Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)
# Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)
# Copyright (c) 2015 Igor Krivenko
# Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Simons Foundation
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Authors: Michel Ferrero, Igor Krivenko, Olivier Parcollet, Priyanka Seth, Hugo U. R. Strand, Nils Wentzell

from . import lazy_expressions, descriptors, gf_fnt
from .meshes import MeshImFreq, MeshReFreq, MeshImTime, MeshReTime, MeshLegendre
from .block_gf import BlockGf
from .gf import Gf
from .gf_factories import make_hermitian
import numpy as np
from itertools import product
from .backwd_compat.gf_refreq import GfReFreq
from .map_block import map_block
from timeit import default_timer as timer

[docs] def inverse(x): """ Return the inverse of a Green's function """ if descriptors.is_lazy(x): return lazy_expressions.lazy_function("inverse", inverse) (x) assert hasattr(x,'inverse') return x.inverse()
[docs] def conjugate(x): """ Return the conjugate of a Green's function """ if descriptors.is_lazy(x): return lazy_expressions.lazy_function("conjugate", conjugate) (x) assert hasattr(x,'conjugate') return x.conjugate()
[docs] def transpose(x): """ Return the transpose of a Green's function """ if descriptors.is_lazy(x): return lazy_expressions.lazy_function("transpose", transpose) (x) assert hasattr(x,'transpose') return x.transpose()
[docs] def delta(g): """ Compute Delta_iw from G0_iw. CAUTION: This function assumes the following properties of g * The diagonal components of g should decay as 1/iOmega * g should fullfill the property g[iw][i,j] = conj(g[-iw][j,i]) Parameters ---------- g : BlockGf (of GfImFreq) or GfImFreq Non-interacting Green's function. Returns ------- delta_iw : BlockGf (of GfImFreq) or GfImFreq Hybridization function. """ if isinstance(g, BlockGf): return BlockGf(name_block_generator = [ (n, delta(g0)) for n,g0 in g], make_copies=False) elif isinstance(g.mesh, MeshImFreq): assert len(g.target_shape) in [0,2], "delta(g) requires a matrix or scalar_valued Green function" assert gf_fnt.is_gf_hermitian(g), "delta(g) requires a Green function with the property g[iw][i,j] = conj(g[-iw][j,i])" delta_iw = g.copy() delta_iw << descriptors.iOmega_n - inverse(g) tail, err = gf_fnt.fit_hermitian_tail(delta_iw) delta_iw << delta_iw - tail[0] if err > 1e-5: print("WARNING: delta extraction encountered a sizeable tail-fit error: ", err) return delta_iw else: raise TypeError("No function delta for g0 object of type %s"%type(g))
# Determine one of G0_iw, G_iw and Sigma_iw from other two using Dyson's equation
[docs] def dyson(**kwargs): """ Solve Dyson's equation for given two of G0_iw, G_iw and Sigma_iw to yield the third. Parameters ---------- G0_iw : Gf, optional Non-interacting Green's function. G_iw : Gf, optional Interacting Green's function. Sigma_iw : Gf, optional Self-energy. """ if not (len(kwargs)==2 and set(kwargs.keys())<set(['G0_iw','G_iw', 'Sigma_iw'])): raise ValueError('dyson: Two (and only two) of G0_iw, G_iw and Sigma_iw must be provided to determine the third.') if 'G0_iw' not in kwargs: G0_iw = inverse(kwargs['Sigma_iw'] + inverse(kwargs['G_iw'])) return G0_iw elif 'G_iw' not in kwargs: G_iw = inverse(inverse(kwargs['G0_iw']) - kwargs['Sigma_iw']) return G_iw elif 'Sigma_iw' not in kwargs: Sigma_iw = inverse(kwargs['G0_iw']) - inverse(kwargs['G_iw']) return Sigma_iw
