Source code for

from cpp2py.wrap_generator import *

# This modules contains utilities that will only be called internally, not by users.
m = module_(full_name = "", doc = "C++ wrapping of functions on Green functions ...", app_name="triqs")

m.add_imports("", "")



m.add_using("namespace triqs::arrays")
m.add_using("namespace triqs::gfs")

# Call operators
[docs] def all_calls(): for M in ['imfreq']: yield M, ["dcomplex"], 0, 'scalar_valued', ['int'] # R =2 yield M, ["matrix<dcomplex>"], 2, 'matrix_valued', ['int'] # R =2 for R in [3,4]: yield M, ["array<dcomplex,%s>"%R], R, 'tensor_valued<%s>'%R, ['int'] for M in ['imtime', 'refreq', 'retime']: yield M, ["dcomplex"], 0, 'scalar_valued', ['double'] # R =1 yield M, ["matrix<dcomplex>"], 2, 'matrix_valued', ['double'] # R =2 for R in [3,4]: yield M, ["array<dcomplex,%s>"%R], R, 'tensor_valued<%s>'%R, ['double'] for M in ['brzone']: yield M, ["dcomplex"], 0, 'scalar_valued', ['std::array<double, 3>'] # R =1 yield M, ["matrix<dcomplex>"], 2, 'matrix_valued', ['std::array<double,3>'] # R =2 for R in [3,4]: yield M, ["array<dcomplex,%s>"%R], R, 'tensor_valued<%s>'%R, ['std::array<double, 3>'] for M in ['cyclat']: yield M, ["dcomplex"], 0, 'scalar_valued', ['std::array<long,3>'] # R =1 yield M,["matrix<dcomplex>"], 2, 'matrix_valued', ['std::array<long,3>'] # R =2 for R in [3,4]: yield M, ["array<dcomplex,%s>"%R], R, 'tensor_valued<%s>'%R, ['std::array<long,3>'] for M1 in ['brzone', 'cyclat']: k_x = {'brzone' : 'std::array<double, 3>', 'cyclat' : 'std::array<long,3>'}[M1] for M2 in ['imfreq']: yield 'prod<%s,%s>'%(M1,M2), ["dcomplex", "gf<imfreq, scalar_valued>"], 0, 'scalar_valued',[ (k_x, 'long'), (k_x, 'all_t')] for M2 in ['imtime', 'refreq', 'retime']: yield 'prod<%s,%s>'%(M1,M2),["dcomplex"], 0, 'scalar_valued', [(k_x, 'double')]
# Fixme C_py_transcript = {'imfreq' : 'ImFreq', 'refreq' : 'ReFreq', 'imtime' : 'ImTime', 'retime' : 'ReTime', 'brzone' : 'BrZone', 'cyclat' : 'CycLat', 'prod<brzone,imfreq>': 'BrZone_x_ImFreq', 'prod<brzone,imtime>': 'BrZone_x_ImTime', 'prod<brzone,refreq>': 'BrZone_x_ReFreq', 'prod<brzone,retime>': 'BrZone_x_ReTime', 'prod<cyclat,imfreq>': 'CycLat_x_ImFreq', 'prod<cyclat,imtime>': 'CycLat_x_ImTime', 'prod<cyclat,refreq>': 'CycLat_x_ReFreq', 'prod<cyclat,retime>': 'CycLat_x_ReTime', } m.add_preamble(""" namespace triqs { namespace gfs { template<typename Gv> struct gf_proxy { Gv gv; gf_proxy(Gv gv) : gv(gv){} template<typename ReturnType, typename ... U> ReturnType call(U&& ... x) { return ReturnType{gv(std::forward<U>(x)...)};} }; } } """) for var, return_t, R, target_t, point_t in all_calls(): c_type = "gf_proxy<gf_view<%s,%s>>"%(var, target_t) c_py_trans = C_py_transcript[var] # print " Proxy : ", c_type, " : Py : ", "CallProxy%s_%s"%(c_py_trans,R) c = class_( py_type = "CallProxy%s_%s"%(c_py_trans,R), c_type = c_type, c_type_absolute = "triqs::gfs::" + c_type, export = False ) c.add_constructor("(gf_view<%s,%s> g)"%(var, target_t), doc = "") for P, Ret in zip(point_t, return_t) : if not isinstance(P, tuple) : c.add_call(signature = "%s call(%s x)"%(Ret, P), calling_pattern = "auto result = self_c.template