# Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Simons Foundation
# Copyright (c) 2023 Hugo U.R. Strand
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# https:#www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt
# Authors: Sophie Beck, Michel Ferrero, Alexander Hampel, Collins Kariuki, Hugo U. R. Strand, Nils Wentzell
from io import StringIO
import numpy as np
from itertools import product as itp
import warnings
__all__ = ['k_space_path', 'TB_from_wannier90']
def k_space_path(segments, num=101, bz=None, relative_coordinates=True):
""" Generate an array of k-vectors along a path defined by a list of pairs of k-vectors
segments : list of pairs of three-vectors of floats
List of pairs of k-vectors in reciprocal units to create a path in-between.
num : int, default=100
Number of k-vectors along each segment of the overall path
bz : brillouin_zone, optional
When a Brillouin Zone is passed, calculate distance in absolute units
relative_coordinates : bool, optional
Return k-vectors in reciprocal units. (Default `True`)
kvecs: numpy.ndarray [shape=(len(segments)*num,3)]
Two-dimensional numpy array containing the path vectors (in reciprocal units) as rows
dist: numpy.ndarray [shape=(kvecs.shape[0])]
One-dimensional numpy array containing, for each element in kvecs,
the distance travelled along the path. Useful for plotting.
If bz is provided, calculate the distance in absolute units.
ticks : numpy.ndarray [shape=(len(segments)+1)]
Array with tick points, i.e. distances at the interfaces between segment.
Includes the initial and final distance.
if bz is None:
cell = np.eye(3)
cell = bz.units
x = np.linspace(0., 1., num=num)
segments = [(np.asarray(ki), np.asarray(kf)) for ki, kf in segments]
kvecs = [ki[None, :] + x[:, None] * (kf - ki)[None, :] for ki, kf in segments]
cur_dist = 0.0
dist = np.array([], dtype=float)
kvecs_abs = [kvec @ cell for kvec in kvecs]
for kvec_abs in kvecs_abs:
dist_new = np.linalg.norm(kvec_abs - kvec_abs[0], axis=1) + cur_dist
dist = np.concatenate((dist, dist_new))
cur_dist = dist[-1]
if not relative_coordinates:
kvecs = kvecs_abs
return np.vstack(kvecs), dist, np.concatenate(([0], dist[num-1::num]))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def parse_hopping_from_wannier90_hr_dat(filename):
r""" Wannier90 real space hopping parser of ``*_hr.dat`` files.
Returns a dictionary where the keys are the real-space hopping vectors,
in terms of multiples of the lattice vectors, and the values are
``num_wann * num_wann`` numpy ndarrays with the hopping integrals.
filename : str
Wannier90 ``*_hr.dat`` file to parse.
hopp_dict : dict
Dictionary of real space hoppings.
num_wann : int
Total number of Wannier functions per unit-cell.
with open(filename, 'r') as fd:
fd.readline() # eliminate time header
num_wann = int(fd.readline())
nrpts = int(fd.readline())
lines = fd.readlines()
# Read R Vector degeneracies, At most 15 elements before line-break
nlines = int(np.ceil(nrpts / 15.))
deg = np.array("".join(lines[:nlines]).split(), dtype=int)
assert deg.shape == (nrpts,)
# Read R Vector and Hopping data
dat = "".join(lines[nlines:])
dat = np.loadtxt(StringIO(dat))
dat = dat.reshape(nrpts, num_wann, num_wann, 7)
R = dat[:, 0, 0, 0:3].astype(int)
hopp = dat[..., 5] + 1.j * dat[..., 6]
# Account for degeneracy of the Wigner-Seitz points
hopp /= deg[:, None, None]
# Dict with hopping matrices
hopp_dict = {tuple(R[i]): hopp[i] for i in range(nrpts)}
return hopp_dict, num_wann
def parse_lattice_vectors_from_wannier90_wout(filename):
r""" Wannier90 real space lattice vectors parser of ``*.wout`` files.
filename : str
Wannier90 ``*.wout`` file to parse.
vectors : list of three three-tuples of floats
Lattice vectors.
