Source code for gw_embedding.gw_flow

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# solid_dmft - A versatile python wrapper to perform DFT+DMFT calculations
#              utilizing the TRIQS software library
# Copyright (C) 2018-2020, ETH Zurich
# Copyright (C) 2021, The Simons Foundation
#      authors: A. Hampel, M. Merkel, and S. Beck
# solid_dmft is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# solid_dmft is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# solid_dmft (in the file COPYING.txt in this directory). If not, see
# <>.
# pyright: reportUnusedExpression=false
Module for gw flow

from timeit import default_timer as timer
import numpy as np

from h5 import HDFArchive
from triqs.utility import mpi
from import (
from triqs.version import git_hash as triqs_hash
from triqs.version import version as triqs_version
from import MeshImFreq
from triqs.operators import c_dag, c, Operator
from triqs_dft_tools.block_structure import BlockStructure
from triqs_dft_tools.sumk_dft import SumkDFT

from solid_dmft.version import solid_dmft_hash
from solid_dmft.version import version as solid_dmft_version
from solid_dmft.dmft_tools import formatter
from solid_dmft.dmft_tools import results_to_archive
from solid_dmft.dmft_tools.solver import create_solver
from solid_dmft.dmft_tools import interaction_hamiltonian
from solid_dmft.dmft_cycle import _extract_quantity_per_inequiv, _determine_block_structure
from solid_dmft.dmft_tools import greens_functions_mixer as gf_mixer
from solid_dmft.gw_embedding.bdft_converter import convert_gw_output

[docs] class dummy_sumk(object): """ create dummy sumk helper object """
[docs] def __init__(self, n_inequiv_shells, n_orb_list, enforce_off_diag, use_rot, magnetic): self.n_inequiv_shells = n_inequiv_shells self.SO = 0 self.use_rotations = use_rot if self.use_rotations: raise ValueError('rotations not implemented yet for GW embedding') self.gf_struct_solver = [] self.gf_struct_sumk = [] self.spin_block_names = [] self.inequiv_to_corr = [] self.corr_to_inequiv = [] self.deg_shells = [] self.dc_energ = [0.0 for ish in range(self.n_inequiv_shells)] self.sumk_to_solver = [{} for ish in range(self.n_inequiv_shells)] self.solver_to_sumk = [{} for ish in range(self.n_inequiv_shells)] self.solver_to_sumk_block = [{} for ish in range(self.n_inequiv_shells)] for ish in range(self.n_inequiv_shells): self.inequiv_to_corr.append(ish) self.corr_to_inequiv.append(ish) self.spin_block_names.append(['up', 'down']) self.gf_struct_sumk.append([('up', n_orb_list[ish]), ('down', n_orb_list[ish])]) # use full off-diagonal block structure in impurity solver if enforce_off_diag: self.gf_struct_solver.append({'up_0': n_orb_list[ish], 'down_0': n_orb_list[ish]}) if not magnetic: self.deg_shells.append([['up_0', 'down_0']]) # setup standard mapping between sumk and solver for block, inner_dim in self.gf_struct_sumk[ish]: self.solver_to_sumk_block[ish][f'{block}_0'] = block for iorb in range(inner_dim): self.sumk_to_solver[ish][(block, iorb)] = (block + '_0', iorb) self.solver_to_sumk[ish][(block + '_0', iorb)] = (block, iorb) else: self.gf_struct_solver.append({}) self.deg_shells.append([]) for block, inner_dim in self.gf_struct_sumk[ish]: for iorb in range(inner_dim): self.gf_struct_solver[ish][f'{block}_{iorb}'] = 1 if not magnetic and block == 'up': self.deg_shells[ish].append([f'up_{iorb}', f'down_{iorb}']) # setup standard mapping between sumk and solver self.solver_to_sumk_block[ish][f'{block}_{iorb}'] = block self.sumk_to_solver[ish][(block, iorb)] = (f'{block}_{iorb}', 0) self.solver_to_sumk[ish][(f'{block}_{iorb}', 0)] = (block, iorb) self.gf_struct_solver_list = [sorted([(k, v) for k, v in list(gfs.items())], key=lambda x: x[0]) for gfs in self.gf_struct_solver] # creat block_structure object for solver self.block_structure = BlockStructure( gf_struct_sumk=self.gf_struct_sumk, gf_struct_solver=self.gf_struct_solver, solver_to_sumk=self.solver_to_sumk, sumk_to_solver=self.sumk_to_solver, solver_to_sumk_block=self.solver_to_sumk_block, deg_shells=self.deg_shells, corr_to_inequiv = self.corr_to_inequiv, transformation=None, )
