Source code for triqs_cthyb.multiplet_tools

# TRIQS: a Toolbox for Research in Interacting Quantum Systems
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functions for analyzing the multiplet structure in cthyb

[docs] def multiplet_analysis(rho, h_loc_diag, n_orb, spin_names=['up','down'], off_diag=True): r""" Computes operator expectation values from measured density matrix and h_loc_diag object from cthyb solver. Measures N, Sz, S(S+1), constructs eigenstates in Fock state basis, assigns the according probabilities from rho for all impurity eigenstates, and stores the data in a Panda DataFrame. For more information check the guide in the documentation of cthyb regarding `Multiplet analysis & particle number histograms`. Warning: function assumes that N, Sz, and S(S+1) are good quantum numbers, labeling the eigenstates of the system. Parameters ---------- rho : numpy array measured density matrix from cthyb or equivalent solver, structured in subspaces h_loc_diag: triqs atom_diag object contains information about the local Hamiltonian (Hloc_0 + H_int) n_orb : int number of orbitals per spin channel spin_names : list of string list of strings containing the spin channel names off_diag: boolean determines whether blocks of Gf are named up_0 (false) or just up (true) Returns: -------- res : Panda DataFrame containing all results structured """ import pandas as pd from triqs.operators.util import make_operator_real from triqs.operators.util.observables import S_op, S2_op from triqs.atom_diag import quantum_number_eigenvalues from triqs.operators import n # res will be a list of dictionaries to be a panda data frame res = [] # get fundamental operators from atom_diag object occ_operators = [n(*op) for op in h_loc_diag.fops] # construct total occupation operator from list N_op = sum(occ_operators) # create S2 and Sz operator S2 = S2_op(spin_names, n_orb, off_diag=off_diag) S2 = make_operator_real(S2) Sz=S_op('z', spin_names, n_orb, off_diag=off_diag) Sz = make_operator_real(Sz) # get eigenvalues S2_states = quantum_number_eigenvalues(S2, h_loc_diag) Sz_states = quantum_number_eigenvalues(Sz, h_loc_diag) # get particle numbers from h_loc_diag particle_numbers = quantum_number_eigenvalues(N_op, h_loc_diag) N_max = int(max(map(max, particle_numbers))) for sub in range(0,h_loc_diag.n_subspaces): # first get Fock space spanning the subspace fs_states = [] for ind, fs in enumerate(h_loc_diag.fock_states[sub]): # get state in binary representation # they are ordered from right to left # first half one spin-channel # second half second spin-channel # in the order given in h_loc_diag.fops state = bin(int(fs))[2:].rjust(N_max, '0') fs_states.append("|"+state+">") # now extract particle number etc. for ind in range(h_loc_diag.get_subspace_dim(sub)): # get particle number # carefully here to not cast to int as the particle number # can be something like 1.999999996 and would get then 1! particle_number = round(particle_numbers[sub][ind]) if abs(particle_number-particle_numbers[sub][ind]) > 1e-8: raise ValueError('round error for particle number to large!', particle_numbers[sub][ind]) else: particle_number = int(particle_number) # energy of state eng=h_loc_diag.energies[sub][ind] # construct eigenvector in Fock state basis: ev_state = '' for i, elem in enumerate(h_loc_diag.unitary_matrices[sub][:,ind]): ev_state += ' {:+1.4f}'.format(elem)+fs_states[i] # get spin state ms=Sz_states[sub][ind] s_square=S2_states[sub][ind] # add to dict which becomes later the pandas data frame res.append({"Sub#" : sub, "EV#" : ind, "N" : particle_number, "energy" : eng, # using here the diagonal elements of rho works only for eigenstates # or operators written in fock basis / commuting with rho! # otherwise one must rotate rho back to the fock basis first with # h_loc_diag.unitary_matrices[sub][:,ind] as U*rho*U^dagger "prob": rho[sub][ind,ind], "S2": abs(round(s_square,2)), "m_s": round(ms,1), "|m_s|": abs(round(ms,1)), "state": ev_state}) # panda data frame from res res = pd.DataFrame(res, columns=res[0].keys()) return res