Source code for triqs_maxent.analyzers.entropy_analyzer

# TRIQS application maxent
# Copyright (C) 2018 Gernot J. Kraberger
# Copyright (C) 2018 Simons Foundation
# Authors: Gernot J. Kraberger and Manuel Zingl
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import numpy as np
from .analyzer import Analyzer, AnalyzerResult

[docs] class EntropyAnalyzer(Analyzer): r""" Analyzer searching a flat feature in the entropy This analyzer chooses the spectrum :math:`A_\alpha(\omega)` where the derivative of the entropy with respect to :math:`\log\alpha` is minimal. .. plot:: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np S = [-0.8456575058822821, -0.8658403520963711, -0.8844467584579873, -0.9015179804032627, -0.917151672328798, -0.9314863556664439, -0.944683164425082, -0.956907556102252, -0.9683133476777639, -0.9790307680896819, -0.9891593596567183, -0.9987657170111451, -1.0078854019950367, -1.0165280011549969, -1.024684177382945, -1.0323336228063789, -1.0394529560517198, -1.0460227711524488, -1.0520332288852523, -1.057487795325951, -1.062404977107112, -1.0668181517074484, -1.070773798901126, -1.0743285656102701, -1.0775456259846594, -1.08049074893449, -1.0832283965498788, -1.0858180930339953, -1.0883112550281395, -1.0907486650570901, -1.0931587807617578, -1.095557070693374, -1.0979465250594018, -1.1003193968995932, -1.1026600976500056, -1.1049490343932176, -1.1071670792456967, -1.1093003459253266, -1.111345024505977, -1.1133121363430305, -1.1152320138828, -1.1171577437178764, -1.1191656036718212, -1.1213502283233436, -1.1238160022650803, -1.1266718510795215, -1.1300348922182275, -1.1340406305366701, -1.1388547911555023, -1.1446847433171343, -1.1517907169027382, -1.1604971815494127, -1.1712045022410134, -1.1844004970446838, -1.2006707511139032, -1.220706440371579, -1.2453068384914605, -1.2753730596069384, -1.311887106342708, -1.355868667039715] S = np.array(S) alpha = np.logspace(0, np.log10(2.e5) , len(S))[::-1] plt.subplot(2,1,1) plt.semilogx(alpha, S) plt.xlabel(r'$\alpha$') plt.ylabel(r'$S$') plt.subplot(2,1,2) deriv = np.full(len(alpha), np.nan) deriv[1:-1] = ((S[2:] - S[:-2]) / ( np.log(alpha[2:]) - np.log(alpha[:-2]))) plt.semilogx(alpha, deriv) plt.xlabel(r'$\alpha$') plt.ylabel(r'$dS/d\log\alpha$') Parameters ========== name : str the name of the method, defaults to `EntropyAnalyzer`. Attributes ========== A_out : array (vector) the output, i.e. the one true spectrum alpha_index : int the index of the output in the ``A_values`` array dS_dalpha : array the derivative of the entropy with respect to :math:`\\log\\alpha` info : str some information about what the analyzer did """ def __init__(self, name=None): super(EntropyAnalyzer, self).__init__(name=name)
[docs] def analyze(self, maxent_result, matrix_element=None): r""" Perform the analysis Parameters ---------- maxent_result : :py:class:`.MaxEntResult` the result where the :math:`\alpha`-dependent data is taken from matrix_element : tuple the matrix element (if applicable) that should be analyzed Returns ------- result : :py:class:`AnalyzerResult` the result of the analysis, including the :math:`A_{out}` """ def elem(what): return maxent_result._get_element(what, matrix_element) res = AnalyzerResult() res['dS_dalpha'] = np.full(len(maxent_result.alpha), np.nan) res['dS_dalpha'][1:-1] = ((elem(maxent_result.S)[2:] - elem(maxent_result.S)[:-2]) / ( np.log(maxent_result.alpha[2:]) - np.log(maxent_result.alpha[:-2]))) res['alpha_index'] = np.nanargmin(res['dS_dalpha']**2) if np.isnan(res['alpha_index']): raise ValueError('dS_dalpha is all NaN') res['A_out'] = elem(maxent_result.A)[res['alpha_index']] res['name'] = res['info'] = 'Ideal alpha (entropy): {} (= index {} zero-based)'.format( maxent_result.alpha[res['alpha_index']], res['alpha_index']) return res