# TRIQS: a Toolbox for Research in Interacting Quantum Systems
# Copyright (C) 2017 by H. UR Strand, P. Seth, I. Krivenko,
# M. Ferrero, O. Parcollet
# TRIQS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# TRIQS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
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the triqs_cthyb solver class
from .solver_core import SolverCore
from triqs.gf import *
import triqs.utility.mpi as mpi
import numpy as np
from itertools import product
from triqs.operators.util.extractors import extract_h_dict, block_matrix_from_op
from .tail_fit import tail_fit as cthyb_tail_fit
from .tail_fit import sigma_high_frequency_moments, green_high_frequency_moments
from .util import orbital_occupations
class Solver(SolverCore):
def __init__(self, beta, gf_struct, n_iw=1025, n_tau=10001, n_l=30, delta_interface = False):
Initialise the solver.
beta : scalar
Inverse temperature.
gf_struct : list of pairs [ (str,int), ...]
Structure of the Green's functions. It must be a
list of pairs, each containing the name of the
Green's function block and its linear size.
For example: ``[ ('up', 3), ('down', 3) ]``.
n_iw : integer, optional
Number of Matsubara frequencies used for the Green's functions.
n_tau : integer, optional
Number of imaginary time points used for the Green's functions.
n_l : integer, optional
Number of legendre polynomials to use in accumulations of the Green's functions.
delta_interface: bool, optional
Are Delta_tau and Delta_infty provided as input instead of G0_iw?
gf_struct = fix_gf_struct_type(gf_struct)
# Initialise the core solver
SolverCore.__init__(self, beta=beta, gf_struct=gf_struct,
n_iw=n_iw, n_tau=n_tau, n_l=n_l, delta_interface = delta_interface)
mesh = MeshImFreq(beta = beta, S="Fermion", n_max = n_iw)
self.Sigma_iw = BlockGf(mesh = mesh, gf_struct = gf_struct)
self.Sigma_iw_raw = None
self.G_iw = self.Sigma_iw.copy()
self.G_iw_raw = None
self.gf_struct = gf_struct
self.n_iw = n_iw
self.n_tau = n_tau
self.delta_interface = delta_interface
self.G_moments = None
self.Sigma_moments = None
self.Sigma_Hartree = None
def solve(self, **params_kw):
Solve the impurity problem for a given G0_iw. If ``measure_G_tau``
(default = ``True``), ``G_iw`` and ``Sigma_iw`` will be calculated and
their tails fitted. In addition to the solver parameters, parameters to
control the tail fitting can be provided.
Moreover, the fundamental property :math:`G_{ij}(i \omega_n) =
G_{ji}^*(- i \omega_n)` of the input G0_iw is enforced within C++, and
a warning is printed if the property was not satisfied. Additionally, if
``measure_G_tau`` is set to ``True``, the property :math:`G_{ij}(\tau)=
G_{ji}^*(\tau)` will be also ensured for the measured :math:`G(\tau)`.
The difference between the original :math:`G(\tau)` and the hermitized
:math:`G(\tau)` is stored in the object ``asymmetry_G_tau`` of the solver instance.
params_kw : dict {'param':value} that is passed to the core solver.
Two required :ref:`parameters <solve_parameters>` are
* `h_int` (:ref:`Operator object <triqslibs:operators>`): the local Hamiltonian of the impurity problem to be solved,
* `n_cycles` (int): number of measurements to be made.
perform_post_proc : boolean, optional, default = ``True``
Should ``G_iw`` and ``Sigma_iw`` be calculated?
perform_tail_fit : boolean, optional, default = ``False``
Should the tails of ``Sigma_iw`` and ``G_iw`` be fitted?
fit_max_moment : integer, optional, default = 3
Highest moment to fit in the tail of ``Sigma_iw``.
fit_known_moments : ``ndarray.shape[order, Sigma_iw[0].target_shape]``, optional, default = None
Known moments of Sigma_iw, given as an numpy ndarray
fit_min_n : integer, optional, default = ``int(0.8 * self.n_iw)``
Index of ``iw`` from which to start fitting.
fit_max_n : integer, optional, default = ``n_iw``
Index of ``iw`` to fit until.
