Source code for gw_embedding.bdft_converter

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# solid_dmft - A versatile python wrapper to perform DFT+DMFT calculations
#              utilizing the TRIQS software library
# Copyright (C) 2018-2020, ETH Zurich
# Copyright (C) 2021, The Simons Foundation
#      authors: A. Hampel, M. Merkel, and S. Beck
# solid_dmft is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# solid_dmft is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# solid_dmft (in the file COPYING.txt in this directory). If not, see
# <>.
converter from bdft output to edmft input for solid_dmft

import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import physical_constants

from h5 import HDFArchive
from triqs.utility import mpi
from import (
from import MeshDLRImFreq, MeshDLRImTime
import itertools

from solid_dmft.gw_embedding.iaft import IAFT

HARTREE_EV = physical_constants['Hartree energy in eV'][0]

def _get_dlr_from_IR(Gf_ir, ir_kernel, mesh_dlr_iw, dim=2):
    Interpolate a given Gf from IR mesh to DLR mesh

    Gf_ir : np.ndarray
        Green's function on IR mesh
    ir_kernel : sparse_ir
        IR kernel object
    mesh_dlr_iw : MeshDLRImFreq
        DLR mesh
    dim : int, optional
        dimension of the Green's function, defaults to 2

    Gf_dlr : BlockGf or Gf
        Green's function on DLR mesh

    n_orb = Gf_ir.shape[-1]
    stats = 'f' if mesh_dlr_iw.statistic == 'Fermion' else 'b'

    if stats == 'b':
        Gf_ir_pos = Gf_ir.copy()
        Gf_ir = np.zeros([Gf_ir_pos.shape[0] * 2 - 1] + [n_orb] * dim, dtype=complex)
        Gf_ir[: Gf_ir_pos.shape[0]] = Gf_ir_pos[::-1]
        Gf_ir[Gf_ir_pos.shape[0] :] = Gf_ir_pos[1:]

    Gf_dlr_iw = Gf(mesh=mesh_dlr_iw, target_shape=[n_orb] * dim)

    # prepare idx array for spare ir
    if stats == 'f':
        mesh_dlr_iw_idx = np.array([iwn.index for iwn in mesh_dlr_iw])
        mesh_dlr_iw_idx = np.array([iwn.index for iwn in mesh_dlr_iw])[:] = ir_kernel.w_interpolate(Gf_ir, mesh_dlr_iw_idx, stats=stats, ir_notation=False)

    Gf_dlr = make_gf_dlr(Gf_dlr_iw)
    return Gf_dlr

def check_iaft_accuracy(Aw, ir_kernel, stats,
                        beta, dlr_wmax, dlr_prec, data_name):'============== DLR mesh check ==============\n')'Estimating accuracy of the user-defined (wmax, eps) = '
               f'({dlr_wmax}, {dlr_prec}) for the DLR mesh\n')
    ir_imp_kernel = IAFT(beta=beta, lmbda=beta * dlr_wmax, prec=dlr_prec)
    Aw_imp = ir_kernel.w_interpolate(Aw, ir_imp_kernel.wn_mesh('f'), 'f')

    ir_imp_kernel.check_leakage(Aw_imp, stats, data_name, w_input=True)'=================== done ===================\n')

def estimate_zero_moment(Aw, iw_mesh):
    iw_m1 = iw_mesh[-1]
    iw_m2 = iw_mesh[-2]
    t = Aw[-1].real - (Aw[-1] - Aw[-2]).real * iw_m2 ** 2 / (
           iw_m2 ** 2 - iw_m1 ** 2)
    t = t.astype(complex)

    return t

def extract_t_and_delta(g_weiss_wsIab, ir_kernel):
    iwn_mesh_imp = ir_kernel.wn_mesh('f') * np.pi / ir_kernel.beta

    ns, nImp = g_weiss_wsIab.shape[1:3]
    weiss_tmp = np.zeros(g_weiss_wsIab.shape, dtype=complex)
    for n, g in enumerate(g_weiss_wsIab):
        for s in range(ns):
            for I in range(nImp):
                weiss_tmp[n, s, I] = 1j * iwn_mesh_imp[n] - np.linalg.inv(g[s, I])

    t_sIab_estimate = estimate_zero_moment(weiss_tmp, iwn_mesh_imp)