[docs] def read_gf_from_txt(block_txtfiles, block_name): """ Read a GfReFreq from text files with the format (w, Re(G), Im(G)) for a single block. Notes ----- A BlockGf must be constructed from multiple GfReFreq objects if desired. The mesh must be the same for all files read in. Non-uniform meshes are not supported. Parameters ---------- block_txtfiles: Rank 2 square np.array(str) or list[list[str]] The text files containing the GF data that need to read for the block. e.g. [['up_eg1.dat']] for a one-dimensional block and [['up_eg1_1.dat','up_eg2_1.dat'], ['up_eg1_2.dat','up_eg2_2.dat']] for a 2x2 block. block_name: str Name of the block. Returns ------- g: GfReFreq The real frequency Green's function read in. """ block_txtfiles = np.array(block_txtfiles) # Must be an array to use certain functions N1,N2 = block_txtfiles.shape mesh = np.genfromtxt(block_txtfiles[0,0],usecols=[0]) # Mesh needs to be the same for all blocks g = GfReFreq(indices=list(range(N1)),window=(np.min(mesh),np.max(mesh)),n_points=len(mesh),name=block_name) for i,j in product(list(range(N1)),list(range(N2))): data = np.genfromtxt(block_txtfiles[i,j],usecols=[1,2])[:,i,j] = data[:,0] + 1j*data[:,1] return g
[docs] def write_gf_to_txt(g): """ Write a GfReFreq or GfImFreq to in the format (w/iw, Re(G), Im(G)) for a single block. Parameters ---------- g: GfReFreq or GfImFreq The real/imaginary frequency Green's function to be written out. """ if isinstance(g.mesh, MeshReFreq): mesh = np.array([w.real for w in g.mesh]).reshape(-1,1) elif isinstance(g.mesh, MeshImFreq): mesh = np.array([w.imag for w in g.mesh]).reshape(-1,1) else: raise ValueError('write_gf_to_txt: Only GfReFreq and GfImFreq quantities are supported.') for i,j in product(list(range(g.target_shape[0])),list(range(g.target_shape[1]))): txtfile = '%s_%s_%s.dat'%(,i,j) redata =[:,i,j].real.reshape(([0],-1)) imdata =[:,i,j].imag.reshape(([0],-1)) mesh_and_data = np.hstack((mesh,redata,imdata)) np.savetxt(txtfile,mesh_and_data)
[docs] def make_zero_tail(g, n_moments=10): """ Return a container for the high-frequency coefficients of a given Green function initialized to zero. Parameters ---------- g: GfImFreq or GfReFreq or GfImTime or GfReTime The real/imaginary frequency/time Green's function that we create the tail-array for. n_moments [default=10]: The number of high-frequency moments in the tail (starting from order 0). """ if isinstance(g, Gf) and isinstance(g.mesh, (MeshImFreq, MeshReFreq, MeshImTime, MeshReTime)): n_moments = max(1, n_moments) return np.zeros((n_moments,) + g.target_shape, dtype = np.complex128) elif isinstance(g, BlockGf): return map_block(lambda g_bl: make_zero_tail(g_bl, n_moments), g) else: raise RuntimeError("Error: make_zero_tail has to be called on a frequency or time Green function object")
[docs] def fit_legendre(g_t, order=10): """ General fit of a noisy imaginary time Green's function to a low order Legendre expansion in imaginary time. Only Hermiticity is imposed on the fit, so discontinuities has to be fixed separately (see the method enforce_discontinuity) Author: Hugo U.R. Strand Parameters ---------- g_t : TRIQS imaginary time Green's function (matrix valued) Imaginary time Green's function to fit (possibly noisy binned data) order : int Maximal order of the fitted Legendre expansion Returns ------- g_l : TRIQS