Source code for triqs_maxent.elementwise_maxent

# TRIQS application maxent
# Copyright (C) 2018 Gernot J. Kraberger
# Copyright (C) 2018 Simons Foundation
# Authors: Gernot J. Kraberger and Manuel Zingl
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from import *
from .tau_maxent import TauMaxEnt
from .default_models import *
from .maxent_result import MaxEntResult
from .logtaker import VerbosityFlags
import numpy as np
import copy

class CallableMethodCheck(object):
    """ Allow to call two function and check for equality

    This class calls the two function, ``fun1`` and ``fun2``, that
    are given via its constructor, when called. If the result is equal,
    it is returned, if it is not, an exception is raised.

    def __init__(self, name, fun1, fun2): = name
        self.fun1 = fun1
        self.fun2 = fun2

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        ret1 = self.fun1(*args, **kwargs)
        ret2 = self.fun2(*args, **kwargs)
        if np.all(ret1 == ret2):
            return ret1
            raise Exception('Element {n} not uniquely defined. '
                            'Use self.maxent_diagonal.{n} or '

[docs] class ElementwiseMaxEnt(object): r""" Perform MaxEnt for a matrix, element-wise Parameters ---------- use_hermiticity : bool whether matrix elements ij with i>j shall be taken from the complex conjugate of the element ji use_complex : bool whether complex numbers are used (i.e., whether the :math:`G(\tau)` data contains imaginary parts) Attributes ---------- maxent_diagonal : e.g. TauMaxEnt the MaxEnt worker for the diagonal elements Note that setting this to a new object will influence all the variables that are derived from the maxent instance, e.g. omega, K, D, etc. Be sure to ensure compatibility of maxent_diagonal and maxent_offdiagonal and maxent_result! maxent_offdiagonal : e.g. TauMaxEnt the MaxEnt worker for the off-diagonal elements set_G_element : function, lambda function with arguments ``maxent``, ``G_mat``, ``elem``, ``re`` that calls one of the ``set_G_***`` functions of ``maxent`` to set its Green function to the element ``elem`` of the matrix ``G_mat`` determine_shape : function, lambda function with arguments ``G_mat`` that returns the shape of the Green function matrix maxent_result : MaxEntResult the result of the calculation; set this to None in order to delete the preceding results """ # this is needed to make the getattr/setattr magic work maxent_diagonal = None maxent_offdiagonal = None def __init__(self, use_hermiticity=True, use_complex=False, **kwargs): self.maxent_diagonal = TauMaxEnt(**kwargs) self.maxent_offdiagonal = TauMaxEnt( cost_function='plusminus', **kwargs) self.set_G_element = None self.determine_shape = None self.G_mat = None self.maxent_result = None self.use_hermiticity = use_hermiticity self.use_complex = use_complex # getattr and setattr allows us to access the MaxEnt (e.g. TauMaxEnt) # attributes as if they were ElementwiseMaxEnt attributes def __getattr__(self, name): # get the attribute both from the diagonal and the offdiagonal # MaxEnt object; if the result is different, raise an error qty_diagonal = getattr( object.__getattribute__(self, 'maxent_diagonal'), name) qty_offdiagonal = getattr( object.__getattribute__(self, 'maxent_offdiagonal'), name) if np.all(qty_diagonal == qty_offdiagonal): return qty_diagonal else: if hasattr(qty_diagonal, '__call__') and \ hasattr(qty_offdiagonal, '__call__'): return CallableMethodCheck(name, qty_diagonal, qty_offdiagonal) else: raise Exception('Element {n} not uniquely defined. ' 'Use self.maxent_diagonal.{n} or ' 'self.maxent_offdiagonal.{n}!'.format(n=name)) def __setattr__(self, name, value): # we set the attribute of both the diagonal and the offdiagonal # MaxEnt object if hasattr(self.maxent_diagonal, name) and \ hasattr(self.maxent_offdiagonal, name): # check that the value was equal before and issue a warning if not qty_diagonal = getattr( object.__getattribute__(self, 'maxent_diagonal'), name) qty_offdiagonal = getattr( object.__getattribute__(self, 'maxent_offdiagonal'), name) if np.any(qty_diagonal != qty_diagonal): self.maxent_diagonal.logtaker.error_message( "Setting {n} which is not equal in maxent_diagonal and maxent_offdiagonal.") setattr(self.maxent_offdiagonal, name, value) return setattr(self.maxent_diagonal, name, value) else: object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
