Fermions on the square lattice & perfect nesting
This tutorial is the first in a series of tutorials on two-particle response were we will use TRIQS and the Two-Particle Response-Function toolbox (TPRF) to compute;
the non-interacting Green’s function of fermions on the square lattice with nearest-neighbour hopping and study the Fermi surface [01]
the non-interacting two-particle response, also called the susceptibility [03]
the Random-Phase Approximation (RPA) susceptibility for weak interactions, studying the anti-ferromagnetic divergence at (\(\pi,\pi)\) [05]
the Two-Particle Self Conistent (TPSC) susceptibility and show that it satisfies the Pauli principle, while RPA does not [07]
and show that TPSC obeys the Mermin-Wagner theorem, since its spin susceptibility does not diverge at finite temperature [09]
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'
from triqs.plot.mpl_interface import plt
import numpy as np
Square lattice with nearest-neighbour hopping
The square lattice with nearest-neighbour hopping \(t\) appeared in earier tutorials, were the dispersion relation
- :nbsphinx-math:`begin{equation}
was computed using TRIQS in more than one way.
However, in TRIQS and TPRF there are a number of helper routines for lattice models that simplifies the study of general tight-binding models. Here we will therefore use these standard routines.
Insead of constructing \(\epsilon(\mathbf{k})\) directly in momentum space we construct a real-space tight binding lattice Hamitonian \(H(\mathbf{r})\) using the ``TBLattice` class <https://triqs.github.io/triqs/latest/documentation/python_api/triqs.lattice.tight_binding.TBLattice.html?highlight=tblattice#triqs.lattice.tight_binding.TBLattice>`__ corresponding to the square lattice with nearest neighbour hopping \(t=1\).
from triqs.lattice.tight_binding import TBLattice
t = 1.0 # nearest-neigbhour hopping amplitude
H_r = TBLattice(
(1,0,0), # basis vector in the x-direction
(0,1,0), # basis vector in the y-direction
(+1,0) : [[-t]], # hopping in the +x direction
(-1,0) : [[-t]], # hopping in the -x direction
(0,+1) : [[-t]], # hopping in the +y direction
(0,-1) : [[-t]], # hopping in the -y direction
Warning: could not identify MPI environment!
Tight Binding Hamiltonian on Bravais Lattice with dimension 2, units
[0,0,1]], n_orbitals 1
with hoppings [
[1,0] :
[-1,0] :
[0,1] :
[0,-1] :
[[(-1,0)]] ]
Starting serial run at: 2023-08-29 11:09:00.866052
The real-space Hamiltonian \(H(\mathbf{r})\) can both construct a discretized momentum mesh and evaluate the dispersion \(\epsilon(\mathbf{k})\) on a given momentum mesh, by
n_k = 128
kmesh = H_r.get_kmesh(n_k=n_k)
e_k = H_r.fourier(kmesh)
Greens Function with mesh Brillouin Zone Mesh with linear dimensions (128 128 1)
-- units =
-- brillouin_zone: Brillouin Zone with 2 dimensions and reciprocal matrix
[0,0,6.28319]] and target_shape (1, 1):
Since the square lattice is two-dimensional it is possible to visualize the dispersion using a color plot.
Here is an example that plots \(\epsilon(\mathbf{k})\) in the entire Brillouin zone as well as the shape of the Fermi surface at \(\omega = 0\) (dotted line).
k = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, num=100)
kx, ky = np.meshgrid(k, k)
e_k_interp = np.vectorize(lambda kx, ky : e_k((kx, ky, 0)).real)(kx, ky)
plt.pcolormesh(kx, ky, e_k_interp, rasterized=True, cmap='RdBu')
plt.contour(kx, ky, e_k_interp, levels=[0], linestyles='dotted')
plt.xlabel(r'$k_x$'); plt.ylabel(r'$k_y$');
k_ticks, k_labels = [-np.pi, 0, np.pi], [r"$-\pi$", r"0", r"$\pi$"]
plt.xticks(k_ticks, k_labels); plt.yticks(k_ticks, k_labels);
# -- High-symmetry path G-X-M-G
pts = [
(0., 0., r'$\Gamma$', 'w', 'bottom', 'right'),
(np.pi, 0., r'$X$', 'k', 'center', 'left'),
(np.pi, np.pi, r'$M$', 'r', 'bottom', 'left'),
for x, y, label, color, va, ha in pts:
plt.plot(x, y, 'o', color=color, clip_on=False, zorder=110)
plt.text(x, y, label, color=color, fontsize=18, va=va, ha=ha)
X, Y, _, _, _, _ = zip(*(pts+[pts[0]]))
plt.plot(X, Y, '-m', zorder=100, lw=4);
Momentum dependent quantities can also be visualized along high-symmetry paths in the Brillouin zone, see above for the high-symmetry points \(\Gamma\), \(X\) and \(M\) of the square lattice.
