Source code for dmft_tools.convergence

# solid_dmft - A versatile python wrapper to perform DFT+DMFT calculations
#              utilizing the TRIQS software library
# Copyright (C) 2018-2020, ETH Zurich
# Copyright (C) 2021, The Simons Foundation
#      authors: A. Hampel, M. Merkel, and S. Beck
# solid_dmft is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# solid_dmft is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# solid_dmft (in the file COPYING.txt in this directory). If not, see
# <>.
contain helper functions to check convergence
# system
import os.path
import numpy as np

# triqs
from import MeshImFreq, MeshImTime, MeshReFreq, BlockGf
from solid_dmft.dmft_tools import solver

def _generate_header(general_params, sum_k):
    Generates the headers that are used in write_header_to_file.
    Returns a dict with {file_name: header_string}

    n_orb = solver.get_n_orbitals(sum_k)

    header_energy_mask = '| {:>11} '
    header_energy = header_energy_mask.format('δE_tot')

    headers = {}
    for iineq in range(sum_k.n_inequiv_shells):
        number_spaces = max(13*n_orb[iineq]['up']-1, 21)
        header_basic_mask = '{{:>3}} | {{:>11}} | {{:>{0}}} | {{:>11}} | {{:>11}} | {{:>11}} | {{:>11}} '.format(number_spaces)

        file_name = 'conv_imp{}.dat'.format(iineq)
        headers[file_name] = header_basic_mask.format('it', 'δμ','δocc orb','δimp occ','δGimp', 'δG0','δΣ')

        if general_params['calc_energies']:
            headers[file_name] += header_energy

