h5::array_stack: stacking arrays or scalars


Doc in construction!

h5::array_stack writes a sequences of arrays of the same shape (or of scalars) into an hdf5 array with one more dimension, unlimited in the stacking direction.

It is typically used to store a Monte-Carlo data series for later analysis.

  • If the base of the stack is an array of rank R, the resulting hdf5 array will be of rank R+1.
  • If the base of the stack is a simple number (double, int, …), R=0.
  • The syntax is simple:
  • The << operator piles up an array/scalar onto the stack.
  • The ++ operator advances by one slice in the stack.
  • The () operator returns a view on the current slice of the stack.
  • The stack is bufferized in memory (bufsize parameter), so that the file access does not happen too often.
  • NB: beware to complex numbers —> REF TO COMPLEX



A simple example with a stack of double:

A simple example with a stack of array of rank 2 :