Source code for gw_embedding.iaft

import sys
import numpy as np
import sparse_ir

Fourier transform on the imaginary axis based on IR basis and the sparse sampling technique.  

[docs] class IAFT(object): """ Driver for FT on the imaginary axis. Given inverse temperature, lambda and precision, the IAFT class evaluate the corresponding IR basis and sparse sampling points on-the-fly. Dependency: sparse-ir with xprec supports ( To install sparse-ir with xprec supports: "pip install sparse-ir[xprec]". Attributes: beta: float Inverse temperature (a.u.) lmbda: float Dimensionless lambda parameter for constructing the IR basis prec: float Precision for IR basis bases: sparse-ir.FiniteTempBasisSet IR basis instance tau_mesh_f: numpy.ndarray(dim=1) Fermionic tau sampling points tau_mesh_b: numpy.ndarray(dim=1) Bosonic tau sampling points wn_mesh_f: numpy.ndarray(dim=1) Fermionic Matsubara "indices" sampling points. NOT PHYSICAL FREQUENCIES. Physical Matsubara frequencies are wn_mesh_f * numpy.pi / beta wn_mesh_b: numpy.ndarray(dim=1) Bosonic Matsubara "indices" sampling points. NOT PHYSICAL FREQUENCIES. Physical Matsubara frequencies are wn_mesh_f * numpy.pi / beta nt_f: int Number of fermionic tau sampling points nt_b: int Number of bosonic tau sampling points nw_f: int Number of fermionic frequency sampling points nw_b: int Number of bosonic frequency sampling points """
[docs] def __init__(self, beta: float, lmbda: float, prec: float = 1e-15, verbal: bool = True): """ :param beta: float Inverse temperature (a.u.) :param lmbda: float Lambda parameter for constructing IR basis. :param prec: float Precision for IR basis """ self.beta = beta self.lmbda = lmbda self.prec = prec self.wmax = lmbda / beta self.statisics = {'f', 'b'} self.bases = sparse_ir.FiniteTempBasisSet(beta=beta, wmax=self.wmax, eps=prec) self.tau_mesh_f = self.bases.smpl_tau_f.sampling_points self.tau_mesh_b = self.bases.smpl_tau_b.sampling_points self._wn_mesh_f = self.bases.smpl_wn_f.sampling_points self._wn_mesh_b = self.bases.smpl_wn_b.sampling_points self.nt_f, self.nw_f = self.tau_mesh_f.shape[0], self._wn_mesh_f.shape[0] self.nt_b, self.nw_b = self.tau_mesh_b.shape[0], self._wn_mesh_b.shape[0] Ttl_ff = self.bases.basis_f.u(self.tau_mesh_f).T Twl_ff = self.bases.basis_f.uhat(self._wn_mesh_f).T Ttl_bb = self.bases.basis_b.u(self.tau_mesh_b).T Twl_bb = self.bases.basis_b.uhat(self._wn_mesh_b).T self.Tlt_ff = np.linalg.pinv(Ttl_ff) self.Tlt_bb = np.linalg.pinv(Ttl_bb) self.Tlw_ff = np.linalg.pinv(Twl_ff) self.Tlw_bb = np.linalg.pinv(Twl_bb) # Ttw_ff = Ttl_ff * [Twl_ff]^{-1} self.Ttw_ff =, self.Tlw_ff) self.Twt_ff =, self.Tlt_ff) self.Ttw_bb =, self.Tlw_bb) self.Twt_bb =, self.Tlt_bb) if verbal: print(self) sys.stdout.flush()
def __str__(self): return ("Mesh details on the imaginary axis\n" \ "----------------------------------\n" \ "precision = {}\n" \ "beta = {}\n" \ "lambda = {}\n" \ "nt_f, nw_f = {}, {}\n" \ "nt_b, nw_b = {}, {}\n".format(self.prec, self.beta, self.lmbda, self.nt_f, self.nw_f, self.nt_b, self.nw_b))
