TRIQS/nda 1.3.0
Multi-dimensional array library for C++
No Matches
nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >

#include <nda/basic_array.hpp>

Detailed Description

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
class nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >

A generic multi-dimensional array.

Together with nda::basic_array_view, this class forms the backbone of the nda library. It is templated with the following parameters:

  • ValueType: This is the type of the elements stored in the array. Most of the time, this will be a scalar type like an int, double or std::complex<double>, but it can also be a more complex type like a custom class or a another nda::basic_array.
  • Rank: Integer specifying the number of dimensions of the array. This is a compile-time constant.
  • LayoutPolicy: The layout policy specifies how the array views the memory it uses and how it accesses its elements. It provides a mapping from multi-dimensional to linear indices and vice versa (see Layout policies).
  • Algebra: The algebra specifies how an array behaves when it is used in an expression. Possible values are 'A' (array), 'M' (matrix) and 'V' (vector) (see nda::get_algebra).
  • ContainerPolicy: The container policy specifies how and where the data is stored. It is responsible for allocating/deallocating the memory (see Handles).

In contrast to views (see nda::basic_array_view), regular arrays own the memory they use for data storage.

// create a regular 3x2 array of ones
auto arr = nda::ones<int>(3, 2);
std::cout << arr << std::endl;
// assign the value 42 to the first row
arr(0, nda::ellipsis{}) = 42;
std::cout << arr << std::endl;
auto ones(std::array< Int, Rank > const &shape)
Make an array of the given shape and one-initialize it.
Mimics Python's ... syntax.
Definition range.hpp:49



Arrays and views share a lot of the same operations and functionalities. To turn a view into a regular array, use nda::make_regular.

Template Parameters
ValueTypeType stored in the array.
RankNumber of dimensions of the array.
LayoutPolicyPolicy determining the memory layout.
AlgebraAlgebra of the array.
ContainerPolicyPolicy determining how and where the data is stored.

Definition at line 113 of file basic_array.hpp.

Public Types

using const_iterator = array_iterator<iterator_rank, ValueType const, typename AccessorPolicy::template accessor<ValueType>::pointer>
 Const iterator type of the view/array.
using container_policy_t = ContainerPolicy
 Type of the container policy (see Memory policies).
using iterator = array_iterator<iterator_rank, ValueType, typename AccessorPolicy::template accessor<ValueType>::pointer>
 Iterator type of the view/array.
using layout_policy_t = LayoutPolicy
 Type of the memory layout policy (see Layout policies).
using layout_t = typename LayoutPolicy::template mapping<Rank>
 Type of the memory layout (an nda::idx_map).
using regular_type = basic_array
 The associated regular type.
using storage_t = typename ContainerPolicy::template handle<ValueType>
 Type of the memory handle (see Handles).
using value_type = ValueType
 Type of the values in the array (can not be const).

