
SumkDFTTools.gen_Akw(mu, broadening, mesh, plot_shift, plot_range, shell_list, with_Sigma, with_dc, proj_type)[source]

Internal routine used by spaghettis and spectral_contours to Calculate the k-resolved spectral function A(k,w). For advanced users only.


Chemical potential, overrides the one stored in the hdf5 archive.


Lorentzian broadening of the spectra.

meshreal frequency MeshType, optional

Omega mesh for the real-frequency Green’s function. Given as parameter to lattice_gf.


Offset for each A(k,w) for stacked plotting of spectra.

plot_rangelist of double

Sets the energy window for plotting to (plot_range[0],plot_range[1]).

shell_listlist of integers, optional

Contains the indices of the shells of which the projected spectral function is calculated for. If shell_list = None and proj_type is not None, then the projected spectral function is calculated for all shells.


If True, the self energy is used for the calculation. If false, the DOS is calculated without self energy.


If True the double counting correction is used.


Output the orbital-projected A(k,w) type from the following: ‘wann’ - Wannier A(k,w) calculated from the Wannier projectors ‘wien2k’ - Wien2k orbital-projected A(k,w) from the wien2k theta projectors

AkwDict of numpy arrays

(Correlated) k-resolved spectral function

pAkwDict of numpy arrays

(Correlated) k-resolved spectral function projected to atoms. Empty if proj_type = None

pAkw_orbDict of numpy arrays

(Correlated) k-resolved spectral function projected to atoms and resolved into orbital contributions. Empty if proj_type = None