[docs] def wn_mesh(self, stats: str, ir_notation: bool = True): """ Return Matsubara frequency indices. :param stats: str statistics: 'f' for fermions and 'b' for bosons :param ir_notation: bool Whether wn_mesh_interp is in sparse_ir notation where iwn = n*pi/beta for both fermions and bosons. Otherwise, iwn = (2n+1)*pi/beta for fermions and 2n*pi/beta for bosons. :return: numpy.ndarray(dim=1) Matsubara frequency indices """ if stats not in self.statisics: raise ValueError("Unknown statistics '{}'. " "Acceptable options are 'f' for fermion and 'b' for bosons.".format(stats)) wn_mesh = np.array(self._wn_mesh_f, dtype=int) if stats == 'f' else np.array(self._wn_mesh_b, dtype=int) if not ir_notation: wn_mesh = (wn_mesh-1)//2 if stats == 'f' else wn_mesh//2 return wn_mesh
[docs] def tau_to_w(self, Ot, stats: str): """ Fourier transform from imaginary-time axis to Matsubara-frequency axis :param Ot: numpy.ndarray imaginary-time object with dimensions (nts, ...) :param stats: str statistics: 'f' for fermions and 'b' for bosons :return: numpy.ndarray Matsubara-frequency object with dimensions (nw, ...) """ if stats not in self.statisics: raise ValueError("Unknown statistics '{}'. " "Acceptable options are 'f' for fermion and 'b' for bosons.".format(stats)) Twt = self.Twt_ff if stats == 'f' else self.Twt_bb if Ot.shape[0] != Twt.shape[1]: raise ValueError( "tau_to_w: Number of tau points are inconsistent: {} and {}".format(Ot.shape[0], Twt.shape[1])) Ot_shape = Ot.shape Ot = Ot.reshape(Ot.shape[0], -1) Ow =, Ot) Ot = Ot.reshape(Ot_shape) Ow = Ow.reshape((Twt.shape[0],) + Ot_shape[1:]) return Ow
[docs] def tau_to_w_phsym(self, Ot, stats: str): """ Fourier transform from imaginary-time axis to Matsubara-frequency axis w/ particle-hole symmetry :param Ot: numpy.ndarray imaginary-time object with dimensions (nts, ...) :param stats: str statistics: 'f' for fermions and 'b' for bosons :return: numpy.ndarray Matsubara-frequency object with dimensions (nw, ...) """ if stats != 'b': raise ValueError("FT w/ particle-hole symmetry only support bosonic correlation functions") nw_half = self.nw_b // 2 if self.nw_b % 2 == 0 else self.nw_b // 2 + 1 nt_half = self.nt_b // 2 if self.nt_b % 2 == 0 else self.nt_b // 2 + 1 if Ot.shape[0] != nt_half: raise ValueError( "tau_to_w_phsym: Number of tau points are inconsistent: {} and {}".format(Ot.shape[0], nt_half)) Twt_pos = np.zeros((nw_half, nt_half), dtype=self.Twt_bb.dtype) for n in range(nw_half): iw = self.nw_b // 2 + n for it in range(nt_half): imt = self.nt_b - it - 1 Twt_pos[n, it] = self.Twt_bb[iw, it] if it == imt else self.Twt_bb[iw, it] + self.Twt_bb[iw, imt] Ot_shape = Ot.shape Ot = Ot.reshape(Ot.shape[0], -1) Ow =, Ot) Ot = Ot.reshape(Ot_shape) Ow = Ow.reshape((Twt_pos.shape[0],) + Ot_shape[1:]) return Ow
[docs] def w_to_tau(self, Ow, stats): """ Fourier transform from Matsubara-frequency axis to imaginary-time axis. :param Ow: numpy.ndarray Matsubara-frequency object with dimensions (nw, ...) :param stats: str statistics, 'f' for fermions and 'b' for bosons :return: numpy.ndarray Imaginary-time object with dimensions (nt, ...) """ if stats not in self.statisics: raise ValueError("Unknown statistics '{}'. " "Acceptable options are 'f' for fermion and 'b' for bosons.".format(stats)) Ttw = self.Ttw_ff if stats == 'f' else self.Ttw_bb if Ow.shape[0] != Ttw.shape[1]: raise ValueError( "w_to_tau: Number of w points are inconsistent: {} and {}".format(Ow.shape[0], Ttw.shape[1])) Ow_shape = Ow.shape Ow = Ow.reshape(Ow.shape[0], -1) Ot =, Ow) Ow = Ow.reshape(Ow_shape) Ot = Ot.reshape((Ttw.shape[0],) + Ow_shape[1:]) return Ot
