Source code for triqs_tprf.hf_response

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# TPRF: Two-Particle Response Function (TPRF) Toolbox for TRIQS
# Copyright (C) 2018 by The Simons Foundation
# Author: H. U.R. Strand
# TPRF is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# TPRF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# TPRF. If not, see <>.

""" TRIQS, TPRF: Hartree-Fock static response function calculator

Author: Hugo U. R. Strand, (2018)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

import sys
import itertools
import numpy as np
from .numpy_compat import np_eigh

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
class BaseResponse(object):

    def __init__(self, solver, eps=1e-9):

        self.solver = solver
        self.eps = eps

        self.beta = self.solver.beta
        self.e_k = self.solver.e_k_MF.copy()
        self.n_k = len(self.e_k.mesh)
        self.norb = self.e_k.target_shape[0]
        self.shape_ab = self.e_k.target_shape
        self.shape_abcd = list(self.shape_ab) + list(self.shape_ab)
        self.shape_AB = [self.norb**2, self.norb**2]
        self.shape_kabcd = [self.n_k] + self.shape_abcd
        self.shape_kAB = [self.n_k] + self.shape_AB

        I_ab = np.eye(self.norb)[:] -= * I_ab

        print('norb =', self.norb)
        print('shape_abcd =', self.shape_abcd)
        print('shape_AB =', self.shape_AB)
        print('beta =', self.beta)
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    def _compute_drho_dop(self, op):

        drho_k = self._compute_drho_k_dop(op)
        drho = np.sum(drho_k, axis=0) / self.n_k

        return drho

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    def _compute_drho_k_dop(self, op):

        beta, eps = self.beta, self.eps
        E_p = + eps*op[None, ...]
        E_m = - eps*op[None, ...]

        e_p, U_p = np_eigh(E_p)
        e_m, U_m = np_eigh(E_m)

        fermi = lambda e, beta: 1./(np.exp(beta * e) + 1)

        rho_k_p = np.einsum('kab,kb,kcb->kac', U_p, fermi(e_p, beta), np.conj(U_p))
        rho_k_m = np.einsum('kab,kb,kcb->kac', U_m, fermi(e_m, beta), np.conj(U_m))

        drho_k = (rho_k_p - rho_k_m) / (2. * eps)

        return drho_k

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    def _compute_chi0_ab(self):

        chi0_ab = np.zeros(self.shape_ab, dtype=complex)

        for a in range(self.norb):
            F_a = np.zeros(self.shape_ab)
            F_a[a, a] = 1.

            chi0_b = -np.diag(self._compute_drho_dop(F_a))
            chi0_ab[a] = chi0_b

        return chi0_ab

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    def _compute_R_abcd(self, field_prefactor=1.):

        R_abcd = np.zeros(self.shape_abcd, dtype=complex)

        for a, b in itertools.product(list(range(self.norb)), repeat=2):

            F_ab = np.zeros(self.shape_ab, dtype=complex)
            F_ab[a, b] += field_prefactor
            F_ab[b, a] += np.conj(field_prefactor)

            R_cd = -self._compute_drho_dop(F_ab)
            R_abcd[b, a, :, :] = R_cd

        return R_abcd

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    def _compute_R_kabcd(self, field_prefactor=1.):

        R_kabcd = np.zeros(self.shape_kabcd, dtype=complex)

        for a, b in itertools.product(list(range(self.norb)), repeat=2):

            F_ab = np.zeros(self.shape_ab, dtype=complex)
            F_ab[a, b] += field_prefactor
            F_ab[b, a] += np.conj(field_prefactor)

            R_kcd = -self._compute_drho_k_dop(F_ab)
            R_kabcd[:, b, a, :, :] = R_kcd

        return R_kabcd
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    def _compute_chi0_abcd(self):

        chi0_kabcd = self._compute_chi0_kabcd()
        chi0_abcd = np.sum(chi0_kabcd, axis=0) / self.n_k

        return chi0_abcd

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    def _compute_chi0_kabcd(self):

        R_r_kabcd = self._compute_R_kabcd(field_prefactor=1.0) 
        R_i_kabcd = self._compute_R_kabcd(field_prefactor=1.j)

        chi0_kabcd = 0.5 * (R_r_kabcd + R_i_kabcd.imag)

        return chi0_kabcd
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    def logo(self):
        if 'UTF' in sys.stdout.encoding:
            txt = """
╔╦╗╦═╗╦╔═╗ ╔═╗  ┬ ┬┌─┐  ┬─┐┌─┐┌─┐
 ║ ╠╦╝║║═╬╗╚═╗  ├─┤├┤───├┬┘├─┘├─┤
 ╩ ╩╚═╩╚═╝╚╚═╝  ┴ ┴└    ┴└─┴  ┴ ┴
Triqs: Hartree-Fock Random Phase Approximation susceptibility
            txt = r"""
 _____ ___ ___ ___  ___   _  _ ___    ___ ___  _
|_   _| _ \_ _/ _ \/ __| | || | __|__| _ \ _ \/_\
  | | |   /| | (_) \__ \ | __ | _|___|   /  _/ _ \
  |_| |_|_\___\__\_\___/ |_||_|_|    |_|_\_|/_/ \_\