with open(filename, 'r') as fd:
lines = fd.readlines()
# -- Find start of data in text file
for idx, line in enumerate(lines):
if 'Lattice Vectors' in line:
if '(Ang)' in line:
unit = 1.0
elif '(Bohr)' in line:
unit = 0.5291772105638411
raise NotImplementedError
if 'Lattice Vectors' not in line:
raise IOError
# Read vector data and scale by unit length
lines = "".join(lines[idx+1:idx+4])
dat = np.loadtxt(StringIO(lines), usecols=(1, 2, 3))
dat *= unit
# Convert 3x3 data to list of tuples
vectors = [tuple(dat[i]) for i in range(3)]
return vectors
def extend_wannier90_to_spin(hopp_dict, num_wann):
hopp_dict_spin = {k: np.kron(np.eye(2), v) for k, v in hopp_dict.items()}
return hopp_dict_spin, 2 * num_wann
def TB_from_wannier90(seed, path='./', extend_to_spin=False, add_local=None):
read wannier90 output and convert to TBLattice object
reads wannier90 real space lattice vectors from seed.wout file.
reads wannier90 hoppings from seed_hr.dat file
seed : str
seedname of wannier90 run, name of *_hr.dat
path : str, default = './'
path to wannier90 output dir
extend_to_spin: bool, default= False
extend hopping Hamiltonian with spin indices
add_local: numpy array , default = None
add a local term to hopping[0,0,0] of shape Norb x Norb
TBL : triqs TBLattice object
triqs tight binding object
from triqs.lattice.tight_binding import TBLattice
hopp_dict, num_wann = parse_hopping_from_wannier90_hr_dat(path + seed + '_hr.dat')
units = parse_lattice_vectors_from_wannier90_wout(path + seed + '.wout')
if extend_to_spin:
hopp_dict, num_wann = extend_wannier90_to_spin(hopp_dict, num_wann)
if add_local is not None:
hopp_dict[(0, 0, 0)] += add_local
# Should we use hopp_dict or hopping?
TBL = TBLattice(units=units, hoppings=hopp_dict,
orbital_positions=[(0, 0, 0)]*num_wann,
orbital_names=[str(i) for i in range(num_wann)])
return TBL
def TB_from_pythTB(ptb):
convert pythTB model to TBLattice object
ptb : pythtb.tb_model
pythTB tight-binding object
TBL : triqs TBLattice object
triqs tight binding object
from triqs.lattice.tight_binding import TBLattice
# initialize objects
hopp_dict = {}
m_zero = np.zeros((ptb.get_num_orbitals(), ptb.get_num_orbitals()), dtype=complex)
# fill on-site energies
hopp_dict[(0, 0, 0)] = np.eye(ptb.get_num_orbitals(), dtype=complex) * ptb._site_energies
# fill hoppings
for hopp, orb_from, orb_to, displacement in ptb._hoppings:
if tuple(displacement) not in hopp_dict:
hopp_dict[tuple(displacement)] = m_zero.copy()
# per default pythTB does not explicitly stores -R
hopp_dict[tuple(-np.array(displacement))] = m_zero.copy()
hopp_dict[tuple(displacement)][orb_from, orb_to] += hopp
# fill -R from +R using H_ij(+R)=[H_ji(-R)]*
# if the user specified -R explicitly we have to sum both hopping matrices
# according to pythTB documentation
hopp_dict[tuple(-np.array(displacement))][orb_to, orb_from] += np.conj(hopp)
TBL = TBLattice(units=ptb.get_lat(), hopping=hopp_dict,
orbital_names=[str(i) for i in range(ptb.get_num_orbitals())])
return TBL
def TB_to_sympy(TBL, analytical = True, precision = 6):
returns the analytical form of the momentum space hamiltonian of the tight-binding model
from a tight-binding lattice object by utilizing Fourier series
TBL: triqs TBLattice object
triqs tight binding object
analytical: boolean, default = True
whether to return the Hamiltonian in analytical (true) or numerical (false) form.