[docs] def prepare_maxent_result(self, overwrite=False): """ Create a MaxEntResult object to hold the results This is called by the respective routines; there is usually no need for the user to call this. In order to discard the current results and start with a new one, either set maxent_result to None or call this method with ``overwrite=True``. Parameters ---------- overwrite : bool whether the current result should be overwritten if already present """ if self.maxent_result is None or overwrite: self.maxent_result = MaxEntResult( matrix_structure=self.determine_shape(self.G_mat), element_wise=True, use_hermiticity=self.use_hermiticity, complex_elements=self.use_complex)
[docs] def run_element(self, element, re=True): """ Run MaxEnt for a matrix element This method fetches the element from the G matrix that was set using one of the ``set_G...`` methods and passes it to the correct MaxEnt worker (i.e., either the diagonal or off-diagonal MaxEnt). Parameters ---------- element : tuple a tuple of two elements giving the 0-based index of the matrix element to analytically continue re : bool whether the real (True) or imaginary (False) part should be continued Returns ------- maxent_result : MaxEntResult the result of the calculation; it has the correct matrix shape, with NaNs for the elements that were not calculated (yet) """ self.prepare_maxent_result(overwrite=False) i, j = element if i == j: # diagonal self.maxent_diagonal.logtaker.message( VerbosityFlags.ElementInfo, "Calling MaxEnt for element {i} {i}".format(i=i)) self.set_G_element(self.maxent_diagonal, self.G_mat, (i, i), True) self.put_error(self.maxent_diagonal, self.get_error((i, i))), matrix_element=(i, i), complex_index=0 if re else 1) else: # off-diagonal if (self.use_hermiticity and (i > j)): self.maxent_offdiagonal.logtaker.message( VerbosityFlags.ElementInfo, "Element {} {} not calculated, " "can be determined from hermiticity".format(i, j)) return self.maxent_result self.maxent_offdiagonal.logtaker.message( VerbosityFlags.ElementInfo, "Calling MaxEnt for element {} {} ".format(i, j)) self.set_G_element(self.maxent_offdiagonal, self.G_mat, (i, j), re) self.put_error(self.maxent_offdiagonal, self.get_error((i, j))), matrix_element=(i, j), complex_index=0 if re else 1) return self.maxent_result
[docs] def run_diagonal(self): """ Run MaxEnt for all diagonal elements Returns ------- maxent_result : MaxEntResult the result of the calculation; it has the correct matrix shape, with NaNs for the elements that were not calculated (yet) """ self.maxent_diagonal.logtaker.message(VerbosityFlags.ElementInfo, "Calculating diagonal elements.") for i in range(self.shape[0]): self.run_element((i, i)) if self.use_complex and \ (i, i, 1) not in self.maxent_result.zero_elements: print('appending') self.maxent_result.zero_elements.append((i, i, 1)) return self.maxent_result
[docs] def run_offdiagonal(self): """ Run MaxEnt for all off-diagonal elements If ``use_hermiticity`` is True, half of the off-diagonal elements are not calculated, but inferred by using the hermiticity of the spectral function. Returns ------- maxent_result : MaxEntResult the result of the calculation; it has the correct matrix shape, with NaNs for the elements that were not calculated (yet) """ self.maxent_offdiagonal.logtaker.message( VerbosityFlags.ElementInfo, "Calculating off-diagonal elements.") for i in range(self.shape[0]): for j in range(self.shape[1]): if i == j: continue for ri in ([True, False] if self.use_complex else [True]): self.run_element((i, j), re=ri) return self.maxent_result
