# TRIQS: a Toolbox for Research in Interacting Quantum Systems
# Copyright (C) 2011 by M. Ferrero, O. Parcollet
# DFT tools: Copyright (C) 2011 by M. Aichhorn, L. Pourovskii, V. Vildosola
# PLOVasp: Copyright (C) 2015 by O. E. Peil
# TRIQS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# TRIQS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
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Storage and manipulation on projector shells.
import itertools as it
import logging
import numpy as np
from . import atm
log = logging.getLogger('plovasp.proj_shell')
# class ProjectorShell
class ProjectorShell:
Container of projectors related to a specific shell.
The constructor pre-selects a subset of projectors according to
the shell parameters passed from the config-file.
- sh_pars (dict) : shell parameters from the config-file
- proj_raw (numpy.array) : array of raw projectors from LOCPROJ
- proj_params (list[dict]) : parameters of raw projectors from LOCPROJ
- nc_flag (bool) : True if projectors are for non-collinear magnetic state
def __init__(self, sh_pars, proj_raw, proj_params, kmesh, structure, nc_flag):
self.lorb = sh_pars['lshell']
self.ions = sh_pars['ions']
self.user_index = sh_pars['user_index']
log.debug(f"-- Shell index: {self.user_index}")
self.corr = sh_pars['corr']
self.ion_sort = [sh_pars['ion_sort']]
self.nc_flag = nc_flag
self.lm1 = self.lorb**2
self.lm2 = (self.lorb + 1)**2
self.nion = self.ions['nion']
# Extract ion list and equivalence classes (ion sorts)
# `ion_sort` contains actual indices of ions representing an equivalence class
self.ion_list = sorted(it.chain(*self.ions['ion_list']))
log.debug(f"-- ions: {self.ions}")
log.debug(f"-- ion_list: {self.ion_list}")
if self.ion_sort[0] is None:
self.ion_sort = []
# Not the most efficient algorithm but ensures that ion indices are properly
# ordered in the resulting `ion_sort`
for ion in self.ion_list:
for icl, eq_cl in enumerate(self.ions['ion_list']):
# Representative ion index of equivalence class `eq_cl`
ion_rep = eq_cl[0]
if ion in eq_cl:
log.debug(f"-- adding to equivalence class ({icl}, {eq_cl})")
log.debug(f"-- ion = {ion}, ion_rep = {ion_rep}")
self.ion_sort.append(ion_rep + 1) # Enumerate classes starting from 1
log.debug(f"-- ion_sort: {self.ion_sort}")
self.ndim = self.extract_tmatrices(sh_pars)
self.extract_projectors(proj_raw, proj_params, kmesh, structure)
# extract_tmatrices
# extract_projectors
# select_projectors
def select_projectors(self, ib_win, ib_min, ib_max):
Selects a subset of projectors corresponding to a given energy window.
self.ib_win = ib_win
self.ib_min = ib_min
self.ib_max = ib_max
nb_max = ib_max - ib_min + 1
# Set the dimensions of the array
nion, ns, nk, nlm, nbtot = self.proj_arr.shape
# !!! Note that the order of the two last indices is different !!!
self.proj_win = np.zeros((nion, ns, nk, nlm, nb_max), dtype=complex)
# Select projectors for a given energy window
ns_band = self.ib_win.shape[1]
if ns == 1:
for ik in range(nk):
# TODO: for non-collinear case something else should be done here
is_b = min(0, ns_band)
ib1 = self.ib_win[ik, is_b, 0]
ib2 = self.ib_win[ik, is_b, 1] + 1
ib_win = ib2 - ib1
self.proj_win[:, :, ik, :, :ib_win] = self.proj_arr[:, :, ik, :, ib1:ib2]
for isp in range(ns):
for ik in range(nk):
is_b = min(isp, ns_band)
ib1 = self.ib_win[ik, is_b, 0]
ib2 = self.ib_win[ik, is_b, 1] + 1
ib_win = ib2 - ib1
self.proj_win[:, isp, ik, :, :ib_win] = self.proj_arr[:, isp, ik, :, ib1:ib2]
# density_matrix
def density_matrix(self, el_struct, site_diag=True, spin_diag=True):
Returns occupation matrix/matrices for the shell.
