#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# solid_dmft - A versatile python wrapper to perform DFT+DMFT calculations
# utilizing the TRIQS software library
# Copyright (C) 2018-2020, ETH Zurich
# Copyright (C) 2021, The Simons Foundation
# authors: A. Hampel, M. Merkel, and S. Beck
# solid_dmft is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# solid_dmft is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# solid_dmft (in the file COPYING.txt in this directory). If not, see
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Contains all functions related to constructing the interaction Hamiltonian.
# system
import os
import numpy as np
from itertools import product
# triqs
from h5 import HDFArchive
import triqs.utility.mpi as mpi
from triqs.gf import make_gf_imfreq
from triqs.operators import util, n, c, c_dag, Operator
from solid_dmft.dmft_tools import common
import forktps as ftps
except ImportError:
def _load_crpa_interaction_matrix(sum_k, general_params, gw_params, filename='UIJKL'):
Loads dynamic interaction data to use as an interaction Hamiltonian.
def _round_to_int(data):
return (np.array(data) + .5).astype(int)
if gw_params['code'] == 'Vasp':
# Loads data from VASP cRPA file
print('Loading Vasp cRPA matrix from file: '+str(filename))
data = np.loadtxt(filename, unpack=True)
u_matrix_four_indices = np.zeros(_round_to_int(np.max(data[:4], axis=1)), dtype=complex)
for entry in data.T:
# VASP switches the order of the indices, ijkl -> ikjl
i, k, j, l = _round_to_int(entry[:4])-1
u_matrix_four_indices[i, j, k, l] = entry[4] + 1j * entry[5]
# Slices up the four index U-matrix, separating shells
u_matrix_four_indices_per_shell = [None] * sum_k.n_inequiv_shells
first_index_shell = 0
for ish in range(sum_k.n_corr_shells):
icrsh = sum_k.corr_to_inequiv[ish]
n_orb = common.get_n_orbitals(sum_k)[icrsh]['up']
u_matrix_temp = u_matrix_four_indices[first_index_shell:first_index_shell+n_orb,
# I think for now we should stick with real interactions make real
u_matrix_temp.imag = 0.0
if ish == icrsh:
u_matrix_four_indices_per_shell[icrsh] = u_matrix_temp
elif not np.allclose(u_matrix_four_indices_per_shell[icrsh], u_matrix_temp, atol=1e-6, rtol=0):
# TODO: for some reason, some entries in the matrices differ by a sign. Check that
# mpi.report(np.allclose(np.abs(u_matrix_four_indices_per_shell[icrsh]), np.abs(u_matrix_temp),
# atol=1e-6, rtol=0))
mpi.report('Warning: cRPA matrix for impurity {} '.format(icrsh)
+ 'differs for shells {} and {}'.format(sum_k.inequiv_to_corr[icrsh], ish))
first_index_shell += n_orb
if not np.allclose(u_matrix_four_indices.shape, first_index_shell):
print('Warning: different number of orbitals in cRPA matrix than in calculation.')
elif gw_params['code'] == 'aimbes':
from solid_dmft.gw_embedding.bdft_converter import convert_gw_output
u_matrix_four_indices_per_shell = []
# lad GW input from h5 file
if mpi.is_master_node():
if 'Uloc_dlr' not in gw_params:
gw_data, ir_kernel = convert_gw_output(
general_params['jobname'] + '/' + general_params['seedname'] + '.h5',
it_1e = gw_params['it_1e'],
it_2e = gw_params['it_2e'],
ha_ev_conv = True
for icrsh in range(sum_k.n_inequiv_shells):
# for now we assume that up / down are equal
if general_params['h_int_type'][icrsh] in ('crpa', 'crpa_density_density'):
Uloc_0 = make_gf_imfreq(gw_params['Uloc_dlr'][icrsh]['up'],1)
u_matrix_four_indices_per_shell.append(Uloc_0.data[0,:,:,:,:] + gw_params['Vloc'][icrsh]['up'])
u_matrix_four_indices_per_shell[icrsh] = u_matrix_four_indices_per_shell[icrsh]
u_matrix_four_indices_per_shell = mpi.bcast(u_matrix_four_indices_per_shell)
gw_params = mpi.bcast(gw_params)
raise ValueError('Unknown code for reading cRPA results: {}'.format(gw_params['code']))
