

array & operator=(array const & X);                       (1)

template<ImmutableCuboidArray RHS> array & operator=(RHS const & X);  (2)

The container have a quite general assignment operator. We will illustrate it on the array class, it is the same for matrix and vector.

    1. just make a copy of X.
    1. RHS can be anything that models the ImmutableCuboidArray concept

      e.g.: array, array_view, matrix, matrix_view, but also formal expression (See , e.g. A+B), or any custom object of your choice.

      Effect: all the elements viewed by the view are replaced by the evaluation of RHS.


In both cases, if needed, the container is resized.

Hence assignment invalidates all pointers and views to it.

Move assign operator


array & operator=(array && X);

Standard move assign operator. Move the data of X as data of *this.