Source code for triqs_ctseg.scripts.subohmic

from import *
from import Function
from triqs.operators import *
from h5 import *
from triqs_ctseg import SolverCore
import triqs.utility.mpi as mpi
from numpy import array,zeros,sinh, exp, arctan, linspace
from math import sqrt, pi

[docs] def initialize(S, n_w, beta, mu, V, g, wc, s, l, w0, sign=1.0): ''' S impurity solver instance n_w nb of matsubara frequencies beta inverse temperature mu chemical potential V hybridization strength g coupling to the spin subohmic bath wc cutoff frequency for subohmic bath s exponent of the subohmic bath l charge w0 holstein frequency for charge-charge interactions sign sign in front of expression for spin-spin interactions Note: Kz defined as: Kz''(tau) = Dz(tau) ; Kz(0^{+}) = Kz(beta^{-}) = 0 J_\perp(\tau) = 4 Dz(\tau) in the rotation invariant case ''' nu = lambda n,beta : (2*n*pi/beta) Eps=linspace(0,wc,5000) Dz_expr = lambda w : sign*(-1.)*(.5*g**2) *((s+1)*wc**(-s-1))*sum([eps**(s+1)/(w.imag*w.imag+eps**2) for eps in Eps])*(Eps[1]-Eps[0]) Dz0 = sign*(-1.)*(.5*g**2)*(s+1.)/s/wc #Dz_expr ill-defined at w =0 Dz_expr_reg = lambda w : Dz_expr(w) if abs(w)>0.0 else Dz0 Dz_iw = GfImFreq(indices=['perp'], beta=beta,n_points = n_w, statistic='Boson') Dz_iw << Function(lambda w : Dz_expr_reg(w)) S.Jperp_iw << 4*Dz_iw D0_expr = lambda w : l**2*(1./(w - w0) - 1./(w + w0)) S.D0_iw['up|up'] << Function(lambda w : D0_expr(w) + Dz_expr_reg(w)) S.D0_iw['down|down'] << Function(lambda w : D0_expr(w) + Dz_expr_reg(w)) S.D0_iw['up|down'] << Function(lambda w : D0_expr(w) - Dz_expr_reg(w)) S.D0_iw['down|up'] << Function(lambda w : D0_expr(w) - Dz_expr_reg(w)) iOm = lambda n,beta: (2*n+1)*pi/beta Delta_vec = 1j*V**2/2.*array([-2*arctan(1/iOm(n,beta)) for n in range(-n_w,n_w)]) Delta=S.G0_iw.copy() for n,gr in Delta:[:,0,0]= Delta_vec K0prime_expr = lambda tau : 0.0 if l==0.0 else (l**2/w0) * sinh(w0*(beta/2.0-tau)) / sinh(w0*beta/2.0) for n,gr in S.G0_iw: gr << inverse(iOmega_n + mu - 2*K0prime_expr(0.0) - Delta[n])
[docs] def run_spinspin(beta, Vsq, g, time_max, rank=-1, from_scratch=True, U=0.4, l=0.0, measure_fw=False, full_spin_rot_inv=True, split_regroup=False, sign=1.0, mu=0.2, move_move=False, move_swap_empty_lines=True, measure_gw=False, measure_g2w=False, n_w=400, filename="single_bath_seg", n_cycles=1000000000000): ''' This function launches a run for an Anderson model with dynamical charge-charge (parametrized by l) and spin-spin interactions (subohmic bath parametrized by g), U is the strength of the static interactions Vsq the strength of the hybridization (squared) beta the inverse temperature Note: in the rotation invariant case, one should have: <s_+(tau) s_-(0)>/2 = <s_z(tau) s_z(0)> with s_z = 0.5*(n_up - n_down) ''' if Vsq==0.0: move_insert_segment=False move_remove_segment=False Vsq=.001 else: move_insert_segment=True move_remove_segment=True V = sqrt(Vsq) wc=1.0 s=0.2 w0=0.5 S = SolverCore(beta = beta, gf_struct = [["up",1], ["down",1]], n_tau= 10000, n_tau_nn = 10000, n_w_b_nn = n_w, n_iw = n_w ) if from_scratch: initialize(S, n_w, beta, mu, V, g, wc, s, l, w0, sign) if mpi.is_master_node(): A0 = HDFArchive(filename+".input.h5", 'a') A0['G0_iw'] = S.G0_iw A0['D0_iw'] = S.D0_iw A0['Jperp_iw'] = S.Jperp_iw del A0 else: ## or load... A0 = HDFArchive(filename+".input.h5",'r') S.G0_iw << A0['G0_iw'] S.D0_iw << A0['D0_iw'] S.Jperp_iw << A0['Jperp_iw'] del A0 try: S.solve(h_int = U*n('up',0,)*n('down',0), n_w_f_vertex = 50, n_w_b_vertex = 50, n_cycles = n_cycles, length_cycle = 100, n_warmup_cycles = 10000, max_time=time_max, keep_Jperp_negative=False, move_move=move_move, move_swap_empty_lines=move_swap_empty_lines, move_insert_segment = move_insert_segment, move_remove_segment = move_remove_segment, move_split_spin_segment=split_regroup, move_group_into_spin_segment=split_regroup, measure_gt=True, measure_ft=True, measure_gw=measure_gw, measure_fw=measure_fw, measure_g2w=measure_g2w, measure_nnt=True, measure_chipmt=True, measure_nnw=True, measure_hist=True, measure_hist_composite=True, measure_nn=True, ) except Exception as e: print("Error:",e) if from_scratch and mpi.is_master_node(): A0 = HDFArchive(filename+".input.h5",'a') A0['K_tau'] = S.K_tau A0['Kprime_tau'] = S.Kprime_tau A0['Kperpprime_tau'] = S.Kperpprime_tau A0['Jperp_tau'] = S.Jperp_tau A0['Delta_tau'] = S.Delta_tau del A0 raise if mpi.is_master_node(): if from_scratch: A0 = HDFArchive(filename+".input.h5",'a') A0['Delta_tau'] = S.Delta_tau A0['K_tau'] = S.K_tau A0['Kprime_tau'] = S.Kprime_tau A0['Kperpprime_tau'] = S.Kperpprime_tau A0['Jperp_tau'] = S.Jperp_tau del A0 A = HDFArchive(filename+".out.h5",'a') A['histogram'] = S.histogram A['histogram_composite'] = S.histogram_composite A['G_tau'] = S.G_tau A['F_tau'] = S.F_tau A['gw'] = S.G_iw A['fw'] = S.F_iw A['g0w'] = S.G0_iw A['sigma_w'] = S.Sigma_iw A['dw'] = S.D0_iw A['chipm_tau'] = S.chipm_tau A['nn_tau'] = S.nn_tau A['nnw'] = S.nn_iw A['nn'] = S.nn A['U']=U del A print("nn =" , S.nn) if measure_g2w: A = HDFArchive(filename+".g2w.h5",'a') A["g2w"] = S.G_2w del A