# solid_dmft - A versatile python wrapper to perform DFT+DMFT calculations
# utilizing the TRIQS software library
# Copyright (C) 2018-2020, ETH Zurich
# Copyright (C) 2021, The Simons Foundation
# authors: A. Hampel, M. Merkel, and S. Beck
# solid_dmft is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# solid_dmft is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# solid_dmft (in the file COPYING.txt in this directory). If not, see
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
contains the charge self-consistency flow control functions
from timeit import default_timer as timer
import subprocess
import shlex
import os
import gc
import numpy as np
# triqs
from h5 import HDFArchive
import triqs.utility.mpi as mpi
from triqs_dft_tools.converters.wannier90 import Wannier90Converter
from triqs_dft_tools.converters.vasp import VaspConverter
from triqs_dft_tools.converters.plovasp.vaspio import VaspData
import triqs_dft_tools.converters.plovasp.converter as plo_converter
from solid_dmft.dmft_cycle import dmft_cycle
from solid_dmft.dft_managers import vasp_manager as vasp
from solid_dmft.dft_managers import qe_manager as qe
def _run_plo_converter(general_params, dft_params):
if not mpi.is_master_node():
# Checks for plo file for projectors
if not os.path.exists(dft_params['plo_cfg']):
print('*** Input PLO config file not found! '
+ 'I was looking for {} ***'.format(dft_params['plo_cfg']))
# Runs plo converter
plo_converter.generate_and_output_as_text(dft_params['plo_cfg'], vasp_dir='./')
# Writes new H(k) to h5 archive
converter = VaspConverter(filename=general_params['seedname'])
def _run_wannier90(general_params, dft_params):
if not mpi.is_master_node():
if not os.path.exists(general_params['seedname'] + '.win'):
print('*** Wannier input file not found! '
+ 'I was looking for {0}.win ***'.format(general_params['seedname']))
# Runs wannier90 twice:
# First preprocessing to write nnkp file, then normal run
command = shlex.split(dft_params['w90_exec'])
subprocess.check_call(command + ['-pp', general_params['seedname']], shell=False)
subprocess.check_call(command + [general_params['seedname']], shell=False)
def _run_w90converter(seedname, tolerance):
if (not os.path.exists(seedname + '.win')
or not os.path.exists(seedname + '.inp')):
print('*** Wannier input/converter config file not found! '
+ 'I was looking for {0}.win and {0}.inp ***'.format(seedname))
#TODO: choose rot_mat_type with general_params['set_rot']
converter = Wannier90Converter(seedname, rot_mat_type='hloc_diag', bloch_basis=True, w90zero=tolerance)
# Checks if creating of rot_mat succeeded
if mpi.is_master_node():
with HDFArchive(seedname+'.h5', 'r') as ar:
assert ar['dft_input']['use_rotations'], 'Creation of rot_mat failed in W90 converter'
def _full_qe_run(seedname, dft_params, mode):
assert mode in ('initial', 'restart', 'update')
# runs a full iteration of DFT
qe_wrapper = lambda calc_type: qe.run(dft_params['n_cores'], calc_type, dft_params['dft_exec'],
dft_params['mpi_env'], dft_params['mpi_exe'], seedname)
# Initially run an scf calculation
if mode == 'initial':
# For charge update, use mode scf
elif mode == 'update':
# Rest is executed regardless of mode
# Optionally does bnd, bands, proj if files are present
for nscf in ['bnd', 'bands', 'proj']:
if os.path.isfile(f'{seedname}.{nscf}.in'):
# nscf
# w90 parts
_run_w90converter(seedname, dft_params['w90_tolerance'])
def _store_dft_eigvals(path_to_h5, iteration, projector_type):
save the eigenvalues from LOCPROJ/wannier90 file to h5 archive
with HDFArchive(path_to_h5, 'a') as archive:
if 'dft_eigvals' not in archive:
if projector_type == 'plo':
vasp_data = VaspData('./')
eigenvals = np.array(vasp_data.plocar.eigs[:, :, 0]) - vasp_data.plocar.efermi
elif projector_type == 'w90':
with open('LOCPROJ') as locproj_file:
fermi_energy = float(locproj_file.readline().split()[4])
n_k = archive['dft_input']['n_k']
num_ks_bands = archive['dft_input']['n_orbitals'][0, 0]
eigenvals = np.loadtxt('wannier90.eig', usecols=2)
eigenvals = eigenvals.reshape((n_k, num_ks_bands)) - fermi_energy
archive['dft_eigvals']['it_'+str(iteration)] = eigenvals
def _full_vasp_run(general_params, dft_params, initial_run, n_iter_dft=1, sum_k=None):
Performs a complete DFT cycle in Vasp and the correct converter. If
initial_run, Vasp is starting and performing a normal scf calculation
followed by a converter run. Otherwise, it performs n_iter_dft runs of DFT,
generating the projectors with the converter, and recalculating the charge
density correction with the new projectors.
