Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)
# Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)
# Copyright (c) 2018-2023 Simons Foundation
# Copyright (c) 2023 Hugo U.R. Strand
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Authors: Michel Ferrero, Olivier Parcollet, Hugo U. R. Strand, Nils Wentzell

r""" """

import numpy
from math import *
from .lazy_expressions import LazyExprTerminal, LazyExpr, transform
from .meshes import MeshImFreq, MeshDLRImFreq, MeshReFreq

[docs] class LazyCTX:
[docs] def __init__ (self, G): self.G = G
def _is_compatible_for_ops(self, g): m1,m2 = self.G.mesh, g.mesh return m1 is m2 or m1 == m2 def __eq__ (self, y): return isinstance(y, self.__class__) and self._is_compatible_for_ops(y.G) def __call__ (self, x): if not isinstance(x, descriptor_base.Base): return x tmp = self.G.copy() x(tmp) return tmp
[docs] def is_lazy(y): return isinstance(y,(Omega_, LazyExpr, LazyExprTerminal))
[docs] def is_scalar(x): return type(x) in [ type(1), type(1.0), type(1j), numpy.ndarray, int, numpy.int_, numpy.int8, numpy.int16, numpy.int32, float, numpy.float32, numpy.float64, complex, numpy.complex64, numpy.complex128 ]
[docs] def convert_scalar_to_const(expr): # if the expression is a pure scalar, replace it by Const t = expr.get_terminal() if is_scalar(t): return LazyExpr( Const(t) ) # otherwise: replace all scalar appearing in +/- operations by Const def act (tag, childs): if tag in ["+", "-"]: for n,c in enumerate(childs): t = c.get_terminal() if is_scalar(t): childs[n] = Const (t) return (tag,childs) return transform(expr, act)
[docs] class Base (LazyExprTerminal):
[docs] def __init__(self,**kargs): self.__dict__.update(kargs)
# The Base for any descriptor taking a BlockGf
[docs] class BaseBlock(Base):
[docs] def __init__ (self, G, *args, **kw): Base.__init__(self, G = G) if self.is_block_descriptor(): self.descriptor_iter = (self.__class__(g, *args, **kw) for i,g in G)
[docs] def is_block_descriptor(self): return self.G.__class__.__name__ == 'BlockGf'
def __iter__ (self): return self.descriptor_iter
[docs] class Function (Base): r""" Stores a python function If the Green's function is defined on an array of points :math:`x_i`, then it will be initialized to :math:`F(x_i)`. """
[docs] def __init__ (self, function): r""" :param function: the function :math:`\omega \rightarrow function(\omega)` """ Base.__init__(self, function=function)
def __call__(self,G): if not(callable(self.function)): raise RuntimeError("GFInitializer.Function: f must be callable") res =[...] try: for n,om in enumerate(G.mesh): res[n,...] = self.function(om.value) except: print("The given function has a problem...") raise return G
[docs] class Const(Base):
[docs] def __init__ (self, C): Base.__init__(self, C=C)
def __call__(self,G): C = self.C if type(G.mesh) not in [MeshImFreq, MeshDLRImFreq, MeshReFreq]: raise TypeError("This initializer is only correct in frequency") if not isinstance(C,numpy.ndarray) and G.target_rank > 0: assert G.target_shape[0]==G.target_shape[1], "Const only applies to square G" C = C*numpy.identity(G.target_shape[0]) if G.target_rank > 0 and C.shape != (G.target_shape[0],G.target_shape[1]): raise RuntimeError("Size of constant incorrect") Function(lambda om: C)(G) return G
[docs] class Omega_(Base): r"""The function:math:`\omega \rightarrow \omega` """ def __str__(self): return "Omega" def __call__(self,G): if type(G.mesh) not in [MeshImFreq, MeshDLRImFreq, MeshReFreq]: raise TypeError("This initializer is only correct in frequency") Id = 1. if G.target_rank == 0 else numpy.identity(G.target_shape[0]) for n,om in enumerate(G.mesh):[n,...] = om*Id return G
########################################################################## Omega = Omega_() iOmega_n = Omega_() ##########################################################################