# solid_dmft - A versatile python wrapper to perform DFT+DMFT calculations
# utilizing the TRIQS software library
# Copyright (C) 2018-2020, ETH Zurich
# Copyright (C) 2021, The Simons Foundation
# authors: A. Hampel, M. Merkel, and S. Beck
# solid_dmft is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# solid_dmft is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# solid_dmft (in the file COPYING.txt in this directory). If not, see
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Contains all functions related to determining the double counting and the
initial self-energy.
# system
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
# triqs
from h5 import HDFArchive
import triqs.utility.mpi as mpi
from triqs.gf import BlockGf, Gf, make_gf_imfreq, MeshDLRImFreq, make_gf_dlr, MeshReFreq
import itertools
def calculate_double_counting(sum_k, density_matrix, general_params, gw_params, advanced_params, solver_type_per_imp, G_loc_all=None):
Calculates the double counting, including all manipulations from advanced_params.
sum_k : SumkDFT object
density_matrix : list of gf_struct_solver like
List of density matrices for all inequivalent shells
general_params : dict
general parameters as a dict
gw_params : dict
GW parameters as a dict
advanced_params : dict
advanced parameters as a dict
solver_type_per_imp : list of str
List of solver types for each impurity
G_loc_all : list of BlockGf (Green's function) objects, optional
List of local Green's functions for all shells
sum_k : SumKDFT object
The SumKDFT object containing the updated double counting
mpi.report('\n*** DC determination ***')
# copy the density matrix to not change it
density_matrix_DC = deepcopy(density_matrix)
# TODO: suppress print when reseting DC to zero
# and add a final print of the DC pot/energy at the end of the whole function
icrsh_hartree = [icrsh for icrsh, type in enumerate(solver_type_per_imp) if type == 'hartree']
icrsh_not_hartree = [icrsh for icrsh, type in enumerate(solver_type_per_imp) if type != 'hartree']
if icrsh_hartree:
mpi.report(f'\nSOLID_DMFT: Hartree solver for impurities {icrsh_hartree} detected. '
'Zeroing out the DC correction there, which gets computed at the solver level.')
for icrsh in icrsh_hartree:
sum_k.calc_dc(density_matrix_DC[icrsh], orb=icrsh,
# Sets the DC and exits the function if advanced_params['dc_fixed_value'] is specified
if advanced_params['dc_fixed_value'] is not None:
for icrsh in icrsh_not_hartree:
sum_k.calc_dc(density_matrix_DC[icrsh], orb=icrsh,
return sum_k
for icrsh in icrsh_not_hartree:
if advanced_params['dc_fixed_occ'][icrsh] is not None:
mpi.report(f'Fixing occupation for DC for imp {icrsh} to n={advanced_params["dc_fixed_occ"][icrsh]:.4f}')
n_orb = sum_k.corr_shells[icrsh]['dim']
# we need to handover a matrix to calc_dc so calc occ per orb per spin channel
orb_occ = advanced_params['dc_fixed_occ'][icrsh]/(n_orb*2)
# setting occ of each diag orb element to calc value
for inner in density_matrix_DC[icrsh].values():
np.fill_diagonal(inner, orb_occ+0.0j)
# The regular way: calculates the DC based on U, J and the dc_type
for icrsh in icrsh_not_hartree:
if general_params['dc_type'][icrsh] == 3:
# this is FLL for eg orbitals only as done in Seth PRB 96 205139 2017 eq 10
# this setting for U and J is reasonable as it is in the spirit of F0 and Javg
# for the 5 orb case
mpi.report('Doing FLL DC for eg orbitals only with Uavg=U-J and Javg=2*J')
Uavg = advanced_params['dc_U'][icrsh] - advanced_params['dc_J'][icrsh]
Javg = 2*advanced_params['dc_J'][icrsh]
sum_k.calc_dc(density_matrix_DC[icrsh], U_interact=Uavg, J_hund=Javg,
orb=icrsh, use_dc_formula=0)
# DC calculated for dynamic interaction from AIMBES
elif general_params['dc_type'][icrsh] in ('crpa_static', 'crpa_static_qp', 'crpa_dynamic'):
from solid_dmft.gw_embedding.bdft_converter import calc_Sigma_DC_gw, calc_W_from_Gloc, convert_gw_output
mpi.report('\n*** Using dynamic interactions to calculate DC ***')