Here is an example that plots the dispersion \(\epsilon(\mathbf{k})\) along thepath \(\Gamma - X - M - \Gamma\) in k-space using the ``triqs_tprf.lattice_utils.k_space_path` function <https://triqs.github.io/tprf/unstable/reference/python_reference.html#triqs_tprf.lattice_utils.k_space_path>`__.
G = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
X = [0.5, 0.0, 0.0]
M = [0.5, 0.5, 0.0]
path = [(G, X), (X, M), (M, G)]
from triqs_tprf.lattice_utils import k_space_path
k_vecs, k_plot, k_ticks = k_space_path(path, num=32, bz=H_r.bz)
e_k_interp = np.vectorize(lambda k : e_k(k).real, signature='(n)->()')
plt.plot(k_plot, e_k_interp(k_vecs))
plt.xticks(k_ticks, labels=[r'$\Gamma$', '$X$', '$M$', r'$\Gamma$'])
In the following we will re-purpose these visualization scripts to study the one-particle and two-particle Green’s functions of the square lattice model.
Non-interacting lattice Green’s function
Given the dispersion \(\epsilon(\mathbf{k})\) the non-interacting Green’s function \(G_0(i\omega_n, \mathbf{k})\) is given by
- :nbsphinx-math:`begin{equation}
G_0(iomega_n, mathbf{k}) = frac{1}{iomega_n - epsilon(mathbf{k})} , .
As shown in the Basic Tutorial it is of course possible to compute \(G_0\) using a loop over frequency and momentum:
from triqs.gf import Gf, MeshImFreq, MeshProduct
wmesh = MeshImFreq(beta=2.5, S='Fermion', n_max=128)
wkmesh = MeshProduct(wmesh, kmesh)
g0_wk = Gf(mesh=wkmesh, target_shape=e_k.target_shape)
for w, k in wkmesh:
g0_wk[w, k] = 1/(w - e_k[k])
However, TPRF has Dyson equation solvers that are OpenMP+MPI parallell and all implemented in C++, see the TPRF documentation. Here we will use these fast routines!
Exercise 1:
Use `triqs_tprf.lattice.lattice_dyson_g0_wk
<https://triqs.github.io/tprf/latest/reference/python_reference.html#triqs_tprf.lattice.lattice_dyson_g0_wk>`__ to compute \(G_0(i\omega_n, \mathbf{k})\) at inverse temperature \(\beta = 2.5\) using a fermionic ``MeshImFreq` frequency mesh <https://triqs.github.io/triqs/latest/documentation/python_api/triqs.gf.meshes.MeshImFreq.html?highlight=meshimfreq#triqs.gf.meshes.MeshImFreq>`__ with 128 Matsubara frequencies and name the resulting
Green’s function g0_wk
Check the properties of g0_wk
by printing it, i.e.
# Write your code here
from triqs.gf import MeshImFreq
wmesh = MeshImFreq(beta=2.5, S='Fermion', n_iw=32)
from triqs_tprf.lattice import lattice_dyson_g0_wk
g0_wk = lattice_dyson_g0_wk(mu=0., e_k=e_k, mesh=wmesh)
Greens Function with mesh Imaginary Freq Mesh with beta = 2.5, statistic = Fermion, n_iw = 32, positive_only = false, Brillouin Zone Mesh with linear dimensions (128 128 1)
-- units =
-- brillouin_zone: Brillouin Zone with 2 dimensions and reciprocal matrix
[0,0,6.28319]] and target_shape (1, 1):
How many meshes does the Green’s function have?
What is the k-space discretization?