    return headers

[docs]def write_conv(conv_obs, sum_k, general_params): """ writes the last entries of the conv arrays to the files Parameters ---------- conv_obs : list of dicts convergence observable arrays/dicts sum_k : SumK Object instances general_params : dict __Returns:__ nothing """ n_orb = solver.get_n_orbitals(sum_k) for icrsh in range(sum_k.n_inequiv_shells): line = '{:3d} | '.format(conv_obs['iteration'][-1]) line += '{:10.5e} | '.format(conv_obs['d_mu'][-1]) # Adds spaces for header to fit in properly if n_orb[icrsh]['up'] == 1: line += ' '*11 # Adds up the spin channels for iorb in range(n_orb[icrsh]['up']): line += '{:10.5e} '.format(conv_obs['d_orb_occ'][icrsh][-1][iorb]) line = line[:-3] + ' | ' # imp occupation change line += '{:10.5e} | '.format(conv_obs['d_imp_occ'][icrsh][-1]) # Gimp change line += '{:10.5e} | '.format(conv_obs['d_Gimp'][icrsh][-1]) # G0 change line += '{:10.5e} | '.format(conv_obs['d_G0'][icrsh][-1]) # Σ change line += '{:10.5e}'.format(conv_obs['d_Sigma'][icrsh][-1]) if general_params['calc_energies']: line += ' | {:10.5e}'.format(conv_obs['d_Etot'][-1]) file_name = '{}/conv_imp{}.dat'.format(general_params['jobname'], icrsh) with open(file_name, 'a') as obs_file: obs_file.write(line + '\n')
[docs]def max_G_diff(G1, G2, norm_temp = True): """ calculates difference between two block Gfs uses numpy linalg norm on the last two indices first and then the norm along the mesh axis. The result is divided by sqrt(beta) for MeshImFreq and by sqrt(beta/#taupoints) for MeshImTime. 1/ (2* sqrt(beta)) sqrt( sum_n sum_ij [abs(G1 - G2)_ij(w_n)]^2 ) this is only done for MeshImFreq Gf objects, for all other meshes the weights are set to 1 Parameters ---------- G1 : Gf or BlockGf to compare G2 : Gf or BlockGf to compare norm_temp: bool, default = True divide by an additional sqrt(beta) to account for temperature scaling only correct for uniformly distributed error. __Returns:__ diff : float difference between the two Gfs """ if isinstance(G1, BlockGf): diff = 0.0 for block, gf in G1: diff += max_G_diff(G1[block], G2[block], norm_temp) return diff assert G1.mesh == G2.mesh, 'mesh of two input Gfs does not match' assert G1.target_shape == G2.target_shape, 'can only compare Gfs with same shape' # subtract largest real value to make sure that G1-G2 falls off to 0 if type(G1.mesh) is MeshImFreq: offset = np.diag(np.diag([-1,:,:].real -[-1,:,:].real)) else: offset = 0.0 # calculate norm over all axis but the first one which are frequencies norm_grid = abs(np.linalg.norm( - - offset, axis=tuple(range(1, # now calculate Frobenius norm over grid points norm = np.linalg.norm(norm_grid, axis=0) if type(G1.mesh) is MeshImFreq: norm = np.linalg.norm(norm_grid, axis=0) / np.sqrt(G1.mesh.beta) elif type(G1.mesh) is MeshImTime: norm = np.linalg.norm(norm_grid, axis=0) * np.sqrt(G1.mesh.beta/len(G1.mesh)) elif type(G1.mesh) is MeshReFreq: norm = np.linalg.norm(norm_grid, axis=0) / np.sqrt(len(G1.mesh)) else: raise ValueError('MeshReTime is not implemented') if type(G1.mesh) in (MeshImFreq, MeshImTime) and norm_temp: norm = norm / np.sqrt(G1.mesh.beta) return norm
[docs]def prep_conv_obs(h5_archive): """ prepares the conv arrays and files for the DMFT calculation Parameters ---------- h5_archive: hdf archive instance hdf archive for calculation __Returns:__ conv_obs : dict conv array for calculation """ # determine number of impurities n_inequiv_shells = h5_archive['dft_input']['n_inequiv_shells'] # check for previous iterations conv_prev = [] if 'convergence_obs' in h5_archive['DMFT_results']: conv_prev = h5_archive['DMFT_results']['convergence_obs'] # prepare observable dicts if len(conv_prev) > 0: conv_obs = conv_prev else: conv_obs = dict() conv_obs['iteration'] = [] conv_obs['d_mu'] = [] conv_obs['d_Etot'] = [] conv_obs['d_orb_occ'] = [[] for i in range(n_inequiv_shells)] conv_obs['d_imp_occ'] = [[] for i in range(n_inequiv_shells)] conv_obs['d_Gimp'] = [[] for i in range(n_inequiv_shells)] conv_obs['d_G0'] = [[] for i in range(n_inequiv_shells)] conv_obs['d_Sigma'] = [[] for i in range(n_inequiv_shells)] return conv_obs
[docs]def prep_conv_file(general_params, sum_k): """ Writes the header to the conv files Parameters ---------- general_params : dict general parameters as a dict n_inequiv_shells : int number of impurities for calculations __Returns:__ nothing """ headers = _generate_header(general_params, sum_k) for file_name, header in headers.items(): path = os.path.join(general_params['jobname'], file_name) with open(path, 'w') as conv_file: conv_file.write(header + '\n')
[docs]def calc_convergence_quantities(sum_k, general_params, conv_obs, observables, solvers, G0_old, G_loc_all, Sigma_freq_previous): """ Calculations convergence quantities, i.e. the difference in observables between the last and second to last iteration. Parameters ---------- sum_k : SumK Object instances general_params : dict general parameters as a dict conv_obs : list of dicts convergence observable arrays observables : list of dicts observable arrays solvers : solver objects G0_old : list of block Gf object last G0_freq G_loc_all : list of block Gf objects G_loc extracted from before imp solver Sigma_freq_previous : list of block Gf objects previous impurity sigma to compare with Returns ------- conv_obs : list of dicts updated convergence observable arrays """ conv_obs['iteration'].append(observables['iteration'][-1]) conv_obs['d_mu'].append(abs(observables['mu'][-1] - observables['mu'][-2] )) for icrsh in range(sum_k.n_inequiv_shells): if not sum_k.corr_shells[icrsh]['SO']: # difference in imp occupation conv_obs['d_imp_occ'][icrsh].append(abs((observables['imp_occ'][icrsh]['up'][-1]+ observables['imp_occ'][icrsh]['down'][-1])- (observables['imp_occ'][icrsh]['up'][-2]+ observables['imp_occ'][icrsh]['down'][-2]))) # difference in orb occ spin absolute conv_obs['d_orb_occ'][icrsh].append(abs(observables['orb_occ'][icrsh]['up'][-1]- observables['orb_occ'][icrsh]['up'][-2])+ abs(observables['orb_occ'][icrsh]['down'][-1]- observables['orb_occ'][icrsh]['down'][-2])) else: conv_obs['d_imp_occ'][icrsh].append(abs(observables['imp_occ'][icrsh]['ud'][-1]- observables['imp_occ'][icrsh]['ud'][-2])) conv_obs['d_orb_occ'][icrsh].append(abs(observables['orb_occ'][icrsh]['ud'][-1]+ observables['imp_occ'][icrsh]['ud'][-2])) conv_obs['d_Gimp'][icrsh].append(max_G_diff(solvers[icrsh].G_freq, G_loc_all[icrsh])) conv_obs['d_G0'][icrsh].append(max_G_diff(solvers[icrsh].G0_freq, G0_old[icrsh])) conv_obs['d_Sigma'][icrsh].append(max_G_diff(solvers[icrsh].Sigma_freq, Sigma_freq_previous[icrsh])) if general_params['calc_energies']: conv_obs['d_Etot'].append(abs(observables['E_tot'][-1]-observables['E_tot'][-2])) return conv_obs
[docs]def check_convergence(n_inequiv_shells, general_params, conv_obs): """ check last iteration for convergence Parameters ---------- n_inequiv_shells : int Number of inequivalent shells as saved in SumkDFT object general_params : dict general parameters as a dict conv_obs : list of dicts convergence observable arrays Returns ------- is_converged : bool true if desired accuracy is reached. None if no convergence criterion is set """ # If no convergence criterion is set, convergence is undefined and returns None if (general_params['occ_conv_crit'] <= 0.0 and general_params['gimp_conv_crit'] <= 0.0 and general_params['g0_conv_crit'] <= 0.0 and general_params['sigma_conv_crit'] <= 0.0): return None # Checks convergence criteria for icrsh in range(n_inequiv_shells): # Checks imp occ if (conv_obs['d_imp_occ'][icrsh][-1] > general_params['occ_conv_crit'] and general_params['occ_conv_crit'] > 0.0): return False # Checks Gimp if (conv_obs['d_Gimp'][icrsh][-1] > general_params['gimp_conv_crit'] and general_params['gimp_conv_crit'] > 0.0): return False # Checks G0 if (conv_obs['d_G0'][icrsh][-1] > general_params['g0_conv_crit'] and general_params['g0_conv_crit'] > 0.0): return False # Checks Sigma if (conv_obs['d_Sigma'][icrsh][-1] > general_params['sigma_conv_crit'] and general_params['sigma_conv_crit'] > 0.0): return False return True