Source code for triqs_maxent.cost_functions.maxent_cost_function

# TRIQS application maxent
# Copyright (C) 2018 Gernot J. Kraberger
# Copyright (C) 2018 Simons Foundation
# Authors: Gernot J. Kraberger and Manuel Zingl
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import numpy as np
from .cost_function import CostFunction
from ..functions import cached

[docs] class MaxEntCostFunction(CostFunction): r""" The usual MaxEnt cost function The expression for the cost function is .. math:: Q_\alpha(v) = \frac12 \chi^2(H(v)) \eta - \alpha S(H(v)), where :math:`\eta` is an additional factor for the :math:`\chi^2` term, which can be given as ``chi2_factor`` (default: ``1.0``). This function implements the usual derivatives ``d`` and ``dd``, where by default (i.e., with ``d_dv = False``) ``d`` is :math:`\frac{\partial Q_\alpha}{\partial H}` and ``dd`` is :math:`\frac{\partial^2 Q_\alpha}{\partial H \partial v}`. If ``dA_projection>0``, the derivatives are projected into singular space; either by multiplying from the left by :math:`V^\dagger` (i.e., the matrix with the right singular vectors, if ``dA_projection=1``) or by :math:`\partial H/\partial v` (if ``dA_projection=2``). If ``d_dv = True``, we have ``d`` giving :math:`\frac{\partial Q_\alpha}{\partial v}`; ``dd`` is again the derivative of ``d`` with respect to ``v``. This cost function should be used for general :math:`\chi^2` and :math:`S`. If you use the normal values, it is possible to use the :py:class:`.BryanCostFunction` instead. Parameters ---------- d_dv : bool see explanation above dA_projection : int (0, 1, 2) see explanation above; it is ignored if ``d_dv = True`` **kwargs gets passed to :py:class:`.CostFunction` """ def __init__(self, d_dv=False, dA_projection=2, **kwargs): self.d_dv = d_dv self.dA_projection = dA_projection super(MaxEntCostFunction, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] @cached def f(self, v): r""" Calculate the function to be minimized, :math:`Q_{\alpha}(v)`. Parameters ========== v : array vector in singular space giving the solution """ H = self.H_of_v.f(v) chi2 = self.chi2.f(H) S = self.S.f(H) Q = 0.5 * chi2 * self.chi2_factor - self._alpha * S return Q
[docs] @cached def dH(self, v): r""" Calculate the derivative of the function with respect to H""" H = self.H_of_v.f(v) dchi2 = self.chi2.d(H) dS = self.S.d(H) return 0.5 * dchi2 * self.chi2_factor - self._alpha * dS
[docs] @cached def d(self, v): r""" Calculate the derivative of the function to be minimized Parameters ========== v : array vector in singular space giving the solution """ dQ_dH = self.dH(v).reshape(-1) if self.d_dv: dH_dv = self.H_of_v.d(v) dH_dv = dH_dv.reshape((-1, dH_dv.shape[-1])) retval =, dQ_dH) else: if self.dA_projection == 1: # TODO retval =, dQ_dH) elif self.dA_projection == 2: dH_dv = self.H_of_v.d(v) dH_dv = dH_dv.reshape((-1, dH_dv.shape[-1])) retval =, dQ_dH) else: retval = dQ_dH return retval
[docs] @cached def ddH(self, v): r""" Calculate the 2nd derivative of the function with respect to H""" H = self.H_of_v.f(v) ddchi2 = self.chi2.dd(H) ddS = self.S.dd(H) return 0.5 * ddchi2 * self.chi2_factor - self._alpha * ddS
[docs] @cached def dd(self, v): r""" Calculate the 2nd derivative of the function to be minimized Parameters ========== v : array vector in singular space giving the solution """ ddQ_dHdH = self.ddH(v) dH_dv = self.H_of_v.d(v) n_index_H =[:-1]) ddQ_dHdH = ddQ_dHdH.reshape((n_index_H, n_index_H)) dH_dv = dH_dv.reshape((n_index_H, -1)) if self.d_dv: dQ_dH = self.dH(v).reshape(-1) ddH_dvdv = self.H_of_v.dd(v).reshape( (-1, dH_dv.shape[-1], dH_dv.shape[-1])) # we make use of the fact that the Jacobian is symmetric retval = (, dH_dv).transpose(), dH_dv) + np.einsum('k,kij->ij', dQ_dH, ddH_dvdv)) else: if self.dA_projection == 1: # TODO retval =,, dH_dv)) elif self.dA_projection == 2: retval =,, dH_dv)) else: retval =, dH_dv) return retval