  • There are several possible constructors, which accept only keyword arguments.

    • BlockGf(name_list = list of names, block_list = list of blocks, make_copies = False, name = ‘’)

      • name_list: list of the names of the blocks, e.g. [“up”,”down”].

      • block_list: list of blocks of Green’s functions.

      • make_copies: If True, it makes a copy of the blocks and build the Green’s function from these copies.

    • BlockGf(mesh = mesh, gf_struct = block structure, target_rank = rank of target space, name = ‘’)

      • mesh: The mesh used to construct each block

      • target_rank: The rank of the target space of each block (default: 2)

      • gf_struct: List of pairs [ (str,int), … ] providing the block name and its linear size

    • BlockGf(name_block_generator, make_copies = False, name = ‘’)

      • name_block_generator: a generator of (name, block)

      • make_copies: If True, it makes a copy of the blocks and build the Green’s function from these copies.