# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# TPRF: Two-Particle Response Function (TPRF) Toolbox for TRIQS
# Copyright (C) 2019, The Simons Foundation and S. Käser
# Author: S. Käser, H. U.R. Strand
# TPRF is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# TPRF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# TPRF. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import functools
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator
from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigs
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
from triqs.gf import Gf
from .lattice import eliashberg_product
from .lattice import eliashberg_product_fft, eliashberg_product_fft_constant
from .lattice import split_into_dynamic_wk_and_constant_k, dynamic_and_constant_to_tr
from .lattice import construct_phi_wk
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def solve_eliashberg(
symmetrize_fct=lambda x: x,
r""" Solve the linearized Eliashberg equation
Returns the biggest eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of the linearized Eliashberg
equation, for a particle-particle vertex in the random phase approximation,
as described here :ref:`eliashberg_rpa`. The Eliashberg equation implementation is
using fourier transformations for computational efficiency. The eigenvalues are found
using an iterative algorithm from scipy.
Gamma_pp_wk : Gf,
Pairing vertex :math:`\Gamma(i\omega_n, \mathbf{k})`. The mesh attribute of
the Gf must be a MeshProduct with the components (MeshImFreq, MeshBrZone).
g_wk : Gf,
Green's function :math:`G(i\nu_n, \mathbf{k})`. The mesh attribute of the Gf must
be a MeshProduct with the components (MeshImFreq, MeshBrZone).
initial_delta : Gf, optional
An initial anomalous self-energy :math:`\Delta(i\nu_n, \mathbf{k})` to start
an iterative solver, given as a Gf with MeshProduct with the components
(MeshImFreq, MeshBrZone).
If not given :func:`semi_random_initial_delta` will be called.
Gamma_pp_const_k : float or np.ndarray or Gf, optional
Part of the pairing vertex that is constant in Matsubara frequency space
:math:`\Gamma(\mathbf{k})`. If given as a Gf its mesh attribute needs to
be a MeshBrZone. If not given, the constant part will be fitted.
tol : float, optional
Relative accuracy for eigenvalues (stopping criterion).
product : str, ['FFT', 'SUM'], optional
Which function of the Eliashberg product shall be used:
'FFT' : triqs_tprf.lattice.eliashberg_product_fft,
which uses Fourier transformation for optimal computational efficiency.
'SUM' : triqs_tprf.lattice.eliashberg_product, uses the explicit sum.
Restrictions : wmesh of Gamma_pp_wk must be atleast twice the size of the one of g_wk.
solver : str, ['IRAM', 'PM'], optional
Which eigenvalue solver shall be used:
'IRAM' : Use the Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Method implemented in :func:`implicitly_restarted_arnoldi_method`.
'PM' : Use the Power Method implemented in :func:`power_method_LR`.
symmetrize_fct : function, optional
A function that takes one parameter: A Green's function
:math:`G(i\nu_n, \mathbf{k})`. The mesh attribute of the
Gf must be a MeshProduct with the components
(MeshImFreq, MeshBrZone).
This function is applied after every iteration of the
eigenvalue solver and can be used to enforce a specific
symmetry. If no symmetries are enforced, caution is need, because
unphysical symmetries can occur.
k : int, optional
The number of leading superconducting gaps that shall be calculated. Does
only have an effect, if 'IRAM' is used as a solver.
Es : list of float,
Biggest eigenvalues of the linearized Eliashberg equation :math:`\lambda`.
eigen_modes : list of Gf,
Corresponding eigenvectors (anomalous self-energies)
:math:`\Delta(i\nu_n, \mathbf{k})` as Gf with MeshProduct with the components
(MeshImFreq, MeshBrZone).