return u_matrix_four_indices_per_shell, gw_params
# def _adapt_U_2index_for_SO(Umat, Upmat):
# """
# Changes the two-index U matrices such that for a system consisting of a
# single block 'ud' with the entries (1, up), (1, down), (2, up), (2, down),
# ... the matrices are consistent with the case without spin-orbit coupling.
# Parameters
# ----------
# Umat : numpy array
# The two-index interaction matrix for parallel spins without SO.
# Upmat : numpy array
# The two-index interaction matrix for antiparallel spins without SO.
# Returns
# -------
# Umat_SO : numpy array
# The two-index interaction matrix for parallel spins. Because in SO all
# entries have nominal spin 'ud', this matrix now contains the original
# Umat and Upmat.
# Upmat_SO : numpy array
# The two-index interaction matrix for antiparallel spins. Unused because
# in SO, all spins have the same nominal spin 'ud'.
# """
# Umat_SO = np.zeros(np.array(Umat.shape)*2, dtype=Umat.dtype)
# Umat_SO[::2, ::2] = Umat_SO[1::2, 1::2] = Umat
# Umat_SO[::2, 1::2] = Umat_SO[1::2, ::2] = Upmat
# Upmat_SO = None
# return Umat_SO, Upmat_SO
def _adapt_U_4index_for_SO(Umat_full):
Changes the four-index U matrix such that for a system consisting of a
single block 'ud' with the entries (1, up), (1, down), (2, up), (2, down),
... the matrix is consistent with the case without spin-orbit coupling.
This can be derived directly from the definition of the Slater Hamiltonian.
Umat_full : numpy array
The four-index interaction matrix without SO.
Umat_full_SO : numpy array
The four-index interaction matrix with SO. For a matrix U_ijkl, the
indices i, k correspond to spin sigma, and indices j, l to sigma'.
Umat_full_SO = np.zeros(np.array(Umat_full.shape)*2, dtype=Umat_full.dtype)
for spin, spin_prime in ((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)):
Umat_full_SO[spin::2, spin_prime::2, spin::2, spin_prime::2] = Umat_full
return Umat_full_SO
def _construct_kanamori(sum_k, general_params, solver_type_per_imp, icrsh, den_den=False):
Constructs the Kanamori interaction Hamiltonian. Only Kanamori does not
need the full four-index matrix. Therefore, we can construct it directly
from the parameters U and J.
n_orb = common.get_n_orbitals(sum_k)[icrsh]['up']
if sum_k.SO == 1:
assert n_orb % 2 == 0
n_orb = n_orb // 2
if n_orb not in (2, 3):
mpi.report('warning: are you sure you want to use the kanamori hamiltonian '
+ 'outside the t2g or eg manifold?')
# check if Uprime has been specified manually
if general_params['U_prime'][icrsh] is None:
U_prime = general_params['U'][icrsh] - 2.0 * general_params['J'][icrsh]
U_prime = general_params['U_prime'][icrsh]
mpi.report('U = {:.2f}, U\' = {:.2f}, J = {:.2f}\n'.format(general_params['U'][icrsh], U_prime, general_params['J'][icrsh]))
if solver_type_per_imp[icrsh] == 'ftps':
# 1-band modell requires J and U' equals zero
if n_orb == 1:
up, j = 0.0, 0.0
up = U_prime
j = general_params['J'][icrsh]
h_int = ftps.solver_core.HInt(u=general_params['U'][icrsh], j=j, up=up, dd=den_den)
elif sum_k.SO == 0:
# Constructs U matrix
Umat, Upmat = util.U_matrix_kanamori(n_orb=n_orb, U_int=general_params['U'][icrsh],
if den_den:
h_int = util.h_int_density(sum_k.spin_block_names[sum_k.SO], n_orb,
U=Umat, Uprime=Upmat,
H_dump=os.path.join(general_params['jobname'], f'H_imp{icrsh}.txt'))
h_int = util.h_int_kanamori(sum_k.spin_block_names[sum_k.SO], n_orb,
U=Umat, Uprime=Upmat, J_hund=general_params['J'][icrsh],
H_dump=os.path.join(general_params['jobname'], f'H_imp{icrsh}.txt'))
h_int = _construct_kanamori_soc(general_params['U'][icrsh], general_params['J'][icrsh],
n_orb, sum_k.sumk_to_solver[icrsh],
os.path.join(general_params['jobname'], f'H_imp{icrsh}.txt'))
return h_int
def _construct_kanamori_soc(U_int, J_hund, n_orb, map_operator_structure, H_dump=None):
Adapted from triqs.operators.util.hamiltonians.h_int_kanamori. Assumes
that spin_names == ['ud'] and that map_operator_structure is given.
