
TRIQS Greens function container class

  • mesh (Types defined in beginning with 'Mesh') – The mesh on which the Green function is defined.

  • data (numpy.array, optional) – The data of the Greens function. Must be of dimension mesh.rank + target_rank.

  • target_shape (list of int, optional) – Shape of the target space.

  • is_real (bool) – Is the Greens function real valued? If true, and target_shape is set, the data will be real. Mutually exclusive with argument data.

  • name (str) – The name of the Greens function for plotting.


One of target_shape or data must be set, and the other must be None.




Conjugate of the Greens function.


Deep copy of the Greens function.


Copy the data of another Greens function into self.

density(*args, **kwargs)

Compute the density matrix of the Greens function

enforce_discontinuity(*args, **kw)

Signature : (gf_view<triqs::gfs::legendre,matrix_valued> gl, matrix_view<double> disc) -> None Modify the coefficient to adjust discontinuity

fit_hermitian_tail(*args, **kw)

Signature : (gf_view<imfreq,matrix_valued> g, array_view<dcomplex,3> known_moments = {}) -> std::pair<array<dcomplex,3>, double> tail

fit_hermitian_tail_on_window(*args, **kw)

Signature : (gf_const_view<imfreq,matrix_valued> g, int n_min, int n_max, array_const_view<dcomplex,3> known_moments, int n_tail_max, int expansion_order) -> std::pair<array<dcomplex,3>, double> Fits the tail on the [n_min, n_max] window + negative counter part with the contraint of hermitian moment matrices

fit_tail(*args, **kw)

Signature : (gf_view<imfreq,matrix_valued> g, array_view<dcomplex,3> known_moments = {}) -> std::pair<array<dcomplex,3>, double> tail

fit_tail_on_window(*args, **kw)

Signature : (gf_const_view<imfreq,matrix_valued> g, int n_min, int n_max, array_const_view<dcomplex,3> known_moments, int n_tail_max, int expansion_order) -> std::pair<array<dcomplex,3>, double> Fits the tail on the [n_min, n_max] window + negative counter part

from_L_G_R(L, G, R)

Matrix transform of the target space of a matrix valued Greens function.


Computes the inverse of the Greens function.


Inverts the Greens function (in place).

is_gf_hermitian(*args, **kw)

Signature : (gf<imfreq,scalar_valued> g, float tolerance = 1.e-12) -> bool

is_gf_real_in_tau(*args, **kw)

Signature : (gf<imfreq,scalar_valued> g, float tolerance = 1.e-12) -> bool

rebinning_tau(*args, **kw)

Signature : (gf_view<imtime,matrix_valued> g, size_t new_n_tau) -> gf<imtime, matrix_valued> Rebins the data of a GfImTime on a sparser mesh

replace_by_tail(*args, **kw)

Signature : (gf_view<imfreq,matrix_valued> g, array_const_view<dcomplex,3> tail, int n_min) -> None Replace the function by the evaluation of the tail for |n| > n_min

replace_by_tail_in_fit_window(*args, **kw)

Signature : (gf_view<imfreq,matrix_valued> g, array_const_view<dcomplex,3> tail) -> None Replace the function by the evaluation of the tail for |n| > n_min

set_from_fourier(*args, **kw)

Signature : (gf_view<imtime,scalar_valued> g_out, gf_view<imfreq,scalar_valued> g_in) -> None Fills self with the Fourier transform of g_in

set_from_imfreq(*args, **kw)

Signature : (gf_view<triqs::gfs::legendre,scalar_valued> gl, gf_view<imfreq,scalar_valued> gw) -> None Fills self with the legendre transform of gw

set_from_imtime(*args, **kw)

Signature : (gf_view<triqs::gfs::legendre,scalar_valued> gl, gf_view<imtime,scalar_valued> gt) -> None Fills self with the legendre transform of gt

set_from_legendre(*args, **kw)

Signature : (gf_view<imfreq,scalar_valued> gw, gf_view<triqs::gfs::legendre,scalar_valued> gl) -> None Fills self with the legendre transform of gl

set_from_pade(*args, **kw)

Signature : (gf_view<refreq,scalar_valued> gw, gf_view<imfreq,scalar_valued> giw, int n_points = 100, float freq_offset = 0.0) -> None

tau_L2_norm(*args, **kw)

Signature : (gf_view<dlr,scalar_valued> g) -> auto Calculate the L2 norm of the DLR Green's function in imaginary time: 1/beta * int_0^beta dt conj(g(t)) g(t).

total_density(*args, **kwargs)

Compute total density.


Take the transpose of a matrix valued Greens function.

x_data_view([x_window, flatten_y])

Helper method for getting a view of the data.


Set all values to zero.



Raw data of the Greens function.


A Greens function with a view of the imaginary part.



The mesh of the Greens function.


The mesh rank (number of meshes).


A Greens function with a view of the real part.


A generator for the target space integer tuples


The rank of the target space.


The shape of the target space.