Public Member Functions

 basic_array ()
 Default constructor constructs an empty array with a default constructed memory handle and layout.
template<ArrayOfRank< Rank > A>
requires (HasValueTypeConstructibleFrom<A, ValueType>)
 basic_array (A const &a)
 Construct an array from an nda::ArrayOfRank object with the same rank by copying each element.
 basic_array (basic_array &&)=default
 Default move constructor moves the memory handle and layout.
 basic_array (basic_array const &a)=default
 Default copy constructor copies the memory handle and layout.
template<char A2>
requires (Rank == 2)
 basic_array (basic_array< ValueType, 2, LayoutPolicy, A2, ContainerPolicy > &&a) noexcept
 Construct a 2-dimensional array from another 2-dimensional array with a different algebra.
template<char A, typename CP>
 basic_array (basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, A, CP > a) noexcept
 Construct an array from another array with a different algebra and/or container policy.
template<ArrayInitializer< basic_array > Initializer>
 basic_array (Initializer const &initializer)
 Construct an array from an nda::ArrayInitializer object.
template<std::integral Int, typename RHS>
requires ((Rank == 1 and is_scalar_for_v<RHS, basic_array>))
 basic_array (Int sz, RHS const &val)
 Construct a 1-dimensional array with the given size and initialize each element to the given scalar value.
template<std::integral... Ints>
requires (sizeof...(Ints) == Rank)
 basic_array (Ints... is)
 Construct an array with the given dimensions.
 basic_array (layout_t const &layout)
 Construct an array with the given memory layout.
 basic_array (layout_t const &layout, storage_t &&storage) noexcept
 Construct an array with the given memory layout and with an existing memory handle/storage.
template<std::integral Int = long>
requires (std::is_default_constructible_v<ValueType>)
 basic_array (std::array< Int, Rank > const &shape)
 Construct an array with the given shape.
 basic_array (std::initializer_list< std::initializer_list< std::initializer_list< ValueType > > > const &l3)
 Construct a 3-dimensional array from a triple nested initializer list.
 basic_array (std::initializer_list< std::initializer_list< ValueType > > const &l2)
 Construct a 2-dimensional array from a double nested initializer list.
 basic_array (std::initializer_list< ValueType > const &l)
 Construct a 1-dimensional array from an initializer list.
auto as_array_view ()
 Convert the current array to a view with an 'A' (array) algebra.
auto as_array_view () const
 Convert the current array to a view with an 'A' (array) algebra.
const_iterator begin () const noexcept
 Get a const iterator to the beginning of the view/array.
iterator begin () noexcept
 Get an iterator to the beginning of the view/array.
const_iterator cbegin () const noexcept
 Get a const iterator to the beginning of the view/array.
const_iterator cend () const noexcept
 Get a const iterator to the end of the view/array.
ValueType const * data () const noexcept
 Get a pointer to the actual data (in general this is not the beginning of the memory block for a view).
ValueType * data () noexcept
 Get a pointer to the actual data (in general this is not the beginning of thr memory block for a view).
bool empty () const
 Is the view/array empty?
const_iterator end () const noexcept
 Get a const iterator to the end of the view/array.
iterator end () noexcept
 Get an iterator to the end of the view/array.
long extent (int i) const noexcept
 Get the extent of the ith dimension.
long has_positive_strides () const noexcept
 Are all the strides of the memory layout of the view/array positive?
constexpr auto const & indexmap () const noexcept
 Get the memory layout of the view/array.
auto indices () const noexcept
 Get a range that generates all valid index tuples.
long is_contiguous () const noexcept
 Is the memory layout of the view/array contiguous?
bool is_empty () const noexcept
decltype(auto) operator() (_linear_index_t idx) const noexcept
 Access the element of the view/array at the given nda::_linear_index_t.
decltype(auto) operator() (_linear_index_t idx) noexcept
 Non-const overload of nda::basic_array_view::operator()(_linear_index_t) const.
template<typename... Ts>
__inline__ decltype(auto) operator() (Ts const &...idxs) &&noexcept(has_no_boundcheck)
 Rvalue overload of nda::basic_array_view::operator()(Ts const &...) const &.
template<typename... Ts>
__inline__ decltype(auto) operator() (Ts const &...idxs) &noexcept(has_no_boundcheck)
 Non-const overload of nda::basic_array_view::operator()(Ts const &...) const &.
template<typename... Ts>
__inline__ decltype(auto) operator() (Ts const &...idxs) const &noexcept(has_no_boundcheck)
 Function call operator to access the view/array.
template<typename RHS>
auto & operator*= (RHS const &rhs) noexcept
 Multiplication assignment operator.
template<typename RHS>
auto & operator+= (RHS const &rhs) noexcept
 Addition assignment operator.
template<typename RHS>
auto & operator-= (RHS const &rhs) noexcept
 Subtraction assignment operator.
template<typename RHS>
auto & operator/= (RHS const &rhs) noexcept
 Division assignment operator.
basic_arrayoperator= (basic_array &&)=default
 Default move assignment moves the memory handle and layout from the right hand side array.
basic_arrayoperator= (basic_array const &)=default
 Default copy assignment copies the memory handle and layout from the right hand side array.
template<char A, typename CP>
basic_arrayoperator= (basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, A, CP > const &rhs)
 Assignment operator makes a deep copy of another array with a different algebra and/or container policy.
template<ArrayInitializer< basic_array > Initializer>
basic_arrayoperator= (Initializer const &initializer)
 Assignment operator uses an nda::ArrayInitializer to assign to the array.
template<std::ranges::contiguous_range R>
requires (Rank == 1 and not MemoryArray<R> and not is_scalar_for_v<R, self_t>)
auto & operator= (R const &rhs) noexcept
 Assignment operator makes a deep copy of a general contiguous range and assigns it to the 1-dimensional view/array.
template<ArrayOfRank< Rank > RHS>
basic_arrayoperator= (RHS const &rhs)
 Assignment operator makes a deep copy of an nda::ArrayOfRank object.
template<typename RHS>
requires (is_scalar_for_v<RHS, basic_array>)
basic_arrayoperator= (RHS const &rhs) noexcept
 Assignment operator assigns a scalar to the array.
template<typename T>
decltype(auto) operator[] (T const &idx) const &noexcept(has_no_boundcheck)
 Subscript operator to access the 1-dimensional view/array.
template<typename T>
decltype(auto) operator[] (T const &x) &&noexcept(has_no_boundcheck)
 Rvalue overload of nda::basic_array_view::operator[](T const &) const &.
template<typename T>
decltype(auto) operator[] (T const &x) &noexcept(has_no_boundcheck)
 Non-const overload of nda::basic_array_view::operator[](T const &) const &.
template<std::integral... Ints>
void resize (Ints const &
 Resize the array to a new shape.
void resize (std::array< long, Rank > const &shape)
 Resize the array to a new shape.
auto const & shape () const noexcept
 Get the shape of the view/array.
long shape (int i) const noexcept
long size () const noexcept
 Get the total size of the view/array.
storage_t storage () &&noexcept
 Get the data storage of the view/array.
storage_tstorage () &noexcept
 Get the data storage of the view/array.
storage_t const & storage () const &noexcept
 Get the data storage of the view/array.
constexpr auto stride_order () const noexcept
 Get the stride order of the memory layout of the view/array (see nda::idx_map for more details on how we define stride orders).
auto const & strides () const noexcept
 Get the strides of the view/array (see nda::idx_map for more details on how we define strides).
auto transpose ()
auto transpose () const