How is the reciprocal basis vectors of the Brillouin zone related to the lattice (
) vectors of the tight binding latticeH_r
Exercise 2:
Save the Green’s function g0_wk
into a hdf5 file named g0_wk.h5
using `h5.HDFArchive
<https://triqs.github.io/triqs/latest/documentation/manual/triqs/hdf5/ref.html>`__, so that we can read g0_wk
from file in the following tutorials. Do the same with the dispersion e_k
and save it to a file with the name e_k.h5
# Write your code here
from h5 import HDFArchive
with HDFArchive("g0_wk.h5", "w") as R:
R['g0_wk'] = g0_wk
with HDFArchive("e_k.h5", "w") as R:
R['e_k'] = e_k
Fermi surface nesting
We will now study the Fermi surface of Fermions on the square lattice with nearest neighbour hopping, which has a special property called perfect nesting. A Fermi surface is said to be nested if parts of the Fermi surface map to each other by a single momentum vector \(\mathbf{Q}\), called the nesting vector.
For a non-interacting system the Fermi surface is the surface in k-space defined by
where \(\mu\) is the chemical potential. In terms of the spectral function \(A(\omega, \mathbf{k})\) this corresponds to large values of \(A\) at \(\omega=0\)
which also generalizes to interacting systems.
Exercise 3:
Make a color plot of the zero-frequency spectral function \(A(k, \omega=0)\) over the Brillouin zone, using the approximation
where we neglect the fact that the first fermionic Matsubara frequency \(i\omega_0\) is not exactly \(0\).
The right hand side can be evaluated using the Triqs Green’s function g0_wk
and the interpolation feature:
n = 0 # Matsubara frequency index
kx, ky, kz = 0., 0., 0.
k_vec = (kx, ky, kz)
g0_wk(n, k_vec)
# Write your code here
kgrid1d = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, n_k + 1, endpoint=True)
kx, ky = np.meshgrid(kgrid1d, kgrid1d)
A_k = np.vectorize(lambda kx, ky: -g0_wk( 0, (kx, ky, 0) ).imag / np.pi)
A_inv_k = np.vectorize(lambda kx, ky: (1 / g0_wk( 0, (kx, ky, 0) )).real)
plt.contour(kx, ky, A_inv_k(kx, ky), levels=[0], colors='white')
plt.pcolormesh(kx, ky, A_k(kx, ky), rasterized=True)
plt.colorbar().ax.set_ylabel(r"$G_0(i\omega_0, \mathbf{k})$")
plt.xticks([-np.pi, 0, np.pi],[r"$-\pi$", r"0", r"$\pi$"])
plt.yticks([-np.pi, 0, np.pi],[r"$-\pi$", r"0", r"$\pi$"])
plt.axis('square'); plt.xlabel(r"$k_x$"); plt.ylabel(r"$k_y$");
Hint: Re-purpose the code for the color plot of \(\epsilon(\mathbf{k})\) above.
How can we see from the plot that the Fermi surface is nested?
What is the nesting vector?
Actually the Fermi surface is perfectly nested. What do you think is the difference between nesting and perfect nesting?
Exercise 4:
For non-interacting systems the Fermi surface can also be observed in the Fermionic density distribution in k-space \(\rho(\mathbf{k})\), which can be computed from the Matsubara Green’s function \(G_0(i\omega_n, \mathbf{k})\).
In TRIQS this is available through the .density()
method of Matsubara frequency Green’s functions. For the lattice Green’s function it can be evaluated for a given k-vector using
kx, ky, kz = 0., 0., 0.
k_vec = (kx, ky, kz)
rho_k = g0_wk(all, k_vec).density().real
Plot the momentum distribution \(\rho(\mathbf{k})\) along the Brillouin zone high-symmetry path \(\Gamma - X - M - \Gamma\).
rho_k_interp = np.vectorize(lambda k: g0_wk(all, k).density(), signature='(n)->()')
plt.plot(k_plot, rho_k_interp(k_vecs).real)
plt.xticks(k_ticks, labels=[r'$\Gamma$', '$X$', '$M$', r'$\Gamma$'])
Hint: Re-purpose the code above plotting \(\epsilon(\mathbf{k})\) along the same path.
What is the value of \(\rho(\mathbf{k})\) at the Fermi surface?
What is the sign of \(\epsilon(\mathbf{k})\) in the regions of k-space where \(\rho(\mathbf{k}) \approx 1\) and \(\approx 0\), respectively?
How is this related to the Fermi distribution function
\[f(\epsilon) = \frac{1}{1 + e^{\beta \epsilon}}\]plotted below?
beta = 2.5
e = np.linspace(-4., 4.)
f = lambda e : 1/(1 + np.exp(beta * e))
plt.plot(e, f(e))
plt.xlabel(r'$\epsilon$'); plt.ylabel(r'$f(\epsilon)$'); plt.grid(True);