Source code for triqs_maxent.sigma_continuator

# TRIQS application maxent
# Copyright (C) 2018 Gernot J. Kraberger
# Copyright (C) 2018 Simons Foundation
# Authors: Gernot J. Kraberger and Manuel Zingl
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from import *
from .maxent_util import *

[docs] class SigmaContinuator(object): """ Base class for the analytic continuation of self-energies""" def __init__(self): self._BlockGf = False self._constant_shift = {}
[docs] def set_S_iw(self, S_iw): """ Set Matsubara self-energy """ self.check_S_iw(S_iw) self.S_iw = S_iw
[docs] def check_S_iw(self, S_iw): """ Check if self-energy is a TRIQS Green function""" if isinstance(S_iw, BlockGf): self._BlockGf = True for name, s_iw in S_iw: self.check_S_iw(s_iw) elif not isinstance(S_iw.mesh, MeshImFreq): raise NotImplementedError( 'SigmaContinuator takes only TRIQS Green functions.')
[docs] def check_Gaux_w(self, Gaux_w): """ Check if Gaux_w is a TRIQS Green function""" if isinstance(Gaux_w, BlockGf): if set(Gaux_w.indices) != set(self.S_iw.indices): raise IOError( 'Block names of Gaux_w do not agree with S_iw') for name, gaux_w in Gaux_w: self.check_Gaux_w(gaux_w) elif not isinstance(Gaux_w.mesh, MeshReFreq): raise NotImplementedError( 'SigmaContinuator takes only TRIQS Green functions.')
[docs] def set_Gaux_w_from_Aaux_w(self, Aaux_w, w_points, *args, **kwargs): r""" Calculate the auxiliary Green function :math:`G_{aux}(\omega)` from the auxiliary spectral function :math:`A_{aux}(\omega)` with :py:func:`.get_G_w_from_A_w()` The methods calls :py:meth:`.set_Gaux_w()`. Arguments are passed on to :py:func:`.get_G_w_from_A_w()`. Parameters ========== Aaux_w : dict or array Real-frequency spectral function as numpy array or in case of BlockGfs a dict of arrays with same key as S_iw. w_points : array Real-frequency grid points. """ if self._BlockGf: if set(self.S_iw.indices) != set(Aaux_w.keys()): raise Exception( 'Indices of Aaux dictionary are not the same as in S_iw') self.set_Gaux_w(BlockGf(name_block_generator=[(name, get_G_w_from_A_w( Aaux_w[name], w_points, *args, **kwargs)) for name in list(self.S_iw.indices)], make_copies=False)) else: if not isinstance(Aaux_w, np.ndarray): raise Exception('Please supply Aaux_w as a numpy ndarray.') self.set_Gaux_w(get_G_w_from_A_w( Aaux_w, w_points, *args, **kwargs))
[docs] def set_Gaux_w(self, Gaux_w): r""" Set the auxiliary real-frequency Green function :math:`G_{aux}(\omega)` and calculate the real-frequency self-energy :math:`\Sigma(\omega)`. The result is stored as S_w. Parameters ========== Gaux_w : GfReFreq TRIQS real-frequency Green function """ self.check_Gaux_w(Gaux_w) self.Gaux_w = Gaux_w self._calculate_S_w()
def _calculate_Gaux_iw(self): raise NotImplementedError('Please use a subclass of SigmaContinuator.') def _calculate_S_w(self): raise NotImplementedError('Please use a subclass of SigmaContinuator.') def __reduce_to_dict__(self): ret = self.__dict__ return ret @classmethod def __factory_from_dict__(cls, name, D): self = cls(D['S_iw']) for key in D: setattr(self, key, D[key]) return self
[docs] class DirectSigmaContinuator(SigmaContinuator): r""" Direct method to construct auxiliary Green function This class constructs an auxiliary Green function by subtracting the high-frequency term of the self-energy :math:`G_{aux}(z) = \Sigma(z) - \Sigma(i\infty)` and normalizing the resulting auxiliary Green function. Parameters ========== S_iw : GfImFreq TRIQS Matsubara Green function """ def __init__(self, S_iw): super(DirectSigmaContinuator, self).__init__() self.set_S_iw(S_iw) self._norm = {} self._calculate_Gaux_iw() def _calculate_Gaux_iw(self): def _calculate_gaux_iw(g): if tuple(g[1].target_shape) not in [(1, 1), ()]: raise NotImplementedError( 'DirectSigmaContinuator not implemented for matrix-valued Sigma') try: # this will only work in TRIQS 1.4 tail = g[1].tail except: # this will work with TRIQS 2.1 tail = g[1].fit_tail()[0] self._constant_shift[g[0]] = tail[0][0][0] self._norm[g[0]] = tail[1][0][0] g[1] << (g[1] - self._constant_shift[g[0]]) / self._norm[g[0]] self.Gaux_iw = self.S_iw.copy() list(map(_calculate_gaux_iw, self.Gaux_iw)) if self._BlockGf else _calculate_gaux_iw( ('0', self.Gaux_iw)) def _calculate_S_w(self): def _calculate_s_w(s): if tuple(s[1].target_shape) not in [(1, 1), ()]: raise NotImplementedError( 'DirectSigmaContinuator not implemented for matrix-valued Sigma') s[1] << s[1] * self._norm[s[0]] + self._constant_shift[s[0]] self.S_w = self.Gaux_w.copy() list(map(_calculate_s_w, self.S_w)) if self._BlockGf else _calculate_s_w( ('0', self.S_w))
[docs] class InversionSigmaContinuator(SigmaContinuator): r""" Inversion method to construct auxiliary Green function This class constructs an auxiliary Green function using :math:`1/ (\omega + C - \Sigma(i\omega_n))`. Parameters ========== S_iw : GfImFreq Self-energy :math:`\Sigma(i\omega_n)` as TRIQS Matsubara Green function constant_shift : float Constant C (usually set to the double counting) """ def __init__(self, S_iw, constant_shift=0): super(InversionSigmaContinuator, self).__init__() self.set_S_iw(S_iw) if not self._BlockGf: self._constant_shift['0'] = constant_shift elif isinstance(constant_shift, dict) and set(constant_shift.keys()) == set(self.S_iw.indices): self._constant_shift = constant_shift else: self._constant_shift = dict.fromkeys( set(self.S_iw.indices), constant_shift) self._calculate_Gaux_iw() def _calculate_Gaux_iw(self): def _calculate_gaux_iw(g): g[1] << Omega + self._constant_shift[g[0]] - g[1] g[1].invert() self.Gaux_iw = self.S_iw.copy() list(map(_calculate_gaux_iw, self.Gaux_iw)) if self._BlockGf else _calculate_gaux_iw( ('0', self.Gaux_iw)) def _calculate_S_w(self): def _calculate_s_w(s): s[1] << Omega + self._constant_shift[s[0]] - inverse(s[1]) self.S_w = self.Gaux_w.copy() list(map(_calculate_s_w, self.S_w)) if self._BlockGf else _calculate_s_w( ('0', self.S_w))
try: from h5.formats import register_class register_class(InversionSigmaContinuator) register_class(DirectSigmaContinuator) except ImportError: # notriqs pass