nion, ns, nk, nlm, nbtot = self.proj_win.shape
# assert site_diag, "site_diag = False is not implemented"
assert spin_diag, "spin_diag = False is not implemented"
if site_diag:
occ_mats = np.zeros((ns, nion, nlm, nlm), dtype=float)
overlaps = np.zeros((ns, nion, nlm, nlm), dtype=float)
ndim = nion * nlm
occ_mats = np.zeros((ns, 1, ndim, ndim), dtype=float)
overlaps = np.zeros((ns, 1, ndim, ndim), dtype=float)
# self.proj_win = np.zeros((nion, ns, nk, nlm, nb_max), dtype=complex)
kweights = el_struct.kmesh['kweights']
occnums = el_struct.ferw
ib1 = self.ib_min
ib2 = self.ib_max + 1
# VASP.6.
count_nan = 0
print("Site diag : {}".format(site_diag))
if site_diag:
for isp in range(ns):
for ik, weight, occ in zip(it.count(), kweights, occnums[isp, :, :]):
for io in range(nion):
proj_k = self.proj_win[io, isp, ik, ...]
# VASP.6.
array_sum = np.sum(proj_k)
if np.isnan(array_sum) == True:
count_nan += 1
if self.nc_flag == True:
occ_mats[isp, io, :, :] += 0.5 * np.dot(proj_k * occ[ib1:ib2], proj_k.T.conj()).real * weight
overlaps[isp, io, :, :] += np.dot(proj_k, proj_k.T.conj()).real * weight
occ_mats[isp, io, :, :] += np.dot(proj_k * occ[ib1:ib2], proj_k.T.conj()).real * weight
overlaps[isp, io, :, :] += np.dot(proj_k, proj_k.T.conj()).real * weight
assert count_nan == 0, "!!! WARNING !!!: There are %s NaN in your Projectors"%(count_nan)
proj_k = np.zeros((ndim, nbtot), dtype=complex)
for isp in range(ns):
for ik, weight, occ in zip(it.count(), kweights, occnums[isp, :, :]):
for io in range(nion):
i1 = io * nlm
i2 = (io + 1) * nlm
proj_k[i1:i2, :] = self.proj_win[io, isp, ik, ...]
occ_mats[isp, 0, :, :] += np.dot(proj_k * occ[ib1:ib2],
proj_k.conj().T).real * weight
overlaps[isp, 0, :, :] += np.dot(proj_k,proj_k.conj().T).real * weight
return occ_mats, overlaps
# local_hamiltonian
def local_hamiltonian(self, el_struct, site_diag=True, spin_diag=True):
Returns occupation matrix/matrices for the shell.
nion, ns, nk, nlm, nbtot = self.proj_win.shape
assert site_diag, "site_diag = False is not implemented"
assert spin_diag, "spin_diag = False is not implemented"
loc_ham = np.zeros((ns, nion, nlm, nlm), dtype=complex)
# self.proj_win = np.zeros((nion, ns, nk, nlm, nb_max), dtype=complex)
kweights = el_struct.kmesh['kweights']
occnums = el_struct.ferw
ib1 = self.ib_min
ib2 = self.ib_max + 1
for isp in range(ns):
for ik, weight, occ, eigk in zip(it.count(), kweights, occnums[isp, :, :],
el_struct.eigvals[:, ib1:ib2, isp]):
for io in range(nion):
proj_k = self.proj_win[io, isp, ik, ...]