[docs] def w_to_tau_phsym(self, Ow, stats): """ Fourier transform from Matsubara-frequency axis to imaginary-time axis w/ particle-hole symmetry. :param Ow: numpy.ndarray Matsubara-frequency object with dimensions (nw, ...) :param stats: str statistics, 'f' for fermions and 'b' for bosons :return: numpy.ndarray Imaginary-time object with dimensions (nt, ...) """ if stats != 'b': raise ValueError("FT w/ particle-hole symmetry only support bosonic correlation functions") nw_half = self.nw_b // 2 if self.nw_b % 2 == 0 else self.nw_b // 2 + 1 nt_half = self.nt_b // 2 if self.nt_b % 2 == 0 else self.nt_b // 2 + 1 if Ow.shape[0] != nw_half: raise ValueError( "w_to_tau_phsym: Number of w points are inconsistent: {} and {}".format(Ow.shape[0], nw_half)) Ttw_pos = np.zeros((nt_half, nw_half), dtype=self.Ttw_bb.dtype) for it in range(nt_half): for n in range(nw_half): iw = self.nw_b // 2 + n imw = self.nw_b // 2 - n Ttw_pos[it, n] = self.Ttw_bb[it, iw] if iw == imw else self.Ttw_bb[it, iw] + self.Ttw_bb[it, imw] Ow_shape = Ow.shape Ow = Ow.reshape(Ow.shape[0], -1) Ot =, Ow) Ow = Ow.reshape(Ow_shape) Ot = Ot.reshape((Ttw_pos.shape[0],) + Ow_shape[1:]) return Ot
[docs] def w_interpolate(self, Ow, wn_mesh_interp, stats: str, ir_notation: bool = True): """ Interpolate a dynamic object to arbitrary points on the Matsubara axis. :param Ow: numpy.ndarray Dynamic object on the Matsubara sampling points, self.wn_mesh. :param wn_mesh_interp: numpy.ndarray(dim=1, dtype=int) Target frequencies "INDICES". The physical Matsubara frequencies are wn_mesh_interp * pi/beta. :param stats: str Statistics, 'f' for fermions and 'b' for bosons. :param ir_notation: bool Whether wn_mesh_interp is in sparse_ir notation where iwn = n*pi/beta for both fermions and bosons. Otherwise, iwn = (2n+1)*pi/beta for fermions and 2n*pi/beta for bosons. :return: numpy.ndarray Matsubara-frequency object with dimensions (nw_interp, ...) """ if stats not in self.statisics: raise ValueError("Unknown statistics '{}'. " "Acceptable options are 'f' for fermion and 'b' for bosons.".format(stats)) if ir_notation: wn_indices = np.asarray(wn_mesh_interp) else: wn_indices = np.array([2*n+1 if stats == 'f' else 2*n for n in wn_mesh_interp], dtype=int) Tlw = self.Tlw_ff if stats == 'f' else self.Tlw_bb if Ow.shape[0] != Tlw.shape[1]: raise ValueError( "w_interpolate: Number of w points are inconsistent: {} and {}".format(Ow.shape[0], Tlw.shape[1])) Twl_interp = self.bases.basis_f.uhat(wn_indices).T if stats == 'f' else self.bases.basis_b.uhat(wn_indices).T Tww =, Tlw) Ow_shape = Ow.shape Ow = Ow.reshape(Ow.shape[0], -1) Ow_interp =, Ow) Ow = Ow.reshape(Ow_shape) Ow_interp = Ow_interp.reshape((wn_indices.shape[0],) + Ow_shape[1:]) return Ow_interp