Legendre polynomial Green's function (matrix valued) Fitted Legendre Green's function with order `order` """ import numpy.polynomial.legendre as leg if isinstance(g_t, BlockGf): return map_block(lambda g_bl: fit_legendre(g_bl, order), g_t) assert isinstance(g_t, Gf) and isinstance(g_t.mesh, MeshImTime), "fit_legendre expects imaginary-time Green function objects" assert len(g_t.target_shape) == 2, "fit_legendre currently only implemented for matrix_valued Green functions" # -- flatten the data to 2D N_tau x (N_orb * N_orb) shape = fshape = [shape[0],[1:])] # -- extend data accounting for hermiticity mesh = g_t.mesh tau = np.array([ t.value for t in mesh ]) # Rescale to the interval (-1,1) x = 2. * tau / mesh.beta - 1. data = data_herm = np.transpose(, axes=(0, 2, 1)).conjugate().reshape(fshape) # -- Separated real valued linear system, with twice the number of RHS terms data_re = 0.5 * (data + data_herm).real data_im = 0.5 * (data + data_herm).imag data_ext = np.hstack((data_re, data_im)) c_l_ext = leg.legfit(x, data_ext, order - 1) c_l_re, c_l_im = np.split(c_l_ext, 2, axis=-1) c_l = c_l_re + 1.j * c_l_im # -- make Legendre Green's function of the fitted coeffs lmesh = MeshLegendre(mesh.beta, mesh.statistic, order) # Nb! We have to scale the actual Legendre coeffs to the Triqs "scaled" Legendre coeffs # see Boehnke et al. PRB (2011) l = np.arange(len(lmesh)) scale = np.sqrt(2.*l + 1) / mesh.beta scale = scale.reshape([len(lmesh)] + [1]*len(g_t.target_shape)) g_l = Gf(mesh=lmesh, target_shape=g_t.target_shape)[:] = c_l.reshape( / scale return g_l
[docs] def make_delta(V, eps, mesh, block_names=None): """ Create a hybridization function from given hoppings and bath energies as .. math:: \Delta_{kl}^{disc} (i \omega_n) = \sum_{j=1}^{Nb} V_{kj} S V_{jl}^* . where S is either .. math:: [i \omega_n - eps_j]^{-1} for MeshImFreq or .. math:: - exp(-tau * eps_j) / (1 + exp(-\beta * eps_j) ) for MeshImTime Parameters ----------- V : np.array (shape Norb x NB) or list thereof Bath hopping matrix or matrix for each Gf block eps : list(float) or list(list(float)) Bath energies or energies for each Gf block mesh : MeshImFreq or MeshImTime Mesh of the hybridization function block_names : list(str) List of block names, used if V, eps are lists Returns ------- delta : Gf or BlockGf Hybridization function on given mesh """ if isinstance(V, list): if block_names is None: block_names = [str(i) for i in range(len(V))] assert isinstance(block_names, list), 'block_names should be a list(str)' assert len(V) == len(eps) and len(V) == len(block_names), \ 'mismatch between list size of V, eps and block_names' delta_list = [make_delta(v, e, mesh) for v, e in zip(V, eps)] return BlockGf(name_list=block_names, block_list=delta_list) assert V.shape[1] == len(eps), 'number of bath sides in V and eps does not match' delta_res = Gf(mesh=mesh, target_shape=[V.shape[0], V.shape[0]]) if isinstance(mesh, MeshImFreq): mesh_values = np.linspace(mesh(mesh.first_index()), mesh(mesh.last_index()), len(mesh)) one_fermion = 1/(mesh_values[:, None] - eps[None, :]) elif isinstance(mesh, MeshImTime): mesh_values = np.linspace(0, mesh.beta, len(mesh)) one_fermion = -np.exp(-mesh_values[:, None] * eps[None, :] + mesh.beta * ((eps < 0.0) * eps) [None, :]) / (1. + np.exp(-mesh.beta * np.abs(eps[None, :])))[:] = np.einsum('wkj, jl -> wkl', V[None, :, :] * one_fermion[:, None, :], V.conj().T) return delta_res
