
IAFT.w_interpolate(Ow, wn_mesh_interp, stats: str, ir_notation: bool = True)[source]

Interpolate a dynamic object to arbitrary points on the Matsubara axis.

  • Ow – numpy.ndarray Dynamic object on the Matsubara sampling points, self.wn_mesh.

  • wn_mesh_interp – numpy.ndarray(dim=1, dtype=int) Target frequencies “INDICES”. The physical Matsubara frequencies are wn_mesh_interp * pi/beta.

  • stats – str Statistics, ‘f’ for fermions and ‘b’ for bosons.

  • ir_notation – bool Whether wn_mesh_interp is in sparse_ir notation where iwn = n*pi/beta for both fermions and bosons. Otherwise, iwn = (2n+1)*pi/beta for fermions and 2n*pi/beta for bosons.


numpy.ndarray Matsubara-frequency object with dimensions (nw_interp, …)