Static Public Member Functions

template<char ResultAlgebra, bool SelfIsRvalue, typename Self, typename... Ts>
static __inline__ decltype(auto) call (Self &&self, Ts const &...idxs) noexcept(has_no_boundcheck)
 Implementation of the function call operator.
static constexpr bool is_stride_order_C () noexcept
 Is the stride order of the view/array in C-order?
static constexpr bool is_stride_order_Fortran () noexcept
 Is the stride order of the view/array in Fortran-order?
template<std::integral... Ints>
requires (sizeof...(Ints) == Rank)
static basic_array ones (Ints... is)
 Make a one-initialized array with the given dimensions.
template<std::integral Int = long>
requires (nda::is_scalar_v<ValueType>)
static basic_array ones (std::array< Int, Rank > const &shape)
 Make a one-initialized array with the given shape.
template<std::integral... Ints>
requires (sizeof...(Ints) == Rank)
static basic_array rand (Ints... is)
 Make a random-initialized array with the given dimensions.
template<std::integral Int = long>
requires (std::is_floating_point_v<ValueType> or nda::is_complex_v<ValueType>)
static basic_array rand (std::array< Int, Rank > const &shape)
 Make a random-initialized array with the given shape.
template<std::integral... Ints>
requires (sizeof...(Ints) == Rank)
static basic_array zeros (Ints... is)
 Make a zero-initialized array with the given dimensions.
template<std::integral Int = long>
requires (std::is_standard_layout_v<ValueType> && std::is_trivially_copyable_v<ValueType>)
static basic_array zeros (std::array< Int, Rank > const &shape)
 Make a zero-initialized array with the given shape.