[docs] def symm_deg_gf(self, gf_to_symm, ish=0): r""" Averages a GF or a dict of np.ndarrays over degenerate shells. Degenerate shells of an inequivalent correlated shell are defined by `self.deg_shells`. This function enforces corresponding degeneracies in the input GF. Parameters ---------- gf_to_symm : gf_struct_solver like Input and output GF (i.e., it gets overwritten) or dict of np.ndarrays. ish : int Index of an inequivalent shell. (default value 0) """ # when reading block_structures written with older versions from # an h5 file, self.deg_shells might be None if self.deg_shells is None: return if not isinstance(gf_to_symm, BlockGf) and isinstance(gf_to_symm[list(gf_to_symm.keys())[0]], np.ndarray): blockgf = False elif isinstance(gf_to_symm, BlockGf): blockgf = True else: raise ValueError("gf_to_symm should be either a BlockGf or a dict of numpy arrays") for degsh in self.deg_shells[ish]: # ss will hold the averaged orbitals in the basis where the # blocks are all equal # i.e. maybe_conjugate(v^dagger gf v) ss = None n_deg = len(degsh) for key in degsh: if ss is None: if blockgf: ss = gf_to_symm[key].copy() helper = ss.copy() else: ss = np.zeros_like(gf_to_symm[key]) helper = np.zeros_like(gf_to_symm[key]) # get the transformation matrix if isinstance(degsh, dict): v, C = degsh[key] else: # for backward compatibility, allow degsh to be a list if blockgf: v = np.eye(*ss.target_shape) else: v = np.eye(*ss.shape) C = False # the helper is in the basis where the blocks are all equal if blockgf: helper.from_L_G_R(v.conjugate().transpose(), gf_to_symm[key], v) else: helper =,[key], v)) if C: helper << helper.transpose() # average over all shells ss += helper / (1.0 * n_deg) # now put back the averaged gf to all shells for key in degsh: if isinstance(degsh, dict): v, C = degsh[key] else: # for backward compatibility, allow degsh to be a list if blockgf: v = np.eye(*ss.target_shape) else: v = np.eye(*ss.shape) C = False if blockgf and C: gf_to_symm[key].from_L_G_R(v, ss.transpose().copy(), v.conjugate().transpose()) elif blockgf and not C: gf_to_symm[key].from_L_G_R(v, ss, v.conjugate().transpose()) elif not blockgf and C: gf_to_symm[key] =,, v.conjugate().transpose())) elif not blockgf and not C: gf_to_symm[key] =,, v.conjugate().transpose()))
[docs] def embedding_driver(general_params, solver_params, gw_params, advanced_params): """ Function to run the gw embedding cycle. Parameters ---------- general_params : dict general parameters as a dict solver_params : dict solver parameters as a dict gw_params : dict dft parameters as a dict advanced_params : dict advanced parameters as a dict """ assert gw_params['code'] == 'aimbes', 'Only AIMBES is currently supported as gw code' # prepare output h5 archive archive = general_params['jobname']+'/'+general_params['seedname']+'.h5' if mpi.is_master_node(): with HDFArchive(archive, 'a') as ar: if 'DMFT_results' not in ar: ar.create_group('DMFT_results') if 'last_iter' not in ar['DMFT_results']: ar['DMFT_results'].create_group('last_iter') if 'DMFT_input' not in ar: