TRIQS/nda 1.3.0
Multi-dimensional array library for C++
No Matches
declarations.hpp File Reference
#include "./accessors.hpp"
#include "./concepts.hpp"
#include "./layout/idx_map.hpp"
#include "./layout/permutation.hpp"
#include "./layout/policies.hpp"
#include "./mem/address_space.hpp"
#include "./mem/policies.hpp"
#include "./traits.hpp"
#include <array>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <type_traits>

Detailed Description

Provides various convenient aliases and helper functions for nda::basic_array and nda::basic_array_view.

Definition in file declarations.hpp.

Go to the source code of this file.


template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename Layout = C_layout, typename ContainerPolicy = heap<>>
using nda::array = basic_array<ValueType, Rank, Layout, 'A', ContainerPolicy>
 Alias template of an nda::basic_array with an 'A' algebra.
template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename Layout = C_stride_layout>
using nda::array_const_view = basic_array_view<ValueType const, Rank, Layout, 'A', default_accessor, borrowed<>>
 Same as nda::array_view except for const value types.
template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename Layout = C_layout>
using nda::array_contiguous_const_view = basic_array_view<ValueType const, Rank, Layout, 'A', default_accessor, borrowed<>>
 Same as nda::array_const_view except for contiguous memory layouts.
template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename Layout = C_layout>
using nda::array_contiguous_view = basic_array_view<ValueType, Rank, Layout, 'A', default_accessor, borrowed<>>
 Same as nda::array_view except for contiguous memory layouts.
template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename Layout = C_stride_layout>
using nda::array_view = basic_array_view<ValueType, Rank, Layout, 'A', default_accessor, borrowed<>>
 Alias template of an nda::basic_array_view with an 'A' algebra, nda::default_accessor and nda::borrowed owning policy.
template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename Layout = C_layout>
using nda::cuarray = basic_array<ValueType, Rank, Layout, 'A', heap<mem::Device>>
 Similar to nda::array except the memory is stored on the device.
template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename Layout = C_stride_layout>
using nda::cuarray_const_view = basic_array_view<ValueType const, Rank, Layout, 'A', default_accessor, borrowed<mem::Device>>
 Similar to nda::array_const_view except the memory is stored on the device.
template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename Layout = C_stride_layout>
using nda::cuarray_view = basic_array_view<ValueType, Rank, Layout, 'A', default_accessor, borrowed<mem::Device>>
 Similar to nda::array_view except the memory is stored on the device.
template<typename ValueType, typename Layout = C_layout, typename ContainerPolicy = heap<mem::Device>>
using nda::cumatrix = basic_array<ValueType, 2, Layout, 'M', ContainerPolicy>
 Similar to nda::matrix except the memory is stored on the device.
template<typename ValueType, typename Layout = C_stride_layout>
using nda::cumatrix_const_view = basic_array_view<ValueType const, 2, Layout, 'M', default_accessor, borrowed<mem::Device>>
 Similar to nda::matrix_const_view except the memory is stored on the device.
template<typename ValueType, typename Layout = C_stride_layout>
using nda::cumatrix_view = basic_array_view<ValueType, 2, Layout, 'M', default_accessor, borrowed<mem::Device>>
 Similar to nda::matrix_view except the memory is stored on the device.
template<typename ValueType>
using nda::cuvector = basic_array<ValueType, 1, C_layout, 'V', heap<mem::Device>>
 Similar to nda::vector except the memory is stored on the device.
template<typename ValueType, typename Layout = C_stride_layout>
using nda::cuvector_const_view = basic_array_view<ValueType const, 1, Layout, 'V', default_accessor, borrowed<mem::Device>>
 Similar to nda::vector_const_view except the memory is stored on the device.
template<typename ValueType, typename Layout = C_stride_layout>
using nda::cuvector_view = basic_array_view<ValueType, 1, Layout, 'V', default_accessor, borrowed<mem::Device>>
 Similar to nda::vector_view except the memory is stored on the device.
template<typename T, typename RT = get_regular_t<T>>
using nda::get_regular_device_t
 Get the type of the nda::basic_array that would be obtained by constructing an array on device memory from a given type.
template<typename T, typename RT = get_regular_t<T>>
using nda::get_regular_host_t
 Get the type of the nda::basic_array that would be obtained by constructing an array on host memory from a given type.
template<typename T, typename T2 = std::remove_reference_t<T>>
using nda::get_regular_t = decltype(basic_array{std::declval<T>()})
 Get the type of the nda::basic_array that would be obtained by constructing an array from a given type.
template<typename T, typename RT = get_regular_t<T>>
using nda::get_regular_unified_t
 Get the type of the nda::basic_array that would be obtained by constructing an array on unified memory from a given type.
template<typename T, typename T2 = std::remove_reference_t<T>>
using nda::get_view_t = std::remove_reference_t<decltype(basic_array_view{std::declval<T>()})>
 Get the type of the nda::basic_array_view that would be obtained by constructing a view from a given type.
template<typename ValueType, typename Layout = C_layout, typename ContainerPolicy = heap<>>
using nda::matrix = basic_array<ValueType, 2, Layout, 'M', ContainerPolicy>
 Alias template of an nda::basic_array with rank 2 and an 'M' algebra.
template<typename ValueType, typename Layout = C_stride_layout>
using nda::matrix_const_view = basic_array_view<ValueType const, 2, Layout, 'M', default_accessor, borrowed<>>
 Same as nda::matrix_view except for const value types.
template<typename ValueType, typename Layout = C_stride_layout>
using nda::matrix_view = basic_array_view<ValueType, 2, Layout, 'M', default_accessor, borrowed<>>
 Alias template of an nda::basic_array_view with rank 2, an 'M' algebra, nda::default_accessor and nda::borrowed owning policy.
template<typename ValueType, int N0, int... Ns>
using nda::stack_array
 Alias template of an nda::basic_array with static extents, contiguous C layout, 'A' algebra and nda::stack container policy.
template<typename ValueType, int N, int M>
using nda::stack_matrix
 Alias template of an nda::basic_array with rank 2, static extents, contiguous C layout, 'M' algebra and nda::stack memory policy.
template<typename ValueType, int N>
using nda::stack_vector
 Alias template of an nda::basic_array with rank 1, static extents, contiguous C layout, 'V' algebra and nda::stack memory policy.
template<typename ValueType, typename ContainerPolicy = heap<>>
using nda::vector = basic_array<ValueType, 1, C_layout, 'V', ContainerPolicy>
 Alias template of an nda::basic_array with rank 1 and a 'V' algebra.
template<typename ValueType, typename Layout = C_stride_layout>
using nda::vector_const_view = basic_array_view<ValueType const, 1, Layout, 'V', default_accessor, borrowed<>>
 Same as nda::vector_view except for const value types.
template<typename ValueType, typename Layout = C_stride_layout>
using nda::vector_view = basic_array_view<ValueType, 1, Layout, 'V', default_accessor, borrowed<>>
 Alias template of an nda::basic_array_view with rank 1, a 'V' algebra, nda::default_accessor and nda::borrowed owning policy.


