DMFT self consistent framework
This is a small framework for doing self consistent DMFT calculations for the Hubbard model on the square lattice using the triqs_cthyb impurity solver. The framework is based on the TPRF helper class ParameterCollection that makes it easier to keep the results of a calculation in a single object that can be stored and passed as argument.
A script performing a self consisten calculation using the framework takes the form
from common import *
p = ParameterCollection(
t = 1.,
B = 0.,
U = 10.,
mu = 0.,
n_k = 16,
n_iter = 10,
G_l_tol = 1e-5,
p.solve = ParameterCollection(
length_cycle = 10,
n_warmup_cycles = 10000,
n_cycles = int(8e6),
move_double = False,
measure_G_l = True,
p.init = ParameterCollection(
beta = 1.,
n_l = 10,
n_iw = 400,
n_tau = 4000,
gf_struct = [('up',[0]), ('do',[0])])
p0 = setup_dmft_calculation(p)
ps = solve_self_consistent_dmft(p0)
if mpi.is_master_node():
with HDFArchive('data_sc.h5', 'w') as a:
a['ps'] = ParameterCollections(ps)
where the framework is used to setup the calcuation by calling the function setup_dmft_calculation and the self consistent solution i obtained by calling solve_self_consistent_dmft. For details on these function please se next section.
The result is the self consistent DMFT solution of the system, plotted below.
The visulaization script is available here:
Implementation details
The above script uses the python module, available for download here:
. This section goes through the details of the routines in the module.
The module includes ther modules from TRIQS, triqs_cthyb, and TPRF, etc..
import copy
import glob
import numpy as np
import triqs.utility.mpi as mpi
from h5 import HDFArchive
from import Gf, MeshImFreq, Fourier, LegendreToMatsubara, BlockGf, inverse, Idx
import triqs_cthyb
from triqs_tprf.lattice import lattice_dyson_g_w
from triqs_tprf.ParameterCollection import ParameterCollection
from triqs_tprf.ParameterCollection import ParameterCollections
from triqs_tprf.utilities import BlockGf_data
Setup DMFT Calculation
The function setup_dmft_calculation takes a ParameterCollection as input and constructs
the local interaction \(H_{\textrm{int}} = Un_\uparrow n_\downarrow - \frac{U}{2} (n_\uparrow + n_\downarrow)\) in p.solve.h_int,
the lattice dispersion \(\epsilon_{\mathbf{k}}\) in p.e_k, and
the initial (zero) guess for the self-energy \(\Sigma\) in p.sigma_w.
def setup_dmft_calculation(p):
p = copy.deepcopy(p)
p.iter = 0
# -- Local Hubbard interaction
from triqs.operators import n
p.solve.h_int = p.U*n('up', 0)*n('do', 0) - 0.5*p.U*(n('up', 0) + n('do', 0))
# -- 2D square lattice w. nearest neighbour hopping t
from triqs_tprf.tight_binding import TBLattice
T = -p.t * np.eye(2)
H = TBLattice(
units = [(1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0)],
orbital_positions = [(0,0,0)]*2,
orbital_names = ['up', 'do'],
hopping = {(0, +1) : T, (0, -1) : T, (+1, 0) : T, (-1, 0) : T})
kmesh = H.get_kmesh(n_k = (p.n_k, p.n_k, 1))
p.e_k = H.fourier(kmesh)
# -- Initial zero guess for the self-energy
p.sigma_w = Gf(mesh=MeshImFreq(p.init.beta, 'Fermion', p.init.n_iw), target_shape=[2, 2])
Solve Self-Consistent DMFT
The function solve_self_consistent_dmft repeatedly runs the DMFT self consistency step and looks for convergence in the local Legendre Green’s function \(G_l\).
def solve_self_consistent_dmft(p):
ps = []
for dmft_iter in range(p.n_iter):'--> DMFT Iteration: {:d}'.format(p.iter))
p = dmft_self_consistent_step(p)
ps.append(p)'--> DMFT Convergence: dG_l = {:f}'.format(p.dG_l))
if p.dG_l < p.G_l_tol: break
if dmft_iter >= p.n_iter - 1:'--> Warning: DMFT Not converged!')
else:'--> DMFT Converged: dG_l = {:f}'.format(p.dG_l))
DMFT Self-Consistent Step
The function dmft_self_consistent_step performs a complete DMFT step starting from the given self-energy \(\Sigma\) it takes the steps,
compute the lattice local Green’s function \(g(i\omega_n)\) in p.g_w
compute the local Weiss field \(g_0(i\omega_n) = [ g^{-1} + \Sigma ]^{-1}\) in p.g0_w
setup the triqs_cthyb solver
set the Weiss field of the solver in cthyb.G0_iw from the lattice p.g0_w.
run the triqs_cthyb solver and sample the Legendre Green’s function \(G_l\) in p.G_l
compute a new self energy \(\Sigma\) from the sampled Greens function p.G_l and Weiss field p.G0_w
set the lattice self energy p.sigma_w from the impurity self energy p.Sigma_w
def dmft_self_consistent_step(p):
p = copy.deepcopy(p)
p.iter += 1
p.g_w = lattice_dyson_g_w(, p.e_k, p.sigma_w - np.diag([p.B, -p.B]))
p.g0_w = p.g_w.copy()
p.g0_w << inverse(inverse(p.g_w) + p.sigma_w)
cthyb = triqs_cthyb.Solver(**p.init.dict())
# -- set impurity from lattice
cthyb.G0_iw['up'][0, 0] << p.g0_w[0, 0]
cthyb.G0_iw['do'][0, 0] << p.g0_w[1, 1]
p.dG_l = np.max(np.abs(BlockGf_data(cthyb.G_l-p.G_l))) if hasattr(p,'G_l') else float('nan')
p.G_l = cthyb.G_l
p.G_tau, p.G_tau_raw = cthyb.G_tau.copy(), cthyb.G_tau.copy()
p.G0_w, p.G_w, p.Sigma_w = cthyb.G0_iw.copy(), cthyb.G0_iw.copy(), cthyb.G0_iw.copy()
p.G_tau << LegendreToMatsubara(p.G_l)
p.G_w << Fourier(p.G_tau)
p.Sigma_w << inverse(p.G0_w) - inverse(p.G_w)
# -- set lattice from impurity
p.sigma_w[0, 0] << p.Sigma_w['up'][0, 0]
p.sigma_w[1, 1] << p.Sigma_w['do'][0, 0]
# -- local observables
p.rho = p.g_w.density()
M_old = p.M if hasattr(p, 'M') else float('nan')
p.M = 0.5*(p.rho[0, 0] - p.rho[1, 1])
p.dM = np.abs(p.M - M_old)