In order to have a first overview of the main features of the mc_generic
class, let’s start with a concrete Monte Carlo code. We will consider maybe the
simplest problem ever: a single spin in a magnetic field \(h\) at a
temperature \(1/\beta\). The Hamiltonian is simply:
You want to compute the magnetization of this single spin. From statistical mechanics it is clearly just
The C++ code for this problem
Let’s see how we can get this result from a Monte Carlo simulation. Here is a code that would do the job. Note that we put everything in one file here, but obviously you would usually want to cut this into pieces for clarity:
#include <iostream>
#include <triqs/utility/callbacks.hpp>
#include <triqs/mc_tools/mc_generic.hpp>
// --------------- the configuration: a spin, the inverse temperature, the external field ---
struct configuration {
int spin;
double beta, h;
configuration(double beta_, double h_) : spin(-1), beta(beta_), h(h_) {}
// --------------- a move: flip the spin ---------------
struct flip {
configuration *config;
flip(configuration *config_) : config(config_) {}
double attempt() { return std::exp(-2 * config->spin * config->h * config->beta); }
double accept() {
config->spin *= -1;
return 1.0;
void reject() {}
// ----------------- a measurement: the magnetization ------------
struct compute_m {
configuration *config;
double Z = 0, M = 0;
compute_m(configuration *config_) : config(config_) {}
void accumulate(double sign) {
Z += sign;
M += sign * config->spin;
void collect_results(mpi::communicator c) {
double sum_Z = mpi::reduce(Z, c);
double sum_M = mpi::reduce(M, c);
if (c.rank() == 0) std::cout << "Magnetization: " << sum_M / sum_Z << std::endl;
// ----------------- main ------------
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// initialize mpi
mpi::environment env(argc, argv);
mpi::communicator world;
// greeting
if (world.rank() == 0) std::cout << "Isolated spin" << std::endl;
// prepare the MC parameters
int n_cycles = 5000000;
int length_cycle = 10;
int n_warmup_cycles = 10000;
std::string random_name = "";
int random_seed = 374982 + world.rank() * 273894;
int verbosity = (world.rank() == 0 ? 2 : 0);
// construct a Monte Carlo loop
triqs::mc_tools::mc_generic<double> SpinMC(random_name, random_seed, verbosity);
// parameters of the model
double beta = 0.3;
double field = 0.5;
// construct configuration
configuration config(beta, field);
// add moves and measures
SpinMC.add_move(flip(&config), "flip move");
SpinMC.add_measure(compute_m(&config), "magnetization measure");
// Run and collect results
SpinMC.warmup_and_accumulate(n_warmup_cycles, n_cycles, length_cycle, triqs::utility::clock_callback(600));
Isolated spin
Magnetization: 0.149608
Total number of measures: 5000000
Let’s go through the different parts of this code. First we look
at main()
Initializing the MPI
As you will see, the Monte Carlo class is completely MPI ready. The first two
lines of the main()
just initialize the MPI environment and declare a
communicator. The default communicator is WORLD
which means that all the
nodes will be involved in the calculation:
triqs::mpi::environment env(argc, argv);
triqs::mpi::communicator world;
Constructing the Monte Carlo simulation
The lines that follow, define the parameters of the Monte
Carlo simulation and construct a Monte Carlo object
called SpinMC
int n_cycles = 5000000;
int length_cycle = 10;
int n_warmup_cycles = 10000;
std::string random_name = "";
int random_seed = 374982 + world.rank() * 273894;
int verbosity = (world.rank() == 0 ? 2: 0);
triqs::mc_tools::mc_generic<double> SpinMC(random_name, random_seed, initial_sign, verbosity);
The SpinMC
is an instance of the mc_generic
class. First of all, note
that you need to include the header <triqs/mc_tools/mc_generic.hpp>
order to access the mc_generic
class. The mc_generic
class is a
template on the type of the Monte Carlo sign. Usually this will be either a
or a complex<double>
The first two arguments define the random number generator by giving its name in
(an empty string means the default generator, i.e. the Mersenne
Twister) and the random seed in random_seed
. As you see the seed is
different for all node with the use of world.rank()
The third argument is the sign of the very first configuration of the
simulation. Because the accept
method only returns a ratio, this initial
sign is used to determine the sign of all generated configurations.
Finally, the last parameter sets the verbosity level. 0 means no output, 1 will
output the progress level for the current node and 2 additionally shows some
statistics about the simulation when you call collect_results
. As you see,
we have put verbosity
to 2 only for the master node and 0 for all the other
ones. This way the information will be printed only by the master.
Moves and measures
At this stage the basic structure of the Monte Carlo is in SpinMC
. But we
now need to tell it what moves must be tried and what measures must be made.
This is done with:
// Run and collect results
The method add_move
expects a move and a name, while
expects a measure and a name. The name can be
anything, but different measures must have different names. In this example,
the move is an instance of the flip
class and the measure an instance of
the compute_m
class. These classes have been defined in the beginning of
the code and they have no direct connection with the mc_generic
class (e.g.
they don’t have inheritance links with mc_generic
). Actually you are
almost completely free to design these classes as you want, as long as they
satisfy the correct concept.