orb_names = list(range(n_orb))
if H_dump:
H_dump_file = open(H_dump, 'w')
H_dump_file.write("Kanamori Hamiltonian:" + '\n')
H = Operator()
mkind = util.op_struct.get_mkind(None, map_operator_structure)
s = 'ud'
# density terms:
# TODO: reformulate in terms of Umat and Upmat for consistency with triqs?
if H_dump:
H_dump_file.write("Density-density terms:" + '\n')
for a1, a2 in product(orb_names, orb_names):
if a1 == a2: # same spin and orbital
if a1 // 2 == a2 // 2: # same orbital (, different spins)
U_val = U_int
elif a1 % 2 != a2 % 2: # different spins (, different orbitals)
U_val = U_int - 2*J_hund
else: # same spins (, different orbitals)
U_val = U_int - 3*J_hund
H_term = 0.5 * U_val * n(*mkind(s, a1)) * n(*mkind(s, a2))
H += H_term
# Dump terms of H
if H_dump and not H_term.is_zero():
H_dump_file.write('%s' % (mkind(s, a1), ) + '\t')
H_dump_file.write('%s' % (mkind(s, a2), ) + '\t')
H_dump_file.write(str(U_val) + '\n')
# spin-flip terms:
if H_dump:
H_dump_file.write("Spin-flip terms:" + '\n')
for a1, a2, a3, a4 in product(orb_names, orb_names, orb_names, orb_names):
if a1 == a2 or a1 == a3 or a1 == a4 or a2 == a3 or a2 == a4 or a3 == a4:
if not (a1//2 == a2//2 and a3//2 == a4//2 and a1//2 != a3//2 and a1 % 2 != a3 % 2):
H_term = -0.5 * J_hund * c_dag(*mkind(s, a1)) * c(*mkind(s, a2)) * c_dag(*mkind(s, a3)) * c(*mkind(s, a4))
H += H_term
# Dump terms of H
if H_dump and not H_term.is_zero():
H_dump_file.write('%s' % (mkind(s, a1), ) + '\t')
H_dump_file.write('%s' % (mkind(s, a2), ) + '\t')
H_dump_file.write('%s' % (mkind(s, a3), ) + '\t')
H_dump_file.write('%s' % (mkind(s, a4), ) + '\t')
H_dump_file.write(str(-J_hund) + '\n')
# pair-hopping terms:
if H_dump:
H_dump_file.write("Pair-hopping terms:" + '\n')
for a1, a2, a3, a4 in product(orb_names, orb_names, orb_names, orb_names):
if a1 == a2 or a1 == a3 or a1 == a4 or a2 == a3 or a2 == a4 or a3 == a4:
if not (a1//2 == a2//2 and a3//2 == a4//2 and a1//2 != a3//2 and a1 % 2 != a3 % 2):
H_term = 0.5 * J_hund * c_dag(*mkind(s, a1)) * c_dag(*mkind(s, a2)) * c(*mkind(s, a4)) * c(*mkind(s, a3))
H += H_term
# Dump terms of H
if H_dump and not H_term.is_zero():
H_dump_file.write('%s' % (mkind(s, a1), ) + '\t')
H_dump_file.write('%s' % (mkind(s, a2), ) + '\t')
H_dump_file.write('%s' % (mkind(s, a3), ) + '\t')
H_dump_file.write('%s' % (mkind(s, a4), ) + '\t')
H_dump_file.write(str(-J_hund) + '\n')
return H
def _construct_dynamic(sum_k, general_params, icrsh):
Constructs the interaction Hamiltonian for a frequency-dependent interaction.
Works only without spin-orbit coupling and only for one orbital.
mpi.report('###### Dynamic U calculation ######, load parameters from input archive.')