general_params : dict
general parameters as a dict
dft_params : dict
dft parameters as a dict
initial_run : bool
True when VASP is called for the first time. initial_run = True requires
n_iter_dft = 1.
n_iter_dft : int, optional
Number of DFT iterations to perform. The default is 1.
sum_k : SumkDFT, optional
The SumkDFT object required to recalculate the charge-density correction
if n_iter_dft > 1. The default is None.
vasp_process_id : int
The process ID of the forked VASP process.
irred_indices : np.array
Integer indices of kpts in the irreducible Brillouin zone. Only needed
for Wannier projectors, which are normally run with symmetries.
if initial_run:
assert n_iter_dft == 1
dft_iter_init = vasp.read_dft_iter()
assert n_iter_dft == 1 or sum_k is not None, 'Sumk object needed to run multiple DFT iterations'
for i in range(n_iter_dft):
if initial_run:
vasp_process_id = vasp.run_initial_scf(dft_params['n_cores'], dft_params['dft_exec'],
dft_params['mpi_exe'], dft_params['mpi_env'])
vasp_process_id = None
dft_iter = vasp.read_dft_iter()
mpi.report(f'\nDFT SCF iteration {dft_iter} finished. Running converter:')
if not dft_iter == dft_iter_init+i+1:
mpi.report(f'DFT iteration number did not increase. Aborting.\n \
DFT iteration {dft_iter} != {dft_iter_init+i+1}')
if dft_params['projector_type'] == 'plo':
_run_plo_converter(general_params, dft_params)
irred_indices = None
elif dft_params['projector_type'] == 'w90':
_run_wannier90(general_params, dft_params)
_run_w90converter(general_params['seedname'], dft_params['w90_tolerance'])
kpts = None
if mpi.is_master_node():
with HDFArchive(general_params['seedname']+'.h5', 'r') as archive:
kpts = archive['dft_input/kpts']
irred_indices = vasp.read_irred_kpoints(kpts)
# No need for recalculation of density correction if we run DMFT next
if i == n_iter_dft - 1:
# Recalculates the density correction
# Reads in new projectors and hopping and updates chemical potential
# rot_mat is not updated since it's more closely related to the local problem than DFT
# New fermi weights are directly read in calc_density_correction
if mpi.is_master_node():
with HDFArchive(general_params['seedname']+'.h5', 'r') as archive:
sum_k.proj_mat = archive['dft_input/proj_mat']
sum_k.hopping = archive['dft_input/hopping']
sum_k.proj_mat = mpi.bcast(sum_k.proj_mat)
sum_k.hopping = mpi.bcast(sum_k.hopping)
# Writes out GAMMA file
sum_k.calc_density_correction(dm_type='vasp', kpts_to_write=irred_indices)
return vasp_process_id, irred_indices
# Main CSC flow method
def csc_flow_control(general_params, solver_params, dft_params, gw_params, advanced_params):
Function to run the csc cycle. It writes and removes the vasp.lock file to
start and stop Vasp, run the converter, run the dmft cycle and abort the job
if all iterations are finished.
general_params : dict
general parameters as a dict
solver_params : dict
solver parameters as a dict
dft_params : dict
dft parameters as a dict
gw_params : dict
gw parameters as a dict
advanced_params : dict
advanced parameters as a dict
# Removes legacy file vasp.suppress_projs if present
if dft_params['dft_code'] == 'vasp':
# if GAMMA file already exists, load it by doing extra DFT iterations
if dft_params['dft_code'] == 'vasp' and os.path.exists('GAMMA'):
# TODO: implement
raise NotImplementedError('GAMMA file found but restarting from updated '
+ 'charge density not yet implemented for Vasp.')
