
triqs_ctseg.scripts.subohmic.run_spinspin(beta, Vsq, g, time_max, rank=-1, from_scratch=True, U=0.4, l=0.0, measure_fw=False, full_spin_rot_inv=True, split_regroup=False, sign=1.0, mu=0.2, move_move=False, move_swap_empty_lines=True, measure_gw=False, measure_g2w=False, n_w=400, filename='single_bath_seg', n_cycles=1000000000000)[source]

This function launches a run for an Anderson model with dynamical charge-charge (parametrized by l) and spin-spin interactions (subohmic bath parametrized by g), U is the strength of the static interactions Vsq the strength of the hybridization (squared) beta the inverse temperature

Note: in the rotation invariant case, one should have:

<s_+(tau) s_-(0)>/2 = <s_z(tau) s_z(0)> with s_z = 0.5*(n_up - n_down)