[docs] def w_interpolate_phsym(self, Ow, wn_mesh_interp, stats: str, ir_notation: bool = True): """ Interpolate a dynamic object to arbitrary points on the Matsubara axis. :param Ow: numpy.ndarray Dynamic object on the Matsubara sampling points, self.wn_mesh. :param wn_mesh_interp: numpy.ndarray(dim=1, dtype=int) Target frequencies "INDICES". The physical Matsubara frequencies are wn_mesh_interp * pi/beta. :param stats: str Statistics, 'f' for fermions and 'b' for bosons. :param ir_notation: bool Whether wn_mesh_interp is in sparse_ir notation where iwn = n*pi/beta for both fermions and bosons. Otherwise, iwn = (2n+1)*pi/beta for fermions and 2n*pi/beta for bosons. :return: numpy.ndarray Matsubara-frequency object with dimensions (nw_interp, ...) """ if stats != 'b': raise ValueError("FT w/ particle-hole symmetry only support bosonic correlation functions") nw_half = self.nw_b // 2 if self.nw_b % 2 == 0 else self.nw_b // 2 + 1 nt_half = self.nt_b // 2 if self.nt_b % 2 == 0 else self.nt_b // 2 + 1 if Ow.shape[0] != nw_half: raise ValueError( "w_interpolate_phsym: Number of w points are inconsistent: {} and {}".format(Ow.shape[0], nw_half)) if ir_notation: wn_indices = np.asarray(wn_mesh_interp) else: wn_indices = np.array([2*n for n in wn_mesh_interp], dtype=int) Tlw = self.Tlw_bb Tlw_pos = np.zeros((Tlw.shape[0], nw_half), dtype=Tlw.dtype) for l in range(Tlw.shape[0]): for n in range(nw_half): iw = self.nw_b // 2 + n imw = self.nw_b // 2 - n Tlw_pos[l, n] = Tlw[l, iw] if iw == imw else Tlw[l, iw] + Tlw[l, imw] Twl_interp = self.bases.basis_b.uhat(wn_indices).T Tww =, Tlw_pos) Ow_shape = Ow.shape Ow = Ow.reshape(Ow.shape[0], -1) Ow_interp =, Ow) Ow = Ow.reshape(Ow_shape) Ow_interp = Ow_interp.reshape((wn_indices.shape[0],) + Ow_shape[1:]) return Ow_interp
[docs] def tau_interpolate(self, Ot, tau_mesh_interp, stats: str): """ Interpolate a dynamic object to arbitrary points on the imaginary-time axis. :param Ot: numpy.ndarray Dynamic object on the imaginary-time sampling points, self.tau_mesh. :param tau_mesh_interp: numpy.ndarray(dim=1, dtype=float) Target tau points. :param stats: str Statistics, 'f' for fermions and 'b' for bosons :return: numpy.ndarray Imaginary-time object with dimensions (nt_interp, ...) """ if stats not in self.statisics: raise ValueError("Unknown statistics '{}'. " "Acceptable options are 'f' for fermion and 'b' for bosons.".format(stats)) Tlt = self.Tlt_ff if stats == 'f' else self.Tlt_bb if Ot.shape[0] != Tlt.shape[1]: raise ValueError( "t_interpolate: Number of tau points are inconsistent: {} and {}".format(Ot.shape[0], Tlt.shape[1])) Ttl_interp = self.bases.basis_f.u(tau_mesh_interp).T if stats == 'f' else self.bases.basis_b.u(tau_mesh_interp).T Ttt =, Tlt) Ot_shape = Ot.shape Ot = Ot.reshape(Ot.shape[0], -1) Ot_interp =, Ot) Ot = Ot.reshape(Ot_shape) Ot_interp = Ot_interp.reshape((np.shape(tau_mesh_interp)[0],) + Ot_shape[1:]) return Ot_interp