[docs] def discretize_bath(delta_in, Nb, eps0=3, V0=None, tol=1e-15, maxiter=10000, cmplx=False, method='BFGS'): """ Discretize a given hybridization function using Nb bath sites. The discretized hybridization is constructed as .. math:: \Delta_{kl}^{disc} (i \omega_n) = \sum_{j=1}^{Nb} V_{kj} S V_{jl}^* . where S is either: .. math:: [i \omega_n - eps_j]^{-1} for MeshImFreq or .. math:: - exp(-tau * eps_j) / (1 + exp(-\beta * eps_j) ) for MeshImTime. The hoppings V and energies eps are chosen to minimize the norm .. math:: \left[ \frac{1}{\sqrt(N)} \sum_{i \omega_n}^{N} | \Delta^{disc} (i \omega_n) - \Delta (i \omega_n) |^2 \right]^{\frac{1}{2}} and for MeshImTime .. math:: \left[ \frac{1}{\sqrt(N)} \sum_{\tau}^{N} | \Delta^{disc} (\tau) - \Delta (\tau) |^2 \right]^{\frac{1}{2}} This minimization is performed with the given tolerance using scipy.optimize.minimize or the scipy.optimize.basinhopping frontend. Parameters ---------- delta_in : Gf or BlockGf Matsubara or imaginary-time hybridization function to discretize Nb : int Number of bath sites per Gf block eps0: float or list(float), default=3.0 Approximate bandwith or initial guesses for bath energies. V0 : float or np.ndarray (shape norb X Nb), optional If float: initial guess used for all hopping values. If np.ndarray: initial guess for V. Otherwise use the cholesky decomposition of .. math:: \lim_{\omega->\infty} i\omega*\Delta(i\omega) or .. math:: -\Delta(\tau=0^+) - \Delta(\tau=\beta^-) to obtain an initial guess for V. tol : float, default=1e-15 Tolerance for scipy minimize on data to optimize (xatol / ftol) maxiter : int, default=10000 Maximum number of optimization steps complx : bool, default=False Allow the hoppings V to be complex method : string, default=BFGS Method for minimizing the function. Should be one of 'BFGS', 'Nelder-Mead' and 'basinhopping'. Returns ------- V_opt : np.array (shape norb x Nb) or list thereof Optimized bath hoppings eps_opt : list(float) or list(list(float) Optimized bath energies (sorted) delta_disc : Gf or BlockGf Discretized hybridization function """ from scipy.optimize import minimize, basinhopping if isinstance(delta_in, BlockGf): V_opt, eps_opt, delta_list = [], [], [] for j, (block, delta) in enumerate(delta_in): res = discretize_bath(delta, Nb, eps0[j] if isinstance(eps0, list) else eps0, V0[j] if isinstance(V0, list) else V0, tol, maxiter, cmplx, method) V_opt.append(res[0]) eps_opt.append(res[1]) delta_list.append(res[2]) return V_opt, eps_opt, BlockGf(name_list=list(delta_in.indices), block_list=delta_list) # some tests if input is okay assert isinstance(delta_in.mesh, MeshImFreq) or isinstance(delta_in.mesh, MeshImTime), 'input delta_in should have a mesh MeshImFreq or MeshImTime' if isinstance(delta_in.mesh, MeshImFreq): assert delta_in.is_gf_real_in_tau() # enforce hermiticity delta_in << make_hermitian(delta_in) def unflatten(x): # first half of parameters are hoppings, second half are bath energies if cmplx: V = x[0:2*Nb*n_orb].view(complex).reshape(n_orb, Nb) eps = x[2*Nb*n_orb:] else: V = x[0:Nb*n_orb].reshape(n_orb, Nb) eps = x[Nb*n_orb:] return V, eps #### # define minimizer for scipy def minimizer(parameters): V, eps = unflatten(parameters) # Build discretized bath function delta_disc = make_delta(V, eps, delta_in.mesh) # if Gf is scalar-valued we have to