ar.create_group('DMFT_input') ar['DMFT_input']['program'] = 'solid_dmft' ar['DMFT_input'].create_group('solver') ar['DMFT_input'].create_group('version') ar['DMFT_input']['version']['triqs_hash'] = triqs_hash ar['DMFT_input']['version']['triqs_version'] = triqs_version ar['DMFT_input']['version']['solid_dmft_hash'] = solid_dmft_hash ar['DMFT_input']['version']['solid_dmft_version'] = solid_dmft_version # make sure each iteration is saved to h5 file general_params['h5_save_freq'] = 1 # lad GW input from h5 file if mpi.is_master_node(): gw_data, ir_kernel = convert_gw_output( general_params['jobname'] + '/' + general_params['seedname'] + '.h5', gw_params['h5_file'], general_params['dlr_wmax'], general_params['dlr_eps'], it_1e = gw_params['it_1e'], it_2e = gw_params['it_2e'], delta_calc_type = gw_params['delta_calc_type'], delta_bath_fit = gw_params['delta_bath_fit'] ) gw_params.update(gw_data) mpi.barrier() gw_params = mpi.bcast(gw_params) iteration = gw_params['it_1e'] # check if general_params[n_iw] is consistent with dlr meshes mesh_f_idx = np.array([iw.index for iw in gw_params['mesh_dlr_iw_f']]) mesh_b_idx = np.array([iw.index for iw in gw_params['mesh_dlr_iw_b']]) max_idx = max(abs(mesh_f_idx[0]), abs(mesh_f_idx[-1]), abs(mesh_b_idx[0]), abs(mesh_b_idx[-1])) if max_idx > general_params['n_iw']:"\n!!! WARNING !!!!\n" f"general_params['n_iw'] = {general_params['n_iw']} < maximum DLRImFreq index ({max_idx}). " f"solid_dmft will automatically set general_params['n_iw'] = {max_idx+1}.\n") general_params['n_iw'] = max_idx + 1 general_params['beta'] = gw_params['beta'] sumk_mesh = MeshImFreq(beta=general_params['beta'], statistic='Fermion', n_iw=general_params['n_iw']) # if GW calculation was performed with spin never average spin channels if gw_params['number_of_spins'] == 2: general_params['magnetic'] = True sumk = SumkDFT(hdf_file=general_params['jobname'] + '/' + general_params['seedname'] + '.h5', mesh=sumk_mesh, use_dft_blocks=False, h_field=general_params['h_field']) sumk.chemical_potential = gw_params['mu_emb'] sumk.dc_imp = gw_params['Vhf_dc'] for key in ['h_int_type', 'dc_type', 'enforce_off_diag']: general_params = _extract_quantity_per_inequiv(key, sumk.n_inequiv_shells, general_params) for key in ['map_solver_struct', 'pick_solver_struct', 'mapped_solver_struct_degeneracies']: advanced_params = _extract_quantity_per_inequiv(key, sumk.n_inequiv_shells, advanced_params) if len(solver_params) == 1 and solver_params[0]['idx_impurities'] is None: map_imp_solver = [0] * sumk.n_inequiv_shells else: all_idx_imp = [i for entry in solver_params for i in entry['idx_impurities']] if sorted(all_idx_imp) != list(range(sumk.n_inequiv_shells)): raise ValueError('All impurities must be listed exactly once in solver.idx_impurities' f'but instead got {all_idx_imp}') map_imp_solver = [] for iineq in range(sumk.n_inequiv_shells): for isolver, entry in enumerate(solver_params): if iineq in entry['idx_impurities']: map_imp_solver.append(isolver) break solver_type_per_imp = [solver_params[map_imp_solver[iineq]]['type'] for iineq in range(sumk.n_inequiv_shells)]'\nSolver type per impurity: {solver_type_per_imp}') # determine block_structure dens_mat_gw = [None] * sumk.n_inequiv_shells for ish in range(sumk.n_inequiv_shells): dens_mat_gw[ish] = gw_params['Gloc_dlr'][ish].density() sumk, _ = _determine_block_structure(sumk, general_params, advanced_params, solver_type_per_imp, dens_mat_gw) # print block structure and rotation matrix based on the DFT input if mpi.is_master_node(): print('\n number of ineq. correlated shells: {}'.format(sumk.n_inequiv_shells)) print('\n