Green’s functions
- Concepts
- Basic notions
- c++
- py
- The blocks: matrix-valued Green’s functions
- [GfImTime] Matsubara Green’s function in imaginary time
- [GfImFreq] Matsubara Green’s function in imaginary frequencies
- [GfReTime] Retarded Green’s function in real time
- [GfReFreq] Retarded Green’s function in real frequencies
- [GfLegendre] Matsubara Green’s function with Legendre polynomials
- Operations
- Slicing
- Bracket Accessor
- Assignment: << or = operator
- Lazy expressions
- shelve / pickle
- Plot options
- Direct access to data points
- BlockGf: The complete Green’s function
- Fourier and Legendre to Matsubara transforms
- High-Frequency moments of the Green’s function
- Tools for GFs
- The blocks: matrix-valued Green’s functions