# VASP.6.
if self.nc_flag == True:
loc_ham[isp, io, :, :] += np.dot(proj_k * (eigk - el_struct.efermi),
proj_k.conj().T) * weight * 0.5
loc_ham[isp, io, :, :] += np.dot(proj_k * (eigk - el_struct.efermi),
proj_k.conj().T) * weight
return loc_ham
# density_of_states
def density_of_states(self, el_struct, emesh):
Returns projected DOS for the shell.
nion, ns, nk, nlm, nbtot = self.proj_win.shape
# There is a problem with data storage structure of projectors that will
# make life more complicated. The problem is that band-indices of projectors
# for different k-points do not match because we store 'nb_max' values starting
# from 0.
nb_max = self.ib_max - self.ib_min + 1
ns_band = self.ib_win.shape[1]
ne = len(emesh)
dos = np.zeros((ne, ns, nion, nlm))
w_k = np.zeros((nk, nb_max, ns, nion, nlm), dtype=complex)
for isp in range(ns):
for ik in range(nk):
is_b = min(isp, ns_band)
ib1 = self.ib_win[ik, is_b, 0]
ib2 = self.ib_win[ik, is_b, 1] + 1
for ib_g in range(ib1, ib2):
for io in range(nion):
# Note the difference between 'ib' and 'ibn':
# 'ib' counts from 0 to 'nb_k - 1'
# 'ibn' counts from 'ib1 - ib_min' to 'ib2 - ib_min'
ib = ib_g - ib1
ibn = ib_g - self.ib_min
proj_k = self.proj_win[io, isp, ik, :, ib]
w_k[ik, ib, isp, io, :] = proj_k * proj_k.conj()
# eigv_ef = el_struct.eigvals[ik, ib, isp] - el_struct.efermi
itt = el_struct.kmesh['itet'].T.copy()
# k-indices are starting from 0 in Python
itt[1:, :] -= 1
for isp in range(ns):
for ib, eigk in enumerate(el_struct.eigvals[:, self.ib_min:self.ib_max+1, isp].T):
for ie, e in enumerate(emesh):
eigk_ef = eigk - el_struct.efermi
cti = atm.dos_tetra_weights_3d(eigk_ef, e, itt)
for im in range(nlm):
for io in range(nion):
dos[ie, isp, io, im] += np.sum((cti * w_k[itt[1:, :], ib, isp, io, im].real).sum(0) * itt[0, :])
dos *= 2 * el_struct.kmesh['volt']
# for isp in range(ns):
# for ik, weight, occ in zip(it.count(), kweights, occnums[isp, :, :]):
# for io in range(nion):
# proj_k = self.proj_win[isp, io, ik, ...]
# occ_mats[isp, io, :, :] += np.dot(proj_k * occ[ib1:ib2],
# proj_k.conj().T).real * weight
# overlaps[isp, io, :, :] += np.dot(proj_k,
# proj_k.conj().T).real * weight
# if not symops is None:
# occ_mats = symmetrize_matrix_set(occ_mats, symops, ions, perm_map)
return dos
# class ProjectorShell
class ComplementShell(ProjectorShell):
Container of projectors related to a complement shell.
- sh_pars (dict) : shell parameters from the config-file
- proj_compl (numpy.array) : array of complement projectors
def __init__(self, sh_pars, proj_compl, nc_flag):
self.lorb = sh_pars['lshell']
self.ions = sh_pars['ions']
self.user_index = sh_pars['user_index']
self.corr = sh_pars['corr']
self.nc_flag = nc_flag
self.ib_min = sh_pars['ib_min']
self.ib_max = sh_pars['ib_max']
self.ib_win = sh_pars['ib_win']
#self.lm1 = self.lorb**2
#self.lm2 = (self.lorb+1)**2
self.nion = self.ions['nion']
# Extract ion list and equivalence classes (ion sorts)
self.ion_list = sorted(it.chain(*self.ions['ion_list']))
self.ion_sort = []
for ion in self.ion_list:
for icl, eq_cl in enumerate(self.ions['ion_list']):
if ion in eq_cl:
self.ion_sort.append(icl + 1) # Enumerate classes starting from 1
self.ndim = proj_compl.shape[3]
self.proj_win = proj_compl
def local_hamiltonian(self, el_struct, site_diag=True, spin_diag=True):
raise Exception('not implemented')
def density_matrix(self, el_struct, site_diag=True, spin_diag=True):
raise Exception('not implemented')
#def density_of_states(self, el_struct, emesh):
# raise Exception('not implemented')