# lad GW input from h5 file
if 'Uloc_dlr' not in gw_params:
if mpi.is_master_node():
gw_data, ir_kernel = convert_gw_output(
general_params['jobname'] + '/' + general_params['seedname'] + '.h5',
it_1e = gw_params['it_1e'],
it_2e = gw_params['it_2e'],
ha_ev_conv = True
gw_params = mpi.bcast(gw_params)
mesh = MeshDLRImFreq(sum_k.mesh.beta, 'Fermion',
Gloc_dlr_iw = sum_k.block_structure.create_gf(ish=icrsh, space='sumk', mesh=mesh)
G_loc_sumk = sum_k.block_structure.convert_gf(G_loc_all[icrsh], ish_from=icrsh, space_from='solver', space_to='sumk')
for block, gf in Gloc_dlr_iw:
for iw in gf.mesh:
gf[iw] = G_loc_sumk[block](iw)
Gloc_dlr = make_gf_dlr(Gloc_dlr_iw)
U_matrix_rot = {'up' : gw_params['U_matrix_rot'][icrsh], 'down' : gw_params['U_matrix_rot'][icrsh]}
# there are two options here evaluate DC from Wloc_GW and Uloc
# or Wloc_GG and Uloc (here GG means Wloc calculated via Gloc*Gloc)
Wloc_dlr = calc_W_from_Gloc(Gloc_dlr, U_matrix_rot)
Sig_DC_dlr, Sig_DC_hartree, Sig_DC_exchange = calc_Sigma_DC_gw(Wloc_dlr,
Sig_DC_iw = make_gf_imfreq(Sig_DC_dlr, n_iw=len(sum_k.mesh)//2)
Sig_DC_iw_dyn = Sig_DC_iw.copy()
for block, gf in Sig_DC_iw:
for iorb, jorb in itertools.product(range(gf.target_shape[0]), repeat=2):
# create full freq dependent DC
gf[iorb, jorb] += Sig_DC_hartree[block][iorb, jorb].real + Sig_DC_exchange[block][iorb, jorb].real
# dynamic interaction but static DC
if general_params['dc_type'][icrsh] == 'crpa_static':
# for the static DC form we follow doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.95.155104 Eq 31
# Sig_DC = Sig_DC_hartree + Sig_DC_exchange
for block, gf in Sig_DC_iw:
Sig_DC_hartree[block] += Sig_DC_exchange[block]
mpi.report(f'DC for imp {icrsh} block {block} via Σ_dc_HF + Σ_dc_ex:')
# transform dc to sumk blocks
sum_k.dc_imp[icrsh] = Sig_DC_hartree
elif general_params['dc_type'][icrsh] == 'crpa_static_qp':
# for the static DC on top of GW we follow doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.95.155104 Eq 31
# Sig_DC = Sig_DC_hartree + Sig_DC_exchange + Sig_DC_iw(0)
mesh_w = MeshReFreq(window=(-0.5,0.5), n_w=101)
Sig_DC_w = sum_k.block_structure.create_gf(ish=icrsh, space='sumk', mesh=mesh_w)
for block, gf in Sig_DC_w:
gf.set_from_pade(Sig_DC_iw[block], n_points=len(sum_k.mesh)//10, freq_offset=0.0001)
Sig_DC_hartree[block] = 0.5*(Sig_DC_w[block](0.0) + Sig_DC_w[block](0.0).conj().T).real
mpi.report(f'DC for imp {icrsh} block {block} via Σ_dc_HF + Σ_dc_ex:')
# transform dc to sumk blocks
sum_k.dc_imp[icrsh] = Sig_DC_hartree
elif general_params['dc_type'][icrsh] == 'crpa_dynamic':
for block, gf in Sig_DC_iw:
mpi.report(f'Full dynamic DC from cRPA for imp {icrsh} block {block} at iw_n=0:')
mpi.report(f'Full dynamic DC from cRPA for imp {icrsh} block {block} at iw_n=n:')
Sig_DC_hartree[block] += Sig_DC_exchange[block]
# sum_k.dc_imp stores the sumk block structure version
sum_k.dc_imp[icrsh] = Sig_DC_hartree
# the dynamic part of DC is stored in different object
sum_k.dc_imp_dyn[icrsh] = Sig_DC_iw_dyn
mpi.report(f'\nCalculating standard DC for impurity {icrsh} with U={advanced_params["dc_U"][icrsh]} and J={advanced_params["dc_J"][icrsh]}')
sum_k.calc_dc(density_matrix_DC[icrsh], U_interact=advanced_params['dc_U'][icrsh],
J_hund=advanced_params['dc_J'][icrsh], orb=icrsh,
# for the fixed DC according to https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.90.075136
# dc_imp is calculated with fixed occ but dc_energ is calculated with given n
if advanced_params['dc_nominal']:
if 'Hartree' in solver_type_per_imp:
raise NotImplementedError('dc_nominal not implemented in presence of Hartree solver')
mpi.report('\ncalculating DC energy with fixed DC potential from above\n'
+ ' for the original density matrix doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.90.075136\n'
+ ' aka nominal DC')
dc_imp = deepcopy(sum_k.dc_imp)
dc_new_en = deepcopy(sum_k.dc_energ)
for ish in range(sum_k.n_corr_shells):
n_DC = 0.0
for value in density_matrix[sum_k.corr_to_inequiv[ish]].values():
