# Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)
# Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)
# Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Simons Foundation
# Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Igor Krivenko
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# https:#www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt
# Authors: Michel Ferrero, Gernot Kraberger, Igor Krivenko, Priyanka Seth, Nils Wentzell
import operator
from triqs.operators import *
from .op_struct import *
from itertools import product
from functools import reduce
# Helper function for backward compat and improved error messages
def backward_compat(fname,n_orb,orb_names):
if orb_names is not None:
raise RuntimeError("Argument orb_names is no longer supported. Please provide n_orb instead.")
if isinstance(n_orb, list):
import warnings
warnings.warn("{} takes as a second argument the number of orbitals, not a list of orbital names".format(fname))
n_orb = len(n_orb)
return n_orb
# Define commonly-used Hamiltonians here: Slater, Kanamori, density-density
def h_int_slater(spin_names,n_orb,U_matrix,off_diag=None,map_operator_structure=None,H_dump=None,complex=False,orb_names=None):
Create a Slater Hamiltonian using fully rotationally-invariant 4-index interactions:
.. math:: H = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{ijkl,\sigma \sigma'} U_{ijkl} a_{i \sigma}^\dagger a_{j \sigma'}^\dagger a_{l \sigma'} a_{k \sigma}.
spin_names : list of strings
Names of the spins, e.g. ['up','down'].
n_orb : int
Number of orbitals.
U_matrix : 4D matrix or array
The fully rotationally-invariant 4-index interaction :math:`U_{ijkl}`.
off_diag : boolean
Do we have (orbital) off-diagonal elements?
If yes, the operators and blocks are denoted by ('spin', 'orbital'),
otherwise by ('spin_orbital',0).
map_operator_structure : dict
Mapping of names of GF blocks names from one convention to another,
e.g. {('up', 0): ('up_0', 0), ('down', 0): ('down_0',0)}.
If provided, the operators and blocks are denoted by the mapping of ``('spin', 'orbital')``.
H_dump : string
Name of the file to which the Hamiltonian should be written.
complex : bool
Whether there are complex values in the interaction. If False, passing a complex U will
cause an error.
H : Operator
The Hamiltonian.
n_orb = backward_compat("h_int_slater",n_orb,orb_names)
if H_dump:
H_dump_file = open(H_dump,'w')
H_dump_file.write("Slater Hamiltonian:" + '\n')
H = Operator()
mkind = get_mkind(off_diag,map_operator_structure)
for s1, s2 in product(spin_names,spin_names):
for a1, a2, a3, a4 in product(range(n_orb), range(n_orb), range(n_orb), range(n_orb)):
U_val = U_matrix[a1,a2,a3,a4]
if abs(U_val.imag) > 1e-10 and not complex:
raise RuntimeError("Matrix elements of U are not real. Are you using a cubic basis?")
H_term = 0.5 * (U_val if complex else U_val.real) * c_dag(*mkind(s1,a1)) * c_dag(*mkind(s2,a2)) * c(*mkind(s2,a4)) * c(*mkind(s1,a3))
H += H_term
# Dump terms of H
if H_dump and not H_term.is_zero():
H_dump_file.write('%s'%(mkind(s1,a1),) + '\t')
H_dump_file.write('%s'%(mkind(s2,a2),) + '\t')
H_dump_file.write('%s'%(mkind(s2,a3),) + '\t')
H_dump_file.write('%s'%(mkind(s1,a4),) + '\t')
H_dump_file.write(str(U_val.real) + '\n')
return H
def h_int_kanamori(spin_names,n_orb,U,Uprime,J_hund,off_diag=None,map_operator_structure=None,H_dump=None,orb_names=None):
Create a Kanamori Hamiltonian using the density-density, spin-fip and pair-hopping interactions.
.. math::
H = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{(i \sigma) \neq (j \sigma')} U_{i j}^{\sigma \sigma'} n_{i \sigma} n_{j \sigma'}
- \sum_{i \neq j} J a^\dagger_{i \uparrow} a_{i \downarrow} a^\dagger_{j \downarrow} a_{j \uparrow}
+ \sum_{i \neq j} J a^\dagger_{i \uparrow} a^\dagger_{i \downarrow} a_{j \downarrow} a_{j \uparrow}.
spin_names : list of strings
Names of the spins, e.g. ['up','down'].
n_orb : int
Number of orbitals.
U : 2D matrix or array
:math:`U_{ij}^{\sigma \sigma} (same spins)`
Uprime : 2D matrix or array
:math:`U_{ij}^{\sigma \bar{\sigma}} (opposite spins)`
J_hund : scalar
off_diag : boolean
Do we have (orbital) off-diagonal elements?
If yes, the operators and blocks are denoted by ('spin', 'orbital'),
otherwise by ('spin_orbital',0).
map_operator_structure : dict
Mapping of names of GF blocks names from one convention to another,
e.g. {('up', 0): ('up_0', 0), ('down', 0): ('down_0',0)}.
If provided, the operators and blocks are denoted by the mapping of ``('spin', 'orbital')``.
H_dump : string
Name of the file to which the Hamiltonian should be written.