[docs] def run(self): """ Run elementwise MaxEnt for all the matrix elements First, the diagonal elements, then the off-diagonal elements are calculated Returns ------- maxent_result : MaxEntResult the result of the calculation; it has the correct matrix shape """ self.run_diagonal() self.run_offdiagonal() return self.maxent_result
[docs] def set_G(self, G_mat, set_G_element, determine_shape): """ Set Green function matrix Set the Green function matrix together with the function to feed one of its element to the underlying maxent object and the function to determine its shape. Consider using :py:meth:`.ElementwiseMaxEnt.set_G_tau`, :py:meth:`.ElementwiseMaxEnt.set_G_iw`, :py:meth:`.ElementwiseMaxEnt.set_G_tau_data` or :py:meth:`.ElementwiseMaxEnt.set_G_tau_filenames`. Parameters ---------- G_mat : whatever Green function matrix set_G_element : function, lambda function with arguments ``maxent``, ``G_mat``, ``elem``, ``re`` that calls one of the ``set_G_***`` functions of ``maxent`` to set its Green function to the element ``elem`` of the matrix ``G_mat`` determine_shape : function, lambda function with arguments ``G_mat`` that returns the shape of the Green function matrix """ self.G_mat = G_mat self.set_G_element = set_G_element self.determine_shape = determine_shape self.maxent_result = None
[docs] def set_G_tau(self, G_tau, *args, **kwargs): r""" Set matrix-valued :math:`G(\tau)` as TRIQS GfImTime The extra arguments are passed on to the :py:meth:`~.tau_maxent.TauMaxEnt.set_G_tau` method of ``maxent_diagonal`` and ``maxent_offdiagonal``. Parameters ---------- G_tau : GfImTime The Green function """ if isinstance(G_tau, BlockGf): raise NotImplementedError( 'TRIQS BlockGfs are not supported by TauMaxEnt.\n' + 'Consider looping over over the blocks and calling TauMaxEnt individually for each GfImTime.') if not isinstance(G_tau.mesh, MeshImTime): raise Exception( 'set_G_tau only accepts TRIQS GfImTime objects.\n' + 'Use the appropriate set_* method for other data formats.') set_G_element = lambda maxent, G_mat, elem, re: \ maxent.set_G_tau(G_mat[elem], re=re, *args, **kwargs) determine_shape = lambda G_mat:[1:] G_mat = G_tau self.set_G(G_mat, set_G_element, determine_shape)
[docs] def set_G_iw(self, G_iw, *args, **kwargs): r""" Set matrix-valued :math:`G(i\omega_n)` as TRIQS GfImFreq The extra arguments are passed on to the :py:meth:`~.tau_maxent.TauMaxEnt.set_G_iw` method of ``maxent_diagonal`` and ``maxent_offdiagonal``. Parameters ---------- G_iw : GfImFreq The Green function """ if isinstance(G_iw, BlockGf): raise NotImplementedError( 'TRIQS BlockGfs are not supported by TauMaxEnt.\n' + 'Consider looping over over the blocks and calling TauMaxEnt individually for each GfImFreq.') if not isinstance(G_iw.mesh, MeshImFreq): raise Exception( 'set_G_iw only accepts TRIQS GfImFreq objects.\n' + 'Use the appropriate set_* method for other data formats.') set_G_element = lambda maxent, G_mat, elem, re: \ maxent.set_G_iw(G_mat[elem], re=re, *args, **kwargs) determine_shape = lambda G_mat:[1:] G_mat = G_iw self.set_G(G_mat, set_G_element, determine_shape)
[docs] def set_G_tau_data(self, tau, G_tau, *args, **kwargs): r""" Set matrix-valued :math:`G(\tau)` from array The extra arguments are passed on to the :py:meth:`~.tau_maxent.TauMaxEnt.set_G_tau_data` method of ``maxent_diagonal`` and ``maxent_offdiagonal``. Parameters ---------- tau : array a one-dimensional array of tau-values G_tau : array a three-dimensional array; the first two dimensions are the matrix dimensions, the last dimension is the tau grid """ set_G_element = lambda maxent, G_mat, elem, re: \ maxent.set_G_tau_data(G_mat[0], np.real(G_mat[1][elem]) if re else np.imag(G_mat[1][elem]), *args, **kwargs) determine_shape = lambda G_mat: G_mat[1].shape[:2] G_mat = (tau, G_tau) self.set_G(G_mat, set_G_element, determine_shape)
