- triqs_cthyb.tail_fit.green_high_frequency_moments(density_matrix, ad_imp, gf_struct, h_imp)[source]
Calculate the first and second high frequency moment of G_iw following Rev. Mod. Phys. 83, 349 (2011). They read (0) G_0 = 0 (1) G_1 = <{c,c+}> (2) G_2 = -<{[H,c],c+}> where H is the impurity Hamiltonian (H = impurity levels + Hint).
- Parameters:
- density_matrixlist, np.ndarray
measured density matrix from TRIQS/CTHYB.
- ad_impAtomDiag
h_loc_diagonalization from TRIQS/CTHYB.
- gf_structList of pairs (str,int)
Block structure of Green’s function.
- h_imptriqs.operators.Operator
impurity Hamiltonian
- Returns:
- green_momentsdict, np.ndarray
first and second moments in a dict with the same block strucutre of the TRIQS Gf object.