These tutorials provide an overview about typical workflows to perform DFT+DMFT calculations with solid_dmft. The tutorials are sorted by complexity and introduce one after another more available features.
The tutorials are run with the 3.3.x branch of triqs. Please use the 3.3.x branch for triqs and all applications to reproduce the results shown here.
Short description of the tutorials linked below:
Typical one-shot (OS) DMFT calculation based on prepared hdf5 archive for SrVO3
Full charge self-consistent (CSC) DFT+DMFT calculation using the PLO formalism with Vasp for PrNiO3
Full CSC DFT+DMFT calculation using w90 in combination with Quantum Espresso utilizing the lighter HubbardI solver
OS magnetic DMFT calculation for NdNiO2 in a large energy window for 5 d orbitals
Postprocessing: plot the spectral function after a DFT+DMFT calculation