H : Operator
The Hamiltonian.
n_orb = backward_compat("h_int_kanamori",n_orb,orb_names)
if H_dump:
H_dump_file = open(H_dump,'w')
H_dump_file.write("Kanamori Hamiltonian:" + '\n')
H = Operator()
mkind = get_mkind(off_diag,map_operator_structure)
# density terms:
if H_dump: H_dump_file.write("Density-density terms:" + '\n')
for s1, s2 in product(spin_names,spin_names):
for a1, a2 in product(range(n_orb), range(n_orb)):
if (s1==s2):
U_val = U[a1,a2]
U_val = Uprime[a1,a2]
H_term = 0.5 * U_val * n(*mkind(s1,a1)) * n(*mkind(s2,a2))
H += H_term
# Dump terms of H
if H_dump and not H_term.is_zero():
H_dump_file.write('%s'%(mkind(s1,a1),) + '\t')
H_dump_file.write('%s'%(mkind(s2,a2),) + '\t')
H_dump_file.write(str(U_val) + '\n')
# spin-flip terms:
if H_dump: H_dump_file.write("Spin-flip terms:" + '\n')
for s1, s2 in product(spin_names,spin_names):
if (s1==s2):
for a1, a2 in product(range(n_orb), range(n_orb)):
if (a1==a2):
H_term = -0.5 * J_hund * c_dag(*mkind(s1,a1)) * c(*mkind(s2,a1)) * c_dag(*mkind(s2,a2)) * c(*mkind(s1,a2))
H += H_term
# Dump terms of H
if H_dump and not H_term.is_zero():
H_dump_file.write('%s'%(mkind(s1,a1),) + '\t')
H_dump_file.write('%s'%(mkind(s2,a2),) + '\t')
H_dump_file.write(str(-J_hund) + '\n')
# pair-hopping terms:
if H_dump: H_dump_file.write("Pair-hopping terms:" + '\n')
for s1, s2 in product(spin_names,spin_names):
if (s1==s2):
for a1, a2 in product(range(n_orb), range(n_orb)):
if (a1==a2):
H_term = 0.5 * J_hund * c_dag(*mkind(s1,a1)) * c_dag(*mkind(s2,a1)) * c(*mkind(s2,a2)) * c(*mkind(s1,a2))
H += H_term
# Dump terms of H
if H_dump and not H_term.is_zero():
H_dump_file.write('%s'%(mkind(s1,a1),) + '\t')
H_dump_file.write('%s'%(mkind(s2,a2),) + '\t')
H_dump_file.write(str(-J_hund) + '\n')
return H
def h_int_density(spin_names,n_orb,U,Uprime,off_diag=None,map_operator_structure=None,H_dump=None,orb_names=None):
Create a density-density Hamiltonian.
.. math::
H = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{(i \sigma) \neq (j \sigma')} U_{i j}^{\sigma \sigma'} n_{i \sigma} n_{j \sigma'}.
spin_names : list of strings
Names of the spins, e.g. ['up','down'].
n_orb : int
Number of orbitals.
U : 2D matrix or array
:math:`U_{ij}^{\sigma \sigma} (same spins)`
Uprime : 2D matrix or array
:math:`U_{ij}^{\sigma \bar{\sigma}} (opposite spins)`
off_diag : boolean
Do we have (orbital) off-diagonal elements?
If yes, the operators and blocks are denoted by ('spin', 'orbital'),
otherwise by ('spin_orbital',0).
map_operator_structure : dict
Mapping of names of GF blocks names from one convention to another,
e.g. {('up', 0): ('up_0', 0), ('down', 0): ('down_0',0)}.
If provided, the operators and blocks are denoted by the mapping of ``('spin', 'orbital')``.
H_dump : string
Name of the file to which the Hamiltonian should be written.
H : Operator
The Hamiltonian.
n_orb = backward_compat("h_int_density",n_orb,orb_names)
if H_dump:
H_dump_file = open(H_dump,'w')
H_dump_file.write("Density-density Hamiltonian:" + '\n')
H = Operator()
mkind = get_mkind(off_diag,map_operator_structure)
if H_dump: H_dump_file.write("Density-density terms:" + '\n')
for s1, s2 in product(spin_names,spin_names):
for a1, a2 in product(range(n_orb),range(n_orb)):
if (s1==s2):
U_val = U[a1,a2]
U_val = Uprime[a1,a2]
H_term = 0.5 * U_val * n(*mkind(s1,a1)) * n(*mkind(s2,a2))
H += H_term
# Dump terms of H
if H_dump and not H_term.is_zero():
H_dump_file.write('%s'%(mkind(s1,a1),) + '\t')
H_dump_file.write('%s'%(mkind(s2,a2),) + '\t')
H_dump_file.write(str(U_val) + '\n')
return H
def diagonal_part(H):
Extract the density part from an operator H.
The density part is a sum of all those monomials of H that are
products of occupation number operators :math:`n_1 n_2 n_3 \ldots`.
H : Operator
The operator from which the density part is extracted.
n_part : Operator
The density part of H.
n_part = Operator()
for indices, coeff in H:
c_ind, c_dag_ind = set(), set()
for dag, ind in indices:
(c_dag_ind if dag else c_ind).add(tuple(ind))
if c_ind == c_dag_ind: # This monomial is of n-type
n_part += coeff * reduce(operator.mul,
[c_dag(*dag_ind[1]) if dag_ind[0] else c(*dag_ind[1]) for dag_ind in indices],
return n_part
def make_operator_real(H, tol = 0):
Return the real part of a given operator H checking that its
imaginary part is below tolerance.
H : Operator
The operator to be converted.
tol : float
Tolerance threshold for the imaginary part of the operator's coefficients.
H_real : Operator
The real part of H.
if any(abs(term[-1].imag) > tol for term in H):
raise RuntimeError("A coefficient of the operator has an imaginary part above tolerance")
return H.real