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr int iterator_rank = (has_strided_1d(layout_t::layout_prop) ? 1 : Rank)
 Rank of the nda::array_iterator for the view/array.
static constexpr int rank = Rank
 Number of dimensions of the array.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ basic_array() [1/12]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
template<char A, typename CP>
nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::basic_array ( basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, A, CP > a)

Construct an array from another array with a different algebra and/or container policy.

It takes the memory layout of the other array and copies the data from the memory handle.

Template Parameters
AAlgebra of the other array.
CPContainer policy of the other array.
aOther array.

Definition at line 217 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ basic_array() [2/12]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
template<std::integral... Ints>
requires (sizeof...(Ints) == Rank)
nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::basic_array ( Ints... is)

Construct an array with the given dimensions.

The integer type must be convertible to long and there must be exactly Rank arguments. It depends on the value type and the container policy whether the data is initialized with zeros or not.

Template Parameters
IntsInteger types.
isExtent (number of elements) along each dimension.

Definition at line 230 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ basic_array() [3/12]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
template<std::integral Int, typename RHS>
requires ((Rank == 1 and is_scalar_for_v<RHS, basic_array>))
nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::basic_array ( Int sz,
RHS const & val )

Construct a 1-dimensional array with the given size and initialize each element to the given scalar value.

Template Parameters
IntInteger type.
RHSType of the scalar value to initialize the array with.
szSize of the array.
valValue to initialize the array with.

Definition at line 245 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ basic_array() [4/12]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
template<std::integral Int = long>
requires (std::is_default_constructible_v<ValueType>)
nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::basic_array ( std::array< Int, Rank > const & shape)

Construct an array with the given shape.

It depends on the value type and the container policy whether the data is initialized with zeros or not.

Template Parameters
IntInteger type.
shapeShape of the array.

Definition at line 260 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ basic_array() [5/12]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::basic_array ( layout_t const & layout)

Construct an array with the given memory layout.

It depends on the value type and the container policy whether the data is initialized with zeros or not.

layoutMemory layout.

Definition at line 271 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ basic_array() [6/12]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::basic_array ( layout_t const & layout,
storage_t && storage )

Construct an array with the given memory layout and with an existing memory handle/storage.

The memory handle is moved and the layout is copied into the array.

layoutMemory layout.
storageMemory handle/storage.

Definition at line 283 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ basic_array() [7/12]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
template<ArrayOfRank< Rank > A>
requires (HasValueTypeConstructibleFrom<A, ValueType>)
nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::basic_array ( A const & a)

Construct an array from an nda::ArrayOfRank object with the same rank by copying each element.

Template Parameters
Anda::ArrayOfRank type.
anda::ArrayOfRank object.

Definition at line 293 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ basic_array() [8/12]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
template<ArrayInitializer< basic_array > Initializer>
nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::basic_array ( Initializer const & initializer)

Construct an array from an nda::ArrayInitializer object.

An nda::ArrayInitializer is typically returned by delayed operations (see e.g. nda::mpi_gather). The constructor can then be used to create the resulting array.

Template Parameters
Initializernda::ArrayInitializer type.
initializernda::ArrayInitializer object.

Definition at line 317 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ basic_array() [9/12]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::basic_array ( std::initializer_list< ValueType > const & l)

Construct a 1-dimensional array from an initializer list.

lInitializer list.

Definition at line 339 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ basic_array() [10/12]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::basic_array ( std::initializer_list< std::initializer_list< ValueType > > const & l2)

Construct a 2-dimensional array from a double nested initializer list.

l2Initializer list.