U_onsite = None
if mpi.is_master_node():
with HDFArchive(general_params['jobname']+'/'+general_params['seedname']+'.h5', 'r') as ar:
U_onsite = ar['dynamic_U']['U_scr']
U_onsite = mpi.bcast(U_onsite)
n_orb = common.get_n_orbitals(sum_k)[icrsh]['up']
if sum_k.SO == 1:
raise ValueError('dynamic U not implemented for SO!=0')
if n_orb > 1:
raise ValueError('dynamic U not implemented for more than one orbital')
mpi.report('onsite interaction value for imp {}: {:.3f}'.format(icrsh, U_onsite[icrsh]))
h_int = util.h_int_density(sum_k.spin_block_names[sum_k.SO], n_orb,
U=np.array([[0]]), Uprime=np.array([[U_onsite[icrsh]]]), H_dump=os.path.join(general_params['jobname'], f'H_imp{icrsh}.txt'))
return h_int
def _generate_four_index_u_matrix(sum_k, general_params, icrsh):
Generates the four-index interaction matrix per impurity with the interaction
parameters U and J (and ratio_F4_F2 for the d shell).
# ish points to the shell representative of the current group
ish = sum_k.inequiv_to_corr[icrsh]
n_orb = common.get_n_orbitals(sum_k)[icrsh]['up']
if sum_k.SO == 1:
assert n_orb % 2 == 0
n_orb = n_orb // 2
l = sum_k.corr_shells[ish]['l']
if l != 2:
slater_integrals = util.U_J_to_radial_integrals(l=l, U_int=general_params['U'][icrsh],
# Implements parameter R=F4/F2. For R=0.63 equivalent to util.U_J_to_radial_integrals
U = general_params['U'][icrsh]
J = general_params['J'][icrsh]
R = general_params['ratio_F4_F2'][icrsh]
R = 0.63 if R is None else R
slater_integrals = np.array([U, 14*J/(1+R), 14*J*R/(1+R)])
mpi.report('\nImpurity {}: The corresponding slater integrals are'.format(icrsh))
formatted_slater_integrals = [y for x in list(zip([2*x for x in range(len(slater_integrals))], slater_integrals)) for y in x]
mpi.report(('F{:d} = {:.2f}, '*len(slater_integrals)).format(*formatted_slater_integrals))
# Constructs U matrix
# construct full spherical symmetric U matrix and transform to cubic basis
# the order for the cubic orbitals is given by the convention. The TRIQS
# convention is as follows ("xy","yz","z^2","xz","x^2-y^2")
# this is consistent with the order of orbitals in the VASP interface
# but not necessarily with wannier90, qe, and wien2k!
# This is also true for the f-shell.
Umat_full = util.U_matrix_slater(l=l,
radial_integrals=slater_integrals, basis='spherical')
Umat_full = util.transform_U_matrix(Umat_full,
util.spherical_to_cubic(l=l, convention=general_params['h_int_basis']))
if l == 2 and n_orb == 2:
Umat_full = util.eg_submatrix(Umat_full)
mpi.report('Using eg subspace of interaction Hamiltonian')
elif l == 2 and n_orb == 3:
Umat_full = util.t2g_submatrix(Umat_full)
mpi.report('Using t2g subspace of interaction Hamiltonian')
elif n_orb != 2*l+1:
raise ValueError(f'Imp {icrsh}: for the Slater Hamiltonian, please use either '
f'the full shell with 2l+1={2*l+1} orbitals '
'or the t2g or eg subspace of the d shell with 3 or 2 orbitals.')
return Umat_full
def _rotate_four_index_matrix(sum_k, general_params, Umat_full, icrsh):
""" Rotates the four index matrix into the local frame. """
ish = sum_k.inequiv_to_corr[icrsh]
# Transposes rotation matrix here because TRIQS has a slightly different definition
Umat_full_rotated = util.transform_U_matrix(Umat_full, sum_k.rot_mat[ish].T)
if general_params['h_int_type'][icrsh] in ('density_density', 'crpa_density_density', 'dyn_density_density'):
if not np.allclose(Umat_full_rotated, Umat_full):
mpi.report('WARNING: applying a rotation matrix changes the dens-dens Hamiltonian.\n'
+ 'This changes the definition of the ignored spin flip and pair hopping.')
elif general_params['h_int_type'][icrsh] in ('full_slater', 'crpa', 'dyn_full'):
if not np.allclose(Umat_full_rotated, Umat_full):
mpi.report('WARNING: applying a rotation matrix changes the interaction Hamiltonian.\n'
+ 'Please ensure that the rotation is correct!')
return Umat_full_rotated
def _construct_density_density(sum_k, general_params, Umat_full_rotated, icrsh):
Constructs the density-density Slater-Hamiltonian from the four-index
interaction matrix.
