Random phase approximation (RPA)
In triqs the interaction Hamiltonian is represented as a sum of monomials of quartic operators
where the sum runs over all unique sets of \(\bar{a}\bar{b}cd\) of normal ordered and lexicographically ordered operators.
This is a unique representation of the Hamiltonian and a unique representation of the prefactor \(V(\bar{a}\bar{b}cd)\), in contrast to representations where we allow any permutation of \(\bar{a}\bar{b}\) and \(cd\).
RPA tensor
In RPA we approximate the vertex \(\Gamma\) in the Bethe-Salpeter equation
by a constant rank 4 tensor \(U(\bar{a}b\bar{c}d)\)
To determine the relation between \(U(\bar{a}b\bar{c}d)\) and \(V(\bar{a}\bar{b}cd)\) we expand \(\chi\) to first order in \(V\)
The generalized susceptibility is defined as
to zeroth order in \(V\) we get the bare susceptibility
the first order is given by
where we in the last step perform the restricted summation over unique interaction terms, as defined above, and use the fact that all contractions of \(d\bar{c}\) and \(b\bar{a}\) in the first term are canceled by the two last terms.
Performing the Wick contraction of the result and pairing the quadratic expectation values into \(\chi_0\) terms gives
by defining the tensor \(U\) as
we can rewrite the above equation as an unrestricted sum over \(U(\bar{A}B\bar{C}D)\)
which determines that the RPA \(U(\bar{A}C\bar{B}D)\) tensor transforms as the prefactor of
under permutations of the indices.