Triqs: Hartree-Fock Random Phase Approximation susceptibility
        return txt

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class HartreeFockResponse(BaseResponse): """ Hartree-Fock linear response calculator. Parameters ---------- hartree_fock_solver : HartreeFockSolver instance Converged Hartree-Fock solver. eps : float Step size in finite difference linear response calculation. """ def __init__(self, hartree_fock_solver, eps=1e-9): super(HartreeFockResponse, self).__init__(hartree_fock_solver) self.hfs = self.solver I_AB = np.matrix(np.eye(self.shape_AB[0])) U_AB = self._to_matrix_AB(self.hfs.U_abcd) chi0_AB = self._to_matrix_AB(self._compute_chi0_abcd()) chi_AB = np.linalg.inv(I_AB - chi0_AB * U_AB) * chi0_AB self.chi0_abcd = self._to_tensor_abcd(chi0_AB) self.chi_abcd = self._to_tensor_abcd(chi_AB) #self.chi0_kabcd = self._compute_chi0_kabcd() #np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal( # self.chi0_abcd, np.sum(self.chi0_kabcd, axis=0)/self.n_k) def mode_decomposition(self): U_AB = self._to_matrix_AB(self.hfs.U_abcd) chi0_AB = self._to_matrix_AB(self.chi0_abcd) e = np.linalg.eigvals(np.mat(chi0_AB) * np.mat(U_AB)) idx = np.argsort(e.real) e = e[idx] e = 1./(1. - e.real) return e def _to_matrix_AB(self, tensor_abcd): matrix_AB = np.matrix(tensor_abcd.reshape(self.shape_AB)) return matrix_AB def _to_tensor_abcd(self, matrix_AB): tensor_abcd = np.array(matrix_AB).reshape(self.shape_abcd) return tensor_abcd def __check_op(self, op): assert( op.shape == self.shape_ab ) def bare_response(self, op1, op2): self.__check_op(op1) self.__check_op(op2) chi0_op1op2 = np.einsum('ab,abcd,cd->', op1, self.chi0_abcd, op2) return chi0_op1op2 def response(self, op1, op2): self.__check_op(op1) self.__check_op(op2) chi_op1op2 = np.einsum('ab,abcd,cd->', op1, self.chi_abcd, op2) return chi_op1op2 def compute_chi0_k(self): from import Gf chi0_k = Gf(mesh=self.e_k.mesh, target_shape=self.shape_abcd)[:] = self.chi0_kabcd return chi0_k
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class HartreeResponse(BaseResponse): """ Hartree linear response calculator. Parameters ---------- hartree_solver : HartreeSolver instance Converged Hartree solver. eps : float Step size in finite difference linear response calculation. """ def __init__(self, hartree_solver, eps=1e-9): super(HartreeResponse, self).__init__(hartree_solver) I_ab = np.eye(self.norb) U_ab = np.mat(self.extract_dens_dens(self.solver.U_abcd)) chi0_ab = np.mat(self._compute_chi0_ab()) chi_ab = chi0_ab * np.linalg.inv(I_ab - U_ab * chi0_ab) self.chi0_ab = np.array(chi0_ab) self.chi_ab = np.array(chi_ab) def __check_op(self, op): """ Operators have to be diagonal in the Hartree approx """ assert( op.shape == self.e_k.target_shape ) np.testing.assert_almost_equal( op - np.diag(np.diag(op)), np.zeros_like(op)) def bare_response(self, op1, op2): self.__check_op(op1) self.__check_op(op2) chi0_op1op2 = np.einsum('aa,ab,bb->', op1, self.chi0_ab, op2) return chi0_op1op2 def response(self, op1, op2): self.__check_op(op1) self.__check_op(op2) chi_op1op2 = np.einsum('aa,ab,bb->', op1, self.chi_ab, op2) return chi_op1op2 def extract_dens_dens(self, chi_abcd): norb = chi_abcd.shape[0] chi_ab = np.zeros((norb, norb), dtype=complex) for i1, i2 in itertools.product(list(range(norb)), repeat=2): chi_ab[i1, i2] = chi_abcd[i1, i1, i2, i2] return chi_ab
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------