# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# TPRF: Two-Particle Response Function (TPRF) Toolbox for TRIQS
# Copyright (C) 2018 by The Simons Foundation
# Author: H. U.R. Strand
# TPRF is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# TPRF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# TPRF. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
""" TRIQS: Hartree-Fock Solver
for systems with general dispersion and local interaction
Author: Hugo U. R. Strand, hugo.strand@gmail.com (2018)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
import sys
import itertools
import numpy as np
from .numpy_compat import np_eigvalsh, np_eigh
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
from scipy.optimize import brentq
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
from triqs.gf.block_gf import fix_gf_struct_type
import triqs.utility.mpi as mpi
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
from triqs_tprf.rpa_tensor import get_rpa_tensor
from triqs_tprf.rpa_tensor import fundamental_operators_from_gf_struct
from triqs_tprf.OperatorUtils import is_operator_composed_of_only_fundamental_operators
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
class HartreeFockSolver(object):
""" Hartree-Fock solver for local interactions.
e_k : TRIQS Greens function on a Brillouin zone mesh
Single-particle dispersion.
beta : float
inverse temperature
H_int : TRIQS Operator instance
Local interaction Hamiltonian
gf_struct : list of pairs of block index and its size
gf_struct fixing orbital order between e_k and H_int
mu0 : float
chemical potential
mu_min, mu_max : float, optional
range for chemical potential search.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
def __init__(self, e_k, beta, H_int=None, gf_struct=None,
mu0=0., mu_max=10, mu_min=-10.):
if mpi.is_master_node():
gf_struct = fix_gf_struct_type(gf_struct)
self.mu = mu0
self.beta = beta
self.mu_max = mu_max
self.mu_min = mu_min
self.e_k = e_k.copy()
self.e_k_MF = e_k.copy()
self.n_k = len(self.e_k.mesh)
self.target_shape = self.e_k.target_shape
self.shape_ab = self.e_k.target_shape
self.shape_abcd = list(self.shape_ab) * 2
self.norb = self.target_shape[0]
self.triu_idxs = np.triu_indices(self.norb, k=1)
if mpi.is_master_node():
print('beta =', self.beta)
print('mu =', self.mu)
print('bands =', self.norb)
print('n_k =', len(self.e_k.mesh))
print('H_int =', H_int)
if gf_struct is None:
assert( H_int is None ), \
'Error: gf_struct = None, but H_int is not None'
if H_int is not None:
assert( gf_struct is not None ), \
'Error: H_int = None, but gf_struct is not None'
fundamental_operators = fundamental_operators_from_gf_struct(gf_struct)
if mpi.is_master_node():
print('gf_struct =', gf_struct)
print('fundamental_operators =', fundamental_operators)
assert( is_operator_composed_of_only_fundamental_operators(
H_int, fundamental_operators) ), \
'Error: H_int is incompatible with gf_struct and its fundamental_operators'
self.U_abcd = get_rpa_tensor(H_int, fundamental_operators)
self.U_abcd = np.zeros(self.shape_abcd)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
def update_mean_field(self, rho_ab):
self.M = np.einsum('abcd,cd->ba', -self.U_abcd, rho_ab)
return self.M
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
def update_mean_field_dispersion(self):
self.e_k_MF.data[:] = self.e_k.data + self.M[None, ...]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
def update_chemical_potential(self, N_target, mu0=None):
if mu0 is None:
mu0 = self.mu
e = np_eigvalsh(self.e_k_MF.data)
fermi = lambda e : 1./(np.exp(self.beta * e) + 1)
def target_function(mu):
n = np.sum(fermi(e - mu)) / self.n_k
return n - N_target
mu = brentq(target_function, self.mu_min, self.mu_max)
self.mu = mu
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
def update_momentum_density_matrix(self):
e, V = np_eigh(self.e_k_MF.data)
e -= self.mu
fermi = lambda e : 1./(np.exp(self.beta * e) + 1)
self.rho_kab = np.einsum('kab,kb,kcb->kac', V, fermi(e), np.conj(V))
return self.rho_kab