    # construct delta: delta(iw) = iw - t - g^{-1}(iw)
    delta_estimate = np.zeros(g_weiss_wsIab.shape, dtype=complex)
    nbnd = t_sIab_estimate.shape[-1]
    for n in range(delta_estimate.shape[0]):
        for s in range(ns):
            for I in range(nImp):
                g_weiss_inv = np.linalg.inv(g_weiss_wsIab[n, 0, 0])
                delta_estimate[n, s, I] = 1j * iwn_mesh_imp[n] * np.eye(nbnd) - t_sIab_estimate[s, I] - g_weiss_inv
    ir_kernel.check_leakage(delta_estimate, 'f', 'delta_estimate', w_input=True)

    return t_sIab_estimate, delta_estimate

def read_t_and_delta(aimb_h5, it_1e=None):"Reading the analytic H_loc0 and the corresponding hybridization from aimbes h5 {aimb_h5}.")
    with HDFArchive(aimb_h5, 'r') as ar:
        if not it_1e:
            it_1e = ar['downfold_1e/final_iter']
        iter_grp = ar[f'downfold_1e/iter{it_1e}']

        t_sIab = iter_grp['H0_sIab'] + iter_grp['Vhf_gw_sIab'] - iter_grp['Vhf_dc_sIab']
        if 'Vcorr_gw_sIab' in iter_grp:
            t_sIab += (iter_grp['Vcorr_gw_sIab'] - iter_grp['Vcorr_dc_sIab'])

        nspin, nImp, nOrbs = t_sIab.shape[:3]
        for s in np.arange(nspin):
            for I in range(nImp):
                t_sIab[s, I] -= np.eye(nOrbs) * iter_grp["mu"]

        delta_wsIab = iter_grp['delta_wsIab']

    return t_sIab, delta_wsIab

def tail_fit_g_weiss(g_weiss_wsIab, ir_kernel, gw_data, wmax_imp=None, eps_imp=None):"Extracting H_loc0 and hybridization from tail fitting fermionic Weiss field g.")
    # if user-defined wmax and eps for the impurity
    if wmax_imp is not None or eps_imp is not None:
        ir_imp_kernel = IAFT(beta=gw_data['beta'],
                             lmbda=gw_data['beta'] * gw_data['gw_dlr_wmax'],
                             prec=gw_data['gw_ir_prec'], verbal=False)
        g_imp = ir_kernel.w_interpolate(g_weiss_wsIab, ir_imp_kernel.wn_mesh('f'), 'f')
        ir_imp_kernel.check_leakage(g_imp, 'f', "fermionic Weiss field on the customized imaginary meshes",
        ir_imp_kernel = ir_kernel
        g_imp = g_weiss_wsIab"")
    # extracting H0 and Delta from g_weiss
    t_sIab, delta_wsIab = extract_t_and_delta(g_imp, ir_imp_kernel)

    return t_sIab, delta_wsIab, ir_imp_kernel

def bath_fitting(delta_wsIab, iw_mesh, Np=5):"Bath fitting for hybridization with nbath/impurity orbital = {Np}")
        from adapol import hybfit
    except ImportError:
        raise ImportError("bath fitting requires the adapol package ( \n"
                          "Please ensure that it is installed. ")

    nspin, nImp = delta_wsIab.shape[1:3]
    error = -1
    for s in np.arange(nspin):
        for I in range(nImp):
            bath_energy, bath_hyb, fit_error, func = hybfit(delta_wsIab[:, s, I], 1j*iw_mesh,
                                                            Np=5, solver='sdp', verbose=False)
            delta_wsIab[:, s, I] = func(1j*iw_mesh)
            error = max(error, abs(fit_error))"Bath fitting error =  {error}")

