Linearized Eliashberg equation on the attractive Hubbard model
A simple example for the usage of the linearized Eliashberg equation is the attractive Hubbard model on a square lattice. It is not only fast and simple to setup, but the particle-hole symmetry of the Hubbard model also serves as a benchmark for the correctness of such a calculation.
In the following we will first introduce the Hubbard model and present the semi particle-hole transformation and its usage. Then we will show how to solve the linearized Eliashberg equation for this model to find the superconducting phase transition using TRIQS and TPRF routines.
If you want a more detailed study of this problem, checkout this notebook.
Hubbard model on a square lattice
The particle-hole symmetric Hamiltonian for the Hubbard model is given by
here \(c_{j\sigma}^{\dagger}\) creates an electron on site \(j\) with spin \(\sigma\) while \(c_{j\sigma}\) destroys such an electron, further the operator \(n_{j\sigma}\) count the number of electrons on site \(j\) with spin \(\sigma\).
The first term describes the kinetic energy of the electrons, which can be interpreted as an electron with spin \(\sigma\) hopping from site \(l\) to site \(j\) and vice versa. Here the angular braket under the sum means that we only take hopping terms between neighboring lattice sites into account and the energy that is gained by such a hopping process is given by \(t\).
The second term describes the repulsive interaction between the electrons. This repulsion is crudely approximated in the Hubbard model in the sense, that electrons only see each other if they occupy the same lattice site. The energy that is needed to have a lattice site doubly occupied is given by \(U\).
The last term describes the filling of the lattice via an energy offset by the chemical potential \(\mu\).
The Hubbard model is therefore defined by the parameters \(t\), \(U\) and \(\mu\), but we also need to know the temperature \(T\) at which we shall observe the Hubbard model. We will record these parameters using the ParameterCollection
class of triqs_tprf.ParameterCollection
from triqs_tprf.ParameterCollection import ParameterCollection
hubbard = ParameterCollection( # -- Model Parameter
norb=1, # Number of orbitals.
t=1.0, # Hopping to nearest neighbor
U=1.0, # Strength of the on-site interaction
mu=0.0, # Chemical potential determining the filling.
T=1000, # Temperature.
spin=False, # Treat indices only for orbital character.
# -- Technical parameter
nk=32, # Number of points in one dimension considered in the Brillouin zone.
nw=50, # Number of Matsubara points in positive dimension.
T = 1000
U = 1.0
mu = 0.0
nk = 32
norb = 1
nw = 50
spin = False
t = 1.0
Semi particle-hole transformation
The Hubbard model with only nearest neighbor hopping inhibts a useful semi particle-hole symmetry, which we will present without any rigorous derivations.
First off, a bipartite lattice can be subdivided into two sublattices for which every lattice site on one of them only has neighboring sites from the other sublattice. This is the case for our square lattice. With this knowledge we can define the particle-hole transformation (PHT) for the creation and annihilation operators as
where \(j\) is either \(0\) for one sublattice and \(1\) for the other.
If we use the PHT only on one spin specices it is called a semi particle-hole transformation (SPHT). This means
and for the number operators
One can convince themselves, that the kinetic part of the Hubbard model on a square lattice with only nearest neighbor hopping is invariant under a SPHT. The interaction term on the other hand is not and changes sign
Therefore the SPHT maps the repulsive Hubbard model with \(U\) to the attractive one with \(-U\). Additionally to that, if our Hubbard model is not a half-filling, the chemical potential term is also not invariant under a SPHT
and transforms into a Zeeman term.
To summarize the SPHT maps the Hubbard Hamiltonian with interaction strength \(U\) and chemical potential \(\mu\) to a Hubbard Hamiltonian with interaction strength \(-U\), a chemical potential of \(0\) and an additional Zeeman term of strength \(\mu\). If we therefore calculate an observable \(A\) in the attractive Hubbard model we know the observable \(B\xleftarrow{\mathrm{SPHT}}A\) in the repulsive one.
For example, the in-plane antiferromagnetic (AFM) phase of the repulsive model is connected to the superconducting (SC) phase in the attractive one, as can be seen by using the SPHT on the ladder operators of the spin
The \(x\)- and \(y\)-components of the spin operator are transformed to the complex superconducting oder parameter with a phase factor. This means, that if we find a staggered in-plane spin phase in the repulsive model at some \(U\), we will see a homogeneous superconducting phase at \(-U\).
The following plot shows this symmetry in a T-U phase diagram, which was previously calculated here.
from IPython.core.display import SVG
The right hand side of the phase diagram was calculated using an attractive Hubbard model at half-filling, i.e. \(\mu=0.0\), with an additional Zeeman term of strength \(\xi\). The phase boundary was then calculated using the random phase approximation (RPA), i.e. using a frequency independent and local vertex \(U\), to calculate \(\langle S^xS^x \rangle\) and increasing \(U\) until divergence. For details on how to use TPRF for that see this tutorial.
