Source code for gw_embedding.qp_evs_to_eig

import sys

from h5 import HDFArchive
from scipy.constants import physical_constants

[docs] def extract_qp_eig(): r""" This script read bdft output and dump g0w0 eigenvalues to si.eig for wannier90 interpolation """ # first arg is the h5 to use if len(sys.argv) < 2: print('Usage: python <h5>') quit() print('h5 archive:', str(sys.argv[1])) bdft_output = str(sys.argv[1]) Hartree_eV = physical_constants['Hartree energy in eV'][0] ###### params ###### # bdft output is defined by "ouptut" in "evgw0" block. # number of bands used in wannier90. # It should be consistent with "num_bands" in nbnd_pp = 3 # number of bands to include in the beginning excl = 20 # iteration of evGW0 it = None # seed for w90 seed = 'svo' ############ ############ # Read evGW0 eigenvalues with HDFArchive(bdft_output, 'r') as ar: if not it: it = ar['scf']['final_iter'] eig = ar[f'scf/iter{it}/E_ska'].real * Hartree_eV # Write eigenvalues in the format of Quantum Espresso .eig file ns, nkpts, nbnd_gw = eig.shape with open(f'{seed}.eig', 'w') as f: for k in range(1, nkpts + 1): for i in range(excl + 1, excl + nbnd_pp + 1): f.write(' {} {} {}\n'.format(i - excl, k, eig[0, k - 1, i - 1]))
if __name__ == '__main__': extract_qp_eig()