The move
Let’s go back to the beginning of the code and have a look at the flip
class which proposed a flip of the spin. The class is very short. It has a
constructor which might define some class variables. But more importantly, it
has three member functions that any move must have: attempt
, accept
configuration *config;
flip(configuration *config_) : config(config_) {}
double attempt() { return std::exp(-2 * config->spin * config->h * config->beta); }
double accept() {
config->spin *= -1;
return 1.0;
void reject() {}
The attempt
method is called by the Monte Carlo loop in order to try a new
move. The Monte Carlo class doesn’t care about what this trial is. All that
matters for the loop is the Metropolis ratio describing the transition to a new
proposed configuration. It is precisely this ratio that the attempt
method is
expected to return:
In our example this ratio is
With this ratio, the Monte Carlo loop decides whether this proposed move should
be rejected, or accepted. If the move is accepted, the Monte Carlo calls the
method of the move, otherwise it calls the reject
method. The
method should always return 1.0 unless you want to correct the sign
only when moves are accepted for performance reasons (this rather special case
is described in the full documentation/manual/triqs). Note that the
return type of attempt
and accept
has to be the same as the template of the
Monte Carlo class. In our example, nothing has to be done if the move is
rejected. If it is accepted, the spin should be flipped.
The measure
Just in the same way, the measures are expected to satisfy a concept.
Let’s look at compute_m
configuration *config;
double Z = 0, M = 0;
compute_m(configuration *config_) : config(config_) {}
void accumulate(double sign) {
Z += sign;
M += sign * config->spin;
void collect_results(mpi::communicator c) {
double sum_Z = mpi::reduce(Z, c);
double sum_M = mpi::reduce(M, c);
if (c.rank() == 0) std::cout << "Magnetization: " << sum_M / sum_Z << std::endl;
// ----------------- main ------------
Here only two methods are expected, accumulate
and collect_results
The method accumulate
is called every length_cycle
Monte Carlo loops.
It takes one argument which is the current sign in the Monte Carlo simulation.
Here, we sum the sign in Z
(the partition function) and the magnetization
in M
. The other method collect_results
is usually called just once at
the very end of the simulation, see below. It is meant to do the final
operations that are needed to have your result. Here it just needs to divide
by Z
and prints the result on the screen. Note that, it takes the MPI
communicator as an argument, meaning that you can easily do MPI operations
here. This makes sense because the accumulation will have taken place
independently on all nodes and this is the good moment to gather the
information from all the nodes. This is why you see reduce operations on the
master node here.
Starting the Monte Carlo simulation
Well, at this stage we’re ready to launch our simulation. The moves and measures have been specified, so all you need to do now is start the simulation with:
SpinMC.warmup_and_accumulate(n_warmup_cycles, n_cycles, length_cycle, triqs::utility::clock_callback(600));
The warmup
method takes several arguments.
The first three parameters determine the warmup length, number of measurements and the length of the Monte Carlo cycles. The definition of these variables has been detailed earlier in Introduction.
The last argument is used to decide if the simulation must be stopped for some
reason before it reaches the full number of cycles n_cycles
. For example,
you might be running your code on a cluster that only allows for 1 hour
simulations. In that case, you would want your simulation to stop, say after 55
minutes, even if it didn’t manage to do the n_cycles
In practice, the second argument is a std::function<bool ()>
which is
called at the end of every cycle. If it returns 0 the simulation goes on, if it
returns 1 the simulation stops. In this example, we used a function
which starts returning 1 after 600 seconds. It is
defined in the header <triqs/utility/callbacks.hpp>
. This way the
simulation will last at most 10 minutes.
Note that the simulation would end cleanly. The rest of the code can safely
gather results from the statistics that has been accumulated, even if there
have been less than n_cycles
End of the simulation - gathering results
When the simulation is over, it is time to gather the results. This is done by calling:
In practice this method goes through all the measurements that have been added
to the simulation and calls their collect_results
member. As described
above, this does the final computations needed to get the result you are
interested in. It usually also saves or prints these results.
Writing your own Monte Carlo simulation
I hope that this simple example gave you an idea about how to use the
class. In the next chapter we will address some more advanced
issues, but you should already be able to implement a Monte Carlo simulation of
your own. Maybe the only point that we haven’t addressed and which is useful,
is how to generate random numbers. Actually, as soon as you have generated an
instance of a mc_generic
class, like SpinMC
above, you automatically
have an acces to a random number generator with:
triqs::mc_tools::random_generator RNG = SpinMC.get_rng();
is an instance of a random_generator
. If you want to
generate a double
number on the interval \([0,1[\), you just have to
call RNG()
. By providing an argument to RNG
you can generate integer
and real numbers on different intervals. This is described in detail in the
section Random number generator.
That’s it! Why don’t you try to write your own Monte Carlo describing an Ising chain in a field? You will find the solution in this section.