template<typename... Is>
constexpr uint64_t nda::static_extents (int i0, Is... is)
 Encode the given shape into a single integer using the nda::encode function.


template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename Layout, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
constexpr char nda::get_algebra< basic_array< ValueType, Rank, Layout, Algebra, ContainerPolicy > > = Algebra
 Specialization of nda::get_algebra for nda::basic_array types.
template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename Layout, char Algebra, typename AccessorPolicy, typename OwningPolicy>
constexpr char nda::get_algebra< basic_array_view< ValueType, Rank, Layout, Algebra, AccessorPolicy, OwningPolicy > > = Algebra
 Specialization of nda::get_algebra for nda::basic_array_view types.
template<char OP, typename L, typename R>
constexpr char nda::get_algebra< expr< OP, L, R > > = expr<OP, L, R>::algebra
 Specialization of nda::get_algebra for nda::expr types.
template<char OP, Array A>
constexpr char nda::get_algebra< expr_unary< OP, A > > = get_algebra<A>
 Specialization of nda::get_algebra for nda::expr_unary types.
template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename Layout, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
constexpr layout_info_t nda::get_layout_info< basic_array< ValueType, Rank, Layout, Algebra, ContainerPolicy > >
 Specialization of nda::get_layout_info for nda::basic_array types.
template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename Layout, char Algebra, typename AccessorPolicy, typename OwningPolicy>
constexpr layout_info_t nda::get_layout_info< basic_array_view< ValueType, Rank, Layout, Algebra, AccessorPolicy, OwningPolicy > >
 Specialization of nda::get_layout_info for nda::basic_array_view types.
template<char OP, typename L, typename R>
constexpr layout_info_t nda::get_layout_info< expr< OP, L, R > > = expr<OP, L, R>::compute_layout_info()
 Specialization of nda::get_layout_info for nda::expr types.
template<char OP, Array A>
constexpr layout_info_t nda::get_layout_info< expr_unary< OP, A > > = get_layout_info<A>
 Specialization of nda::get_layout_info for nda::expr_unary types.
template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename Layout, char Algebra, typename ContainerPolicy>
constexpr bool nda::is_regular_v< basic_array< ValueType, Rank, Layout, Algebra, ContainerPolicy > > = true
 Specialization of nda::is_regular_v for nda::basic_array.
template<typename ValueType, int Rank, typename Layout, char Algebra, typename AccessorPolicy, typename OwningPolicy>
constexpr bool nda::is_view_v< basic_array_view< ValueType, Rank, Layout, Algebra, AccessorPolicy, OwningPolicy > > = true
 Specialization of nda::is_view_v for nda::basic_array_view.