# Reads in iteration offset if restarting
iteration_offset = 0
if mpi.is_master_node() and os.path.isfile(general_params['seedname']+'.h5'):
with HDFArchive(general_params['seedname']+'.h5', 'r') as ar:
if 'DMFT_results' in ar and 'iteration_count' in ar['DMFT_results']:
iteration_offset = ar['DMFT_results']['iteration_count']
iteration_offset = mpi.bcast(iteration_offset)
iter_dmft = iteration_offset+1
# Runs DFT once and converter
irred_indices = None
start_time_dft = timer()
mpi.report(' solid_dmft: Running {}...'.format(dft_params['dft_code'].upper()))
if dft_params['dft_code'] == 'qe':
if iteration_offset == 0:
_full_qe_run(general_params['seedname'], dft_params, 'initial')
_full_qe_run(general_params['seedname'], dft_params, 'restart')
elif dft_params['dft_code'] == 'vasp':
vasp_process_id, irred_indices = _full_vasp_run(general_params, dft_params, True)
end_time_dft = timer()
mpi.report(' solid_dmft: DFT cycle took {:10.3f} seconds'.format(end_time_dft-start_time_dft))
# Now that everything is ready, starts DFT+DMFT loop
while True:
dft_energy = None
if mpi.is_master_node():
# Writes eigenvals to archive if requested
if dft_params['store_eigenvals']:
if dft_params['dft_code'] == 'qe':
# TODO: implement
raise NotImplementedError('store_eigenvals not yet compatible with dft_code = qe')
# Reads the DFT energy
if dft_params['dft_code'] == 'vasp':
dft_energy = vasp.read_dft_energy()
elif dft_params['dft_code'] == 'qe':
dft_energy = qe.read_dft_energy(general_params['seedname'], iter_dmft)
dft_energy = mpi.bcast(dft_energy)
mpi.report('', '#'*80, 'Calling dmft_cycle')
if mpi.is_master_node():
start_time_dmft = timer()
# Determines number of DMFT steps
if iter_dmft == 1:
iter_one_shot = general_params['n_iter_dmft_first']
elif iteration_offset > 0 and iter_dmft == iteration_offset + 1:
iter_one_shot = general_params['n_iter_dmft_per'] - (iter_dmft - 1
- general_params['n_iter_dmft_first'])%general_params['n_iter_dmft_per']
iter_one_shot = general_params['n_iter_dmft_per']
# Maximum total number of iterations is n_iter_dmft+iteration_offset
iter_one_shot = min(iter_one_shot,
general_params['n_iter_dmft'] + iteration_offset - iter_dmft + 1)
# run the dmft_cycle
is_converged, sum_k = dmft_cycle(general_params, solver_params, advanced_params, dft_params,
gw_params, iter_one_shot, irred_indices, dft_energy)
iter_dmft += iter_one_shot
if mpi.is_master_node():
end_time_dmft = timer()
print('\n' + '='*80)
print('DMFT cycle took {:10.3f} seconds'.format(end_time_dmft-start_time_dmft))
print('='*80 + '\n')
# If all steps are executed or calculation is converged, finish DFT+DMFT loop
if is_converged or iter_dmft > general_params['n_iter_dmft'] + iteration_offset:
# Restarts DFT
start_time_dft = timer()
mpi.report(' solid_dmft: Running {}...'.format(dft_params['dft_code'].upper()))
# Runs DFT and converter
if dft_params['dft_code'] == 'qe':
_full_qe_run(general_params['seedname'], dft_params, 'update')
elif dft_params['dft_code'] == 'vasp':
# Determines number of DFT steps
if iter_dmft == general_params['n_iter_dmft_first'] + 1:
n_iter_dft = dft_params['n_iter_first']
n_iter_dft = dft_params['n_iter']
_, irred_indices = _full_vasp_run(general_params, dft_params, False, n_iter_dft, sum_k)
end_time_dft = timer()
mpi.report(' solid_dmft: DFT cycle took {:10.3f} seconds'.format(end_time_dft-start_time_dft))
del sum_k
# Kills background VASP process for clean end
if mpi.is_master_node() and dft_params['dft_code'] == 'vasp':
print(' solid_dmft: Stopping VASP\n', flush=True)