Source code for nrgljubljana_interface.descriptors

r""" """

from import Base, Function
from import MeshImFreq, MeshReFreq

from .mesh_refreq_pts import MeshReFreqPts

from math import copysign, pi

import warnings
import numpy


[docs] class SemiCircular (Base): r"""Hilbert transform of a semicircular density of states, i.e. .. math:: g(z) = \int \frac{A(\omega)}{z-\omega} d\omega where :math:`A(\omega) = \theta( D - |\omega|) 2 \sqrt{ D^2 - \omega^2}/(\pi D^2)`. (Only works in combination with frequency Green's functions.) """ def __init__ (self, half_bandwidth, chem_potential=0.): """:param half_bandwidth: :math:`D`, the half bandwidth of the semicircular density of states :param chem_potential: :math:`\mu`, the chemical potential of the | semicircular density of states, corresponds to minus the center of the semicircle """ Base.__init__(self, half_bandwidth=half_bandwidth, chem_potential=chem_potential) def __str__(self): return "SemiCircular(%s, %s)"%self.half_bandwidth, chem_potential def __call__(self,G): D = self.half_bandwidth mu = self.chem_potential Id = complex(1,0) if len(G.target_shape) == 0 else numpy.identity(G.target_shape[0],numpy.complex_) from cmath import sqrt if type(G.mesh) == MeshImFreq: def f(om_): om = om_ + mu return (om - 1j*copysign(1,om.imag)*sqrt(D*D - om**2))/D/D*2*Id elif type(G.mesh) in [MeshReFreq, MeshReFreqPts]: def f(om_): om = om_.real + mu if (om > -D) and (om < D): return (2.0/D**2) * (om - 1j* sqrt(D**2 - om**2)) else: return (2.0/D**2) * (om - copysign(1,om) * sqrt(om**2 - D**2)) else: raise TypeError("This initializer is only correct in frequency") Id = 1. if len(G.target_shape) == 0 else numpy.identity(G.target_shape[0]) Function(f)(G) return G
[docs] class Flat (Base): r"""The Hilbert transform of a flat density of states, with cut-off .. math:: g(z) = \int \frac{A(\omega)}{z-\omega} d\omega where :math:`A(\omega) = \theta( D^2 - \omega^2)/(2D)`. (Only works in combination with frequency Green's functions.) """ def __init__ (self, half_bandwidth): """:param half_bandwidth: :math:`D`, the half bandwidth """ Base.__init__(self, half_bandwidth=half_bandwidth) def __str__(self): return "Flat(%s)"%self.half_bandwidth def __call__(self,G): D = self.half_bandwidth Id = 1. if len(G.target_shape) == 0 else numpy.identity(G.target_shape[0], numpy.complex_) if type(G.mesh) == MeshImFreq: f = lambda om: (-1/(2.0*D)) * numpy.log(numpy.divide(om-D,om+D)) * Id elif type(G.mesh) in [MeshReFreq, MeshReFreqPts]: def f(om): if (om.real > -D) and (om.real < D): return -numpy.log(numpy.divide(abs(om-D),abs(om+D)))*Id/(2*D) - 1j*pi*Id/(2*D) else: return -numpy.log(numpy.divide(abs(om-D),abs(om+D)))*Id/(2*D) else: raise TypeError("This initializer is only correct in frequency") # Silence "RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in divide" old_err = numpy.seterr(divide='ignore') Function(f)(G) numpy.seterr(**old_err) return G
######################################################################### class Omega_(Base): r"""The function:math:`\omega \rightarrow \omega` """ def __str__(self): return "Omega" def __call__(self,G): if G.mesh.__class__.__name__ not in ['MeshImFreq', 'MeshReFreq', 'MeshReFreqPts']: raise TypeError("This initializer is only correct in frequency") Id = 1. if G.target_rank == 0 else numpy.identity(G.target_shape[0]) for n,om in enumerate(G.mesh):[n,...] = om*Id return G Omega = Omega_()