T)


    auto F = fold(f);

    is a callable object which can fold any array of value_type T.

    So, if

    • A is a type which models the ImmutableCuboidArray concept (e.g. an array , a matrix, a vector, an expression, …)
    • A::value_type is T


    fold (f) ( A, R init = R() ) = f(f(f(f(init, a(0,0)), a(0,1)),a(0,2)),a(0,3), ....)

    Note that:

    • The order of traversal is the same as foreach.
    • The precise return type of fold is an implementation detail, depending on the precise type of f, use auto to keep it.
    • The function f will be inlined if possible, leading to efficient algorithms.
    • fold is implemented using a foreach loop, hence it is efficient.
  • Example:

    Many algorithms can be written in form of map/fold.

    The function arr_fnt_sum which returns the sum of all the elements of the array is implemented as

    template <class A>
    typename A::value_type sum(A const & a) { return fold ( std::plus<>())  (a); }

    or the Frobenius norm of a matrix,

    \[\sum_{i=0}^{N-1} \sum_{j=0}^{N-1} | a_{ij} | ^2\]

    reads :

    #include <triqs/arrays.hpp>
    #include <triqs/arrays/functional/fold.hpp>
    using namespace triqs;
    // FIXME change this function for another function that is not implemented?
    double frobenius_norm_of_array(arrays::matrix<double> const &a) {
      auto l = [](double r, double x) {
        auto ab = std::abs(x);
        return r + ab * ab;
      return std::sqrt(arrays::fold(l)(a, 0));
    int main() {
      // declare and init a matrix
      clef::placeholder<0> i_;
      clef::placeholder<1> j_;
      arrays::matrix<double> A(2, 2);
      A(i_, j_) << i_ + j_ / 2.0;
      std::cout << "A = " << A << std::endl;
      std::cout << "||A|| = " << frobenius_norm_of_array(A) << std::endl;

    Note in this example:

    • the simplicity of the code
    • the genericity: it is valid for any dimension of array.
    • internally, the library will rewrite it as a series of for loop, ordered in the TraversalOrder of the array and inline the lambda.