See Also
:ref:`eliashberg` : Theory of the linearized Eliashberg equation.
def from_x_to_wk(delta_x):
delta_wk = g_wk.copy()
delta_wk.data[:] = delta_x.reshape(delta_wk.data.shape)
return delta_wk
def from_wk_to_x(delta_wk):
delta_x = delta_wk.data.copy().flatten()
return delta_x
if product == "FFT":
Gamma_pp_dyn_tr, Gamma_pp_const_r = preprocess_gamma_for_fft(
Gamma_pp_wk, Gamma_pp_const_k
if np.allclose(
Gamma_pp_dyn_tr.data, 0
): # -- If dynamic part is zero reduced calculation
eli_prod = functools.partial(
eliashberg_product_fft_constant, Gamma_pp_const_r, g_wk
eli_prod = functools.partial(
eliashberg_product_fft, Gamma_pp_dyn_tr, Gamma_pp_const_r, g_wk
elif product == "SUM":
eli_prod = functools.partial(eliashberg_product, Gamma_pp_wk, g_wk)
raise NotImplementedError(
"There is no implementation of the eliashberg product"
" called %s." % product
def matvec(delta_x):
delta_wk = from_x_to_wk(delta_x)
delta_out_wk = eli_prod(delta_wk)
delta_out_wk = symmetrize_fct(delta_out_wk)
delta_out_x = from_wk_to_x(delta_out_wk)
return delta_out_x
if not initial_delta:
initial_delta = semi_random_initial_delta(g_wk)
initial_delta = from_wk_to_x(initial_delta)
if solver == "PM":
es, evs = power_method_LR(matvec, initial_delta, tol=tol)
es, evs = [es], [evs]
elif solver == "IRAM":
es, evs = implicitly_restarted_arnoldi_method(
matvec, initial_delta, k=k, tol=tol
raise NotImplementedError("There is no solver called %s." % solver)
eigen_modes = [from_x_to_wk(ele) for ele in evs]
return es, eigen_modes
def preprocess_gamma_for_fft(Gamma_pp_wk, Gamma_pp_const_k=None):
r""" Prepare Gamma to be used with the FFT implementation
Gamma_pp_wk : Gf,
Pairing vertex :math:`\Gamma(i\omega_n, \mathbf{k})`. The mesh attribute of
the Gf must be a MeshProduct with the components (MeshImFreq, MeshBrZone).
Gamma_pp_const_k : float or np.ndarray or Gf
Part of the pairing vertex that is constant in Matsubara frequency space
:math:`\Gamma(\mathbf{k})`. If given as a Gf its mesh attribute needs to
be a MeshBrZone. If not given, the constant part will be fitted.
Gamma_pp_dyn_tr : Gf,
The dynamic part of Gamma, which converges to zero for
:math:`\omega_n \rightarrow \infty`, but now in :math:`\tau`-space.
Its mesh attribute is MeshProduct with the components
(MeshImTime, MeshCycLat).
Gamma_pp_const_r : Gf,
The constant part of Gamma with mesh attribute MeshCycLat.
# -- Determine the dynamic and constant part via a tail fit
# -- (This is done even if the constant term is given to get the specific Gf types)
Gamma_pp_dyn_wk_fit, Gamma_pp_const_k_fit = split_into_dynamic_wk_and_constant_k(
# -- Use a constant term if explicitly given
const_type = type(Gamma_pp_const_k)
if (const_type == float) or (const_type == np.ndarray):
Gamma_pp_const_k_fit.data[:] = Gamma_pp_const_k
Gamma_pp_dyn_wk_fit.data[:] = Gamma_pp_wk.data - Gamma_pp_const_k
elif const_type == Gf:
Gamma_pp_const_k_fit[:] = Gamma_pp_const_k.data
Gamma_pp_dyn_wk_fit.data[:] = Gamma_pp_wk.data - Gamma_pp_const_k.data
# -- FFT dynamic and constant term to (tau, real) or (real)
Gamma_pp_dyn_tr, Gamma_pp_const_r = dynamic_and_constant_to_tr(
Gamma_pp_dyn_wk_fit, Gamma_pp_const_k_fit
return Gamma_pp_dyn_tr, Gamma_pp_const_r
def semi_random_initial_delta(g_wk, nr_factor=0.5, seed=None):
r"""Create a delta based on the GF with random elements
Returns an anomalous self-energy that can be used as an inital input for the iterative
solvers. The momentum space is random, while the Matsubara space is only partialy
randomized to ensure working tail fits for the Fourier transformations.
g_wk : Gf,
Green's function :math:`G(i\nu_n, \mathbf{k})`. The mesh attribute of the Gf must
be a MeshProduct with the components (MeshImFreq, MeshBrZone).
nr_factor : float, optional
Percentage of :math:`\omega` points which shall not be randomized. This is needed
to assure a working tail fit for the Fourier transformations. The default is 0.5,
meaning that 50% of the :math:`\omega` points will not be randomized.