n_DC += np.trace(value.real)
# calculate new DC_energ as n*V_DC
# average over blocks in case blocks have different imp
dc_new_en[ish] = 0.0
for spin, dc_per_spin in dc_imp[ish].items():
# assuming that the DC potential is the same for all orbitals
# dc_per_spin is a list for each block containing on the diag
# elements the DC potential for the self-energy correction
dc_new_en[ish] += n_DC * dc_per_spin[0][0]
dc_new_en[ish] = dc_new_en[ish] / len(dc_imp[ish])
sum_k.set_dc(dc_imp, dc_new_en)
# Print new DC values
mpi.report('\nFixed occ, new DC values:')
for icrsh, (dc_per_shell, energy_per_shell) in enumerate(zip(dc_imp, dc_new_en)):
for spin, dc_per_spin in dc_per_shell.items():
mpi.report('DC for shell {} and block {} = {}'.format(icrsh, spin, dc_per_spin[0][0]))
mpi.report('DC energy for shell {} = {}'.format(icrsh, energy_per_shell))
# Rescales DC if advanced_params['dc_factor'] is given
if advanced_params['dc_factor'] is not None:
# Here, no check for Hartree since its DC is 0 and the scaling doesn't change that
rescaled_dc_imp = [{spin: advanced_params['dc_factor'] * dc_per_spin
for spin, dc_per_spin in dc_per_shell.items()}
for dc_per_shell in sum_k.dc_imp]
rescaled_dc_energy = [advanced_params['dc_factor'] * energy_per_shell
for energy_per_shell in sum_k.dc_energ]
sum_k.set_dc(rescaled_dc_imp, rescaled_dc_energy)
# Print new DC values
mpi.report('\nRescaled DC, new DC values:')
for icrsh, (dc_per_shell, energy_per_shell) in enumerate(zip(rescaled_dc_imp, rescaled_dc_energy)):
for spin, dc_per_spin in dc_per_shell.items():
mpi.report('DC for shell {} and block {} = {}'.format(icrsh, spin, dc_per_spin[0][0]))
mpi.report('DC energy for shell {} = {}'.format(icrsh, energy_per_shell))
if advanced_params['dc_orb_shift'] is not None:
if 'Hartree' in solver_type_per_imp:
raise NotImplementedError('dc_orb_shift not implemented in presence of Hartree solver')
mpi.report('adding an extra orbital dependent shift per impurity')
tot_norb = 0
dc_orb_shift = []
dc_orb_shift_orig = deepcopy(advanced_params['dc_orb_shift'])
for icrsh in range(sum_k.n_inequiv_shells):
tot_norb += sum_k.corr_shells[icrsh]['dim']
del dc_orb_shift_orig[:sum_k.corr_shells[icrsh]['dim']]
dc_orb_shift = np.array(dc_orb_shift)
dc = []
for icrsh in range(sum_k.n_inequiv_shells):
mpi.report(f'shift on imp {icrsh}: {dc_orb_shift[icrsh,:]}')
for spin, dc_per_spin in sum_k.dc_imp[sum_k.inequiv_to_corr[icrsh]].items():
dc[icrsh][spin] = dc_per_spin + np.diag(dc_orb_shift[icrsh,:])
for ish in range(sum_k.n_corr_shells):
sum_k.dc_imp[ish] = dc[sum_k.corr_to_inequiv[ish]]
return sum_k
def _load_sigma_from_h5(h5_archive, iteration):
Reads impurity self-energy for all impurities from file and returns them as a list
h5_archive : HDFArchive
HDFArchive to read from
iteration : int
at which iteration will sigma be loaded
self_energies : list of green functions
dc_imp : numpy array
DC potentials
dc_energy : numpy array
DC energies per impurity
density_matrix : numpy arrays
Density matrix from the previous self-energy
internal_path = 'DMFT_results/'
internal_path += 'last_iter' if iteration == -1 else 'it_{}'.format(iteration)
with HDFArchive(h5_archive, 'r') as ar:
n_inequiv_shells = ar['dft_input']['n_inequiv_shells']
# Loads previous self-energies and DC
self_energies = [ar[internal_path]['Sigma_freq_{}'.format(iineq)]
for iineq in range(n_inequiv_shells)]
last_g0 = [ar[internal_path]['G0_freq_{}'.format(iineq)]
for iineq in range(n_inequiv_shells)]
dc_imp = ar[internal_path]['DC_pot']
dc_energy = ar[internal_path]['DC_energ']
# Loads density_matrix to recalculate DC if dc_dmft
density_matrix = ar[internal_path]['dens_mat_post']
print('Loaded Sigma_imp0...imp{} '.format(n_inequiv_shells-1)
+ ('at last it ' if iteration == -1 else 'at it {} '.format(iteration)))
return self_energies, dc_imp, dc_energy, last_g0, density_matrix
def _sumk_sigma_to_solver_struct(sum_k, start_sigma):
Extracts the local Sigma. Copied from SumkDFT.extract_G_loc, version 2.1.x.
