Note that the Heisenberg representation the imaginary time dependence of creation and annihilation operators are not conjugated, i.e. \(c(\tau) \equiv e^{\tau H} c e^{-\tau H}\) and \(c^\dagger(\tau) \equiv e^{\tau H} c^\dagger e^{-\tau H}\)
To derive the boundary conditions we consider two cases. First, for \(\beta > \tau > 0\) we have
while for \(0 > \tau > - \beta\) one get
Thus we see that the single-particle Green’s function \(G_{a\bar{b}}(\tau)\) is \(\beta\) (anti-)periodic on \(\tau \in [\beta, -\beta]\).
Two-particle Green’s functions
The (anti-)periodicity properties can be generalized to two-particle Green’s functions in imaginary time. Consider now \(G^{(2)}_{\bar{a}b\bar{c}d}(\tau_{\bar{a}},\tau_b, \tau_{\bar{c}}, \tau_d=0)\), the cyclic property of the trace and the time-ordering operator (assuming that all operators are either fermionic or bosonic) then yield in the same way
As an example we take the case \(\beta > \tau_{\bar{a}} > \tau_b, \tau_{\bar{c}} > 0\)
In the same way the three periodicity relations read
and the second triple of relations become
Kubo-Martin-Schwinger (KMS) boundary conditions
The boundary conditions in imaginary time for the Green’s functions are generated by the commutation relation \([a, \bar{b}]_{-\xi} = a\bar{b} - \xi \bar{b}a = \delta_{ab}\), where \(\xi = \pm 1\) for bosons and fermions respectively
So that the boundary condition at \(\tau = 0^\pm\) is
Using the periodicity relation \(G_{a\bar{b}}(0^-) = \xi G_{a\bar{b}}(\beta^-)\) we finally arrive at the boundary condition restricted to \(\beta > \tau > 0\)
The anomalous Green’s functions has the simpler boundary condition
since \([a, b]_{-\xi} = 0\) and \([\bar{a}, \bar{b}]_{-\xi} = 0\).
Generalized Kubo-Martin-Schwinger (KMS) boundary conditions
For the two-particle Green’s function the KMS boundary conditions generalize to relations incorporating the single particle Green’s function.
Thus the discontinuities at \(\tau_{\bar{a}}=0\) and \(\tau_{\bar{c}}=0\) are non-trivial and given by the single-particle Green’s function.
The two additional discontinuities in \(\tau_{\bar{a}}, \tau_b, \tau_{\bar{c}} \in [\beta, 0]\) are the three equal time planes \(\tau_{\bar{a}} = \tau_b\), \(\tau_b = \tau_{\bar{c}}\), and \(\tau_{\bar{a}} = \tau_{\bar{c}}\).
Write test on pyed output to explicitly check the boundary conditions.
Figure out how to enforce boundary conditions on stochastically sampled data.