Definition at line 350 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ basic_array() [11/12]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::basic_array ( std::initializer_list< std::initializer_list< std::initializer_list< ValueType > > > const & l3)

Construct a 3-dimensional array from a triple nested initializer list.

l3Initializer list.

Definition at line 365 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ basic_array() [12/12]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
template<char A2>
requires (Rank == 2)
nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::basic_array ( basic_array< ValueType, 2, LayoutPolicy, A2, ContainerPolicy > && a)

Construct a 2-dimensional array from another 2-dimensional array with a different algebra.

The given array is moved into the constructed array. Note that for nda::stack_array or other array types, this might still involve a copy of the data.

Template Parameters
A2Algebra of the given array.
aOther array.

Definition at line 390 of file basic_array.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ as_array_view() [1/2]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
auto nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::as_array_view ( )

Convert the current array to a view with an 'A' (array) algebra.

An nda::basic_array_view of the current array.

Definition at line 176 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ as_array_view() [2/2]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
auto nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::as_array_view ( ) const

Convert the current array to a view with an 'A' (array) algebra.

An nda::basic_array_view of the current array with const value type.

Definition at line 182 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ call()

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
template<char ResultAlgebra, bool SelfIsRvalue, typename Self, typename... Ts>
static __inline__ decltype(auto) nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::call ( Self && self,
Ts const &... idxs )

Implementation of the function call operator.

This function is an implementation detail an should be private. Since the Green's function library in TRIQS uses this function, it is kept public (for now).

Template Parameters
ResultAlgebraAlgebra of the resulting view/array.
SelfIsRvalueTrue if the view/array is an rvalue.
SelfType of the calling view/array.
TTypes of the arguments.
selfCalling view.
idxsMulti-dimensional index consisting of long, nda::range, nda::range::all_t, nda::ellipsis or lazy arguments.
Result of the function call depending on the given arguments and type of the view/array.

Definition at line 788 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ data() [1/2]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
ValueType const * nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::data ( ) const

Get a pointer to the actual data (in general this is not the beginning of the memory block for a view).

Const pointer to the first element of the view/array.

Definition at line 652 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ data() [2/2]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
ValueType * nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::data ( )

Get a pointer to the actual data (in general this is not the beginning of thr memory block for a view).

Pointer to the first element of the view/array.

Definition at line 658 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ empty()

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
bool nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::empty ( ) const

Is the view/array empty?

True if the view/array does not contain any elements.

Definition at line 694 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ extent()

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
long nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::extent ( int i) const

Get the extent of the ith dimension.

Number of elements along the ith dimension.

Definition at line 703 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ has_positive_strides()

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
long nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::has_positive_strides ( ) const

Are all the strides of the memory layout of the view/array positive?

True if the nda::idx_map has positive strides, false otherwise.

Definition at line 688 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ indexmap()

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
auto const & nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::indexmap ( ) const

Get the memory layout of the view/array.

nda::idx_map specifying the layout of the view/array.

Definition at line 620 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ indices()

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
auto nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::indices ( ) const

Get a range that generates all valid index tuples.

An itertools::multiplied range that can be used to iterate over all valid index tuples.

Definition at line 720 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ is_contiguous()

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
long nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::is_contiguous ( ) const

Is the memory layout of the view/array contiguous?

True if the nda::idx_map is contiguous, false otherwise.

Definition at line 682 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ is_empty()

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
bool nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::is_empty ( ) const
Use empty() instead.

Definition at line 697 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ is_stride_order_C()

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
static constexpr bool nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::is_stride_order_C ( )

Is the stride order of the view/array in C-order?

True if the stride order of the nda::idx_map is C-order, false otherwise.

Definition at line 726 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ is_stride_order_Fortran()

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
static constexpr bool nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::is_stride_order_Fortran ( )

Is the stride order of the view/array in Fortran-order?

True if the stride order of the nda::idx_map is Fortran-order, false otherwise.