[docs] def set_G_tau_filename_pattern(self, filename, dimension, tau_col=0, G_col_re=1, G_col_im=2, *args, **kwargs): r""" Set matrix-valued :math:`G(\tau)` from files For each matrix element, read the Green function from a file. The name of the files is given as a pattern. The extra arguments are passed on to the :py:meth:`~.tau_maxent.TauMaxEnt.set_G_tau_file` method of ``maxent_diagonal`` and ``maxent_offdiagonal``. Parameters ---------- filename : str the filename pattern. It must contain {i} and {j}, placeholders which will be replaced by the index of the matrix element using the python ``format`` function. dimension : tuple of two ints the matrix dimension (shape) tau_col : int the 0-based column number of the :math:`\tau`-grid G_col_re : int the 0-based column number of the :math:`G(\tau)`-data (real part) G_col_im : int the 0-based column number of the :math:`G(\tau)`-data (imaginary part) """ set_G_element = lambda maxent, G_mat, elem, re: \ maxent.set_G_tau_file(G_mat.format(i=elem[0], j=elem[1]), tau_col, G_col_re if re else G_col_im, *args, **kwargs) determine_shape = lambda G_mat: dimension G_mat = filename self.set_G(G_mat, set_G_element, determine_shape)
[docs] def set_G_tau_filenames(self, filenames, tau_col=0, G_col_re=1, G_col_im=2, *args, **kwargs): r""" Set matrix-valued :math:`G(\tau)` from files For each matrix element, read the Green function from a file. The extra arguments are passed on to the :py:meth:`~.tau_maxent.TauMaxEnt.set_G_tau_file` method of ``maxent_diagonal`` and ``maxent_offdiagonal``. Parameters ---------- filenames : two-dimensional array of str for each matrix element, the name of the file from which the Green function should be read tau_col : int the 0-based column number of the :math:`\tau`-grid G_col_re : int the 0-based column number of the :math:`G(\tau)`-data (real part) G_col_im : int the 0-based column number of the :math:`G(\tau)`-data (imaginary part) """ set_G_element = lambda maxent, G_mat, elem, re: \ maxent.set_G_tau_file(G_mat[elem[0]][elem[1]], tau_col, G_col_re if re else G_col_im, *args, **kwargs) determine_shape = lambda G_mat: G_mat.shape G_mat = filenames self.set_G(G_mat, set_G_element, determine_shape)
[docs] def set_error(self, error): r""" Set the error of :math:`G(\tau)` Parameters ---------- error : float or array If the error is the same for every tau-point and matrix element, a float can be given. If it is the same for every matrix element, a one-dimensional array can be given. Else, an array with dimensions MxNxT is expected, where MxN is the matrix dimension of :math:`G(\tau)` and T is the number of tau-points. """ self.error = error self.error_dimension = 1 self.put_error = lambda maxent, error: maxent.set_error(error)
[docs] def get_error(self, elem): """ Get the error of a matrix element elem : tuple a tuple of two elements giving the 0-based index of the matrix element """ if isinstance(self.error, float): return self.error elif len(self.error.shape) == self.error_dimension: return self.error else: return self.error[elem]
[docs] def set_cov(self, cov): r""" Set the covariance matrix of :math:`G(\tau)` Parameters ---------- cov : array If the cov matrix is the same for every element, just the matrix can be given; else, an array with dimensions MxNxTxT is expected, where MxN is the matrix dimension of :math:`G(\tau)` and T is the number of tau-points """ self.error_dimension = 2 self.error = cov self.put_error = lambda maxent, error: maxent.set_cov(error)
[docs] def get_tau(self): """ Get the data variable (e.g., tau) """ qty_diagonal = self.maxent_diagonal.get_data_variable() qty_offdiagonal = self.maxent_offdiagonal.get_data_variable() if np.all(qty_diagonal == qty_offdiagonal): return qty_diagonal else: raise Exception('Element {n} not uniquely defined. ' 'Use self.maxent_diagonal.{n} or ' 'self.maxent_offdiagonal.{n}!'.format(n=name))
def set_tau(self, tau, update_K=True, update_chi2=True, update_Q=True, update_H_of_v=True): self.set_data_variable(tau, update_K=update_K, update_chi2=update_chi2, update_Q=update_Q, update_H_of_v=update_H_of_v) tau = property(get_tau, set_tau) @property def shape(self): """ The shape of the Green function matrix """ try: return self.determine_shape(self.G_mat) except Exception as e: print(e) raise Exception('Cannot determine shape.')