# -- Deprecation checks for measure parameters
depr_params = dict(
for key in list(depr_params.keys()):
if key in list(params_kw.keys()):
print('WARNING: cthyb.solve parameter %s is deprecated use %s.' % \
(key, depr_params[key]))
val = params_kw.pop(key)
params_kw[depr_params[key]] = val
# -- Tail post proc flags
perform_post_proc = params_kw.pop("perform_post_proc", True)
perform_tail_fit = params_kw.pop("perform_tail_fit", False)
if perform_post_proc and perform_tail_fit:
# If tail parameters provided for Sigma_iw fitting, use them, otherwise use defaults
if not (("fit_min_n" in params_kw) or ("fit_max_n" in params_kw) or ("fit_max_w" in params_kw) or ("fit_min_w" in params_kw)):
if mpi.is_master_node():
warning = ("!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!\n"
"! WARNING: Using default high-frequency tail fitting parameters in the CTHYB solver. !\n"
"! You should check that the fitting range is suitable for your calculation! !\n"
fit_min_n = params_kw.pop("fit_min_n", None)
fit_max_n = params_kw.pop("fit_max_n", None)
fit_min_w = params_kw.pop("fit_min_w", None)
fit_max_w = params_kw.pop("fit_max_w", None)
fit_max_moment = params_kw.pop("fit_max_moment", None)
fit_known_moments = params_kw.pop("fit_known_moments", None)
# Call the core solver's solve routine
solve_status = SolverCore.solve(self, **params_kw)
# Post-processing:
# (only supported for G_tau, to permit compatibility with dft_tools)
if perform_post_proc and (self.last_solve_parameters["measure_G_tau"] == True):
if self.last_solve_parameters["measure_density_matrix"]:
# we have the density matrix, so we will compute the high frequency
# moments and orbital occupations
self.orbital_occupations = orbital_occupations(self.density_matrix,
h_int = self.last_solve_parameters['h_int']
self.Sigma_moments = sigma_high_frequency_moments(self.density_matrix,
self.Sigma_Hartree = {bl: sigma_bl[0] for bl, sigma_bl in self.Sigma_moments.items()}
self.G_moments = green_high_frequency_moments(self.density_matrix,
# Fourier transform G_tau to obtain G_iw
for bl, g in self.G_tau:
bl_size = g.target_shape[0]
if self.G_moments is None:
known_moments = make_zero_tail(g, 4)
known_moments[1] = np.eye(bl_size)
known_moments = self.G_moments[bl]
self.G_iw[bl].set_from_fourier(g, known_moments)
assert is_gf_hermitian(self.G_iw)
self.G_iw_raw = self.G_iw.copy()
if self.delta_interface:
G0_iw = self.G_iw.copy()
Delta_iw = make_gf_from_fourier(self.Delta_tau, self.n_iw)
h_loc0_mat = block_matrix_from_op(self.h_loc0, self.gf_struct)
for bl, bl_name in enumerate(self.Delta_tau.indices):
G0_iw[bl_name] << inverse(iOmega_n - Delta_iw[bl_name] - h_loc0_mat[bl])
G0_iw = self.G0_iw
# Solve Dyson's eq to obtain Sigma_iw and G_iw and fit the tail
self.Sigma_iw = dyson(G0_iw=G0_iw, G_iw=self.G_iw)
self.Sigma_iw_raw = self.Sigma_iw.copy()
if perform_tail_fit:
if fit_known_moments is None and self.Sigma_moments is not None:
fit_known_moments = self.Sigma_moments
fit_min_n = fit_min_n, fit_max_n = fit_max_n,
fit_min_w = fit_min_w, fit_max_w = fit_max_w,
fit_max_moment = fit_max_moment,
fit_known_moments = fit_known_moments,
# Recompute G_iw with the fitted Sigma_iw
self.G_iw = dyson(G0_iw=G0_iw, Sigma_iw=self.Sigma_iw)
# Enforce 1/w behavior of G_iw in the tail fit window
# and recompute Sigma_iw
for bl, g in self.G_iw:
if self.G_moments is None:
tail = make_zero_tail(g, 2)
tail[1] = np.eye(g.target_shape[0])
tail = self.G_moments[bl]
self.Sigma_iw = dyson(G0_iw=G0_iw, G_iw=self.G_iw)
return solve_status