Definition at line 732 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ ones() [1/2]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
template<std::integral... Ints>
requires (sizeof...(Ints) == Rank)
static basic_array nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::ones ( Ints... is)

Make a one-initialized array with the given dimensions.

Template Parameters
IntsInteger types.
isExtent (number of elements) along each dimension.
One-initialized array.

Definition at line 446 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ ones() [2/2]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
template<std::integral Int = long>
requires (nda::is_scalar_v<ValueType>)
static basic_array nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::ones ( std::array< Int, Rank > const & shape)

Make a one-initialized array with the given shape.

Template Parameters
IntInteger type.
shapeShape of the array.
One-initialized array.

Definition at line 430 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ operator()() [1/2]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
decltype(auto) nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::operator() ( _linear_index_t idx) const

Access the element of the view/array at the given nda::_linear_index_t.

The linear index specifies the position of the element in the view/array and not the position of the element w.r.t. to the data pointer (i.e. any possible strides should not be taken into account).

idxnda::_linear_index_t object.
Const reference to the element at the given linear index.

Definition at line 743 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ operator()() [2/2]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
template<typename... Ts>
__inline__ decltype(auto) nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::operator() ( Ts const &... idxs) const &

Function call operator to access the view/array.

Depending on the type of the calling object and the given arguments, this function call does the following:

  • If any of the arguments is lazy, an nda::clef::expr with the nda::clef::tags::function tag is returned.
  • If no arguments are given, a full view of the calling object is returned:
    • If the calling object itself or its value type is const, a view with a const value type is returned.
    • Otherwise, a view with a non-const value type is returned.
  • If the number of arguments is equal to the rank of the calling object and all arguments are convertible to long, a single element is accessed:
    • If the calling object is a view or an lvalue, a (const) reference to the element is returned.
    • Otherwise, a copy of the element is returned.
  • Otherwise a slice of the calling object is returned with the same value type and accessor and owning policies as the calling object. The algebra of the slice is the same as well, except if a 1-dimensional slice of a matrix is taken. In this case, the algebra is changed to 'V'.
Template Parameters
TsTypes of the function arguments.
idxsMulti-dimensional index consisting of long, nda::range, nda::range::all_t, nda::ellipsis or lazy arguments.
Result of the function call depending on the given arguments and type of the view/array.

Definition at line 853 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ operator*=()

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
template<typename RHS>
auto & nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::operator*= ( RHS const & rhs)

Multiplication assignment operator.

It first performs the (lazy) multiplication with the right hand side operand and then assigns the result to the left hand side view/array.

See nda::operator*(L &&, R &&) and nda::operator*(A &&, S &&) for more details.

Template Parameters
RHSnda::Scalar or nda::Array type.
rhsRight hand side operand of the multiplication assignment operation.
Reference to this object.

Definition at line 1009 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ operator+=()

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
template<typename RHS>
auto & nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::operator+= ( RHS const & rhs)

Addition assignment operator.

It first performs the (lazy) addition with the right hand side operand and then assigns the result to the left hand side view/array.

See nda::operator+(L &&, R &&) and nda::operator+(A &&, S &&) for more details.

Template Parameters
RHSnda::Scalar or nda::Array type.
rhsRight hand side operand of the addition assignment operation.
Reference to this object.

Definition at line 973 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ operator-=()

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
template<typename RHS>
auto & nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::operator-= ( RHS const & rhs)

Subtraction assignment operator.

It first performs the (lazy) subtraction with the right hand side operand and then assigns the result to the left hand side view/array.

See nda::operator-(L &&, R &&) and nda::operator-(A &&, S &&) for more details.

Template Parameters
RHSnda::Scalar or nda::Array type.
rhsRight hand side operand of the subtraction assignment operation.
Reference to this object.

Definition at line 991 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ operator/=()

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
template<typename RHS>
auto & nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::operator/= ( RHS const & rhs)

Division assignment operator.