call<%s>(x)"%(Ret), doc = "") else: xs = ['%s x_%s'%(t,n) for (n,t) in enumerate(P)] xs2 = ['x_%s'%(n) for (n,t) in enumerate(P)] sig = "%s call<%s>(%s)"%(Ret, Ret, ','.join(xs)) c.add_call(signature =sig, calling_pattern = "auto result = self_c.template call<%s>(%s)"%(Ret, ','.join(xs2)), doc = "") m.add_class (c) # FIX FIRST THE call and wrap of real_valued # target_t = target_t.replace("_value", "_real_value") # c_type = "gf_proxy<gf_view<%s,%s>>"%(var, target_t) # c = class_( # py_type = "CallProxy%s_%s_R"%(C_py_transcript[var],R), # c_type = c_type, # c_type_absolute = "triqs::gfs::" + c_type # ) # c.add_constructor("(gf_view<%s,%s> g)"%(var, target_t), doc = "") # c.add_call(signature = "%s call(%s x)"%(return_t, point_t), doc = "") # m.add_class (c) # TESTING ONLY # m.add_function("std::vector<dcomplex> call_vec(gf_view<imfreq, matrix_valued> g)", # calling_pattern =""" auto result = std::vector<dcomplex> (100000); # for (int i =0; i < 100000; ++i) result[i] = g(i)(0,0); # """) # m.add_function("std::vector<dcomplex> call_s(gf_view<imfreq, matrix_valued> g)", # calling_pattern =""" auto result = g(2)(0,0); # """) # #------------------------------------------------------------ # matrix valued target for TY in ['double', 'dcomplex'] : for R in ['3'] : # To be generalized in C++ m.add_function("void set_from_gf_data_mul_LR (array_view<{TY}, {R}> a, matrix<{TY}> l, array_view<{TY}, {R}> b, matrix<{TY}> r)".format(TY=TY, R=R), calling_pattern = "set_from_gf_data_mul_LR(a,l,b,r)") # invert auxiliary tool m.add_function("void _gf_invert_data_in_place(array_view <dcomplex, 3> a)", doc = "Aux function for inversion") # For legacy Python code : authorize g + Matrix for M in ['imfreq', 'refreq'] : m.add_function("void _iadd_g_matrix_scalar (gf_view<%s, matrix_valued> x, matrix<std::complex<double>> y)"%M, calling_pattern = "x += y") m.add_function("void _iadd_g_matrix_scalar (gf_view<%s, matrix_valued> x, std::complex<double> y)"%M, calling_pattern = "x += y") #m.add_function("void _iadd_g_matrix_scalar (gf_view<%s, scalar_valued> x, std::complex<double> y)"%M, calling_pattern = "x += y") m.add_function("void _isub_g_matrix_scalar (gf_view<%s, matrix_valued> x, matrix<std::complex<double>> y)"%M, calling_pattern = "x -= y") m.add_function("void _isub_g_matrix_scalar (gf_view<%s, matrix_valued> x, std::complex<double> y)"%M, calling_pattern = "x -= y") #m.add_function("void _isub_g_matrix_scalar (gf_view<%s, scalar_valued> x, std::complex<double> y)"%M, calling_pattern = "x -= y") # is it useful ? #m.add_function("gf<imfreq> _imul_R_g_matrix (gf_view<{M}, matrix_valued> x, matrix<std::complex<double>> y)", calling_pattern = "x = x * y") #m.add_function("gf<imfreq> _imul_L_g_matrix (matrix<std::complex<double>> y, gf_view<{M}, matrix_valued> x)", calling_pattern = "x = y * x") # invert auxiliary tool m.add_function("gf<imfreq, matrix_valued> _make_gf_from_real_gf(gf_view<imfreq, matrix_valued> g)", calling_pattern = " auto result = make_gf_from_real_gf(make_const_view(g));", doc = "Backward Compat. Internal") ######################## ## Code generation ######################## m.generate_code()