sum_k : SumkDFT object
Sumk object with the information about the correct block structure
start_sigma : list of BlockGf (Green's function) objects
List of Sigmas in sum_k block structure that are to be converted.
Sigma_inequiv : list of BlockGf (Green's function) objects
List of Sigmas that can be used to initialize the solver
Sigma_local = [start_sigma[icrsh].copy() for icrsh in range(sum_k.n_corr_shells)]
Sigma_inequiv = [BlockGf(name_block_generator=[(block, Gf(mesh=Sigma_local[0].mesh, target_shape=(dim, dim)))
for block, dim in sum_k.gf_struct_solver[ish].items()],
make_copies=False) for ish in range(sum_k.n_inequiv_shells)]
# G_loc is rotated to the local coordinate system
if sum_k.use_rotations:
for icrsh in range(sum_k.n_corr_shells):
for bname, gf in Sigma_local[icrsh]:
Sigma_local[icrsh][bname] << sum_k.rotloc(
icrsh, gf, direction='toLocal')
# transform to CTQMC blocks
for ish in range(sum_k.n_inequiv_shells):
for block, dim in sum_k.gf_struct_solver[ish].items():
for ind1 in range(dim):
for ind2 in range(dim):
block_sumk, ind1_sumk = sum_k.solver_to_sumk[ish][(block, ind1)]
block_sumk, ind2_sumk = sum_k.solver_to_sumk[ish][(block, ind2)]
Sigma_inequiv[ish][block][ind1, ind2] << Sigma_local[
sum_k.inequiv_to_corr[ish]][block_sumk][ind1_sumk, ind2_sumk]
# return only the inequivalent shells
return Sigma_inequiv
def _set_loaded_sigma(sum_k, loaded_sigma, loaded_dc_imp, general_params):
Adjusts for the Hartree shift when loading a self energy Sigma_freq from a
previous calculation that was run with a different U, J or double counting.
sum_k : SumkDFT object
Sumk object with the information about the correct block structure
loaded_sigma : list of BlockGf (Green's function) objects
List of Sigmas loaded from the previous calculation
loaded_dc_imp : list of dicts
List of dicts containing the loaded DC. Used to adjust the Hartree shift.
general_params : dict
general parameters as a dict
Raised if the block structure between the loaded and the Sumk DC_imp
does not agree.
start_sigma : list of BlockGf (Green's function) objects
List of Sigmas, loaded Sigma adjusted for the new Hartree term
# Compares loaded and new double counting
if len(loaded_dc_imp) != len(sum_k.dc_imp):
raise ValueError('Loaded double counting has a different number of '
+ 'correlated shells than current calculation.')
has_double_counting_changed = False
for loaded_dc_shell, calc_dc_shell in zip(loaded_dc_imp, sum_k.dc_imp):
if sorted(loaded_dc_shell.keys()) != sorted(calc_dc_shell.keys()):
raise ValueError('Loaded double counting has a different block '
+ 'structure than current calculation.')
for channel in loaded_dc_shell.keys():
if not np.allclose(loaded_dc_shell[channel], calc_dc_shell[channel],
atol=1e-4, rtol=0):
has_double_counting_changed = True
# Sets initial Sigma
start_sigma = loaded_sigma
if not has_double_counting_changed:
print('DC remained the same. Using loaded Sigma as initial Sigma.')