precision: integer, default = 6
specifies the number of digits in the floating point amplitudes. The default value is 6 but the user
can decrease it to help recognize similar hopping amplitudes, particularly for symmetrical hoppings
across the crystal lattice
Hk: NumPy array
the Hamiltonian of the tight-binding model in momentum space. It can be output in either numerical
form (Hk_numerical) or reduced analytical form (Hk) based on the user's choice. The default output
is the reduced analytical form. The numerical form depends solely on the k-space vector components
while the analytical form takes into account both the k-space vector components and the lattice
import sympy as sp
# imaginary number
I = sp.I
# symbolic dot product representation between lattice unit vectors
# and momentum space matrix
a1k, a2k, a3k = sp.symbols("a1k a2k a3k", real = True)
lattice = sp.Matrix([a1k, a2k, a3k])
# units contains the displacement vectors
# hops contains details about hopping of electrons such as orbital
# and hopping amplitude
if TBL.units.shape == (2, 2):
TBL_units = np.eye(3)
TBL_units[:2, :2] = TBL.units
TBL_hops = {key + (0,): val for key, val in TBL.hoppings.items()}
elif TBL.units.shape == (3,3):
TBL_units = TBL.units
TBL_hops = TBL.hoppings
# raises error for when the dimensions of the tb object is neither 2D nor 3D
raise ValueError("This format of the tight-binding model is not implemented for this function.")
# number of orbitals involved in the unit cell
num_orb = TBL.n_orbitals
# maximum hopping distances of electrons in each direction
max_x, max_y, max_z = list(np.max(np.array(list(TBL_hops.keys())), axis = 0))
# number of cells involved in the hopping of electrons in each direction
num_cells_x, num_cells_y, num_cells_z = [2 * max_coord + 1 for max_coord in [max_x, max_y, max_z]]
# real-space Hamiltonian
Hrij = np.zeros((num_cells_x, num_cells_y, num_cells_z, num_orb, num_orb), dtype = sp.exp)
# looping through hopping parameters of electrons involved in inter-orbital hoppings
for key, hopping in TBL_hops.items():
rx, ry, rz = key
hopping = np.around(hopping, precision)
Hrij[rx + max_x, ry + max_y, rz + max_z] = hopping
# basis of the exponential term in calculation of Hk
Hexp = np.empty_like(Hrij, dtype = sp.exp)
# perform Fourier transform
for xi, yi, zi in itp(range(num_cells_x), range(num_cells_y), range(num_cells_z)):
coefficients = np.array([xi - max_x, yi - max_y, zi - max_z])
r = lattice.dot(coefficients)
eikr = sp.exp(-I * r)
Hexp[xi, yi, zi, :, :] = eikr
# summation over all real space axes
Hk = np.sum(Hrij * Hexp, axis = (0, 1, 2))
# rewriting exponential terms in Hamiltonian expression in terms of cosine
for i, j in itp(range(num_orb), repeat = 2):
Hk[i, j] = Hk[i, j].rewrite(sp.cos)
def _has_complex_exponential_sympy(matrix):
Checks if a NumPy array containing SymPy elements has a complex exponential element.
matrix (NumPy array): The input NumPy array containing SymPy elements
bool: True if the matrix array contains a complex exponential element, False otherwise.
for sublist in matrix:
for element in sublist:
if element.is_complex and element.has(sp.exp):
return True
return False
def _is_hermitian_sympy(matrix):
Checks if a NumPy array containing SymPy elements is hermitian
matrix (NumPy array): The input NumPy array containing SymPy elements
bool: True if the matrix is a hermitian, False otherwise
n = matrix.shape[0]
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
if matrix[i, j] != matrix[j, i].conjugate():
return False
return True
# performing the check on the analytical Hamiltonian
if not _is_hermitian_sympy(Hk): warnings.warn("The resulting Hamiltonian is not hermitian.")
if _has_complex_exponential_sympy(Hk): warnings.warn("""Your expression has a complex exponential.
Choosing a different unit cell could make
your Hamiltonian expression real.""")
if analytical: return Hk
# dealing with the numerical Hamiltonian
# convert to SymPy matrix to use substitutions method available in SymPy
Hk_numerical = sp.Matrix(Hk)
# obtaining individual displacement vectors
TBL_units_prec = np.around(TBL_units, precision)
# dot product between unit vectors and momentum vector
k_vec = sp.symbols("kx ky kz", real = True)
a1k_n, a2k_n, a3k_n = TBL_units_prec.dot(k_vec)
# substitute numerical unit vectors into H_k
Hk_numerical = Hk_numerical.subs([(a1k, a1k_n), (a2k, a2k_n), (a3k, a3k_n)])
Hk_numerical = np.array(Hk_numerical)
if not _is_hermitian_sympy(Hk_numerical): warnings.warn("The resulting Hamiltonian is not hermitian.")
if _has_complex_exponential_sympy(Hk_numerical): warnings.warn("""Your expression has a complex exponential.
Choosing a different unit cell could make
your Hamiltonian expression real.""")
return Hk_numerical