seed : int, optional
Set a np.random.seed to enforce predictable results.
delta : Gf,
An initial anomalous self-energy :math:`\Delta(i\nu_n, \mathbf{k})` to start
an iterative solver, given as a Gf with MeshProduct with the components
(MeshImFreq, MeshBrZone).
delta = g_wk.copy()
shape = delta.data.shape
delta.data[:] = delta.data.real # Pure real delta is sufficient w/o magnetic field
random_data = np.random.random(shape[1:])
freq_data = np.mean(np.abs(delta.data), axis=tuple(range(len(shape))[1:]))
not_randomized = int(nr_factor * shape[0] / 2.0)
start, stop = not_randomized, shape[0] - not_randomized
freq_data[start:stop] *= np.random.random(stop - start)
delta.data[:] = np.tensordot(freq_data, random_data, axes=0)
return delta
def implicitly_restarted_arnoldi_method(matvec, init, tol=1e-10, k=6):
"""Find the eigenvalue with the largest real value via the Implicitly Restarted
Arnoldi Method
matvec : callable f(v),
Returns A*v.
init : np.ndarray,
The array representation of the anomalous self-energy to start the iterative
method with. Restriction: len(init.shape) == 1.
tol : float, optional
The tolerance at which the iterative scheme is considered to be converged.
k : int, optional
The number of eigenvalues and eigenvectors desired.
Es : list of float,
The eigenvalues with the largest positive real part.
U : list of np.ndarray,
The corresponding eigenvectors.
`scipy.sparse.linalg.eigs <https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy-0.14.0/reference/generated/scipy.sparse.linalg.eigs.html>`_
`scipy.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator <https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator.html>`_
N = init.shape[0]
linop = LinearOperator(matvec=matvec, dtype=complex, shape=(N, N))
Es, U = eigs(linop, k=k, which="LR", tol=tol, v0=init)
Es = Es.real
return list(Es), list(U.T)
def power_method_LR(matvec, init, tol=1e-10, max_it=1e5):
"""Find the eigenvalue with the largest real value via the power method
matvec : callable f(v),
Returns A*v.
init : np.ndarray,
The array representation of the anomalous self-energy to start the iterative
method with. Restriction: len(init.shape) == 1.
tol : float, optional
The tolerance at which the iterative scheme is considered to be converged.
max_it : float, optional
The maximum number of iterations that shall be done before a error is raised.
norm : float,
The eigenvalue with the largest positive real part.
v_k : np.ndarray,
The corresponding eigenvector.
def iteration(v_k, offset=0.0):
v_k1 = matvec(v_k) - offset * v_k
v_k1_norm = np.linalg.norm(v_k1)
v_k1 = v_k1 / v_k1_norm
return v_k1_norm + offset, v_k1
def power_method(init, offset=0.0, tol=tol, max_it=max_it):
norm, v_k = iteration(init, offset)
it = 1
while True:
norm, new_v_k = iteration(v_k, offset)
# -- Convergence criterion
add = np.max(np.abs(v_k + new_v_k))
diff = np.max(np.abs(v_k - new_v_k))
if (np.allclose(add, 0, atol=tol)) or (np.allclose(diff, 0, atol=tol)):
v_k = new_v_k
it += 1
if it > max_it:
raise AssertionError("Did not converge.")
return norm, v_k
# Find eigenvalue with maximum magnitude
norm, v_k = power_method(init, tol=tol)
# Check sign of found eigenvalue
_, v_k_test = iteration(v_k)
add = np.sum(np.abs(v_k + v_k_test)) # small if sign of E is negative
diff = np.sum(np.abs(v_k - v_k_test)) # small if sign of E is positive
# -- Return eigenvalue with largest real part
if diff > add: # The eigenvalue with the largest magnitude is negative
norm, v_k = power_method(init, offset=-norm, tol=tol)
return norm, v_k
def allclose_by_scalar_multiplication(delta_1, delta_2, atol=1e-10):
"""Test if two eigenvectors are equal if multiplied by a scalar
Eigenvectors are not unique and can be multiplied by any complex scalar.
Therfore two eigenvalue solver could output different eigenvectors for
the same non-degenerate eigenvalue.