[docs] def calc_Sigma_DC_gw(Wloc_dlr, Gloc_dlr, Vloc, verbose=False): r""" Calculate the double counting part of the self-energy from the screened Coulomb interaction Parameters ---------- Wloc_dlr : BlockGf or Gf with MeshDLR screened Coulomb interaction Gloc_dlr : BlockGf or Gf with MeshDLR local Green's function Vloc : np.ndarray local Coulomb interaction verbose : bool, optional print additional information, defaults to False Returns ------- Sig_DC_dlr : BlockGf or Gf double counting part of the self-energy Sig_DC_hartree : np.ndarray static Hartree part of the self-energy Sig_DC_exchange : np.ndarray static exchange part of the self-energy """ if isinstance(Gloc_dlr, BlockGf): Sig_DC_dlr_list = [] Sig_DC_hartree_list = {} Sig_DC_exchange_list = {} for block, gloc in Gloc_dlr: res = calc_Sigma_DC_gw(Wloc_dlr[block], gloc, Vloc[block], verbose) Sig_DC_dlr_list.append(res[0]) Sig_DC_hartree_list[block] = res[1] Sig_DC_exchange_list[block] = res[2] return ( BlockGf(name_list=list(Gloc_dlr.indices), block_list=Sig_DC_dlr_list), Sig_DC_hartree_list, Sig_DC_exchange_list, ) n_orb = Gloc_dlr.target_shape[0] # dynamic part Gloc_dlr_t = make_gf_dlr_imtime(Gloc_dlr) Sig_dlr_t = Gf(mesh=Gloc_dlr_t.mesh, target_shape=Gloc_dlr_t.target_shape) Wloc_dlr_t = make_gf_dlr_imtime(Wloc_dlr) for tau in Gloc_dlr_t.mesh: # Wloc_dlr is bosonic and the mesh has a different hash, use call to get value at tau point Sig_dlr_t[tau] = -1 * np.einsum('ijkl, jk -> li', Wloc_dlr_t[tau], Gloc_dlr_t[tau]) Sig_DC_dlr = make_gf_dlr(Sig_dlr_t) # static hartree Part Sig_DC_hartree = np.zeros((n_orb, n_orb)) Sig_DC_hartree = 2 * np.einsum('ijkl, lj -> ik', Vloc, Gloc_dlr.density()) # symmetrize Sig_DC_hartree = 0.5 * (Sig_DC_hartree + Sig_DC_hartree.conj().T) if verbose: print('static Hartree part of DC') print(Sig_DC_hartree.real) if np.any(np.imag(Sig_DC_hartree) > 1e-3): print('Im:') print(np.imag(Sig_DC_hartree)) # static exchange part Sig_DC_exchange = np.zeros((n_orb, n_orb)) Sig_DC_exchange = -1 * np.einsum('ijkl, jk -> li', Vloc, Gloc_dlr.density()) # symmetrize Sig_DC_exchange = 0.5 * (Sig_DC_exchange + Sig_DC_exchange.conj().T) if verbose: print('static exchange part of DC') print(Sig_DC_exchange.real) if np.any(np.imag(Sig_DC_exchange) > 1e-3): print('Im:') print(np.imag(Sig_DC_exchange)) return Sig_DC_dlr, Sig_DC_hartree, Sig_DC_exchange
[docs] def calc_W_from_Gloc(Gloc_dlr, U): r""" Calculate Wijkl from given constant U tensor and Gf on DLRMesh triqs notation for Uijkl: phi*_i(r) phi*_j(r') U(r,r') phi_l'(r') phi_k(r) = Uijkl c^+_i c^+_j' c_l' c_k where the ' denotes a spin index different from the other without ' the according diagram is (left and right have same spin):: j (phi) k' (phi) \ / < < \__________/ / \ > > / \ i (phi*) l' we now have to move to a product basis form to combine two indices i.e. go from nb,nb,nb,nb to nb**2,nb**2 tensors:: Uji,kl = phi*_i(r) phi_j(r) U(r,r') phi*_k(r') phi_l(r') = Psi*_ji(r) U(r,r') Psi_kl(r') So we have to transform the triqs notation of Uijkl -> Uki,jl, i.e. swap col/rows as (2,0,1,3) to go to the basis and the in the end swap W_ki,jl back in reverse. Then we compute pubble polarizability as Pi_ab,kl(tau) = -2 G_bl(tau) G_ka(beta - tau) So that:: [ U Pi(iwn) ]_ji,kl = sum_ab U_ji,ab Pi_ab,kl(iwn) i.e.:: j' a ___ \ / \ k < < \ \__________/ \ / \ / > > / / \___/ l i' b then the screened Coulomb interaction in product basis is:: W_ji,kl(iwn) = [1 - U Pi(iwn) ]^-1_ji,kl Uji,kl - Uji,kl (subtract static shift here), and finally convert back to triqs notation. Parameters ---------- Gloc_dlr : BlockGf or Gf with MeshDLR local Green's function U : np.ndarray of with shape [Gloc_dlr.target_shape]*4 or dict of np.ndarray constant U tensor Returns ------- W_dlr : BlockGf or Gf screened Coulomb interaction """ if isinstance(Gloc_dlr, BlockGf): Wloc_list = [] for block, gloc in Gloc_dlr: if isinstance(U, np.ndarray): Wloc_list.append(calc_W_from_Gloc(gloc, U)) else: Wloc_list.append(calc_W_from_Gloc(gloc, U[block])) return BlockGf(name_list=list(Gloc_dlr.indices), block_list=Wloc_list) nb = Gloc_dlr.target_shape[0] Gloc_dlr_t = make_gf_dlr_imtime(Gloc_dlr) mesh_bos = MeshDLRImTime( beta=Gloc_dlr.mesh.beta, statistic='Boson', w_max=Gloc_dlr.mesh.w_max, eps=Gloc_dlr.mesh.eps, symmetrize=True ) PI_dlr_t = Gf(mesh=mesh_bos, target_shape=[nb] * 4) for tau in Gloc_dlr_t.mesh: PI_dlr_t[tau] = -2 * np.einsum('bl, ka -> abkl', Gloc_dlr_t[tau], Gloc_dlr(Gloc_dlr_t.mesh.beta - tau)) PI_dlr = make_gf_dlr(PI_dlr_t) PI_dlr_w = make_gf_dlr_imfreq(PI_dlr) # need to swap indices and go into product basis U_prod = np.transpose(U, (2, 0, 1, 3)).reshape(nb**2, nb**2) W_dlr_w = Gf(mesh=PI_dlr_w.mesh, target_shape=[nb] * 4) ones = np.eye(nb**2) for w in PI_dlr_w.mesh: eps = ones - U_prod @ PI_dlr_w[w].reshape(nb**2, nb**2) # in product basis W_ji,kl W_dlr_w[w] = (np.linalg.inv(eps) @ U_prod - U_prod).reshape(nb, nb, nb, nb) # swap indices back W_dlr_w[w] = np.transpose(W_dlr_w[w], (1, 2, 0, 3)) W_dlr = make_gf_dlr(W_dlr_w) return W_dlr
[docs] def convert_gw_output(job_h5, gw_h5, dlr_wmax=None, dlr_eps=None, it_1e=0, it_2e=0, delta_calc_type="tail_fit", delta_bath_fit=False, ha_ev_conv = False): """ read bdft output and convert to triqs Gf DLR objects Parameters ---------- job_h5: string path to solid_dmft job file gw_h5: string path to GW checkpoint file for AIMBES code dlr_wmax: float wmax for dlr mesh, defaults to the wmax from the IR basis dlr_eps: float precision for dlr mesh, defaults to the precision from the IR basis it_1e: int, optional iteration to read from gw_h5 calculation for 1e downfolding, defaults to last iteration it_2e: int, optional iteration to read from gw_h5 calculation for 2e downfolding, defaults to last iteration ha_ev_conv: bool, optional convert energies from Hartree to eV, defaults to False Returns ------- gw_data: dict dictionary holding all read objects: mu_emb, beta, lam, w_max, prec, mesh_dlr_iw_b, mesh_dlr_iw_f, n_orb, G0_dlr, Gloc_dlr, Sigma_imp_dlr, Sigma_imp_DC_dlr, Uloc_dlr, Vloc, Hloc0, Vhf_dc, Vhf ir_kernel: sparse_ir kernel object IR kernel with AIMBES paramaters """'reading output from aimbes code') gw_data = {} if ha_ev_conv: conv_fac = HARTREE_EV else: conv_fac = 1.0 with HDFArchive(gw_h5, 'r') as ar: if not it_1e or not it_2e: it_1e = ar['downfold_1e/final_iter'] it_2e = ar['downfold_2e/final_iter']'Reading results from downfold_1e iter {it_1e} and downfold_2e iter {it_2e} from given AIMBES chkpt file.') # auxilary quantities gw_data['it_1e'] = it_1e gw_data['it_2e'] = it_2e gw_data['mu_emb'] = ar[f'downfold_1e/iter{it_1e}']['mu'] gw_data['beta'] = ar['imaginary_fourier_transform']['beta'] gw_data['lam'] = ar['imaginary_fourier_transform']['lambda'] gw_data['gw_wmax'] = gw_data['lam'] / gw_data['beta'] gw_data['gw_dlr_wmax'] = gw_data['gw_wmax'] if dlr_wmax is None else dlr_wmax gw_data['number_of_spins'] = ar['system/number_of_spins'] assert gw_data['number_of_spins'] == 1, 'spin calculations not yet supported in converter' prec = ar['imaginary_fourier_transform']['prec'] if prec == 'high': # set to highest DLR precision possible gw_data['gw_ir_prec'] = 1e-15 gw_data['gw_dlr_prec'] = 1e-13 if dlr_eps is None else dlr_eps elif prec == 'mid': gw_data['gw_ir_prec'] = 1e-10 gw_data['gw_dlr_prec'] = 1e-10 if dlr_eps is None else dlr_eps elif prec == 'low': gw_data['gw_ir_prec'] = 1e-6 gw_data['gw_dlr_prec'] = 1e-6 if dlr_eps is None else dlr_eps # 1 particle properties g_weiss_wsIab = ar[f'downfold_1e/iter{it_1e}']['g_weiss_wsIab'] delta_wsIab = ar[f'downfold_1e/iter{it_1e}']['delta_wsIab'] Sigma_dc_wsIab = ar[f'downfold_1e/iter{it_1e}']['Sigma_dc_wsIab'] Gloc = ar[f'downfold_1e/iter{it_1e}']['Gloc_wsIab'] gw_data['n_inequiv_shells'] = Gloc.shape[2] # 2 particle properties # TODO: discuss how the site index is used right now in bDFT Vloc_jk = ar[f'downfold_2e/iter{it_2e}']['Vloc_abcd'] Uloc_ir_jk = ar[f'downfold_2e/iter{it_2e}']['Uloc_wabcd'][:, ...] # switch inner two indices to match triqs notation Vloc = np.zeros(Vloc_jk.shape, dtype=complex) Uloc_ir = np.zeros(Uloc_ir_jk.shape, dtype=complex) n_orb = Vloc.shape[0] for or1, or2, or3, or4 in itertools.product(range(n_orb), repeat=4): Vloc[or1, or2, or3, or4] = Vloc_jk[or1, or3, or2, or4] for ir_w in range(Uloc_ir_jk.shape[0]): Uloc_ir[ir_w, or1, or2, or3, or4] = Uloc_ir_jk[ir_w, or1, or3, or2, or4] Vhf_dc_sIab = ar[f'downfold_1e/iter{it_1e}']['Vhf_dc_sIab'][0, 0] Vhf_sIab = ar[f'downfold_1e/iter{it_1e}']['Vhf_gw_sIab'][0, 0] if 'Vcorr_gw_sIab' in ar[f'downfold_1e/iter{it_1e}']:'Found Vcorr_sIab in the bdft checkpoint file, ' 'i.e. Embedding on top of an effective QP Hamiltonian.') qp_emb = True else: Sigma_wsIab = ar[f'downfold_1e/iter{it_1e}']['Sigma_gw_wsIab'] qp_emb = False"") # get IR object'Creating IR kernel and convert to DLR.') # create IR kernel"\nReading IR representation from aimbes code...") ir_kernel = IAFT(beta=gw_data['beta'], lmbda=gw_data['lam'], prec=gw_data['gw_ir_prec'])"Constructing DLR mesh (wmax, eps) = ({}, {})...".format(gw_data['gw_dlr_wmax'], gw_data['gw_dlr_prec'])) gw_data['mesh_dlr_iw_b'] = MeshDLRImFreq( beta=gw_data['beta'] / conv_fac, statistic='Boson', w_max=gw_data['gw_dlr_wmax'] * conv_fac, eps=gw_data['gw_dlr_prec'], symmetrize=True ) gw_data['mesh_dlr_iw_f'] = MeshDLRImFreq( beta=gw_data['beta'] / conv_fac, statistic='Fermion', w_max=gw_data['gw_dlr_wmax'] * conv_fac, eps=gw_data['gw_dlr_prec'], symmetrize=True ) if delta_calc_type not in {"analytic", "tail_fit"}: raise ValueError("calc_type must be either \'analytic\' or \'tail_fit\'.") if delta_calc_type == "analytic": Hloc0, delta_wsIab = read_t_and_delta(gw_h5, it_1e) ir_imp_kernel = ir_kernel elif delta_calc_type == "tail_fit": Hloc0, delta_wsIab, ir_imp_kernel = tail_fit_g_weiss(g_weiss_wsIab, ir_kernel, gw_data, wmax_imp=dlr_wmax, eps_imp=dlr_eps) if delta_bath_fit: bath_fitting(delta_wsIab, ir_imp_kernel.wn_mesh('f')*np.pi/ir_imp_kernel.beta) Hloc0 = Hloc0[0,0] # need to update g_weiss?"") ( U_dlr_list, G0_dlr_list, delta_dlr_list, Gloc_dlr_list, Sigma_dlr_list, Sigma_DC_dlr_list, V_list, Hloc_list, Vhf_list, Vhf_dc_list, n_orb_list, ) = [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] for ish in range(gw_data['n_inequiv_shells']): # fit IR Uloc on DLR iw mesh temp = _get_dlr_from_IR(Uloc_ir*conv_fac, ir_kernel, gw_data['mesh_dlr_iw_b'], dim=4) Uloc_dlr = BlockGf(name_list=['up', 'down'], block_list=[temp, temp], make_copies=True) U_dlr_list.append(Uloc_dlr) V_list.append({'up': Vloc.copy()*conv_fac, 'down': Vloc*conv_fac}) Hloc_list.append({'up': Hloc0.copy()*conv_fac, 'down': Hloc0*conv_fac}) Vhf_list.append({'up': Vhf_sIab.copy()*conv_fac, 'down': Vhf_sIab*conv_fac}) Vhf_dc_list.append({'up': Vhf_dc_sIab.copy()*conv_fac, 'down': Vhf_dc_sIab*conv_fac}) n_orb_list.append(n_orb) temp = _get_dlr_from_IR(g_weiss_wsIab[:, 0, ish, :, :]/conv_fac, ir_kernel, gw_data['mesh_dlr_iw_f'], dim=2) G0_dlr = BlockGf(name_list=['up', 'down'], block_list=[temp, temp], make_copies=True) G0_dlr_list.append(G0_dlr) # FIXME make consistent usage of ir_kernel and ir_imp_kernel temp = _get_dlr_from_IR(delta_wsIab[:, 0, ish, :, :]/conv_fac, ir_imp_kernel, gw_data['mesh_dlr_iw_f'], dim=2) delta_dlr = BlockGf(name_list=['up', 'down'], block_list=[temp, temp], make_copies=True) delta_dlr_list.append(delta_dlr) temp = _get_dlr_from_IR(Gloc[:, 0, ish, :, :]/conv_fac, ir_kernel, gw_data['mesh_dlr_iw_f'], dim=2) Gloc_dlr = BlockGf(name_list=['up', 'down'], block_list=[temp, temp], make_copies=True) Gloc_dlr_list.append(Gloc_dlr) # since Sigma can have a static shift we return DLR Imfreq mesh if not qp_emb: temp = _get_dlr_from_IR(Sigma_wsIab[:, 0, ish, :, :]*conv_fac, ir_kernel, gw_data['mesh_dlr_iw_f'], dim=2) Sigma_dlr = BlockGf(name_list=['up', 'down'], block_list=[temp, temp], make_copies=True) Sigma_dlr_list.append(Sigma_dlr) temp = _get_dlr_from_IR(Sigma_dc_wsIab[:, 0, ish, :, :]*conv_fac, ir_kernel, gw_data['mesh_dlr_iw_f'], dim=2) Sigma_DC_dlr = BlockGf(name_list=['up', 'down'], block_list=[temp, temp], make_copies=True) Sigma_DC_dlr_list.append(Sigma_DC_dlr) gw_data['G0_dlr'] = G0_dlr_list gw_data['delta_dlr'] = delta_dlr_list gw_data['Gloc_dlr'] = Gloc_dlr_list gw_data['Sigma_imp_dlr'] = Sigma_dlr_list gw_data['Sigma_imp_DC_dlr'] = Sigma_DC_dlr_list gw_data['Uloc_dlr'] = U_dlr_list gw_data['Vloc'] = V_list gw_data['Hloc0'] = Hloc_list gw_data['Vhf_dc'] = Vhf_dc_list gw_data['Vhf'] = Vhf_list gw_data['n_orb'] = n_orb_list # write Uloc / Wloc back to h5 archive'Writing results in {job_h5}/DMFT_input') with HDFArchive(job_h5, 'a') as ar: if 'DMFT_input' not in ar: ar.create_group('DMFT_input') if f'iter{it_1e}' not in ar['DMFT_input']: ar['DMFT_input'].create_group(f'iter{it_1e}') for key, value in gw_data.items(): ar[f'DMFT_input/iter{it_1e}'][key] = value'finished writing results in {job_h5}/DMFT_input') return gw_data, ir_kernel