squeeze the trivial axes if len(delta_in.target_shape) == 0: delta_disc = delta_disc[0, 0] # calculate norm norm = np.linalg.norm( - return norm #### if len(delta_in.target_shape) == 0: n_orb = 1 else: n_orb = delta_in.target_shape[0] # initialize bath_hoppings # create bath hoppings V with dim (Nb) if isinstance(V0, np.ndarray): assert V0.shape == (n_orb, Nb), 'V0 shape is incorrect. Must be ({},{}), but is {}'.format(n_orb, Nb, V0.shape) elif isinstance(V0, (float, complex)): if isinstance(V0, complex) and not cmplx: raise ValueError('V0 initialized with a complex value, but cmplx=False') V0 = V0*np.ones((n_orb, Nb)) elif V0 is None: print('initial guess of V from cholesky decomposition of leading order moment of delta_in') # get 1st moment of delta_in if isinstance(delta_in.mesh, MeshImFreq): known_moments = make_zero_tail(delta_in, n_moments=1) delta_in.mesh.set_tail_fit_parameters(tail_fraction=0.3) tail, err = delta_in.fit_hermitian_tail(known_moments=known_moments) leading_moment = tail[1] else: leading_moment =[0, ...][-1, ...] # obtain guess from cholesky decomposition of 1st moment (tail[1]) chol = np.linalg.cholesky(leading_moment) # chol always returns complex arrays if not cmplx: chol = chol.real # chol has shape n_orb x n_orb. We repeat columns # of chol until V matrix is filled and normalize each # col by the sqrt(#occurances) col_idxs = [i % n_orb for i in range(Nb)] V0 = np.block([chol[:, i:i+1] / np.sqrt(col_idxs.count(i)) for i in col_idxs]) else: raise ValueError('V0 has invalid type {}, should be one of: None, float, complex, or np.ndarray'.format(type(V0))) # bath energies are initialized as linspace over the approximate bandwidth or given as list if (isinstance(eps0, list) or isinstance(eps0, np.ndarray)): assert len(eps0) == Nb, 'len(eps) does not match number of bath sides' else: eps0 = np.linspace(-eps0, eps0, Nb) # parameters for scipy must be a 1D array parameters = np.concatenate([V0.view(float).flatten(), eps0]) # run the minimizer with method Nelder-Mead and optimize the hoppings and energies to given # tolerance start_time = timer() if method == 'BFGS': result = minimize(minimizer, parameters, method='L-BFGS-B', options={'ftol': tol, 'gtol': 1e-15, 'maxiter': maxiter, "disp": False, "maxfun": maxiter}) elif method == 'basinhopping': result = basinhopping(minimizer, parameters, niter_success=30, niter=maxiter, disp=False, stepsize=0.8, minimizer_kwargs={'method': 'L-BFGS-B', 'options': {'ftol': tol, 'gtol': 1e-15, "disp": False, "maxfun": 10000000}})\ .lowest_optimization_result elif method == 'Nelder-Mead': result = minimize(minimizer, parameters, method='Nelder-Mead', options={'xatol': tol, 'maxiter': maxiter, 'adaptive': True}) else: raise ValueError('method for minimizer not recognized') print('optimization finished in {:.2f} s after {} iterations with norm {:.3e}'.format(timer()-start_time, result.nit, if not result.success: print('optimization finished, but scipy minimize signaled no success, check result: {}'.format(result.message)) # results V_opt, eps_opt = unflatten(result.x) # sort by energy order = np.argsort(eps_opt) eps_opt = eps_opt[order] V_opt = V_opt[:, order] delta_disc = make_delta(V_opt, eps_opt, delta_in.mesh) # if Gf is scalar-valued we have to squeeze the trivial axes if len(delta_in.target_shape) == 0: delta_disc = delta_disc[0, 0] return V_opt, eps_opt, delta_disc