This function checks if two eigenvectors are only different, because of a multiplication
by a scalar.
delta_1 : Gf
delta_2 : Gf
tol : float, optional
The tolerance at which the eigenvector are considered to be equal up to a scalar
have_common_scalar_factor : bool,
True if the two eigenvectors are equal up to a scalar.
False otherwise.
delta_1_arr = delta_1.data.flatten()
delta_2_arr = delta_2.data.flatten()
# Remove numerical zeroes
delta_1_arr = delta_1_arr[np.abs(delta_1_arr) > 1e-7]
delta_2_arr = delta_2_arr[np.abs(delta_2_arr) > 1e-7]
division_of_deltas = np.divide(delta_1_arr, delta_2_arr)
except ValueError: # Arrays do not contain the same # of zeroes and are therefore not equal
return False
# Check if elements share common scalar factor
have_common_scalar_factor = np.allclose(
division_of_deltas, division_of_deltas[0], atol=atol
return have_common_scalar_factor
def construct_gamma_singlet_rpa(U_d, U_m, phi_d_wk, phi_m_wk):
r"""Construct the irreducible singlet vertex in the RPA limit
The irreducible singlet vertex in the random phase approximation limit for a
symmetrized calculations of the Eliashberg equation is given by
.. math::
\Gamma^{\text{s}}_{a\overline{b}c\overline{d}}(Q=0, K, K') \equiv
\text{Complex Conjugate}
For more details see :ref:`eliashberg`.
U_d : np.ndarray,
The local static interaction in the density channel.
U_m : np.ndarray,
The local static interaction in the magnetic channel.
phi_d_wk : Gf,
The reducible ladder vertex in the density channel
:math:`\Phi^{\mathrm{d}}(i\omega_n, \mathbf{q})`. The mesh attribute of the Gf
must be a MeshProduct with the components (MeshImFreq, MeshBrZone).
phi_m_wk : Gf,
The reducible ladder vertex in the magnetic channel
:math:`\Phi^{\mathrm{m}}(i\omega_n, \mathbf{q})`. The mesh attribute of the Gf
must be a MeshProduct with the components (MeshImFreq, MeshBrZone).
gamma_singlet : Gf,
The irreducible singlet vertex in the RPA limit for a symmetrized
calculation of the Eliashberg equation
gamma_singlet = 0.0 * phi_d_wk.copy()
gamma_singlet.data[:] = 3 * np.conjugate(phi_m_wk.data) + np.conjugate(phi_d_wk.data)
gamma_singlet.data[:] = gamma_singlet.data.transpose([0, 1, 4, 3, 2, 5])
gamma_singlet.data[:] += 0.5 * U_d + 1.5 * U_m
return gamma_singlet
def construct_gamma_triplet_rpa(U_d, U_m, phi_d_wk, phi_m_wk):
r"""Construct the irreducible triplet vertex in the RPA limit
The irreducible triplet vertex in the random phase approximation limit for a
symmetrized calculations of the Eliashberg equation is given by
.. math::
\Gamma^{\text{t}}_{a\overline{b}c\overline{d}}(Q=0, K, K') \equiv
\text{Complex Conjuate}
For more details see :ref:`eliashberg`.
U_d : np.ndarray,
The local static interaction in the density channel.
U_m : np.ndarray,
The local static interaction in the magnetic channel.
phi_d_wk : Gf,
The reducible ladder vertex in the density channel
:math:`\Phi^{\mathrm{d}}(i\omega_n, \mathbf{q})`. The mesh attribute of the Gf
must be a MeshProduct with the components (MeshImFreq, MeshBrZone).
phi_m_wk : Gf,
The reducible ladder vertex in the magnetic channel
:math:`\Phi^{\mathrm{m}}(i\omega_n, \mathbf{q})`. The mesh attribute of the Gf
must be a MeshProduct with the components (MeshImFreq, MeshBrZone).
gamma_triplet : Gf,
The irreducible triplet vertex in the RPA limit for a symmetrized
calculation of the Eliashberg equation
gamma_triplet = 0.0 * phi_d_wk.copy()
gamma_triplet.data[:] = -np.conjugate(phi_m_wk.data) - np.conjugate(phi_d_wk.data)
gamma_triplet.data[:] = gamma_triplet.data.transpose([0, 1, 4, 3, 2, 5])
gamma_triplet.data[:] += -0.5 * U_d + 0.5 * U_m
return gamma_triplet