It first performs the (lazy) division with the right hand side operand and then assigns the result to the left hand side view/array.

See nda::operator/(L &&, R &&) and nda::operator/(A &&, S &&) for more details.

Template Parameters
RHSnda::Scalar or nda::Array type.
rhsRight hand side operand of the division assignment operation.
Reference to this object.

Definition at line 1027 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ operator=() [1/5]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
template<char A, typename CP>
basic_array & nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::operator= ( basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, A, CP > const & rhs)

Assignment operator makes a deep copy of another array with a different algebra and/or container policy.

A new array object is constructed from the right hand side array and then moved into the current array. This will invalidate all references/views to the existing storage.

Template Parameters
AAlgebra of the other array.
CPContainer policy of the other array.
rhsRight hand side of the assignment operation.

Definition at line 513 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ operator=() [2/5]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
template<ArrayInitializer< basic_array > Initializer>
basic_array & nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::operator= ( Initializer const & initializer)

Assignment operator uses an nda::ArrayInitializer to assign to the array.

The array is resized to the shape of the initializer. This might invalidate all references/views to the existing storage.

Template Parameters
Initializernda::ArrayInitializer type.
initializerInitializer object.

Definition at line 562 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ operator=() [3/5]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
template<std::ranges::contiguous_range R>
requires (Rank == 1 and not MemoryArray<R> and not is_scalar_for_v<R, self_t>)
auto & nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::operator= ( R const & rhs)

Assignment operator makes a deep copy of a general contiguous range and assigns it to the 1-dimensional view/array.

Template Parameters
RRange type.
rhsRight hand side range object.
Reference to this object.

Definition at line 1041 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ operator=() [4/5]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
template<ArrayOfRank< Rank > RHS>
basic_array & nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::operator= ( RHS const & rhs)

Assignment operator makes a deep copy of an nda::ArrayOfRank object.

The array is first resized to the shape of the right hand side and the elements are copied. This might invalidate all references/views to the existing storage.

Template Parameters
RHSnda::ArrayOfRank type.
rhsRight hand side of the assignment operation.

Definition at line 528 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ operator=() [5/5]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
template<typename RHS>
requires (is_scalar_for_v<RHS, basic_array>)
basic_array & nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::operator= ( RHS const & rhs)

Assignment operator assigns a scalar to the array.

The behavior depends on the algebra of the array:

  • 'A' (array) and 'V' (vector): The scalar is assigned to all elements of the array.
  • 'M' (matrix): The scalar is assigned to the diagonal elements of the shorter dimension.
Template Parameters
RHSType of the scalar.
rhsRight hand side of the assignment operation.

Definition at line 545 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ operator[]()

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
template<typename T>
decltype(auto) nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::operator[] ( T const & idx) const &

Subscript operator to access the 1-dimensional view/array.

Depending on the type of the calling object and the given argument, this subscript operation does the following:

  • If the argument is lazy, an nda::clef::expr with the nda::clef::tags::function tag is returned.
  • If the argument is convertible to long, a single element is accessed:
    • If the calling object is a view or an lvalue, a (const) reference to the element is returned.
    • Otherwise, a copy of the element is returned.
  • Otherwise a slice of the calling object is returned with the same value type, algebra and accessor and owning policies as the calling object.
Template Parameters
TType of the argument.
idx1-dimensional index that is either a long, nda::range, nda::range::all_t, nda::ellipsis or a lazy argument.
Result of the subscript operation depending on the given argument and type of the view/array.

Definition at line 893 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ rand() [1/2]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
template<std::integral... Ints>
requires (sizeof...(Ints) == Rank)
static basic_array nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::rand ( Ints... is)

Make a random-initialized array with the given dimensions.

The random values are take from a uniform distribution over [0, 1). For a complex array, both real and imaginary parts are initialized with random values.

Template Parameters
IntsInteger types.
isExtent (number of elements) along each dimension.
Random-initialized array.