return start_sigma
# Uses the SumkDFT add_dc routine to correctly substract the DC shift
calculated_dc_imp = sum_k.dc_imp
sum_k.dc_imp = [{channel: np.array(loaded_dc_shell[channel]) - np.array(calc_dc_shell[channel])
for channel in loaded_dc_shell}
for calc_dc_shell, loaded_dc_shell in zip(sum_k.dc_imp, loaded_dc_imp)]
start_sigma = sum_k.add_dc()
start_sigma = _sumk_sigma_to_solver_struct(sum_k, start_sigma)
# Prints information on correction of Hartree shift
first_block = sorted(key for key, _ in loaded_sigma[0])[0]
print('DC changed, initial Sigma is the loaded Sigma with corrected Hartree shift:')
print(' Sigma for imp0, block "{}", orbital 0 '.format(first_block)
+ 'shifted from {:.3f} eV '.format(loaded_sigma[0][first_block].data[0, 0, 0].real)
+ 'to {:.3f} eV'.format(start_sigma[0][first_block].data[0, 0, 0].real))
# Cleans up
sum_k.dc_imp = calculated_dc_imp
[sigma_freq.zero() for sigma_freq in sum_k.Sigma_imp]
return start_sigma
def determine_dc_and_initial_sigma(general_params, gw_params, advanced_params, sum_k,
archive, iteration_offset, G_loc_all, solvers,
Determines the double counting (DC) and the initial Sigma. This can happen
in five different ways:
* Calculation resumed: use the previous DC and the Sigma of the last complete calculation.
* Calculation initialized with load_sigma: use the DC and Sigma from the previous file.
If the DC changed (and therefore the Hartree shift), the initial Sigma is adjusted by that.
* New calculation, with DC: calculate the DC, then initialize the Sigma as the DC,
effectively starting the calculation from the DFT Green's function.
Also breaks magnetic symmetry if calculation is magnetic.
* New calculation, without DC: Sigma is initialized as 0,
starting the calculation from the DFT Green's function.
general_params : dict
general parameters as a dict
gw_params : dict
GW parameters as a dict
advanced_params : dict
advanced parameters as a dict
sum_k : SumkDFT object
Sumk object with the information about the correct block structure
archive : HDFArchive
the archive of the current calculation
iteration_offset : int
the iterations done before this calculation
G_loc_all : Gf
local Green function for all shells
solvers : list
list of Solver instances
sum_k : SumkDFT object
the SumkDFT object, updated by the initial Sigma and the DC
solvers : list
list of Solver instances, updated by the initial Sigma
start_sigma = None
last_g0 = None
density_mat_dft = [G_loc_all[iineq].density() for iineq in range(sum_k.n_inequiv_shells)]
if mpi.is_master_node():
# Resumes previous calculation
if iteration_offset > 0:
print('\nFrom previous calculation:', end=' ')
start_sigma, sum_k.dc_imp, sum_k.dc_energ, last_g0, _ = _load_sigma_from_h5(archive, -1)
if general_params['csc'] and not general_params['dc_dmft']:
sum_k = calculate_double_counting(sum_k, density_mat_dft, general_params, gw_params,
advanced_params, solver_type_per_imp, G_loc_all)
# Loads Sigma from different calculation
elif general_params['load_sigma']:
print('\nFrom {}:'.format(general_params['path_to_sigma']), end=' ')
(loaded_sigma, loaded_dc_imp, _,
_, loaded_density_matrix) = _load_sigma_from_h5(general_params['path_to_sigma'], general_params['load_sigma_iter'])
# Recalculate double counting in case U, J or DC formula changed
if general_params['dc']:
if general_params['dc_dmft']:
sum_k = calculate_double_counting(sum_k, loaded_density_matrix, general_params, gw_params,
advanced_params, solver_type_per_imp, G_loc_all)
sum_k = calculate_double_counting(sum_k, density_mat_dft, general_params, gw_params,
advanced_params, solver_type_per_imp, G_loc_all)
start_sigma = _set_loaded_sigma(sum_k, loaded_sigma, loaded_dc_imp, general_params)
# Sets DC as Sigma because no initial Sigma given
elif general_params['dc']:
sum_k = calculate_double_counting(sum_k, density_mat_dft, general_params, gw_params,
advanced_params, solver_type_per_imp, G_loc_all)
# initialize Sigma from sum_k
start_sigma = [sum_k.block_structure.create_gf(ish=iineq, gf_function=Gf, space='solver',
for iineq in range(sum_k.n_inequiv_shells)]
for icrsh in range(sum_k.n_inequiv_shells):
n_orb = sum_k.corr_shells[icrsh]['dim']
dc_pot = sum_k.block_structure.convert_matrix(sum_k.dc_imp[sum_k.inequiv_to_corr[icrsh]],
space_from='sumk', space_to='solver')
if (general_params['magnetic'] and general_params['magmom'] and sum_k.SO == 0):
mpi.report(f'\n*** Adding magnetic bias to initial sigma and DC for impurity {icrsh} ***')
# if we are doing a magnetic calculation and initial magnetic moments
# are set, manipulate the initial sigma accordingly
fac = general_params['magmom'][icrsh]
# init self energy according to factors in magmoms
# if magmom positive the up channel will be favored
for spin_channel in sum_k.gf_struct_solver[icrsh].keys():
if 'up' in spin_channel:
start_sigma[icrsh][spin_channel] << dc_pot[spin_channel] - fac*np.eye(n_orb)
start_sigma[icrsh][spin_channel] << dc_pot[spin_channel] + fac*np.eye(n_orb)
for spin_channel in sum_k.gf_struct_solver[icrsh].keys():
start_sigma[icrsh][spin_channel] << dc_pot[spin_channel]
# Sets Sigma to zero because neither initial Sigma nor DC given
elif (not general_params['dc'] and general_params['magnetic']):
start_sigma = [sum_k.block_structure.create_gf(ish=iineq, gf_function=Gf, space='solver', mesh=sum_k.mesh)
for iineq in range(sum_k.n_inequiv_shells)]
for icrsh in range(sum_k.n_inequiv_shells):
n_orb = sum_k.corr_shells[icrsh]['dim']
if (general_params['magnetic'] and general_params['magmom'] and sum_k.SO == 0):
mpi.report(f'\n*** Adding magnetic bias to initial sigma for impurity {icrsh} ***')
# if we are doing a magnetic calculation and initial magnetic moments
# are set, manipulate the initial sigma accordingly
fac = general_params['magmom'][icrsh]
# if magmom positive the up channel will be favored
for spin_channel in sum_k.gf_struct_solver[icrsh].keys():
if 'up' in spin_channel:
start_sigma[icrsh][spin_channel] << -fac*np.eye(n_orb)
start_sigma[icrsh][spin_channel] << fac*np.eye(n_orb)
start_sigma = [sum_k.block_structure.create_gf(ish=iineq, gf_function=Gf, space='solver', mesh=sum_k.mesh)
for iineq in range(sum_k.n_inequiv_shells)]
# Adds random, frequency-independent noise in zeroth iteration to break symmetries
if not np.isclose(general_params['noise_level_initial_sigma'], 0) and iteration_offset == 0:
if mpi.is_master_node():
for start_sigma_per_imp in start_sigma:
for _, block in start_sigma_per_imp:
noise = np.random.normal(scale=general_params['noise_level_initial_sigma'],
# Makes the noise hermitian
noise = np.broadcast_to(.5 * (noise + noise.T), block.data.shape)
block += Gf(indices=block.indices, mesh=block.mesh, data=noise)
# bcast everything to other nodes
sum_k.dc_imp = mpi.bcast(sum_k.dc_imp)
sum_k.dc_energ = mpi.bcast(sum_k.dc_energ)
start_sigma = mpi.bcast(start_sigma)
last_g0 = mpi.bcast(last_g0)
# Loads everything now to the solver
for icrsh in range(sum_k.n_inequiv_shells):
solvers[icrsh].Sigma_freq = start_sigma[icrsh]
if last_g0:
solvers[icrsh].G0_freq = last_g0[icrsh]
# Updates the sum_k object with the Matsubara self-energy
sum_k.put_Sigma([solvers[icrsh].Sigma_freq for icrsh in range(sum_k.n_inequiv_shells)])
# load sigma as first guess in the hartree solver if applicable
for icrsh in range(sum_k.n_inequiv_shells):
# should this be moved to before the solve() call? Having it only here means there is a mismatch
# between the mixing at the level of the solver and the sumk (solver mixes always 100%)
if solver_type_per_imp[icrsh] == 'hartree':
mpi.report(f"SOLID_DMFT: setting first guess hartree solver for impurity {icrsh}")
return sum_k, solvers