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
def update_density_matrix(self):
rho_kab = self.update_momentum_density_matrix()
self.rho_ab = np.sum(rho_kab, axis=0) / self.n_k
self.N_tot = np.sum(np.diag(self.rho_ab))
return self.rho_ab
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
def update_non_int_free_energy(self):
e = np_eigvalsh(self.e_k_MF.data)
e -= self.mu
self.Omega0 = -1./self.beta * np.sum( np.log(1. + np.exp(-self.beta*e)) )
self.Omega0 /= len(self.e_k_MF.mesh)
return self.Omega0
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
def update_kinetic_energy(self):
rho_kab = self.update_momentum_density_matrix()
self.E_kin = np.einsum('kab,kba->', self.e_k.data, rho_kab)
self.E_kin /= len(self.e_k.mesh)
return self.E_kin
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
def update_interaction_energy(self):
#self.E_int = 0.5 * np.einsum('aa,ab,bb->', self.rho, self.U_ab, self.rho)
self.E_int = 0.5 * np.einsum(
'ab,abcd,cd->', self.rho_ab, self.U_abcd, self.rho_ab)
return self.E_int
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
def update_total_energy(self):
E_kin = self.update_kinetic_energy()
E_int = self.update_interaction_energy()
self.E_tot = E_kin + E_int
Omega0 = self.update_non_int_free_energy()
self.Omega = Omega0 + E_int
return self.E_tot
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
def density_matrix_step(self, rho_vec, N_target=None):
rho_ab = self.vec2mat(rho_vec)
if N_target is not None:
self.update_chemical_potential(N_target, mu0=self.mu)
rho_ab = self.update_density_matrix()
rho_vec = self.mat2vec(rho_ab)
return rho_vec
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
def solve_setup(self, N_target, M0=None, mu0=None):
self.N_target = N_target
if mu0 is None:
self.update_chemical_potential(self.N_target, mu0=0.)
self.mu = mu0
if M0 is None:
M0 = np.zeros(self.target_shape)
M0 = np.array(M0, dtype=complex)
self.M = np.copy(M0)
rho0_ab = self.update_density_matrix()
rho0_vec = self.mat2vec(rho0_ab)
return rho0_vec
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
def solve_iter(self, N_target, M0=None, mu0=None,
nitermax=100, mixing=0.5, tol=1e-9):
""" Solve the HF-equations using forward recursion at fixed density.
N_target : float
Total density.
M0 : ndarray (2D), optional
Initial mean-field (0 if None).
mu0 : float, optional
Initial chemical potential.
nitermax : int, optional
Maximal number of self consistent iterations.
mixing : float, optional
Linear mixing parameter.
tol : float, optional
Convergence in relative change of the density matrix.
rho : ndarray (2D)
Local density matrix.
print('MF: Forward iteration')
print('nitermax =', nitermax)
print('mixing =', mixing)
print('tol =', tol)
assert( mixing >= 0. )
assert( mixing <= 1. )
self.mixing = mixing
self.nitermax = nitermax
rho_vec = self.solve_setup(N_target, M0, mu0)
rho_iter = []
for idx in range(self.nitermax):
rho_vec_old = np.copy(rho_vec)
rho_vec_new = self.density_matrix_step(rho_vec, N_target)
norm = np.linalg.norm(rho_vec_old)
drho = np.linalg.norm(rho_vec_old - rho_vec_new) / norm
print('MF: iter, drho = %3i, %2.2E' % (idx, drho))
if drho < tol:
print('MF: Converged drho = %3.3E\n' % drho)
rho_vec = (1. - mixing) * rho_vec_old + mixing * rho_vec_new
rho_iter = np.array(rho_iter)
return rho_iter
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
def solve_newton(self, N_target, M0=None, mu0=None):
""" Solve the HF-equations using a quasi Newton method at fixed density.
N_tot : float
Total density.
M0 : ndarray (2D), optional
Initial mean-field (0 if None).
mu0 : float, optional
Initial chemical potential.
print('MF: Newton solver')
rho0_vec = self.solve_setup(N_target, M0, mu0)
def target_function(rho_vec):
rho_vec_new = self.density_matrix_step(rho_vec, N_target)
return rho_vec_new - rho_vec
rho_vec = fsolve(target_function, rho0_vec)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
def solve_newton_mu(self, mu, M0=None):
""" Solve the HF-equations using a quasi Newton method at fixed chemical potential.
mu0 : float
Initial chemical potential.