The left hand side of the phase diagram was calculated using an repulsive Hubbard model with \(\mu=\xi\), i.e. the SPHT mapping of the right hand side model. Then the linearized Eliashberg equation was solved for this model for various interaction strengths until the superconducting phase transition was found.
Solving the linearized Eliashberg equation
The linearized Eliashberg equation is given in a very simplified form by
where \(\Delta\) is a gap function and \(\lambda\) the largest eigenvalue of the matrix \(\Lambda\). Here \(\Lambda\) is the product of the particle-particle vertex \(\Gamma\) and the Green’s function \(G\). If \(\lambda=1\) a phase transition to a superconducting state is found. For further information see the documentation here.
To solve it in the same order as the RPA we need the non-interacting Green’s function \(G^{(0)}\) and the (singlet) particle-particle vertex \(\Gamma\) is approximated by a fequency independent and local vertex \(2U\).
First we setup our model by using previously established ParameterCollection
as a template and alter it to the parameters of the repulsive Hubbard model. To do this use its method alter
and supply the parameters that shall be changed as keywords. We set the chemical potential to \(\mu=\xi\) and the interaction strength to \(U=-1.41\), which is close to the superconducting phase boundary for \(T=1000\,\mathrm{K}\).
xi = 0.1
repl_hubbard = hubbard.alter(mu=xi, U=-1.41)
T = 1000
U = -1.41
mu = 0.1
nk = 32
norb = 1
nw = 50
spin = False
t = 1.0
To construct a representation of the kinetic part of the Hubbard model use the create_square_lattice
function of the triqs_tprf.tight_binding
module. Give it as keywords the number of orbitals norb
and the hopping energy t
, which can comfortably be accessed from repl_hubbard
. It returns a TBLattice
from triqs_tprf.tight_binding import create_square_lattice
H = create_square_lattice(norb=repl_hubbard.norb, t=repl_hubbard.t)
To get the dispersion relation, use its member function on_mesh_brillouin_zone
and enter a mesh on the Brillouin zone as a tuple. It returns the dispersion relation stored as a Gf
e_k = H.on_mesh_brillouin_zone(n_k=(repl_hubbard.nk, repl_hubbard.nk, 1))
With the dispersion relation we can construct the non-interacting Green’s function. To do this first create a MeshImFreq
object with a fermionic statistic and the wished inverse temperature \(\beta\) and number of points. Then use the lattice_dyson_g0_wk
function of the triqs_tprf.lattice
module and supply it with the dispersion relation, the MeshImFreq
object and a chemical potential. This yields the non-interacting Green’s function as a Gf
object. (You can use the
function of the triqs_tprf.utilities
to calculate the inverse temperature in \(\mathrm{eV}\) from the temperature in \(\mathrm{Kelvin}\).)
from triqs_tprf.lattice import lattice_dyson_g0_wk
from import MeshImFreq
from triqs_tprf.utilities import temperature_to_beta
beta = temperature_to_beta(repl_hubbard.T)
wmesh = MeshImFreq(beta=beta, S='Fermion', n_max=repl_hubbard.nw)
g0_wk = lattice_dyson_g0_wk(, e_k=e_k, mesh=wmesh)
The particle-particle vertex \(\Gamma\) in this case must be manually created. To do this first create a MeshImFreq
in the same manner as before, but this time with a bosonic statistic. Then use this MeshImFreq
and combine it with the momentum mesh of the non-interacting Green’s function to create a MeshProduct
object. Use this MeshProduct
object to create a Gf
object with a target_shape
that corresponds to a two-particle object, e.g. (1, 1, 1, 1)
. Then overwrite
its data to be constant to \(U\).
from import Gf, MeshProduct
wmesh_boson = MeshImFreq(beta=temperature_to_beta(repl_hubbard.T), S='Boson', n_max=repl_hubbard.nw)
wmesh_boson_kmesh = MeshProduct(wmesh_boson, g0_wk.mesh[1])
gamma_pp = Gf(mesh=wmesh_boson_kmesh, target_shape=g0_wk.target_shape*2)[:] = 2*repl_hubbard.U
With this we have all ingredients for the linearized Eliashberg equation. To solve it use the solve_eliashberg
function of the triqs_tprf.eliashberg
module and supply it with the particle-particle vertex and the non-interacting Green’s function. It returns the eigenvalues and eigenvectors, i.e. the gap functions.
The returned maximum eigenvalue is \(\lambda \approx 1\) as expected, because we are close to the phase boundary.
from triqs_tprf.eliashberg import solve_eliashberg
Es, eigen_modes = solve_eliashberg(gamma_pp, g0_wk)