Source code for triqs.dos.hilbert_transform
# Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)
# Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)
# Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Simons Foundation
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Authors: Michel Ferrero, Olivier Parcollet, Nils Wentzell
from import *
import types, string, inspect, itertools
from triqs.dos import DOS, DOSFromFunction
import triqs.utility.mpi as mpi
import numpy
class HilbertTransform:
Computes the Hilbert Transform from a DOS object
.. math::
\int_{-\infty}^\infty d \epsilon \rho(\epsilon) \Bigl( (\omega + \mu +
I\eta)\mathbf{1} - \hat\varepsilon(\epsilon) - \text{field} - \Sigma(\epsilon)
def __init__(self, rho):
:param rho: a DOS object.
self.dos = rho
assert isinstance(rho, DOS), "See Doc. rho must be a DOS"
def __reduce__(self):
return self.__class__, (self.rho)
def __normalize(self):
# normalisation. dos is not the value of the function, is the weight of the integrals
R = numpy.array(self.dos.rho, copy=True)
self.rho_for_sum = R
eps = self.dos.eps
R[0] *= (eps[1] - eps[0])
R[-1] *= (eps[-1] - eps[-2])
for i in range(1, eps.shape[0] - 1):
R[i] *= (eps[i+1] - eps[i])/2+(eps[i] - eps[i-1])/2
R /= numpy.sum(R)
def __call__ (self, Sigma, mu=0, eta=0, field=None, epsilon_hat=None, result=None,
n_points_integral=None, test_convergence=None):
Compute the Hilbert Transform
mu: float
eta: float
Sigma: a GFBloc or a function epsilon-> GFBloc
field: anything that can added to the GFBloc Sigma, e.g.:
* an Array_with_GFBloc_Indices (same size as Sigma)
* a GBloc
epsilon_hat: a function that takes a 1d array eps[i] and returns 3d-array eps[i,:,:]
where the:,: has the matrix structure of Sigma. Default: eps[i] * Identity_Matrix
Used only when DOS is a DOSFromFunction:
n_points_integral: How many points to use. If None, use the Npts of construction
test_convergence: If defined, it will refine the grid until CV is reached
starting from n_points_integral and multiplying by 2
Returns the result. If provided, use result to compute the result locally.
# we suppose here that self.eps, self.rho_for_sum such that
# H(z) = \sum_i self.rho_for_sum[i] * (z- self.eps[i])^-1
# Check Sigma
# case 1) Sigma is a Gf
if Sigma.__class__.__name__[0:2] == 'Gf':
model = Sigma
Sigma_fnt = False
# case 2) Sigma is a function returning a Gf
assert callable(Sigma), "If Sigma is not a Gf it must be a function"
assert len(inspect.getargspec(Sigma)[0]) == 1, "Sigma must be a function of a single variable"
model = Sigma(self.dos.eps[0])
Sigma_fnt = True
# Check that Sigma is square
N1, N2 = model.target_shape
assert N1 == N2, "Sigma must be a square Gf"
# Check result
if result:
assert result.target_shape == (N1, N2), "Size of result and Sigma mismatch"
result = model.copy()
if not(isinstance(self.dos, DOSFromFunction)):
assert n_points_integral==None and test_convergence == None, " Those parameters can only be used with an dos_from_function"
if field !=None:
result += field
assert 0, "field cannot be added to the Green function blocks !. Cf Doc"
def HT(res):
import triqs.utility.mpi as mpi
# First compute the eps_hat array
eps_hat = epsilon_hat(self.dos.eps) if epsilon_hat else numpy.array( [ x* numpy.identity (N1) for x in self.dos.eps] )
assert eps_hat.shape[0] == self.dos.eps.shape[0], "epsilon_hat function behaves incorrectly"
assert eps_hat.shape[1] == eps_hat.shape[2], "epsilon_hat function behaves incorrectly (result not a square matrix)"
assert N1 == eps_hat.shape[1], "Size of Sigma and of epsilon_hat mismatch"
# Perform the sum over eps[i]
tmp, tmp2 = res.copy(), res.copy()
tmp << iOmega_n + mu + eta * 1j
if not(Sigma_fnt):
tmp -= Sigma
if field != None: tmp -= field
# I slice all the arrays on the node. Cf reduce operation below.
for d, e_h, e in zip(*[mpi.slice_array(A) for A in [self.rho_for_sum, eps_hat, self.dos.eps]]):
tmp2 -= e_h
if Sigma_fnt: tmp2 -= Sigma(e)
tmp2 *= d
res += tmp2
# sum the res GF of all nodes and returns the results on all nodes...
# Cf Boost.mpi.python, collective communicator for documentation.
# The point is that res is pickable, hence can be transmitted between nodes without further code...
res << mpi.all_reduce(, res, lambda x, y: x+y)
# END of HT
def test_distance(G1, G2, dist):
def f(G1, G2):
dS = max(abs( -
aS = max(abs(
return dS <= aS*dist
#return reduce(lambda x, y: x and y, [f(g1, g2) for (i1, g1), (i2, g2) in izip(G1, G2)])
return f(G1, G2) # for block function, the previous one is for GF functions
if isinstance (self.dos, DOSFromFunction):
if not(n_points_integral): # if not defined, use the defaults given at construction of the dos
n_points_integral= len(self.dos.eps)
nloop, test = 1, 0
while test_convergence and nloop < 10 and (nloop == 1 or test > test_convergence):
if nloop>1:
result_old = result.copy()
result = DOS.HilbertTransform(self, Sigma, mu, eta, epsilon_hat, result)
test = test_distance(result, result_old, test_convergence)
n_points_integral *=2
else: # Ordinary DOS
return result