M0 : ndarray (2D), optional
Initial mean-field (0 if None).
print('MF: Newton solver')
self.mu = mu
if M0 is None:
M0 = np.zeros(self.target_shape)
M0 = np.array(M0, dtype=complex)
self.M = np.copy(M0)
rho0_ab = self.update_density_matrix()
rho0_vec = self.mat2vec(rho0_ab)
def target_function(rho_vec):
rho_vec_new = self.density_matrix_step(rho_vec)
return rho_vec_new - rho_vec
rho_vec = fsolve(target_function, rho0_vec)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
def total_density(self):
return self.N_tot
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
def density_matrix(self):
return self.rho_ab
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
def mean_field_matrix(self):
return self.M
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
def chemical_potential(self):
return self.mu
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
def expectation_value(self, op_ab):
return np.einsum('ab,ba->', op_ab, self.rho_ab)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
def __str__(self):
txt = 'MF: Solver state\n' + \
'beta = ' + str(self.beta) + '\n' + \
'N_tot = ' + str(self.N_tot) + '\n' + \
'E_tot = ' + str(self.E_tot) + '\n' + \
'E_int = ' + str(self.E_int) + '\n' + \
'E_kin = ' + str(self.E_kin) + '\n' + \
'Omega0 = ' + str(self.Omega0) + '\n' + \
'Omega = ' + str(self.Omega) + '\n' + \
'rho_ab =\n' + str(self.rho_ab) + '\n' + \
'mu = ' + str(self.mu) + '\n' + \
'M =\n' + str(self.M) + '\n' + \
'M - mu =\n' + str(self.M - self.mu * np.eye(self.norb)) + '\n'
return txt
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
def mat2vec(self, mat):
r""" Converts a unitary matrix to a vector representation
with the order
1. the real diagonal entries
2. the real part of the upper triangular entries
3. the imaginary part of the upper triangular entries
assert( len(mat.shape) == 2 )
diag = np.diag(mat).real
up_tri = mat[self.triu_idxs]
vec = np.concatenate((diag, up_tri.real, up_tri.imag))
return vec
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
def vec2mat(self, vec):
""" Converts from vector representation to a unitary matrix
see mat2vec(...) for details. """
assert( len(vec.shape) == 1 )
mat = np.zeros(self.shape_ab, dtype=complex)
diag, up_tri = vec[:self.norb], vec[self.norb:]
re, im = np.split(up_tri, 2)
mat[self.triu_idxs] = re + 1.j * im
mat += np.conj(mat).T # reconstruct lower triangle
mat += np.diag(diag) # add diagonal
return mat
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
def logo(self):
if 'UTF' in sys.stdout.encoding:
logo = """
╔╦╗╦═╗╦╔═╗ ╔═╗ ┬ ┬┌─┐
║ ╠╦╝║║═╬╗╚═╗ ├─┤├┤
╩ ╩╚═╩╚═╝╚╚═╝ ┴ ┴└
TRIQS: Hartree-Fock solver
logo = """
_____ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ _ ___
|_ _| _ \_ _/ _ \/ __| | || | __|
| | | /| | (_) \__ \ | __ | _|
|_| |_|_\___\__\_\___/ |_||_|_|
TRIQS: Hartree-Fock solver
return logo
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
class HartreeSolver(HartreeFockSolver):
""" Hartree solver for local interactions.
e_k : TRIQS Greens function on a Brillouin zone mesh
Single-particle dispersion.
beta : float
inverse temperature
H_int : TRIQS Operator instance
Local interaction Hamiltonian
gf_struct : list of lists of block index and list of internal orbital indices
gf_struct fixing orbital order between e_k and H_int
mu0 : float
chemical potential
mu_min, mu_max : float, optional
range for chemical potential search.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
def mat2vec(self, mat):
assert( len(mat.shape) == 2 )
return np.diag(mat).real
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
def vec2mat(self, vec):
assert( len(vec.shape) == 1 )
return np.diag(vec.real)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------