block structure summary') for icrsh in range(sumk.n_inequiv_shells): shlst = [ish for ish, ineq_shell in enumerate(sumk.corr_to_inequiv) if ineq_shell == icrsh] print(' -- Shell type #{:3d}: '.format(icrsh) + format(shlst)) print(' | shell multiplicity ' + str(len(shlst))) print(' | block struct. sum_k : ' + format(sumk.gf_struct_sumk[sumk.inequiv_to_corr[icrsh]])) print(' | block struct. solver: ' + format(sumk.gf_struct_solver[icrsh])) print(' | deg. orbitals : ' + format(sumk.deg_shells[icrsh])) print('\nRotation matrices') formatter.print_rotation_matrix(sumk) mpi.barrier() # write block structure to h5 archive if gw_params['it_1e'] == 1 and mpi.is_master_node(): with HDFArchive(archive, 'a') as ar: if 'block_structure' not in ar['DMFT_input']: ar['DMFT_input']['block_structure'] = sumk.block_structure if 'deg_shells' not in ar['DMFT_input']: ar['DMFT_input']['deg_shells'] = sumk.deg_shells # create h_int h_int, gw_params = interaction_hamiltonian.construct(sumk, general_params, advanced_params, gw_params) # create solver objects solvers = [None] * sumk.n_inequiv_shells if mpi.is_master_node(): Sigma_dlr = [None] * sumk.n_inequiv_shells Sigma_dlr_iw = [None] * sumk.n_inequiv_shells ir_mesh_idx = ir_kernel.wn_mesh(stats='f',ir_notation=False) ir_mesh = (2*ir_mesh_idx+1)*np.pi/gw_params['beta'] Sigma_ir = np.zeros((len(ir_mesh_idx), gw_params['number_of_spins'], sumk.n_inequiv_shells,max(gw_params['n_orb']),max(gw_params['n_orb'])), dtype=complex) Vhf_imp_sIab = np.zeros((gw_params['number_of_spins'], sumk.n_inequiv_shells, max(gw_params['n_orb']),max(gw_params['n_orb'])),dtype=complex) for icrsh in range(sumk.n_inequiv_shells): # Construct the Solver instances"Creating solver with new interface") solvers[icrsh] = create_solver(general_params=general_params, solver_params=solver_params[map_imp_solver[icrsh]], gw_params=gw_params, advanced_params=advanced_params, sum_k=sumk, h_int=h_int[icrsh], icrsh=icrsh, iteration_offset=iteration, deg_orbs_ftps=None) # init local density matrices for observables density_tot = 0.0 density_shell = np.zeros(sumk.n_inequiv_shells) density_mat = [None] * sumk.n_inequiv_shells density_mat_unsym = [None] * sumk.n_inequiv_shells density_shell_pre = np.zeros(sumk.n_inequiv_shells) density_mat_pre = [None] * sumk.n_inequiv_shells if sumk.SO: printed = ((np.real, 'real'), (np.imag, 'imaginary')) else: printed = ((np.real, 'real'),) for ish in range(sumk.n_inequiv_shells): density_shell_pre[ish] = np.real(gw_params['Gloc_dlr'][ish].total_density()) '\n *** Correlated Shell type #{:3d} : '.format(ish) + 'Estimated total charge of impurity problem = {:.6f}'.format(density_shell_pre[ish]) ) density_mat_pre[ish] = gw_params['Gloc_dlr'][ish].density()'Estimated density matrix:') for key, value in sorted(density_mat_pre[ish].items()): for func, name in printed:'{}, {} part'.format(key, name)) if not general_params['enforce_off_diag']:'\n*** WARNING: off-diagonal elements are neglected in the impurity solver ***') # convert G0 to solver basis G0_dlr = sumk.block_structure.convert_gf(gw_params['G0_dlr'][ish], ish_from=ish, space_from='sumk', space_to='solver') # dyson equation to extract G0_freq, using Hermitian symmetry (always needed in solver postprocessing) solvers[ish].G0_freq << make_hermitian(make_gf_imfreq(G0_dlr, n_iw=general_params['n_iw'])) if ((solver_type_per_imp[ish] == 'cthyb' and solvers[ish].solver_params['delta_interface']) or solver_type_per_imp[ish] == 'ctseg'):'\n Using the delta interface for passing Delta(tau) and Hloc0 directly to the solver.