[docs] class DiagonalMaxEnt(ElementwiseMaxEnt): """ Perform MaxEnt for a matrix, element-wise for the diagonals. """
[docs] def run(self): """ Run MaxEnt for all the diagonal elements of the matrix """ self.run_diagonal() return self.maxent_result
[docs] def run_offdiagonal(self): raise TypeError('DiagonalMaxEnt cannot run for off-diagonals.')
[docs] class PoormanMaxEnt(ElementwiseMaxEnt): r""" Perform poor man's MaxEnt for a matrix, element-wise. After calculating the diagonal elements, the off-diagonal elements are calculated using a default model derived from the diagonals: For element ``i, j``, we use .. math:: D_{ij} = \sqrt{A_{ii} A_{jj}} + \varepsilon where :math:`\varepsilon` is a small additive constant to avoid that the default model becomes zero. This usually gives better results than just performing the ElementwiseMaxEnt for the off-diagonals. Parameters ---------- analyzer_offdiag_D : Analyzer the name of the analyzer that should be used to get the spectral function of the diagonals for calculating the default model D_add_constant : float small constant that is added to the default model to ensure it is not zero """ def __init__(self, analyzer_offdiag_D='LineFitAnalyzer', D_add_constant=1.e-6, *args, **kwargs): super(PoormanMaxEnt, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.analyzer_offdiag_D = analyzer_offdiag_D self.D_add_constant = D_add_constant
[docs] def run(self): """ Run elementwise MaxEnt for all the matrix elements First, the diagonal elements, then the off-diagonal elements are calculated using the default model of the poor man's method Returns ------- maxent_result : MaxEntResult the result of the calculation; it has the correct matrix shape """ self.run_diagonal() self.run_offdiagonal() return self.maxent_result
[docs] def run_offdiagonal(self): """ Run MaxEnt for all off-diagonal elements In the poor man's method, this requires the result of the diagonal elements. Make sure to call ``run_diagonal`` first. If ``use_hermiticity`` is True, half of the off-diagonal elements are not calculated, but inferred by using the hermiticity of the spectral function. Returns ------- maxent_result : MaxEntResult the result of the calculation; it has the correct matrix shape, with NaNs for the elements that were not calculated (yet) """ self.prepare_maxent_result(overwrite=False) self.maxent_offdiagonal.logtaker.message( VerbosityFlags.ElementInfo, "Calculating off-diagonal elements using default model from diagonal solution") for i in range(self.shape[0]): for j in range(self.shape[1]): if i == j: continue if self.use_complex: # the diagonal elements have to be real A_1 = self.maxent_result.analyzer_results[i][i][0]\ [self.analyzer_offdiag_D]['A_out'] A_2 = self.maxent_result.analyzer_results[j][j][0]\ [self.analyzer_offdiag_D]['A_out'] else: A_1 = self.maxent_result.analyzer_results[i][i]\ [self.analyzer_offdiag_D]['A_out'] A_2 = self.maxent_result.analyzer_results[j][j]\ [self.analyzer_offdiag_D]['A_out'] # add a small constant to avoid exactly zero default model self.maxent_offdiagonal.set_D(DataDefaultModel( np.sqrt(A_1 * A_2) + self.D_add_constant, for ri in ([True, False] if self.use_complex else [True]): self.run_element((i, j), re=ri) return self.maxent_result