Source code for triqs_ctseg.solver

from .solver_core import SolverCore

from import *
from triqs.utility import mpi

# === The SolverCore Wrapper

[docs] class Solver(SolverCore):
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Initialise the solver. Parameters ---------- Cf. C++ documentation of SolverCore """ kwargs['gf_struct'] = fix_gf_struct_type(kwargs['gf_struct']) # Initialise the core solver SolverCore.__init__(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def solve(self, **kwargs): """ Solve the impurity problem. Parameters ---------- Cf. C++ documentation of SolverCore.solve(..) """ # Solve the impurity problem solve_status = SolverCore.solve(self, **kwargs) return solve_status