\n') # prepare solver input imp_eal = sumk.block_structure.convert_matrix(gw_params['Hloc0'][ish], ish_from=ish, space_from='sumk', space_to='solver') Delta_dlr = sumk.block_structure.convert_gf(gw_params['delta_dlr'][ish], ish_from=ish, space_from='sumk', space_to='solver') for name, delta in Delta_dlr: if mpi.is_master_node(): print('H_loc0[{:2d}] block: {}'.format(ish, name)) fmt = '{:11.7f}' * imp_eal[name].shape[0] for block in imp_eal[name]: print((' '*11 + fmt).format(*block.real)) # create now full delta(tau) Delta_tau = make_hermitian(make_gf_imtime(delta, n_tau=general_params['n_tau'])) # without SOC delta_tau needs to be real if not sumk.SO == 1: solvers[ish].Delta_time[name] << Delta_tau.real else: solvers[ish].Delta_time[name] << Delta_tau if solvers[ish].solver_params['diag_delta']: for o1 in range(imp_eal[name].shape[0]): for o2 in range(imp_eal[name].shape[0]): if o1 != o2: solvers[ish].Delta_time[name].data[:, o1, o2] = 0.0 + 0.0j # Make non-interacting operator for Hloc0 Hloc_0 = Operator() if solver_type_per_imp[ish] == 'ctseg':'Discarding off-diagonals in Hloc_0 anyway since ctseg enforces it.') for spin, spin_block in imp_eal.items(): for o1 in range(spin_block.shape[0]): Hloc_0 += spin_block[o1, o1].real * c_dag(spin, o1) * c(spin, o1) else: for spin, spin_block in imp_eal.items(): for o1 in range(spin_block.shape[0]): for o2 in range(spin_block.shape[1]): # check if off-diag element is larger than threshold if o1 != o2 and abs(spin_block[o1, o2]) < solver_params[ish]['off_diag_threshold']: continue else: # TODO: adapt for SOC calculations, which should keep the imag part Hloc_0 += spin_block[o1, o2].real / 2 * (c_dag(spin, o1) * c(spin, o2) + c_dag(spin, o2) * c(spin, o1)) solvers[ish].Hloc_0 = Hloc_0'\nSolving the impurity problem for shell {} ...'.format(ish)) mpi.barrier() start_time = timer() solvers[ish].solve() mpi.barrier()'Actual time for solver: {:.2f} s'.format(timer() - start_time)) # some printout of the obtained density matrices and some basic checks from the unsymmetrized solver output if solvers[ish].solver_params['type'] == 'ctseg': for block, occ_mat in solvers[ish].orbital_occupations.items(): density_shell[ish] += np.trace(occ_mat) density_tot += density_shell[ish] density_mat_unsym[ish] = solvers[ish].orbital_occupations density_mat[ish] = density_mat_unsym[ish] else: density_shell[ish] = np.real(solvers[ish].G_freq_unsym.total_density()) density_tot += density_shell[ish] density_mat_unsym[ish] = solvers[ish].G_freq_unsym.density() density_mat[ish] = solvers[ish].G_freq.density() formatter.print_local_density(density_shell[ish], density_shell_pre[ish], density_mat_unsym[ish], sumk.SO)'') # post-processing for GW if mpi.is_master_node(): if not hasattr(solvers[ish], 'Sigma_Hartree'): print('Moments of Sigma not measured using tail fit to extract static Hartree shift for DLR fit.') solvers[ish].Sigma_Hartree = {} for block, gf in solvers[ish].Sigma_freq: tail, err = gf.fit_hermitian_tail() solvers[ish].Sigma_Hartree[block] = tail[0] if solvers[ish].solver_params['type'] in ('cthyb', 'ctseg') and solvers[ish].solver_params['crm_dyson_solver']: Sigma_dlr[ish] = make_gf_dlr(solvers[ish].Sigma_dlr) else: Sigma_dlr_iw[ish] = sumk.block_structure.create_gf(ish=ish, gf_function=Gf, space='solver', mesh=gw_params['mesh_dlr_iw_f']) for w in Sigma_dlr_iw[ish].mesh: for block, gf in Sigma_dlr_iw[ish]: gf[w] = solvers[ish].Sigma_freq[block](w)-solvers[ish].Sigma_Hartree[block] sumk.symm_deg_gf(Sigma_dlr_iw[ish],ish=ish) Sigma_dlr[ish] = make_gf_dlr(Sigma_dlr_iw[ish]) # mixing of impurity Sigma if general_params['sigma_mix'] < 1.0 and iteration > 1: if