Source code for triqs_cthyb.tail_fit

# TRIQS: a Toolbox for Research in Interacting Quantum Systems
# Copyright (C) 2017 by H. UR Strand, P. Seth, I. Krivenko,
#                       M. Ferrero, O. Parcollet
# TRIQS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
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tail fitting and high frequency moments
import numpy as np

from import fit_hermitian_tail_on_window, replace_by_tail

from triqs.operators import c, c_dag
from triqs.atom_diag import trace_rho_op

def _comm(A,B): return A*B - B*A
def _anticomm(A,B): return A*B + B*A

[docs] def sigma_high_frequency_moments(density_matrix, ad_imp, gf_struct, h_int): """ Calculate the first and second high frequency moment of Sigma_iw following Rev. Mod. Phys. 83, 349 (2011). They read (0) Sigma_0 = -<{[Hint,c],c+}> (Hartree shift) (1) Sigma_1 = <{[Hint,[Hint,c]],c+}> - Sigma_0^2, where Hint is the interaction Hamiltonian Parameters ---------- density_matrix : list, np.ndarray measured density matrix from TRIQS/CTHYB. ad_imp : AtomDiag h_loc_diagonalization from TRIQS/CTHYB. gf_struct : List of pairs (str,int) Block structure of Green's function. h_int : triqs.operators.Operator interaction Hamiltonian Returns ------- sigma_moments : dict, np.ndarray first and second moments in a dict with the same block strucutre of the TRIQS Gf object. """ sigma_moments = {bl : np.zeros((2, bl_size, bl_size),dtype=complex) for bl, bl_size in gf_struct} for bl, bl_size in gf_struct: for orb1 in range(bl_size): for orb2 in range(bl_size): # Sigma_HF term op_HF = -_anticomm(_comm(h_int, c(bl,orb1)), c_dag(bl,orb2)) sigma_moments[bl][0,orb1,orb2] = trace_rho_op(density_matrix, op_HF, ad_imp) # Sigma_1/iwn term op_iw = _anticomm(_comm(h_int, _comm(h_int, c(bl,orb1))), c_dag(bl,orb2)) sigma_moments[bl][1,orb1,orb2] = trace_rho_op(density_matrix, op_iw, ad_imp) - sigma_moments[bl][0,orb1,orb2]**2 return sigma_moments
[docs] def green_high_frequency_moments(density_matrix, ad_imp, gf_struct, h_imp): """ Calculate the first and second high frequency moment of G_iw following Rev. Mod. Phys. 83, 349 (2011). They read (0) G_0 = 0 (1) G_1 = <{c,c+}> (2) G_2 = -<{[H,c],c+}> where H is the impurity Hamiltonian (H = impurity levels + Hint). Parameters ---------- density_matrix : list, np.ndarray measured density matrix from TRIQS/CTHYB. ad_imp : AtomDiag h_loc_diagonalization from TRIQS/CTHYB. gf_struct : List of pairs (str,int) Block structure of Green's function. h_imp : triqs.operators.Operator impurity Hamiltonian Returns ------- green_moments : dict, np.ndarray first and second moments in a dict with the same block strucutre of the TRIQS Gf object. """ green_moments = {bl : np.zeros((3, bl_size, bl_size),dtype=complex) for bl, bl_size in gf_struct} for bl, bl_size in gf_struct: # G_0/iwn = 1/iwn green_moments[bl][1] = np.eye(bl_size) for orb1 in range(bl_size): for orb2 in range(bl_size): # G_1/iwn**2 term op = -_anticomm(_comm(h_imp, c(bl,orb1)), c_dag(bl,orb2)) green_moments[bl][2,orb1,orb2] = trace_rho_op(density_matrix, op, ad_imp) return green_moments
[docs] def tail_fit( Sigma_iw, fit_min_n=None, fit_max_n=None, fit_min_w=None, fit_max_w=None, fit_max_moment=None, fit_known_moments=None ): """ Fit a high frequency 1/(iw)^n expansion of Sigma_iw and replace the high frequency part with the fitted high frequency expansion. Either give frequency window to fit on in terms of matsubara frequencies index (fit_min_n/fit_max_n) or value (fit_min_w/fit_max_w). Parameters ---------- Sigma_iw : Gf Self-energy. fit_min_n : int, optional, default=int(0.8*len(Sigma_iw.mesh)) Matsubara frequency index from which tail fitting should start. fit_max_n : int, optional, default=int(len(Sigma_iw.mesh)) Matsubara frequency index at which tail fitting should end. fit_min_w : float, optional Matsubara frequency from which tail fitting should start. fit_max_w : float, optional Matsubara frequency at which tail fitting should end. fit_max_moment : int, optional Highest moment to fit in the tail of Sigma_iw. fit_known_moments : ``ndarray.shape[order, Sigma_iw[0].target_shape]``, optional, default = None Known moments of Sigma_iw, given as an numpy ndarray Returns ------- Sigma_iw : Gf Self-energy. """ # Define default tail quantities if fit_min_w is not None: fit_min_n = int(0.5*(fit_min_w*Sigma_iw.mesh.beta/np.pi - 1.0)) if fit_max_w is not None: fit_max_n = int(0.5*(fit_max_w*Sigma_iw.mesh.beta/np.pi - 1.0)) if fit_min_n is None: fit_min_n = int(0.8*len(Sigma_iw.mesh)/2) if fit_max_n is None: fit_max_n = int(len(Sigma_iw.mesh)/2) if fit_max_moment is None: fit_max_moment = 3 if fit_known_moments is None: fit_known_moments = {} for name, sig in Sigma_iw: shape = [0] + list(sig.target_shape) fit_known_moments[name] = np.zeros(shape, dtype=complex) # no known moments # Now fit the tails of Sigma_iw and replace the high frequency part with the tail expansion for name, sig in Sigma_iw: tail, err = fit_hermitian_tail_on_window( sig, n_min = fit_min_n, n_max = fit_max_n, known_moments = fit_known_moments[name], # set max number of pts used in fit larger than mesh size, to use all data in fit n_tail_max = 10 * len(sig.mesh), expansion_order = fit_max_moment ) replace_by_tail(sig, tail, n_min=fit_min_n) return Sigma_iw