[docs] def tau_interpolate_phsym(self, Ot, tau_mesh_interp, stats: str): """ Interpolate a dynamic object to arbitrary points on the imaginary-time axis. :param Ot: numpy.ndarray Dynamic object on the imaginary-time sampling points, self.tau_mesh. :param tau_mesh_interp: numpy.ndarray(dim=1, dtype=float) Target tau points. :param stats: str Statistics, 'f' for fermions and 'b' for bosons :return: numpy.ndarray Imaginary-time object with dimensions (nt_interp, ...) """ if stats != 'b': raise ValueError("FT w/ particle-hole symmetry only support bosonic correlation functions") nw_half = self.nw_b // 2 if self.nw_b % 2 == 0 else self.nw_b // 2 + 1 nt_half = self.nt_b // 2 if self.nt_b % 2 == 0 else self.nt_b // 2 + 1 if Ot.shape[0] != nt_half: raise ValueError( "tau_interpolate_phsym: Number of tau points are inconsistent: {} and {}".format(Ot.shape[0], nw_half)) Tlt = self.Tlt_ff if stats == 'f' else self.Tlt_bb Tlt_pos = np.zeros((Tlt.shape[0], nt_half), dtype=Tlt.dtype) for l in range(Tlt.shape[0]): for it in range(nt_half): imt = self.nt_b - it - 1 Tlt_pos[l, it] = Tlt[l, it] if it == imt else Tlt[l, it] + Tlt[l, imt] Ttl_interp = self.bases.basis_b.u(tau_mesh_interp).T Ttt =, Tlt_pos) Ot_shape = Ot.shape Ot = Ot.reshape(Ot.shape[0], -1) Ot_interp =, Ot) Ot = Ot.reshape(Ot_shape) Ot_interp = Ot_interp.reshape((np.shape(tau_mesh_interp)[0],) + Ot_shape[1:]) return Ot_interp
[docs] def check_leakage(self, Ot, stats: str, name: str = "", w_input: bool = False): """ Check decay of the IR coefficients to assess the quality of IR basis for the beta and lambda. The coefficients should decay exponentially, and the leakage is defined as: leakage = the smallest coefficients / the largest coefficients :param Ot: :param stats: :param name: :param w_input: :return: """ if w_input: Ot_ = self.w_to_tau(Ot, stats) self.check_leakage(Ot_, stats, name, w_input=False) return if stats not in self.statisics: raise ValueError("Unknown statistics '{}'. " "Acceptable options are 'f' for fermion and 'b' for bosons.".format(stats)) nts = self.nt_f if stats == 'f' else self.nt_b Tlt = self.Tlt_ff if stats == 'f' else self.Tlt_bb if nts != Ot.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Inconsistency between nts = {} and Ot.shape[0] = {}".format(nts, Ot.shape[0])) # coeff_first O_l0_i = np.einsum('t,ti->i', Tlt[0], Ot.reshape(nts, -1)) coeff_first = np.max(np.abs(O_l0_i)) # coeff_last O_lm2_t = np.einsum('lt,ti->li', Tlt[-2:], Ot.reshape(nts, -1)) coeff_last = np.max(np.abs(O_lm2_t)) leakage = coeff_last/coeff_first print("IAFT leakage of {}: {}".format(name, leakage)) if leakage >= 1e-8: print("[WARNING] check_leakage: coeff_last/coeff_first = {} >= 1e-8; " "coeff_last = {}, coeff_first = {}".format(leakage, coeff_last, coeff_first)) sys.stdout.flush()
if __name__ == '__main__': # Initialize IAFT object for given inverse temperature, lambda and precision ft = IAFT(1000, 1e4, 1e-6) print(ft.wn_mesh('f', True)) Gt = np.zeros((ft.nt_f, 2, 2, 2)) Gw = ft.tau_to_w(Gt, 'f') print(Gw.shape) # Interpolate to arbitrary tau point tau_interp = np.array([0.0, ft.beta]) Gt_interp = ft.tau_interpolate(Gt, tau_interp, 'f') print(Gt_interp.shape) # wn in spare_ir notation w_interp = np.array([-1,1,3,5], dtype=int) Gw_interp = ft.w_interpolate(Gw, w_interp, 'f', True) print(Gw_interp.shape) # wn in physical notation w_interp = np.array([-1,0,1,2,3,4], dtype=int) Gw_interp = ft.w_interpolate(Gw, w_interp, 'f', False) print(Gw_interp.shape) Gt2 = ft.w_to_tau(Gw, 'f') print(Gt2.shape)