# Constructs Hamiltonian from Umat_full_rotated
n_orb = common.get_n_orbitals(sum_k)[icrsh]['up']
Umat, Upmat = util.reduce_4index_to_2index(Umat_full_rotated)
h_int = util.h_int_density(sum_k.spin_block_names[sum_k.SO], n_orb,
U=Umat, Uprime=Upmat, H_dump=os.path.join(general_params['jobname'], f'H_imp{icrsh}.txt'))
return h_int
def _construct_slater(sum_k, general_params, Umat_full_rotated, icrsh):
Constructs the full Slater-Hamiltonian from the four-index interaction
n_orb = common.get_n_orbitals(sum_k)[icrsh]['up']
h_int = util.h_int_slater(sum_k.spin_block_names[sum_k.SO], n_orb,
H_dump=os.path.join(general_params['jobname'], f'H_imp{icrsh}.txt'))
return h_int
def h_int_simple_intra(spin_names,n_orb,U,off_diag=None,map_operator_structure=None,H_dump=None):
Create a simple intra orbital density-density Hamiltonian.
(no inter orbital terms)
.. math::
H = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i \sigma \neq \sigma')} U_{i i}^{\sigma \sigma'} n_{i \sigma} n_{i \sigma'}.
spin_names : list of strings
Names of the spins, e.g. ['up','down'].
n_orb : int
Number of orbitals.
U : float
U value
off_diag : boolean
Do we have (orbital) off-diagonal elements?
If yes, the operators and blocks are denoted by ('spin', 'orbital'),
otherwise by ('spin_orbital',0).
map_operator_structure : dict
Mapping of names of GF blocks names from one convention to another,
e.g. {('up', 0): ('up_0', 0), ('down', 0): ('down_0',0)}.
If provided, the operators and blocks are denoted by the mapping of ``('spin', 'orbital')``.
H_dump : string
Name of the file to which the Hamiltonian should be written.
H : Operator
The Hamiltonian.
from triqs.operators.util.op_struct import get_mkind
if H_dump:
H_dump_file = open(H_dump,'w')
H_dump_file.write("Density-density Hamiltonian:" + '\n')
H = Operator()
mkind = get_mkind(off_diag,map_operator_structure)
if H_dump: H_dump_file.write("Density-density terms:" + '\n')
for s1, s2 in product(spin_names,spin_names):
if (s1 is not s2):
for a1 in range(n_orb):
H_term = 0.5 * U * n(*mkind(s1,a1)) * n(*mkind(s2,a1))
H += H_term
# Dump terms of H
if H_dump and not H_term.is_zero():
H_dump_file.write('%s'%(mkind(s1,a1),) + '\t')
H_dump_file.write('%s'%(mkind(s2,a1),) + '\t')
H_dump_file.write(str(U) + '\n')
return H
def construct(sum_k, general_params, solver_type_per_imp, gw_params=None):
Constructs the interaction Hamiltonian. Currently implemented are the
Kanamori Hamiltonian (usually for 2 or 3 orbitals), the density-density and
the full Slater Hamiltonian (for 2, 3, or 5 orbitals).
If sum_k.rot_mat is non-identity, we have to consider rotating the interaction
Hamiltonian: the Kanamori Hamiltonian does not change because it is invariant
under orbital mixing but all the other Hamiltonians are at most invariant
under rotations in space. Therefore, sum_k.rot_mat has to be correct before
calling this method.
The parameters U and J will be interpreted differently depending on the
type of the interaction Hamiltonian: it is either the Kanamori parameters
for the Kanamori Hamiltonian or the orbital-averaged parameters (consistent
with DFT+U, https://cms.mpi.univie.ac.at/wiki/index.php/LDAUTYPE ) for all
other Hamiltonians.
