- SumkDFTTools.proj_type_G_loc(G_latt, G_inp, ik, ish, proj_type=None)[source]
Internal routine which calculates the project Green’s function subject to the proj_type input.
- Parameters:
- G_lattGf
block of lattice Green’s functions to be projected/downfolded
- G_inpGf
block of local Green’s functions used as a template for G_proj
- ikinteger
integer specifing k-point index.
- ishinteger
integer specifing shell index.
- proj_typestring, optional
Output the orbital-projected DOS type from the following options: ‘wann’ - Wannier DOS calculated from the Wannier projectors ‘vasp’ - Vasp orbital-projected DOS only from Vasp inputs ‘wien2k’ - Wien2k orbital-projected DOS from the wien2k theta projectors
- Returns:
- G_projGf
projected/downfolded lattice Green’s function Contains the band-resolved density matrices per k-point.