Source code for io_tools.verify_input_params

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union
import numpy as np

ParamDict = Dict[str, Any]
FullConfig = Dict[str, Union[ParamDict, List[ParamDict]]]

def _verify_input_params_general(params: FullConfig) -> None:
    # Checks that grid parameters are specified completely
    if params['general']['beta'] is not None and (params['general']['n_iw'] is None
                                                  or params['general']['n_tau'] is None):
        raise ValueError('Imaginary-frequency grid chosen, specify "n_iw" and "n_tau".')

    if params['general']['beta'] is None and (params['general']['eta'] is None or params['general']['n_w'] is None
                                              or params['general']['w_range'] is None):
        raise ValueError('Real-frequency grid chosen, specify "eta", "n_w", and "w_range".')

    # warning if sigma mixing is used, remove in future versions
    if params['general']['sigma_mix'] < 1.0 and params['general']['g0_mix'] < 1.0:
        raise ValueError('You shall not use Sigma and G0 mixing together!')

    if params['general']['calc_energies'] and any(entry['type'] == 'ftps' for entry in params['solver']):
        raise ValueError('"calc_energies" is not valid for solver of type = "ftps"')

    # Checks validity of other general params
    h_int_type_options = ('density_density', 'kanamori', 'full_slater', 'crpa',
                          'crpa_density_density', 'dynamic', 'ntot', 'simple_intra')
    if isinstance(params['general']['h_int_type'], str):
        if not params['general']['h_int_type'] in h_int_type_options:
            raise ValueError(f'Invalid "h_int_type" = {params["general"]["h_int_type"]}.')
    elif isinstance(params['general']['h_int_type'], list):
        if any(entry not in h_int_type_options for entry in params['general']['h_int_type']):
            raise ValueError('Invalid "h_int_type" in input list.')
        raise ValueError('Invalid "h_int_type" input type. String or list expected.')

    if params['general']['g0_mix_type'] not in ('linear', 'broyden'):
        raise ValueError(f'Invalid "g0_mix_type" = {params["general"]["g0_mix_type"]}.')

    if params['general']['calc_mu_method'] not in ('dichotomy', 'newton', 'brent'):
        raise ValueError(f'Invalid "calc_mu_method" = {params["general"]["calc_mu_method"]}.')

    if params['general']['set_rot'] not in (None, 'den', 'hloc'):
        raise ValueError(f'Invalid "set_rot" = {params["general"]["set_rot"]}.')

    if params['general']['h_int_basis'] not in ('triqs', 'wien2k', 'wannier90', 'qe', 'vasp'):
        raise ValueError(f'Invalid "h_int_basis" = {params["general"]["h_int_basis"]}.')

def _verify_input_params_dft(params: FullConfig) -> None:
    if params['dft']['dft_code'] not in ('vasp', 'qe', None):
        raise ValueError(f'Invalid "dft.dft_code" = {params["dft"]["dft_code"]}.')

    if params['dft']['mpi_env'] not in ('default', 'openmpi', 'openmpi-intra', 'mpich'):
        raise ValueError(f'Invalid "dft.mpi_env" = {params["dft"]["mpi_env"]}.')

    if params['dft']['projector_type'] not in ('w90', 'plo'):
        raise ValueError(f'Invalid "dft.projector_type" = {params["dft"]["projector_type"]}.')

def _verify_input_params_solver(params: FullConfig) -> None:
    solver_params = params['solver']

    # Checks that the solver impurities index are all lists if there are multiple solvers
    if len(solver_params) > 1 or solver_params[0]['idx_impurities'] is not None:
        if any(not isinstance(entry['idx_impurities'], list) for entry in solver_params):
            raise ValueError('All "solver.idx_impurities" need to specify the impurities '
                             'as a list of ints when there are multiple solvers.')
        for entry in solver_params:
            if any(not isinstance(imp, int) for imp in entry['idx_impurities']):
                raise ValueError('All "solver.idx_impurities" need to specify the impurities '
                                 'as a list of ints when there are multiple solvers.')

    # Checks that all solvers support the specified grid
    # TODO: add real-frequency support for solvers that do both (e.g., hartree)
    supported_grids = {'real': ['ftps'],
                       'imag': ['cthyb', 'ctint', 'ctseg', 'hubbardI', 'hartree']}
    if params['general']['beta'] is not None:
        for entry in solver_params:
            if entry['type'] not in supported_grids['imag']:
                raise ValueError(f'Solver {entry["type"]} does not support real-frequency grid.')
        for entry in solver_params:
            if entry['type'] not in supported_grids['real']:
                raise ValueError(f'Solver {entry["type"]} does not support imaginary-frequency grid.')

def _verify_input_params_advanced(params: FullConfig) -> None:

[docs]def verify_before_dmft_cycle(params): """ All checks of params that can be done before dmft_cycle is called. """ _verify_input_params_general(params) _verify_input_params_dft(params) _verify_input_params_solver(params) _verify_input_params_advanced(params)
[docs]def verify_h5_dependent(sum_k, solver_type_per_imp, general_params): """ All checks of params that depend on the h5 file content that is stored in the SumkDFT object. """ # Incompatabilities for SO coupling if sum_k.SO == 1 and general_params['magnetic'] and general_params['afm_order']: raise ValueError('AFM order not supported with SO coupling') # Checks that enforce_off_diag true for ftps and hartree if any(s in ['ftps', 'hartree'] and not e for s, e in zip(solver_type_per_imp, general_params['enforce_off_diag'])): raise ValueError('enforce_off_diag must be True for a impurities solver by ftps or hartree solvers') # Checks that the interaction Hamiltonian and the parameters match if any(h not in ['density_density', 'slater'] and r is not None for h, r in zip(general_params['h_int_type'], general_params['ratio_F4_F2'])): raise ValueError('"ratio_F4_F2" only considered for interaction Hamiltonians "density_density" and "slater". ' 'Please set to None for all other Hamiltonians.') if any(h != 'kanamori' and up is not None for h, up in zip(general_params['h_int_type'], general_params['U_prime'])): raise ValueError('"U_prime" only considered for interaction Hamiltonian "kanamori". ' 'Please set to None for all other Hamiltonians.')