Note also that for all Hamiltonians except Kanamori, the order of the
orbitals matters. The correct order is specified here:
# Extracts U and J
mpi.report('*** interaction parameters ***')
# Constructs the interaction Hamiltonian. Needs to come after setting sum_k.rot_mat
mpi.report('\nConstructing the interaction Hamiltonians')
h_int = [None] * sum_k.n_inequiv_shells
for icrsh in range(sum_k.n_inequiv_shells):
mpi.report('\nImpurity {}: constructing a {} type interaction Hamiltonian'.format(icrsh, general_params['h_int_type'][icrsh]))
# Kanamori
if general_params['h_int_type'][icrsh] == 'kanamori':
h_int[icrsh] = _construct_kanamori(sum_k, general_params, solver_type_per_imp, icrsh, den_den=False)
if general_params['h_int_type'][icrsh] == 'kanamori_den_den':
h_int[icrsh] = _construct_kanamori(sum_k, general_params, solver_type_per_imp, icrsh, den_den=True)
# for density density or full slater get full four-index U matrix
if general_params['h_int_type'][icrsh] in ('density_density', 'full_slater'):
mpi.report('\nNote: The input parameters U and J here are orbital-averaged parameters.')
mpi.report('Note: The order of the orbitals is important. See also the doc string of this method.')
# Checks that all entries are l == 2 or R is None
if (sum_k.corr_shells[sum_k.inequiv_to_corr[icrsh]]['l'] != 2
and general_params['ratio_F4_F2'][icrsh] is not None):
raise ValueError('Ratio F4/F2 only implemented for d-shells '
+ 'but set in impurity {}'.format(icrsh))
if general_params['h_int_type'][icrsh] == 'density_density' and solver_type_per_imp[icrsh] == 'ftps':
# TODO: implement
raise NotImplementedError('Note: Density-density not implemented for ftps.')
Umat_full = _generate_four_index_u_matrix(sum_k, general_params, icrsh)
if sum_k.SO == 1:
Umat_full = _adapt_U_4index_for_SO(Umat_full)
# Rotates the interaction matrix
Umat_full_rotated = _rotate_four_index_matrix(sum_k, general_params, Umat_full, icrsh)
# construct slater / density density from U tensor
if general_params['h_int_type'][icrsh] == 'full_slater':
h_int[icrsh] = _construct_slater(sum_k, general_params, Umat_full_rotated, icrsh)
h_int[icrsh] = _construct_density_density(sum_k, general_params, Umat_full_rotated, icrsh)
# simple total impurity occupation interation: U/2 (Ntot^2 - Ntot)
if general_params['h_int_type'][icrsh] == 'ntot':
n_tot_op = Operator()
for block, n_orb in sum_k.gf_struct_solver[icrsh].items():
n_tot_op += sum(n(block, orb) for orb in range(n_orb))
h_int[icrsh] = general_params['U'][icrsh]/2.0 * (n_tot_op*n_tot_op - n_tot_op)
if general_params['h_int_type'][icrsh] == 'simple_intra':
h_int[icrsh] = h_int_simple_intra(sum_k.spin_block_names[sum_k.SO],
H_dump=os.path.join(general_params['jobname'], f'H_imp{icrsh}.txt'))
# read from file options
if general_params['h_int_type'][icrsh] in ('crpa', 'crpa_density_density', 'dyn_density_density', 'dyn_full'):
Umat_full, gw_params = _load_crpa_interaction_matrix(sum_k, general_params, gw_params)
if sum_k.SO == 1:
Umat_full[icrsh] = _adapt_U_4index_for_SO(Umat_full[icrsh])
# Rotates the interaction matrix
if sum_k.use_rotations:
Umat_full[icrsh] = _rotate_four_index_matrix(sum_k, general_params, Umat_full[icrsh], icrsh)
Umat_full[icrsh][np.abs(Umat_full[icrsh]) < general_params['U_crpa_threshold']] = 0.0
gw_params['U_matrix_rot']= Umat_full
# construct slater / density density from U tensor
if general_params['h_int_type'][icrsh] in ('crpa', 'dyn_full'):
h_int[icrsh] = _construct_slater(sum_k, general_params, Umat_full[icrsh].real, icrsh)
h_int[icrsh] = _construct_density_density(sum_k, general_params, Umat_full[icrsh].real, icrsh)
raise NotImplementedError('Error when constructing the interaction Hamiltonian.')
return h_int, gw_params