Convergence Methods

class triqs_maxent.minimizers.convergence_methods.ConvergenceMethod[source]

Bases: object

A general convergence method

When calling the convergence method, it returns a tuple (conv, is_conv), where conv measures the convergence and is_conv is a bool that tells whether convergence was reached.

Two convergence methods can be combined using the & (and) and | (or) operators.


__call__(function, v, **kwargs)

Call self as a function.

class triqs_maxent.minimizers.convergence_methods.AndConvergenceMethod(one, two)[source]

Bases: ConvergenceMethod

The ‘and’ conjunction between two convergence methods.


__call__(function, v, **kwargs)

Call self as a function.

class triqs_maxent.minimizers.convergence_methods.OrConvergenceMethod(one, two)[source]

Bases: ConvergenceMethod

The ‘or’ conjunction between two convergence methods.


__call__(function, v, **kwargs)

Call self as a function.

class triqs_maxent.minimizers.convergence_methods.MaxDerivativeConvergenceMethod(convergence_criterion)[source]

Bases: ConvergenceMethod

The maximum of the derivative has to be < convergence criterion


__call__(function, v, **kwargs)

Call self as a function.

class triqs_maxent.minimizers.convergence_methods.NullConvergenceMethod[source]

Bases: ConvergenceMethod

A convergence method that thinks everything is converged.


__call__(function, v, **kwargs)

Call self as a function.

class triqs_maxent.minimizers.convergence_methods.FunctionChangeConvergenceMethod(convergence_criterion)[source]

Bases: ConvergenceMethod

The function change between two subsequent iterations has to be < convergence criterion


__call__(function, v, **kwargs)

Call self as a function.

class triqs_maxent.minimizers.convergence_methods.RelativeFunctionChangeConvergenceMethod(convergence_criterion)[source]

Bases: ConvergenceMethod

The function change between two subsequent iterations divided by the function value has to be < convergence criterion


__call__(function, v, **kwargs)

Call self as a function.