Definition at line 490 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ rand() [2/2]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
template<std::integral Int = long>
requires (std::is_floating_point_v<ValueType> or nda::is_complex_v<ValueType>)
static basic_array nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::rand ( std::array< Int, Rank > const & shape)

Make a random-initialized array with the given shape.

The random values are take from a uniform distribution over [0, 1). For a complex array, both real and imaginary parts are initialized with random values.

Template Parameters
IntInteger type.
shapeShape of the array.
Random-initialized array.

Definition at line 463 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ resize() [1/2]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
template<std::integral... Ints>
void nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::resize ( Ints const &... is)

Resize the array to a new shape.

Resizing is only performed if the storage is not null and if the new size is different from the previous size. If resizing is performed, the content of the resulting array is undefined since it makes no copy of the previous data and all references/views to the existing storage will be invalidated.

Template Parameters
IntsInteger types.
isNew extent (number of elements) along each dimension.

Definition at line 579 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ resize() [2/2]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
void nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::resize ( std::array< long, Rank > const & shape)

Resize the array to a new shape.

Resizing is only performed if the storage is not null and if the new size is different from the previous size. If resizing is performed, the content of the resulting array is undefined since it makes no copy of the previous data and all references/views to the existing storage will be invalidated.

shapeNew shape of the array.

Definition at line 594 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ shape() [1/2]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
auto const & nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::shape ( ) const

Get the shape of the view/array.

std::array<long, Rank> object specifying the shape of the view/array.

Definition at line 664 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ shape() [2/2]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
long nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::shape ( int i) const
Use extent(i) or shape()[i] instead.

Definition at line 714 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ size()

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
long nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::size ( ) const

Get the total size of the view/array.

Number of elements contained in the view/array.

Definition at line 676 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ storage() [1/3]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
storage_t nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::storage ( ) &&

Get the data storage of the view/array.

A copy of the memory handle of the view/array.

Definition at line 638 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ storage() [2/3]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
storage_t & nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::storage ( ) &

Get the data storage of the view/array.

A reference to the memory handle of the view/array.

Definition at line 632 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ storage() [3/3]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
storage_t const & nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::storage ( ) const &

Get the data storage of the view/array.

A const reference to the memory handle of the view/array.

Definition at line 626 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ stride_order()

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
auto nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::stride_order ( ) const

Get the stride order of the memory layout of the view/array (see nda::idx_map for more details on how we define stride orders).

std::array<int, Rank> object specifying the stride order.

Definition at line 646 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ strides()

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
auto const & nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::strides ( ) const

Get the strides of the view/array (see nda::idx_map for more details on how we define strides).

std::array<long, Rank> object specifying the strides of the view/array.

Definition at line 670 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ transpose() [1/2]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
auto nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::transpose ( )
Create the transpose of a 2-dimensional array. Use nda::transpose instead.

Definition at line 185 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ transpose() [2/2]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
auto nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::transpose ( ) const
Create the transpose of a 2-dimensional array. Use nda::transpose instead.

Definition at line 192 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ zeros() [1/2]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
template<std::integral... Ints>
requires (sizeof...(Ints) == Rank)
static basic_array nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::zeros ( Ints... is)

Make a zero-initialized array with the given dimensions.

Template Parameters
IntsInteger types.
isExtent (number of elements) along each dimension.
Zero-initialized array.

Definition at line 416 of file basic_array.hpp.

◆ zeros() [2/2]

template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename LayoutPolicy, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
template<std::integral Int = long>
requires (std::is_standard_layout_v<ValueType> && std::is_trivially_copyable_v<ValueType>)
static basic_array nda::basic_array< ValueType, Rank, LayoutPolicy, Algebra, ContainerPolicy >::zeros ( std::array< Int, Rank > const & shape)

Make a zero-initialized array with the given shape.

Template Parameters
IntInteger type.
shapeShape of the array.
Zero-initialized array.

Definition at line 402 of file basic_array.hpp.

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