mpi.is_master_node(): print('mixing sigma with previous iteration by factor {:.3f}\n'.format(general_params['sigma_mix'])) with HDFArchive(general_params['jobname'] + '/' + general_params['seedname'] + '.h5', 'r') as ar: Sigma_dlr_prev = ar[f'DMFT_results/it_{iteration-1}'][f'Sigma_dlr_{ish}'] Sigma_Hartree_prev = ar[f'DMFT_results/it_{iteration-1}'][f'Sigma_Hartree_{ish}'] Sigma_dlr[ish] << (general_params['sigma_mix'] * Sigma_dlr[ish] + (1-general_params['sigma_mix']) * Sigma_dlr_prev) for block in solvers[ish].Sigma_Hartree.keys(): solvers[ish].Sigma_Hartree[block] = (general_params['sigma_mix'] * solvers[ish].Sigma_Hartree[block] + (1-general_params['sigma_mix']) * Sigma_Hartree_prev[block]) Sigma_dlr[ish] = mpi.bcast(Sigma_dlr[ish]) solvers[ish].Sigma_Hartree = mpi.bcast(solvers[ish].Sigma_Hartree) for i, (block, gf) in enumerate(Sigma_dlr[ish]): # print Hartree shift print('Σ_HF {}'.format(block)) fmt = '{:11.7f}' * solvers[ish].Sigma_Hartree[block].shape[0] for vhf in solvers[ish].Sigma_Hartree[block]: print((' '*11 + fmt).format(*vhf.real)) # average Hartree shift if not magnetic if not general_params['magnetic']: if general_params['enforce_off_diag']: solvers[ish].Sigma_Hartree['up_0'] = 0.5*(solvers[ish].Sigma_Hartree['up_0']+ solvers[ish].Sigma_Hartree['down_0']) solvers[ish].Sigma_Hartree['down_0'] = solvers[ish].Sigma_Hartree['up_0'] else: for iorb in range(gw_params['n_orb'][ish]): solvers[ish].Sigma_Hartree[f'up_{iorb}'] = 0.5*(solvers[ish].Sigma_Hartree[f'up_{iorb}']+ solvers[ish].Sigma_Hartree[f'down_{iorb}']) solvers[ish].Sigma_Hartree[f'down_{iorb}'] = solvers[ish].Sigma_Hartree[f'up_{iorb}'] iw_mesh = solvers[ish].Sigma_freq.mesh # convert Sigma to sumk basis Sigma_dlr_sumk = sumk.block_structure.convert_gf(Sigma_dlr[ish], ish_from=ish, space_from='solver', space_to='sumk') Sigma_Hartree_sumk = sumk.block_structure.convert_matrix(solvers[ish].Sigma_Hartree, ish_from=ish, space_from='solver', space_to='sumk') # store Sigma and V_HF in sumk basis on IR mesh ir_nw_half = len(ir_mesh_idx)//2 for i, (block, gf) in enumerate(Sigma_dlr_sumk): Vhf_imp_sIab[i,ish] = Sigma_Hartree_sumk[block] # Make sure sigma_ir[iw].conj() = sigma_ir[-iw] for iw_idx in range(ir_nw_half): iw_pos = ir_nw_half+iw_idx iw_neg = ir_nw_half-1-iw_idx Sigma_ir[iw_pos,i,ish] = gf(iw_mesh(ir_mesh_idx[iw_pos])) Sigma_ir[iw_neg,i,ish] = gf(iw_mesh(ir_mesh_idx[iw_pos])).conj() if not general_params['magnetic']: break if mpi.is_master_node(): print("\nChecking impurity self-energy on the IR mesh...") ir_kernel.check_leakage(Sigma_ir, stats='f', name="impurity self-energy", w_input=True) # Writes results to h5 archive'Writing iter {} results to h5 archives {} and {}.'.format(iteration, archive, gw_params['h5_file'])) if mpi.is_master_node(): results_to_archive.write(archive, sumk, general_params, solver_params, solvers, map_imp_solver, solver_type_per_imp, iteration, False, gw_params['mu_emb'], density_mat_pre, density_mat) with HDFArchive(archive, 'a') as ar: # store also IR / DLR Sigma ar['DMFT_results/it_{}'.format(iteration)]['ir_mesh'] = ir_mesh ar['DMFT_results/it_{}'.format(iteration)]['Sigma_imp_wsIab'] = Sigma_ir ar['DMFT_results/it_{}'.format(iteration)]['Vhf_imp_sIab'] = Vhf_imp_sIab for ish in range(sumk.n_inequiv_shells): ar['DMFT_results/it_{}'.format(iteration)][f'Sigma_dlr_{ish}'] = Sigma_dlr[ish] # write results to GW h5_file with HDFArchive(gw_params['h5_file'], 'a') as ar: ar[f'downfold_1e/iter{iteration}']['Sigma_imp_wsIab'] = Sigma_ir ar[f'downfold_1e/iter{iteration}']['Vhf_imp_sIab'] = Vhf_imp_sIab'*** iteration finished ***')'#'*80) mpi.barrier() return